Dr Simone Gold

Dr Simone Gold

Dr Simone Gold is a board certified emergency physician of 20 years, a qualified lawyer and the founder and leader of Americas Frontline Doctors (AFLD). Dr Gold led the first Frontline Doctors' White Coat Summit on Capitol Hill in Washington…
German - Corona Investigative Committee

Corona Investigative Committee

German-American lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich together with German colleagues Vivian Fischer et al, formed the Corona Investigative Committee, and from mid-July 2020 have been conducting live, multi-hour interview sessions with assorted global experts. Their purpose: "to investigate why federal and…
Grand Jury - The Court of Public Opinion

The Court of Public Opinion

The German Corona Investigative Committee headed by Reiner Fuellmich and Vivien Fisher began in July 10, 2020 gathering testimony about the pandemic response from a wide range of global experts. On February 5, 2022 the committee launched their Grand Jury,…