Just one hour after US Presidential Inauguration of Joe Biden, the WHO released a “Medical Product Alert” for PCR tests to “clarify”  the previous Jan 13, 2021 notification, reiterating that false positive cases will occur if the PCR cycle threshold (Ct) is set too high.  In short they now advise labs/physicians to be mindful of the need for clinical symptoms and to not use high amplification cycles (Ct 40 to 45), but to dial it back (Ct 30) and  “manual adjustment” may be necessary.  [1, 2]

On December 14, 2020 the WHO already warned about PCR cycle thresholds were too high, just as the vaccine roll out began!

No longer is PCR the “gold standard” for diagnosis, they refer to it now as “an aid for diagnosis”, meaning used in conjunction with other factors before declaring a diagnosis! Exactly what the alleged “skeptics” have been warning since November 2020  as the test is done on healthy, sympton-less people and a positive result renders that person statistically ill and is misleadingly considered “asymptomatic”. [1, 2]

Compare this to the WHO’s criteria for accepting a case of MERS in 2014, a positive antibody test was needed – proof of infection.

Throughout 2020 many global experts have been calling out the high false positive rates from the PCR test, which when used on masses of healthy people caused high numbers of “cases“, especially just before the November 3rd, 2020 US Presidential Election.

Each time PCR goes through a cycle, it doubles it reproduction, called amplification.  The high number of cycles are known to return a high level of “false positives”.  Any positive result was considered a “case” statistic and that person was “diagnosed”, often solely on the test, as infected, which is why the term “casedemic” emerged globally.