In a November 27, 2017 article, the UK calls for parent to get their ‘super spreader’ children in daycare, vaccinated with a free flu jab so that they “protect” their grandparents from the risk of the flu!

The vaccines are simply “assumed” to be safe and effective, yet the CDC state that influenza vaccines are only 40-60% effective, but in some years is as low as 10%!  So what is the real benefit, and at what risk both short and long-term?

It would seem most people don’t realise that influenza & pneumonia statistics are lumped together and advertised as deaths due to flu – its a “death certificate” conundrum.  Flu estimates are based on ever changing models such as Canada’s estimate flu deaths going from 500/yr to 8000/yr.   Every year there are many influenza-like-illness (ILI) which is generally called the flu, but is this yearly flu jabbing actually making things worse? [@45:50] [1]

Doctors are educated by marketers to increase flu-shot demand.  So is this really about health, protection or big-pharma money!