Pre-Pandemic Timeline
1900 to 1945
Chronological order of significant global data points in the years leading up to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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History leaves clues
Chemical control of mosquitoes begins, in the name of public health
On July 24, 1900 following the publication of Notes on Mosquitoes and their remedies, newspapers began promoting USDA‘s chief entomologist Leland Howard’s extermination plans for the “plague of mosquitoes” through spraying kerosene over bodies of water. [3]
Howard capitalised on the recent confirmation that mosquitoes were the vector of malaria disease, providing reason to shift agricultural pest control focus to now pest control of public health concern. His focus on fast acting chemical remedies to alleviate “public health anxieties”, he even equated the objective to Jenner’s approach to smallpox! [1, 2]
“Then came World War I. In yet another ingeniously calculating move, Howard let the War Department know that, with mites and mosquitoes and lice endemic to trench warfare, entomologists armed with chemical sprays could be just as critical to the war effort as soldiers armed with rifles. “Warfare against insect life,” he explained, required the Division of Entomology to expand its arsenal to include benzene, carbolic acid, creosote, alkaline soaks, and sulfur baths. Medical entomology, as they called it, was born.” [1]
By 1955 the World Health Organisation shifts the chemical control of mosquitoes from kerosene to widespread spraying of DDT, in the name of “scientific” malaria control! How many “epidemic” diseases coincided with the practice of mass toxic chemical spraying?
Birth of the Commonwealth of Australia
The Commonwealth of Australia was established on January 1, 1901, and on that day the Australian Constitution came into effect.
The Constitution establishes a framework for the governing institutions; prescribing the powers of the Federal Parliament to make laws and created a Federal Judiciary to uphold them.
The federal parliament representatives are elected by the people, the majority party forms the Government and they choose their leader who then becomes the Prime Minister of Australia. Government representatives are all public servants. They are meant to represent their constituents first, not their party agenda, this has become skewed through time.
The role of the Cabinet government, the parties, and the Prime Minister is nowhere mentioned in the Constitution; they are customary offices, grandfathered in and accepted!
ANYONE can form a political party who meets the criteria. Labor and Liberal have been the predominant parties through Australian political history, alternate parties are known as independents. The two party system made “forming government” easier, but it’s not constitutionally grounded. If more independent representatives are elected by the people, then coalitions are formed to create a majority to form a Government.
The first US billion dollar corporation – JP Morgan’s US Steel
Finalised on February 25, 1901, John Pierpont (JP) Morgan owner of Federal Steel Co. (formed 1898) following the ~$492 million purchase of Andrew Carnegie‘s Carnegie Steel Co. (formed 1873), along with 8 other companies, formed the United States Steel Corporation, a “authorized capitalization of $1.4 billion”, becoming the first billion dollar corporation in US history. The consolidation deal was formulated and negotiated by Elbert Henry Gary and Charles M. Schwab, Morgan and Carnegie’s respective representatives. [1, 2]
The philanthropic funds of Carnegie formed the Carnegie Foundation in 1905, which went on to shape the system of education in America, especially the medical system.
JP Morgan was “the nucleus of turn-of-the-century America’s banking sector”, where he had amassed a financial empire that, by the 1890s, wielded more power than the United States Treasury itself. He teamed up with his close allies, the House of Rothschild, to bail out the US government during a gold shortage in 1895 and acted as a “one-man Federal Reserve Bank” following the Panic of 1907 (which he helped to precipitate) by locking 120 of the country’s most prestigious bankers in his library and forcing them to reach a deal on a $25 million loan to keep the banking system afloat, James Corbett reports. Three years later in 1910 in a secret meeting at a JP Morgan Estate on Jekyll Island, the Federal Reserve Act was crafted.
The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research was established (The Rockefeller University)
In March 1901 John D. Rockefeller Sr. finally, following the death of John Rockefeller McCormack, his 3-year old “favorite” grandchild to scarlet fever, Senior commited to funding the establishment of a medical reasearch institue in New York, which was reported June 2, 1901 to be called the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (The Institute). Beginning with $20,000 a year grant to medical researchers and soon thereafter a $1 million gift from Rockefeller. [1, 2]
As reported in 1901, the formation of the institute will have “far reaching effects on medical science”, it’s purposes for “systematic research work” with “its immediate object the ascertainment of new facts bearing on the casuses of diseases and the methods of their prevention and cure,” and of which “a number of men eminent in pathological research” will direct and control. The Rockefeller Institute became “first institution in the United States devoted solely to using biomedical research to understand the underlying causes of disease.” Following Koch and Pasteur Institutes lead.
Some history: In 1887, during the rebuilding of the University of Chicago, John D. Rockefeller Sr. met Frederick Taylor Gates, a Baptist minister, who in 1892 became JDR’s trusted advisor. Gates believed the key to curing disease lay in scientific research and was fascinated with the “regular” physician’s emphasis of diagnosing and treating disease, a practice laid out by Dr William Osler, Johns Hopkins Hospital’s first physician-in-chief.
Gates proposed establishing the medical research institute, he played a “central role in the Rockefeller philanthropies and the importance of these philanthropies in the development of scientific medicine” [5]
Rockefeller Senior used a homoeopathic physician, which was common among the “upper class”, and was a lifelong follower of homeopathy, he objected to any move that strengthened the “regular” profession and wanted to ensure both were treat the same. To get around his concerns, Gates and JD Rockefeller Junior agreed to exclude any university affiliation for their institute project. [4]
William Welch the first dean of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, become the first president of the Board of Scientific Directors of The Institute, and he chose Dr Simon Flexner, his former pupil, as its first director, where Flexner stayed for 32 years. “Right from the beginning, Johns Hopkins played a key role in shaping the Rockefeller Institute, and over the succeeding decades, some of Rockefeller’s most influential faculty and board members would come from the Baltimore institution” [3]
Commissioned by NY Dept Health following 1905 meningitis epidemic (Diplococcus intracellularis), Dr Simon Flexner conducted animal experiments and “developed a novel delivery system for an anti-meningitis serum”, which was used on only “three cases” that hadn’t died, and was praised first by news media as “a cure” on Aug 6, 1907, before Flexner submited (Nov 9, 1907) his paper to The Journal of Experimental Medicine which was published Jan 1, 1908 was concluded the observations from 47 case reports were too few to draw conclusions where 21% died. [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
The Rockefeller Hospital opened on the Institute’s campus in October 17, 1910, where Simon Flexner recruited Rufus Cole as director, an Osler acolyte. The hospital plus research campus become America’s first facility for clinical research. It opened just months after Abraham Flexner Report was released – of which Welch, Simon Flexner “assisted“!
