On December 12, 1980 the Patent and Trademark Law Amendments Act otherwise known as the Bayh–Dole Act passed into law in the United States.  It is legislation dealing with intellectual property arising from federal government-funded research. Bayh-Dole permits universities to lay claim to all new ideas made in labs and research centers backed by federal funding—taxpayers’ money, instead of allegedly laying dormant when patents are assigned to the federal government. [1]  In short Federal officials can profit from patents in the specialties for which they are hired using tax-payer funds. [6]

The idea was simple and straightforward. Create a single set of rules for all federal funding agencies to grant ownership of inventions to the universities and researchers that created them. With schools and researchers given the freedom to negotiate their license terms, more ideas would start to migrate from the lab to the market and in turn, provide economic growth.”

“Consider the fact that each year, NIH doles out $32 billion in grants to approximately 56,000 grantees”.  The NIH and it’s department directors control who receives that funding – they control/direct where “innovation” can occur!

Scientists could then license-out their patents to private companies, such as pharmaceutical companies if it was a drug/vaccine patent, and then personally receive royalties, all from their research which was funded by US taxpayers money – the intent to spur innovation!  The pharma company would then sell the “drug” back to the American people, the initial funders, at a premium.  [5]  An example being Dr Fauci receiving royalties on his patent ownership of AIDS medications! [3, 2]

But what about the inherent conflict of interest?  Especially if they’re the vary public health officials pushing vaccine mandates!  [4]