In July 2019 the US CDC sent a “cease and desist order” to the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland, for failing to meet biosafety standards.

“After USAMRIID received the order from the CDC, its registration with the Federal Select Agent Program, which oversees disease-causing material use and possession, was suspended.” [1, 3]

“During an inspection in June, the C.D.C. found that the new procedures were not being followed consistently. Inspectors also found mechanical problems with the chemical-based decontamination system, as well as leaks…”  The problems date back to May 2018, [2]

Fort Detrick military lab employed Bruce E. Ivins who was a leading suspect in the anthrax mailings in 2001, before his aparent suicide in 2008.  The lab was previously suspended in February 2009.  There have been many other pathogen containment issues at US labs.