“Cole was a fan of what was known as the “full-time plan,” meaning that the doctors who staffed the hospital didn’t practice privately.” A plan that was adopted by Johns Hopkins in 1913, when Abraham Flexner sold Welch the “salary” idea.
In 1953 The Institute was expanded its mission to include education, and granted its first doctoral degrees in 1959, which were admitted in 1955. In 1965 The Institute name was changed to The Rockefeller University, broadening it’s mandate further into physics and mathematics. In 1972 the university began a collaboration with Cornell University to offer graduate students an M.D.-Ph.D. program. Later, the Sloan-Kettering Institute became a partner in what is now known as the Tri-Institutional Program.” Their graduates have “gone on to influential positions in academia, industry and other fields”. But “biomedical research has remained at the center of the university’s mission,” wanting to solve “urgent public health problems.” [6]
Separate to the Institute, on April 24, 1913 the New York State Legislature passes an Act to incorporate the Rockefeller Foundation. The statement of purpose reads: “To promote the well-being of mankind throughout the world.” The New York Governor William Sulzer approves the charter on May 14, 1913. That same year John D. Rockefeller Sr. made gifts to the Foundation totaling $35 million, and 1914 $65 million. [1, 2, 3]
First Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to Behring for “serum therapy” or antitoxin
In December 1901, the first Nobel Prizes were awarded, and the recipient of the initial prize in Medicine and Physiology was the German physician and scientist Emil von Behring “for his work on serum therapy, especially its application against diphtheria, by which he has opened a new road in the domain of medical science and thereby placed in the hands of the physician a victorious weapon against illness and deaths” [1, 2, 3, 4]
“During the years 1888-1890 E. Roux and A. Yersin, working at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, had shown that filtrates of diphtheria cultures which contained no bacilli, contained a substance which they called a toxin, that produced, when injected into animals, all the symptoms of diphtheria. In 1890, L. Brieger and C. Fraenkel prepared, from cultures of diphtheria bacilli, a toxic substance, which they called toxalbumin, which when injected in suitable doses into guinea-pigs, immunized these animals to diphtheria.”
“In 1890 Behring and S. Kitasato published their discovery that graduated doses of sterilised broth cultures of diphtheria or of tetanus bacilli caused the animals to produce, in their blood, substances which could neutralize the toxins which these bacilli produced (antitoxins). They also showed that the antitoxins thus produced by one animal could immunize another animal and that it could cure an animal actually showing symptoms of diphtheria.”
“Earlier in 1898, Behring and F. Wernicke had found that immunity to diphtheria could be produced by the injection into animals of diphtheria toxin neutralized by diphtheria antitoxin.” and so was born toxin-antitoxin injections. [4]
The Carnegie Institution of Washington is established
Following the donation of $10 million in bonds, and a framework within which to work, on January 29, 1902 the Carnegie Institution in Washinton D.C was established, privately-funded scientific research organization. [1, 2, 5] It would go on to be called the Carnegie Institute for Science. [3]
The broad purpose to “encourage investigation, research and discovery; encourage the application of knowledge to the improvement of mankind;” The staff were to be paid through “salaried fellowships or scholarships, or through salaries with or without pensions in old age…”
Then on June 11, 1904 the Station for Experimental Evolution (SEE) was opened in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, to study heredity and evolution through breeding experiments with plants and animals – aka Eugenics. [4]
The Biologics Control Act 1902
The Biologics Control Act was established on July 1, 1902, [1] “also known as the Virus-Toxin Law [virus then has a different meaning to today], was the first law that implemented federal regulations of biological products such as vaccines in the United States. It was enacted in response to 2 incidents involving the deaths of 22 children who had contracted tetanus from contaminated vaccines. [1, 4]
Many “vaccine” and “anti-toxin” deaths occured as the Medical Machine experimented with their “medical science” products.
“When the large scale production of vaccines and anti-toxin serum began in the late 19th century [1800s], the United States had no government regulations on biological products”
“The Laboratory of Hygiene of the Marine Hospital Service, established on Staten Island, NY, in 1887, was in charge of testing biologics before the Biologics Control Act. It was moved to Washington, D.C., in 1891, and renamed the Hygienic Laboratory of the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service in 1902.” [2] With the creation of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) from the Hygienic Laboratory, regulatory authority remained at NIH until 1972, when it was transferred to FDA.” [3]
There have been many changes from the Laboratory of Hygeine to the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) which now asssess and regulate all medical products derived from living sources. [5, 6]
Ford Motor Company begins
On June 16, 1903 Henry Ford incorporated the Ford Motor Company, 8 years after the making his first vehicle which rode on 4 bicycle wheels. The first Model A was sold on July 23, 1903, and by October 1908 the first Model T Ford motor vehicle was released which became the most popular vehicle in the US. On December 1, 1913 the first moving assembly line began which revolutionized the automobile industry and the concept of manufacturing worldwide. The costs of production were reduced, thus making motor vehicles cheap enough for the average consumer and changing the way we lived.
- Dec 10, 1915 the one-millionth Model T rolled off the assembly line after 7 years of production.
Public Health agencies cannot force a treatment on it’s citizens
According to Dr Dave Martin, in the The United States, since 1905, the Public Health Policy says that the State public health agencies are entitled to do police powers on public health if they can disrupt infection or transmission. There is NO police power that has ever been granted, in any circumstance, for any reason, for a medical treatment. [1]
A therapy is something that only disrupts the severity of a disease (symptoms in the recipient), and not the infection or transmission rate of the pathogent that is believed to cause the disease.
