In March 28-30, 2022 the 1st Health Working Group G20 held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia , the meeting was attended by 70 foreign delegates, 50 local and many virtual including international organisations, including the world bank [CBDC?].  Initiated by Indonesia, the delegates discussed harmonising global health protocol standards to “enable safe international travel and help economic and social prosperity recover forever” where digital technology will be the basis for achieving this goal. They came up with the Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Certificates [1, 4]

“In 2021, G20 country leaders …adopted health protocol guidelines such as vaccination certificates and digital health information systems. However, the ever-changing pandemic situation has resulted in a lack of uniformity in health protocol regulations.” [4]

“Universal verifier is a special portal created by the Ministry of Health which is able to read vaccine certificate data from other countries. This universal verifier is made according to World Health Organizations (WHO) standards so that each country does not need to change the system and QR Code currently used.” Allowing for a universal digital COVID-19 vaccine certificate.  ”This system does not exchange data, so data privacy and security is guaranteed. This system uses Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).” The QR code system was adopted and recognised by all G20 countires as a vaccine passport for COVID-19, except China. [2, 3, 4]

“In the future, Setiaji hopes that the use of universal verifiers can be more widespread so that all countries are better prepared to face the threat of future pandemics and prevent other diseases.”  Once the infrastructure is in place it will move to a global vaccine passport in conjunction with your universal Digital ID! [1]

By November 2022 when it was known the COVID-19 vaccine didn’t stop infection or transmission, and infact booster shots were demonstrated to increase COVID-19 infection rates, thus providing a negative community benefit, G20 went ahead anyway and signed the Bali Declaration, which among other things, agreed on a digital vaccine passport system for harmonising “travel”.  [See how the “creep” works?]