Just before the Inauguration of Donald Trump as President, on January 9, 2017 the Obama White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) under the direction of John Holdrenannounced policy guideline recommendations that “will satisfy the requirements for lifting the current moratorium on certain life sciences research [gain of function] that could enhance a pathogen’s virulence and/or transmissibility to produce a potential pandemic pathogen (an enhanced PPP).” [1]

These P3CO guidelines were adopted by December 19, 2017, and gain of function resumed – following committee review.

As pointed out by The Highwire, in 1977, John Holdren [2, 3] coauthored the book Ecoscience that discusses the concept of sterilisation as a form of population control, but more alarming is the statement: “Biological warfare laboratories are potential sources of a man-made “solution” to the population explosion.”

Holdren’s co-author is population “alarmist” [4] Paul Ehrlich, who in 1969 published The Population Bomb , which argued to halt population growth predicting people would starve to death years ago – a failed prediction.  In January 2023 Ehrlich returns as an “environmental authority” to “revive his argument that current levels of human consumption” is not sustainable and “will lead to the mass extinction of plants, animals, and mankind itself”.