[This data point need statutory links]
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is established
“The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching was established in 1905 and chartered in 1906 by an act of Congress as an independent policy and research center called to “do and perform all things necessary to encourage, uphold, and dignify the profession of the teacher and the cause of higher education.” [1]
The Foundation was established with a $10 million gift by the steel magnate Andrew Carnegie and based in New York. The first president was MIT’s Henry S Pritchett who served from 1906-1930. [2, 3]
In 1900 Dr Pritchett “went to Boston to become president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT]. Subsequently he was responsible for suggesting to Mr. Carnegie that a foundation be set up for the purpose of providing retirement allowances for professors and teachers, a suggestion that Mr. Carnegie adopted. He endowed the Carnegie Foundation fo the Advancement of Teaching, for with Pritchett was president from 1906-1930…” writes Abraham Flexner
The Congressional “charter permitted the Foundation to sponsor educational surveys and policy reviews, many of which eventually would decide the direction and organization of American education at elementary and secondary levels as well as at the university level.”
The Foundation would go on to significantly impact the “STANDARDIZATION” of all sectors of education across America – starting with taking over the AMA’s medical education review.
- Abraham Flexner provided his first Report to the Carnegie Foundation in 1910 on reforming medical education in US and Canada, and another in 1912 [4] on Medical Education in Europe.
Jacobson v. Massachusetts case – Get injected or a $5 fine
On February 20, 1905, the U.S. Supreme Court on appeal from the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, in a 7-2 majority, “in one of its most clear and conclusive paragraphs emphatically declares the preeminent rights of the individual in certain spheres” stated
“There is, of course, a sphere within which the individual may assert the supremacy of his own will and rightfully dispute the authority of any human government, especially of any free government existing under a written constitution, to interfere with the exercise of that will.”
In 1902, Pastor Henning Jacobson, claimed that he and his son were both injured by previous smallpox vaccines, and refused to receive any more. In the 1904 Supreme court case of Jacobson v. Massachusetts it was concluded that the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts “at worst” could fine residents who refused to receive vaccination. The court decision relied on the presumption that the vaccination (a word specific to vaccina-inoculation at the time) interupted infection and transmission of the disease in the community. [1, 2, 3] This was a State law that was up held, not a federal legislation.
“If a person should deem it important that vaccination should not be performed in his case and the authorities should think otherwise, it is not in their power to vaccinate him by force, and the worst that could happen to him under the statute would be the payment of the penalty of five dollars.’’ [5, 7]
This case is quoted [4] today as the precedent for the US federal government to enforce compulsory vaccination. They tend to leave out the “or receive a fine” caviet! ($155 in today’s dollars), just for starters. [6]
“In the 1905 Jacobson v. Mass case, the court was clear that a PUBLIC BENEFIT was required for a [product classified as a] vaccine to be mandated.” [8]
In June 2024 the California court case confirmed that the COVID-19 vaccines did NOT interupt infection and transmission of COVID-19 and as such the Jacobson v Massachusetts ruling could not be used to support employee vaccination mandates.
AMA establishes the Councils aimed at controlling medical education and pharmacy
On April 20, 1905 the American Medical Association (AMA) held their first meeting of their newly established Council on Medical Education, The purpose to reform and standardise medical education across the US. The council brought “together the various examining and licensing powers of the states and territories, to secure a mutual interchange of ideas and counsel.” Noting that “uniformity in standards and requirements” across all states “should be held under the auspices of the American Medical Association.” [1]
They held 3 conferences, 1905, 1906, 1907 , and May 1908, but could not come to agreement.
By November 1908 the Carnegie Foundation took over the work of the medical education council, of which Abraham Flexner took control and in 1910 produced the Flexner Report [PDF], which served as the roadmap to completely take over medical schools, raise the cost of entry and in time promote patentable chemical solutions – all in the name of “standardizing” education. This began the incremental demise of the successful and popular Homeopathic hospitals.
In 1905 the AMA also establishes the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry “primarily for the purpose of gathering and disseminating such information as will protect the medical profession in the prescribing of proprietary medicinal articles.” [2]
The Council examines the articles on the market as to their compliance with their “definite rules designed to prevent fraud, undesirable secrecy and the abuses which arise from advertising directly or indirectly to the laity.” If articles are determined to conform to their rules the products are accepted, and “their essential features are described in the annual publication of the Council called New and Nonofficial Remedies (N.N.R.). Each year the council publish the annual N.N.R.’s which they accept or reject, to aid physicians and manufacturers in deciding which medicinal substances conform to the AMA rules. [3, 4, 5, 6]
The U.S. Pure Food and Drugs Act signed
On June 30, 1906 President Theodore Roosevelt signed the Pure Food and Drugs Act 1906, known as the Wiley Act, “a pillar of the Progressive era.” This Act “brought about a radical shift in the way Americans regarded …the foods we eat and the drugs we take to restore our health”, and was the “cornerstone” for todays Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [1, 2]
The Division of Chemistry began investigating the adulteration of agricultural commodities as early as 1867. When Harvey Washington Wiley arrived as chief chemist in 1883… [4] After July 1901 the Division became the Bureau of Chemistry, which was the agency that Congress tasked to carry out the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act, the milestone that marks the beginning of the modern FDA. [5]
The act came about because at the time in “the early 20th century, Americans were inundated with ineffective and dangerous drugs, and adulterated and deceptively packaged foods.” The act “marked a monumental shift in the use of government powers to enhance consumer protection by requiring that foods and drugs bear truthful labeling statements and meet certain standards for purity and strength.” Though the “law offered no way to remove inherently dangerous drugs from the market and set such a high burden of proof for misbranding..”
Remember this was at the time of the 1918 pandemic, which today is blamed on a virus.
Then on June 25, 1938 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 1938 . “The new law brought cosmetics and medical devices under control, and it required that drugs be labeled with adequate directions for safe use. Moreover, it mandated pre-market approval of all new drugs, such that a manufacturer would have to prove to FDA that a drug were safe before it could be sold.” [3]
The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) traces back to 1906
Beginning as the Division of Chemistry and then (after July 1901) the Bureau of Chemistry, the modern regulatory functions of the FDA traces back to 1906 with the passage Pure Food and Drugs Act on June 30, 1906, “this added regulatory functions” toe the Bureau’s scientific mission.” [1, 2]
Harvey Washington Wiley, Chief Chemist of the Bureau of Chemistry in the Department of Agriculture, had been the driving force behind this 1906 law (known as the Wiley Act) and headed its enforcement in the early years, providing basic elements of protection that consumers had never known before that time.
In July 1927 the Bureau of Chemistry became the Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration when the non-regulatory research functions of the bureau were transferred elsewhere in the department.
