On June 1-2, 2001 NORAD sponsored a multi-agency, joint taskforce, counter-terrorist and field training exercise called Operation Amalgam Virgo which was a hypothetical scenario of a cruise missile or an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) being launched by a terrorist group.  The advertising for this simulation had Osama Bin Ladin on the cover! [1, 2, 3]

Fast forward 102 days and New York experienced a terrorist attack where air craft crashed into the two Rockefeller built world trade center buildings which pan-caked on their footings and a third building, #7, mysteriously also pan-caked on it’s footings without being hit by any weapon. Osama Bin Ladin is accused of being the terrorist instigator, and the attack lasted 102 minutes.

On October 18, 2019 the Event 201 coronavirus pandemic simulation was held, then 104 days later a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) was declared by the WHO and 145 days later a pandemic was declared. (Were they 2 days late, and what’s the meaning of the “201” if not the reverse of 102? Just asking for a friend.)