On the December 2-3, 2019 the WHO hosted the Global Vaccine Safety Summit  at their HQ in Geneva, Switzerland.  It marked the 20th year anniversary for the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS). The meeting was a congregation of the world’s leaders on vaccine safety science – an area where “the science is settled”! [1, 2, 7]

This meeting was recorded and caught some shocking claims regarding the lack of vaccine safety research and surveillance (which the public trusts are done), plus the increasing incidence of doctors questioning the safety of vaccines. [5]

In medical schools you’re lucky if you have a half day on vaccines, never mind keeping up to date with all this.” said Dr Heidi Larson (8:20)

We’re in a unique position in human history where we’ve shifted the human population to vaccine dependency. [@4.40]

We’ve wiped out natural, lifetime immunity through mass vaccination programs.  When vaccination began there were only a few antigens, now children can receive 71 antigens (possibly more) by 18 years of age. [6]

The World Health Organisation, over the past decade, has determined that “vaccine hesitancy‘ is one of the greatest threats to health! It is a growing trend as more and more families and friends experience a child injured following vaccination. [3, 4, 8]

WHO Chief Scientist, Dr Souyam Swaminathan, stated at the safety summit:

“I think we cannot over emphasize the fact we really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries…”

BUT in public, promotional video for the WHO, just days before, on November 28, 2019 she stated:

“vaccines are very safe.  If someone gets sick after vaccination it is usually a coincidence, and error in administering the vaccine, or very rarely, a problem with the vaccine itself. That’s why we have…robust vaccine safety systems.”

In 2001 this same committee drew the exact same conclusions of “coincidental” events regarding vaccine safety – to the public!