In July 1930 the name was shortened to the Food and Drug Administration.
The FDA remained under the Department of Agriculture until June 1940, when the agency was moved to the new Federal Security Agency. In April 1953 the agency again was transferred, to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW). By 1968 the FDA became part of the Public Health Service within HEW, and in May 1980 the education function was removed from HEW to create the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), FDA’s current home. [2]
In 2001 it was stated the US FDA “is a scientific, regulatory, and public health agency that oversees items accounting for 25 cents of every dollar spent by consumers. Its jurisdiction encompasses most food products (other than meat and poultry), human and animal drugs, therapeutic agents of biological origin, medical devices, radiation-emitting products for consumer, medical, and occupational use, cosmetics, and animal feed….The agency grew from a single chemist in the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1862 to a staff of approximately 9,100 employees and a budget of $1.294 billion in 2001.
“Also, the FDA monitors the manufacture, import, transport, storage, and sale of about $1 trillion worth of products annually at a cost to taxpayers of about $3 per person.”
The Eugenics Record Office was founded
In 1910, the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) was founded in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, as a center for the study of human heredity and a repository for genetic data on human traits, allegedly begining from Rockefeller seed money. In 1920 it merged and become the Department of Genetics at the Carnegie Institution and was known as an important center for eugenic research in the US. [1]
The Carnegie Institution stopped funding the office in 1939. It remained active until 1944, when its records were transferred to the Charles Fremont Dight Institute for the Promotion of Human Genetics at the University of Minnesota until it closed in 1991. The genealogical material was filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah and given to the Center for Human Genetics; the non-genealogical material was not filmed and was given to the American Philosophical Society Library.
The theory and movement of eugenics is seated in pseudoscience. “After World War II, nobody was a eugenicist, and nobody had ever been a eugenicist” states Dr Simon.
The Flexner Report by Abraham Flexner – Reforming Medical Education
By November 1908 the American Medical Association‘s Council on Medical Education (CME) (est 1902) were noted as experiencing “committee differences and insufficient funding”, so the president of the Carnegie Foundation, Henry S. Pritchett, stepped in and offered to simply take over the entire medical education reform project. The AMA Council minutes for December of 1908 stated: [4]
[Pritchett] agreed with the opinion previously expressed by the members of the Council that while the Foundation would be guided very largely by the Council’s investigation, to avoid the usual claims of partiality no more mention should be made in the report of the Council than any other source of information. The report would therefore be, and have the weight of, a disinterested body, which would then be published far and wide. It would do much to develop public opinion.”
Leading up to this point, in early 1907 The Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching had already began defining education standards when they issued a bulletin “defining the preliminary educational requirements necessary for a high-grade college” this send a “shudder” through the AMA institutions. [9, 10]
In June 1908 Abraham Flexner, who worked for the Carnegie Foundation published a little book The American College, A Criticism. Highlights the education of students, comparing the American student at 23 year old to be equivalent to the German at 20 year old in “scholarship and trained capacity”. His colleague Henry Pritchett was referenced,. Flexner proposed “The Way Out” plan, noting a “splendid opportunity thus awaits a school outside the present system”. [8]
The Carnegie Foundations appointed Abraham Flexner to undertake the reform project and by April 16, 1910 the report was released, titled “Medical Education in the United States and Canada“, which became known as The Flexner Report [PDF]. It is stated “the purpose of the Foundation to proceed at once with a similar study of medical education in Great Britain, Germany, and France.” Published reviews of the report were mixed.
In the report’s forward by the Foundation’s president Henry Pritchett, he acknowledged the particular assistance from “Dr. William H. Welch of Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Simon Flexner of the Rockefeller Institute, and Dr. Arthur D. Bevan, chairman of the Council on Education of the American Medical Association.”
The Foundation president highlighted that medical schools are no longer profitable due to the recent “need for laboratories …the expenses of an efficient medical school have been greatly increased….Colleges and universities have in large measure failed in the past twenty-five years to appreciate the great advance in medical education and the increased cost of teaching it along modern lines.” It also stated a “hospital under complete educational control is as necessary to a medical school as is a laboratory of chemistry or pathology.” They had a desire that “fewer physicians graduated each year, but that these should be better educated and better trained.” [6]
The Flexner Report was the catalyst that “created and enabled the terms of a centralised medical system and pharma industry to take over control”. It “established guidelines meant to sanction orthodox medical schools and condemn homeopathic” and other “cults” practices which were popular at the time and competition for “regular” physicians.
In JAMA 1911 it was stated “this report was not a mere criticism of existing conditions. It aimed to point out accurately and frankly the present status of medical education ; but it did much more than this. It attempted a thorough -going study of the medical curriculum and it suggested certain broad lines on which the medical curriculum might fairly be expected to develop in the immediate future.” Flexner is praised for “spotting the commercial diploma mills”.
By 1912 Abraham Flexner was lecturing to professional audiences in Britain and Europe the new “hands on” American model of training physicians. In 1913 he left the Carnegie Foundation and went to work for the Rockefeller founded, General Education Board, headed by Fredrick Taylor Gates, a trusted advisor of John D. Rockefeller Sr. Gates encouraged Flexner to steer Rockefeller’s millions into the “development of chemically oriented medicine” or the diagnose and treat “Principles and Practice of Medicine”. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]
Through time, medical institutes directed their focus and resources to teaching patentable solutions. Since you can’t patent nature, solutions were skewed to man-made synthetic drugs and surgery and away from nature, this was more profitable than cures. Pharmaceutical companies benefited greatly. Medical journals receive their greatest funding from pharmaceutical companies, which in turn, skews their articles away from cheap solutions which would dilute the profits of patented drugs. Pharma has great influence over physicians, medical researchers, regulators and policy makers.
Insecticide Act of 1910 – first pesticide legislation
On April 26, 1910 the Insecticide Act of 1910 was passed being the first pesticide legislation enacted. “An Act for preventing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded Paris greens, lead arsenates, and other insecticides, and also fungicides, and for regulating traffic therein, and for other purposes”. [1]
“With the Insecticide Act of 1910, mosquito spraying [with kerosene] became not only standardized, but also relatively safe.” [2]
The Federal Reserve System is conceived
In November 22, 1910 at J.P. Morgan’s private resort on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia, a secret meeting was held attended by the banking cartel of Wall Street and indirectly Europe, who conspired to create the blueprint for the US Federal Reserve System.
