[Hindsight revealed by May 2023 Durham report] During a meeting in London on July 5, 2016 FBI “Handling Agent-I” [pg 87] received the first “Report” from ex-MI6 agent Christopher Steele, who alleged presidential candidate Donald Trump was colluding with Russia to win the 2016 election.

That agent said “his initial reaction to Steele’s allegations of Trump-Russia collusion was one of “disbelief” and that Steele was “politically motivated” but he passed the allegations up the FBI chain anyway.  He appeared to be aware that Clinton’s campaign was connected to Steele’s work, including the notation “HC” in his notes. [1]

This would begin what is known as the Steel Dossier, now discredited and known to be funded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.  The FBI used this information to open up an investigation into her opposition candidate, and fuelled the chain of events that led to spying on Trump’s campaign – referred to colloquially as Russiagate.

The ongoing, now known to be baseless investigation, undercut Trump’s entire time as President, robbing the American people of the true pursuit of the “rule of law” and truth.