Totality of Evidence provides source links
to significant events and information
leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Helping you do your own research!
UPDATE: Regretfully, as of mid-October 2024 this website will no longer be updated as frequently as it has been since it’s launch in January 2022. It has been my pleasure to keep a record of this inflection period in our history.
I will continue to add content as my time permits.
God Bless Us All.
“Just Call Me Jack”
experts have been warning the world!
The mainstream media refuse to report, and the “fact checkers” perform their “sleight of hand”, so the unsuspecting public miss the vital information and warnings that credentialed experts have been voicing throughout the pandemic – some before!
Providing you with links to interviews and articles by a growing list of:
Doctors, nurses, scientists, lawyers, Wall Street guru’s, economists, mathematicians, philanthropists, whistleblowers, citizen journalist and more.
All sharing insights and warnings relating to pandemic interventions
and the bigger picture agenda which is unfolding before our eyes.
COVID-19 pandemic timeline
Building the Bigger Picture – One Data Point at a Time

Capturing, in chronological order, significant data points leading up to and including the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Discover incremental changes through time, which on their own may seem laudable or benign, but watch them morph and put them together and the Totality of Evidence reveals a picture of ever increasing centralised control and influence.

Discover: Top down control, financial influence, conflicts of interest, consolidation of power-ful authorities, strategic funding, manipulated statistics, changing definitions, misconstrued assumptions, suppression of information, censored experts, coincidental timing of events, repeated “phrases” used by media and organisations and much, much more, all leading to present day fear-mongering and over-reaching control of sovereign people
The System loves the vaccine passport because as soon as they can impose it they’re going to turn it into your money …your vaccine wallet…vaccine passport is the excuse to bring [social credit score model] in.
This is primarily about control, this is not about your health. If it was about your health they would have done things right during COVID…they want to do more of the bad stuff…
There’s something called OneHealth which enables the director general of the WHO to declare emergencies that are not health emergencies. They can be climate emergencies, or ecosystem emergencies, or gun violence emergencies…anyway you can call health of humans, animals or ecosystems, or plants…they can then impose rules on us for
Dr Meryl Nass
March 8, 2024
Resource Categories:
Pandemic and Global Agenda Topics:
Explore an ever expanding list of videos and articles
listed in reverse chronological order.
Topics are organised in the following categories:
Hall of Fame!

Awareness is the first step of resistance
Rosa Koire 2012
The sheep have handed the control of the planet over to the wolves. We now need to take it back.
Jacob Nordangard 2020
No one is coming to save us except “We the People” – Get Educated, Get Active, Share what you learn with Others
Public health agencies and the media-tech complex received money from big-pharma to promote “safe and effective” and suppress anything counter narrative so the unsuspecting public continues to blindly trust. Let’s help remove their blinders and unmask the truth!
The tipping point is near!