The secret meeting was coordinated by Senator Nelson Aldridge, who in January 1911 presented the National Monetary Commission Bill to parliament, called the Aldridge Plan – it was rejected. [3] Sen. Aldrige’s daughter Abby married JD Rockefeller Jr.!
The bill was reworked with new sponsors and marketing and just before Christmans, on December 23, 1913 President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law which established the Federal Reserve System as the (privately owned) central bank of the United States. [1]
- In 1907 the steel magnate JP Mogan acted as a “one-man Federal Reserve Bank” and bailed out the government! [2]
- On February 25, 1913 The 16th Amendment was certified as part of the U.S. Constitution allowing for the collection of Federal Income Tax
- Then on October 3, 1913 the Revenue Act of 1913 was passed imposing the federal income tax is signed into law
G. Edward Griffin has devoted his life to piecing together and communicating the “Creature from Jekyll Island” story of the creating of the Federal Reserve , which is neither “federal” nor a “reserve”.
The printing of fiat money over the past 100+ years has progressively devalued the dollar to near zero! Is this why the economic conspirators of the WEF are pushing for a “Great Reset” and new One World Government Central Bank Digital Currency?
The History of The Federal Reserve >> WATCH
JD Rockefeller’s Standard Oil monopoly was dissolved by court order
On May 15, 1911 the Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of John Davison Rockefeller‘s Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, ruling it was an illegal monopoly in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. Standard Oil on December 1, 1911 officially ended and was broken up and “reorganised” into 34 separate companies. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
The decision was promoted as a win for the government, but was it? “The trusts have been trying for years to secure an amendment to the anti-trust law which would limit the law to unreasonable restraint of trade”. [6]
Standard Oil Company, Inc. was an American oil production, transportation, refining, and marketing company which started in 1863 and incorporated in 1870. “At its height, Standard Oil was the largest petroleum company in the world, and its success made its cofounder and chairman, John D. Rockefeller, among the wealthiest Americans of all time and among the richest people in modern history.” In 1916 he becomes the first American billionaire. [6]
How and Why “Big Oil” conqured the world. How the Rockefeller influnce took petro-chemical and transformed them into pharma-ceutical,
The Titanic sinks
On April 15, 1912 the passenger steamship RMS Titanic on it’s maiden voyage sunk having hit an ice berg the day before. In the end 1,517 passengers and crew died or perished at sea and 705 survived. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Three wealthy Americans perished in the ship: John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus [7, 8, 9]
- Curiously Alfred G. Vanderbuilt didn’t board the Titanic, he remained in London, but he did perish in the sinking of the RMS Lusitania by Germans in 1915!
Rothschild begins the Wildlife Protection movement
In May 16, 1912, a month after the Titanic sank, banker and expert naturalist Nathaniel Charles Rothschild (1877-1923) held a meeting at the Natural History Museum in London to discuss his idea for a new organisation to save the best places for wildlife in the British Isles. This meeting led to the formation of the Society for the Promotion of Nature Reserves – to identify and secure protection for important wildlife sites in Britain.
By 1915 they had compiled a list of 284 sites ‘worthy of preservation’ – the Rothschild Reserves. In 1942 the The Government’s Nature Reserves Investigation Committee was formed then in an 1949 the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act is passed, which established the first National Parks and Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Today the organisations form The Wildlife Trusts found thoughout the United Kingdom.
[It’s unclear why The Wildlife Trusts of UK, has the same logo as WildLife Trust of 1971, the latter becoming EcoHealth Alliance in 2010, further investigation required here]
The US Public Health Service (USPHS) – a military organisation responsible for all disease!
The Marine Hospital Service which was founded in July 16, 1798 upon the signing of the “Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen”. The “National Quarantine Act of 1878 conferred quarantine authority on the Marine Hospital Service”, slowly taking over authority from States. In 1902 it was renamed the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service because of its broadening responsibilities such as managing immigration. [2, 3, 4] In 1878 the PHS began publishing weekly Public Health Reports.
“The uniformed services component of the Marine Hospital Service was formalized as the Commissioned Corps by legislation enacted in 1889. At first open only to physicians, over the course of the twentieth century, the Corps expanded to include dentists, sanitary engineers, pharmacists, nurses, sanitarians, scientists, and other health professionals.” The Commissioned Corps of the US Public Health Service, led by the Surgeon General, all wear uniforms, bearing military ranking. They are considered one of the nation’s seven uniform services. [10]
On August 14, 1912 [7] the legislative powers of the service were broadened, now “authorizing investigations into human diseases (such as tuberculosis, hookworm, malaria, and leprosy), sanitation, water supplies, and sewage disposal” and was renamed the Public Health Service (PHS). All types of illness, regardless of their cause, now fell under the control of the PHS. [1, 6, 11]
Between 1912-1920 Rupert Blue [12] was the Surgeon General of the United States Public Health Service. He was in command of 180 health officers and 44 quarantine stations throughout the country. After the epidemic was over Blue called for a more “centralized national department of health with powers far greater than the U.S.P.H.S. had ever had before…” [5]
In the 1918 pandemic, “the Public Health Service was dominated by the Commissioned Corps, a mobile cadre of uniformed and ranked medical professionals….In the late nineteenth century, physicians flocked to join the PHS because it offered job stability and a regular paycheck.” According to the CDC “The 1918 influenza pandemic occurred too rapidly for the PHS to develop a detailed study of the pandemic.”
The PHS actively “researched diseases and their causes at the Hygienic Laboratory, the precursor to the National Institutes of Health…Having found vaccines for typhus, typhoid and a range of other diseases, scientists in and outside of the PHS were optimistic about their abilities to control and cure diseases in the future” with more vaccines!
“In 1936 Surgeon General Thomas Parran [formally the New York State Commissioner for Health under Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt led the fight against venereal disease and paved the way for modern public health organization”, a plan requested by Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1939 Parran succeeded in transferring the PHS from its original home in the Treasury Department to the Federal Security Agency.
President Roosevelt signed the Public Health Service Act of 1943, into law on November 11, 1943, it was updated in July 5, 1944. [13, 14].
