The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organisation, established after World War II with the stated aim of maintaining international peace and security and be a centralised governing agency.

April 25, 1945, 50 governments met in San Francisco and started drafting the UN Charter, which was adopted on June 25, 1945 and took effect on October 24, 1945, when the UN began operations.

Though time the UN organisation has morphed from ending wars and maintain world peace into developing agreements and goals that “have dictates regarding the economy, health, poverty, migration, “reproductive “ health, monetary systems, digital IDs, environmental controls, control of agricultural markets, universal living wage worldwide, governmental systems, etc.”

“The UN has partnerships and strategic agreements with member nations, 100s of non-governmental organizations -like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the World Bank, and the World Economic Forum (WEF). It has developed many offspring organizations, such as UNESCO and the World Health Organization.” [1]