True The Vote and Dinesh D’Souza launched “2000 Mules” in early May 2022, a documentary which revealed that the 2020 Presidential Election was riddled with illegal ballot trafficking, enough to swing the result of the “most secure election in American history”. [6, 7, 8]

This is separate to all the other alleged election fraud. [2, 3, 5]

The movie was released in a “novel” way because “we are in an age of censorship”, so platforms like Apple, iTunes and Amazon Prime were NOT the methods used. The premier was limited to 300 US theatres and a virtual airing on May 7, 2022, which expanded over the following weeks to more theatres and DVD.  By May 12, all most 1 million people had seen the film, making it “the most successful documentary in a decade”. [4]

The documentary used purchased geolocation data and cross-matched, FOI-sourced, CCTV camera footage of many ballot drop-boxes.  They were able to track “ballot mules” depositing multiple ballots in multiple boxes – an illegal act, as well as featured whistleblower.  Of the key counties reviewed the total illegal ballots would have tipped the 2020 election results in the opposite direction.

Leading up to the 2020 US Election many ballot drop-boxes were sponsored by Mark Zuckerberg’s private money and justified as necessary to “ease fears over voting” during the COVID-19 pandemic. [7, 8]

The film may be the prompt for new legal investigations into “impersonation fraud, false registrations, duplicate voting and fraudulent use of absentee ballots.” [1]