Parran “strengthen and extended the research programs at the National Institute of Health, established the Communicable Disease Center (now Center for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC) and participated in the planning of the World Health Organization. With the approach of the second world war, the programs of the PHS began to emphasize on military preparedness. In 1941 when the U.S Coast Guard was militarized, the PHS went to war as well. …The war had an enormous impact on the PHS. Not only did the war require expansion of its programs and personnel”, but expansion of the Public Health Services Act. [8, 9]
The American Medical Association (AMA) was a “key constituency for the PHS”.
USPHS are represented in every United States agency, not just health.
AMA establish a Propaganda Department
In 1913 the American Medical Association (AMA) established a “Propaganda Department” for the purpose of gathering and disseminate information concerning “health fraud and quackery.” Setting up just before World War I and then the Influenza Pandemic of 1918, called the “Spanish Flu”.
Homeopathy, and any“cult” that competed with allopathy, were deemed “quacks”. With the financial backing of Carnegie and Rockefeller, Organised Medicine branches into media.
Rockefeller Foundation is established, soon goes International, model for WHO
On April 24, 1913 the New York State Legislature passes an Act to incorporate the Rockefeller Foundation. The statement of purpose reads: “To promote the well-being of mankind throughout the world.” The New York Governor William Sulzer approves the charter on May 14, 1913, with John D. Rockefeller Jr. as president, with also on the board Frankin Gates (JD senior’s advisor) and Dr Simon Flexner (brother of Abraham Flexner). Beginning May 29, 1913 J.D. Rockefeller Sr. and his wife Mrs Laura S. Rockefeller “gifted” funds totalling just over $100 million. [1, 2, 3]
On June 27, 1913 the Rockefeller Foundation created the special committee called the International Health Commission for the “promotion of public sanitation and the spread of the knowledge of scientific medicine, with the world as its field.” On the back of the 1909 Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the eradication of Hookworm disease, they determined through “diligent and extensive inquiry” that the disease encircled the earth and as such an “opportunity” presented where their chosen members could help! On the committee stood JD Rockefeller Sn & Jr. S. Flexner, F. Gates et al. Mr. Wickliffe Rose was appointed the first Director-General.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is said to be modelled on the “International Health Division of the Rockefeller Foundation”, which sent doctors abroad to study and treat human subjects. [4]
November 5, 1914 the foundation Trustees established the China Medical Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, as it presented “a most favorable time for the advancement of education in that country”, as they could benefit from “modern medicine, including public and personal hygiene, as well as the treatment of disease.” Traditional Chinese medical philosophy didn’t fit the Rockefeller agenda. They funded the Peking Union Medical College in Beijing which opened 1919. [5, 6]
The U.S. Income Tax then Federal Reserve System begins
In 1913 the Federal Reserve System was established. [1]
Beginning February 3, 1913 the 16th amendment to the US Constitution was ratified, authorising the Federal government to impose and collect income tax on individuals.
- On October 3, 1913 President Woodrow Wilson signed the Revenue Act of 1913 re-establishing Federal income tax.
Then on December 23, 1913 (the eve of Christmas, when many were already on holidays), President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, known as the Currency bill. Now everything is in place giving a monopoly and control on the creation of money to a consortium of private banks, a system that was conceived in 1910 . [2]
This set up provided a monetary system that was doomed to fail from the start. By 2020 the promissory fiat currency has basically reached the end of it’s possible lifespan [2] [from what I’ve come to understand]. The COVID-19 pandemic provided an “opportunity” for a “Great Reset” and a push for the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The US trade currency, petro-dollar can’t “logically” be continued if the Climate Change alarmists want to eliminate oil, so Climate alarmism is helping create the justification for a currency reset…where everyone will own nothing, but be happy! Follow the Money!
Life Extension Institute is established – A new market for Medicine – Preventative Health
On December 29, 1913 the Life Extension Instituted (LEI) is incorporated in the state of New York, a philanthropic organisation “proposes the lengthening of human life by the simple but scientific method used to keep ordinary machinery running – inspection and repair”. [1, 2] The organizational officers included many philanthropists such as former President William Howard Taft and Alexander Graham Bell etc. Taft was appointed Chairman of the board, which helped the private corporation appear credible.
The national agenda inquiring into “aging” began “as early as 1908 as part of President Theodore Roosevelt’s conservation agenda as formulated by the Committee of 100″ of which Irving Fisher was the head. [7]
Though it is stated the idea of the institute was proposed by Harald A. Ley a Massachusetts insurance actuary, he was appointed Treasurer. [6] The organisation began under the pretext of working closely with life insurance companies, but soon expanded to work with all and any organisation from schools, woman’s organisations to churches to promote physical examinations. A stating network of over 7,000 physicians were already appointed across America ready to receive a fee for assessing the healthy population.
They soon established the Hygiene Refrence Board led by Prof. Irving Fisher of Yale, and comprising of “100 leading experts on various health subjects”. [3]
The Institute gathered fees from insurance companies, “two-thirds of any profits beyond five percent on the capital” went to extending the institutes public usefulness.
In February 1915 the LEI reported that the life expectancy of middle-aged American was less than it was in 1880, but this was unique to American, where as “it has decreased during the same period in England and Wales, Sweden, Prussia, Denmark, France and other countries” They institue blamed this premature death on lack hygeine, and the “new mode of living and the general tendency to physical inactivity that now prevail in America” which has “produced the high nervous tension characteristic in a certain class of Americans…” and thus contributed to the death rate. No consideration was given to the fact that compulsory vaccination existed in America, and drug advertising was extensive and common in their media.
They declared that “deaths could have been prevented by teaching personal hygience and by including the practice of periodic health examinations”, where their physicain buddies would be assured of a regular income, from healthy patrons.
By October 1915 the organisation’s Fisk and Fisher had published the book How to Live, Rules for Healthful Living Based on Modern Science – where vaccination, eugenics and sterilization are promoted and “quacks and quackery” outlawed.
This was all at a time when hospitals numbers were dramatically on the increase, and the promotion of “life-span” was attributed promoted as being directly to modern “medical science”. They coined the term “social medicine” in their 1919 report.
In 1918 the LEI began publishing their “How to Live” monthly magazine they called “A monthly journal of health and hygeine“, following the 1916 book of the same name.
