On January 11, 2023 a paper on Rethinking next-generation vaccines  where the authors discussed “possible approaches to developing next-generation vaccines against these viruses, in consideration of several variables such as vaccine antigen configuration, dose and adjuventation, route and timing of vaccination, vaccine boosting, adjunctive therapies, and options for public health vaccination polices.”

These same three authors David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger and Anthony S. Fauci were instrumental in “identifying” the 1918 pandemic “influenza” virus from genetic material obtained from 2 preserved lungs and an exhumed obese inuet woman preserved in permafrost from an Alaskan mass grave (1997).   [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

In the mid 1997 Morens and Taubenberger worked for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and following 9/11 Fauci received a payrise from the Military as the “biodefense” national security official overseeing research. [5]

Taubenberger in 1997 stated the 1918 pandemic killed 20 million world wide, then by 2003 he upped that to 40 million, in 2006 it increased to 50 million with 100 years on, in 2018 the CDC reiterated, but by 2019 that Spanish Flu death toll estimate had increased to 100 million world wide!