On September 16, 2021, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) a body of “more than 30 academics, professors, and scientists from…prestigious universities” sued the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) as they failed to produce documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  Following the FDA licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in August 2020, PHMPT via it’s lawyer, submitted a FOIA request to the FDA asking them to provide “the data and information submitted…by Pfizer to license its COVID-19 vaccine”.

According to PHMPT’s lawyer Aaron Siri, and on the back of the FDA promising transparency, the “scientists explained that, until all the data is produced, a proper review cannot be conducted because missing even a single data set could throw off any analysis.”  [@14min]

Three months later, November 2021, the FDA still has produce NO documents, instead the FDA asked a federal judge to allow them to release 500 pages per month, making it 2076 before all the documents are released to the public, or around 20,000 days.  Upon page-recount by the FDA the 500 pg/mth would make full release 2097 or 27,000 days or 75 years!

“It took the FDA precisely 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure (on May 7, 2021) to when the FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine (on August 23, 2021).”

The fact is the US government shields Pfizer from legal liability, gives it billions of dollars in guaranteed sales, and mandates Americans to take an experimental product, yet the agency trusted with the public’s well-being, won’t allow the release of the data supporting the COVID-19 vaccines “safety and efficacy” claims.

On January 6, 2022 the judge ordered the FDA to produce at least 55,000 pages per month.

Revelations from the Pfizer documents – HERE