LEI still exist today, though has changed ownership several time and is now known as “Engaging Healthy Employees” (EHE Health). This private company deems themselves “an authority on preventive medicine”, and they mandated the experimental, emergency use COVID-19 vaccine to all their employees. [4, 5]
The NAS National Research Council is established
The National Research Council (NRC) was formed in 1916 as a special organization, established under the national charter of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), against the backdrop of the First World War. As concerns grew about the lack of America’s preparedness should the United States become involved. , The Academy’s Foreign Secretary George Ellery Hale, wished to broaden the Academy’s scope of activity, following years of NSA relative inactivity, and the war proved and opportune time to push for “a national organization for the coordination of scientific and technological research and development.” [1]
On April 26, 1916 NAS President William H. Welch , along with other members, went to see U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to present a resolution unanimously passed at the NAS’s last meeting, of which Wilson gave oral agreement to the proposal:
That the President of the Academy be requested to inform the President of the United States that in the event of a break in diplomatic relations with any other country the academy desires to place itself at the disposal of the Government for any service within its scope.
The Committee for the Organization of the Scientific Resources of the Country for National Service held their first formal meeting on September 20, 1916, drawing original membership from the government, the various branches of the military, the universities, and private research laboratories. The committee included Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research director and vaccine developer Dr Simon Flexner. [1]
Hale became the NRC’s first chairman and following the end of the war he recommended the Research Council continue, which it did by President Wilson’s Executive Order No. 2859 of May 11, 1918 which recognized the Research Council’s contribution during the war and perpetuated it as an organization. [2]
On July 13, 2021 the National Academy of Sciences formed a new body called the Strategic Council for Research Excellence, Integrity, and Trust (SCREIT). The formation of this Strategic Council stems from 2015/2016, 2017 and 2019 reports which recommended the “creation of a body to elevate the excellence and safeguard the health and welfare of the research enterprise” to”develop ways to promote high-quality research practices and to anticipate and address challenges to research ethics and integrity.”
First academic school focusing on “Public Health” begins
On June 13, 1916, Johns Hopkins University receives $267,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation and founds the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health (JHSPH), with William Henry Welch as its first director. It is the world’s first independent degree-granting school of public health for research, education, and practice. [1]
- 1917 – William Henry Howell is appointed the first faculty member and becomes founding chair of the Department of Physiological Hygiene.
- 1917 – JHSPH establisth the first academic departments in the world for immunology, epidemiology and public health administration. Also the first school of public health to establish departments of statistics, bacteriology, chemical hygiene (biochemistry) and sanitary engineering.
- The first classes are held on October 1, 1918, in a physics lab on West Monument Street. Six of 16 students are female. Three are foreign citizens (from Brazil and Trinidad). Among 32 faculty, 9 are female.
- 1919 JHSPH awards three DrPH degrees to the School’s first graduating class. The first graduate is Nathan Berman.
- 1921 William Henry Welch founds the first public health research journal called Johns Hopkins American Journal of Hygiene today known as the American Journal of Epidemiology
- The first jounals gave attention to hookworm, [2] the very disease that the Rockefeller Foundation‘s International Health Commision [3, 4] focused its initial attention on.
1918-19 Influenza Pandemic – “Spanish flu”
We are taught that the 1918 pandemic was a world wide “influenza” virus that killed anywhere between 20 to 100 million people. At the time viruses were not known and Pfeiffer’s Bacillus was thought to be the causal agent. The US millitary preparing to go to war and who were heavily vaccinated faired worse than those on the front line and the domestic citzens. There is information suggesting allopathic medicine faired far worse than the alternative paractices of the day they called “quacks”. [1]
September 1918 in the U.S. was when the death toll escalated.
Could the death toll have been the perfect storm of many factors including COD, statistical manipulation massive aspirin overdose, just to name a few? – EXPLORE
Paris Peace Conference, post WW1 Treaties and League of Nations charter
The Paris Peace Conference, an international conference organized by the victors of the World War I, was held from January 18 to 21, 1919 for the purpose of negotiating peace treaties between the Allied and Associated Powers and their former enemies. [1] This conference lays the foundations for
Multiple treaties were prepared at this conference, including for
- Palestine (Faisal-Weizmann Agreement [1], January 3, 1919), [also 1917 Balfor declaration]
- Germany (Treaty of Versailles, June 28, 1919)
- Austria (Treaty of Saint-Germain, September 10, 1919)
- Bulgaria (Treaty of Neuilly, November 27, 1919)
- Hungary (Treaty of Trianon, June 4, 1920) former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
- Ottoman Empire (Treaty of Sèvres, 10 August 1920)
The decision to create the League of Nations and the approval of its Charter (constitution) also took place during this conference, this (powerless) body was linked to all treaties. The League held its first meeting in London on January 10, 1920.
League of Nations hold their first meeting
On January 10, 1920 the League of Nations held its first meeting in London and the same day ratified the Treaty of Versailles thus officially ending World War I. The headquarters of the League moved to Geneva and the first general assembly with it’s members was held there on November 15, 1920.
The purpose of this international body “included disarmament, preventing war through collective security, settling disputes between countries through negotiation and diplomacy, and improving global welfare” [1, 2]
Established post WWI as the Paris Peace Conference in Jan 1919, the League had no enforcement powers, so the organisation was only effective when parties agreed to abide by its decisions….The League was powerless and mostly silent in the face of major events leading to World War II. In 1946 the League dissolved itself and its services, mandates, and property were transferred to the United Nations.
“A general association of nations should be formed on the basis of covenants designed to create mutual guarantees of the political independence and territorial integrity of States, large and small equally.”
President Woodrow Wilson, Jan. 8, 1918, Point 14
Even though President Woodrow Wilson had been a driving force behind establishing the League of Nations, the United States Senate voted on January 19, 1919 not to join the League. [3]
League of Nations Timeline – ARCHIVE
British Broadcasting Company (BBC) is formed
The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) was formed on October 18, 1922 by a group of leading wireless manufacturers including Marconi. Daily broadcasting by the BBC began in Marconi’s London studio, 2LO, in the Strand, on November 14, 1922. This was followed the next day by broadcasts from Birmingham and Manchester. In December 1922 33-year-old Scottish engineer, John Reith was appointed General Manager of the BBC. In the early days news only aired after 7 pm so as not to upset sales of newspapers. [1, 2]
“Listening in” to the wireless in the United Kingdom quickly became a social and cultural phenomenon as the BBC in London and regional stations around the country gave birth to a new form of mass communication.” The speech of King George V was first heard on radio during a broadcast from the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley (which was made into a 2010 movie). By 1939, 98% of the Britain’s population could listen in to the BBC’s radio services. The public had been conditioned to tune into the radio for news.
