On January 17, 2022, Oxfam’sInequity Killsreport was released and states “The wealth of the 10 richest men has doubled, while the incomes of 99% of humanity are worse off, because of COVID-19″.

The wealth of the 10 riches men amounts to $1.9 trillion, grew at a rate of $1.6 billion a day, more than it did the previous 14 years.

“This is the biggest annual increase in billionaire wealth since records began.”

We have a situation where 10 men hold more wealth than that of two-thirds of humanity
said Lyn Morgain, chief executive of Oxfam Australia.

Oxfam’s 2021 report revealed the COVID-19 vaccines had created 9 new billionaires.

Over the past two years, the wealth of Australia’s 47 billionaires has doubled to $255 billion. [1]