At the July 7-8, 2017 G20 Summit, the Berlin DeclarationTogether Today for a Healthy Tomorrow” was declared with “seven-page final resolution on pandemic preparedness and antimicrobial resistance.” [1, 2, 3]

Global health , to “leave no one behind”, is top of the G20 agenda.

On June 28, 2017 a coalition of “33 leading Global Health organisations and members of National Parliaments have issued an open letter to G20 Heads of State, to prioritise health and establish the G20 as a permanent global health policy forum.  With a Call to Action strongly urging the G20 to commit investment in research, innovation and development of innovative health technologies to counter threats posed by pandemics, poverty related disese and more. [6, 7]

And so was formed the G20 Health Development Parnership (G20HDP) with the mission “to mobilise, through political, intellectual, social and economic capital, the means required to meet Agenda 2030”. [4, 5]