Brave New World, a novel by Aldous Huxley is published in 1932. The book “prophesied a society which expects maximum pleasure and accepts complete surveillance – no matter what the cost.” [1]  Kind of like “you will own nothing, but you will be happyfrom 2017

“There was no political system in Brave New World it was a scientific dictatorship” someone at the top made all the decisions for society.  The very thing the Techocrats at that very time were floating at Columbia University.

Aldous Huxley is the younger brother of Julian Huxley, a”well-known biologist” , who “inspired” and was a founding members of the World Wildlife Fund and the first Director-General of UNESCO which “he also helped to create”. [2]

The term “transhumanism” denoted “H+” was first coined by Julian Huxley! [3]

I believe in transhumanism: once there are enough people who can truly say that, the human species will be on the threshold of a new kind of existence, as different from ours as ours is from that of Peking man. It will at last be consciously fulfilling its real destiny.” Julian Huxley 1957

  • “Humanity will be radically changed by technology in the future” is the start of the Declaration of the World Transhumaist Association. [4]
  • Transhumanism is denoted “Humanity +” or “H+” and they even have a Magazine [5]