The Canadian media picks up on the conclusions of a scientific paper published in a Canadian journal on April 25, 2022, that allegedly concludes from computer modelling that unvaccinated people increase COVID-19 risk of transmission, compared to the vaccinated.


Dr Byram Bridle in his substack article walks through how a simple change to just oneassumption” entered in to the mathematical model “completely reverses the conclusions of the paper”. “Now the ‘unvaccinated’ are serving as a protective buffer for the ‘vaccinated.’”

How could such a paper get through peer review and be published?

Mathematical models (that generally have not been made public) have been used in South Australia [1, 2] and globally by Public Health to shape COVID-19 policy, their outputs are only as accurate as the inputs!  One change to the computer model parameters took the unvaccinated from “dangerous” to “heros”!