What was not known was the BBC ran cover for the establishment, not actually being impartial.
In 1927 the British Broadcasting Company became the British Broadcasting Corporation when it was granted its first Royal Charter and John Reith was knighted. The Charter defines the BBC’s objectives, powers and obligations of which the ” BBC is answerable to the BBC Board of Governors who are appointed to act as trustees for the public interest and to ensure that the organisation is properly accountable while maintaining its independence…The Governors are appointed by the Queen in Council (the Privy Council) on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.” [3]
On November 2, 1936 the BBC began television broadcasting with only a few thousand homes equiped and close enough to view it, though the accessibility developed rapidly between 1936 and 1939. [4]
On September 1, 1939, two days before WW II broke out, “a Mickey Mouse cartoon was being shown when the television service was suddenly blacked out for defence reasons. It was feared that the transmitters could have provided navigational aid for enemy aircraft. That same Mickey Mouse cartoon was shown on June 7, 1946 when BBC television re-opened. The Victory Parade was televised the next day.” [5]
The media is powerful. A few months before the COVID-19 pandemic began, the BBC led the Trusted News Initiative, to be the gatekeeper of “truth”.
Office International des Epizooties (OIE) is established – precursor to WOAH
Spurred on by the emergence of rinderpest disease (German for “cattle-plague”) at Antwerp port in Belgium, on January 25, 1924 an international agreement between 28 States was obtained to create the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) based in Paris. An agency for overseeing animal disease status world-wide. [1, 2]
The International Committee of the Office held its first General Session on March 8, 1927 choosing their heads and establishing a Bulletin.
On January 30, 1928 the first international Conference was held in Geneva to begin the International Sanitary Policy. [1]
When the United Nations formed the OIE fought to remain following the creation of the FAO and WHO agencies. Through time official agreements were signed with these initial UN organisations, then with IICA, WTO, OIRSA, SPC PAHO World Bank, WVA, IFAH and more. [1]
In May 2003 the agency adopted the name World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH). With over 70 global organisation and its Members the WOAH “coordinate the global response to animal health emergencies, the prevention of zoonotic diseases, the promotion of animal health and welfare, and better access to animal health care”.[3]
- In 1992, the OIE adopted the first standards/criteria for classifying Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) (fowl plague) – Terrestrial disease. Definitions for pathogenicity evolved as scientific knowledge of the disease increased (such as clevage sites 2022). [7, 8]
- Following the 1994 launch of a Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme (GREP), rinderpest is the first (and only) animal disease to be declared eradicated by OIE on May 25, 2011 and FAO in June 2011. [2]
- In 1995, an international agreement prompted World Trade Organisation (WTO) Members to acknowledge the WOAH’s standards officially [9]
- 2003 Terrestrial Animal Health Code – defines Animal as “a mammal, bird or bee” – humans are a mammal! [6]
- August 2003 OIE joined mission in China to find animal reservoir for SARS virus
- Jan 2004 – avian influenza “Bird Flu” begins – PRESS
- In April 7-8, 2005, – OIE/FAO officially launched the new worldwide Avian Influenza Network – IFFLU. [4]
- In 2005 we created and have since managed the World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS) to provide information on 120 animal diseases, both terrestrial and acquatic.
- August 2006: Virus strains were collected and sent US National Institute for Health (NIH) for sequencing and deposited in full transparency on the free-access database, “GenBank”, to supports the preparation of human vaccines. “OFFLU works closely with the World Health Organization Working Group on Influenza Research at the human-animal interface” [5]
- “Virus strains can be considered as intellectual property and sharing them can be seen as potentially hampering research progress and scientific publication.” [5]
- WOAH help coordinate global zoonotic diseases, animal influenzas, especially avian influenza, and in June 2022 they put under the OneHealth umbrella.
- June 2022 the OIE website officially became WOAH, and promoted OneHealth
The Geneva Protocol: International ban on the use of chemical and biological weapons
Following the use of poison gases used in World War 1, the 1925 Geneva Protocol that prohibited the use of chemical and biological weapons in war was created. The Protocol was drawn up and signed at a conference which was held in Geneva under the auspices of the League of Nations from May 4, 1925 to June 17, 1925, and it entered into force on 8 February 1928. [2, 3]
Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or Other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare – commonly refered to as The Geneva Protocol
It took 50 years for the US to ratify this convention (1975) the same year they ratified the Biological and Toxins Weapons Convention (BTWC). During the 50 year span the US used chemical (napalm, agent orange) and likely biological weapons in Korean and Vietnam wars. [1]
Mathematical “SIR” modelling for epidemics takes form
The theory underlying the 2020 pandemic computer models, such as the “Imperial Model” can be traced back to the Kermack and McKendrick paper “A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics” which was published August 1, 1927. Stemming from the earlier “germ theory” in the second half of the nineteenth century. [1]
The paper considers there are “various factors” that govern spread of disease from “affected to the unaffected”, and acknowledged the “stage of the sickness” affects transmissibility, and that once one recovers from infection “the number of unaffected members of the community becomes reduced” thus reducing the pool of “susceptible individuals”.
The paper works from the assumption that ” all members of the community are initially equally susceptible to the disease, and it will be further assumed that complete immunity is conferred by a single infection.”
Thus begins the Susceptible, Infectious, Recovered (SIR) modelling framework which “partitions a population into at least three groups: those who are susceptible to future infection (S), those who are currently infectious (I), and those who have been removed from the infectious group through recovery or death (R). [1]
First virus ever isolated – Influenza virus
While working at the Rockefeller Institute at Princeton, with his mentor Dr Paul Lewis, (who earlier had discovered the polio virus), virologist, Dr Richard Shope successfully isolated the “virus of swine influenza”, the first virus ever isolated. He submitted his work [2, 3] on May 6, 1931, for publication. [1] Influenzae virus is from family Orthomyxoviridae.
“Pig farmers in Iowa had reported two outbreaks—one in 1918 and another in 1929—of a highly contagious, influenza-like disease among their animals. The disease bore such a remarkable resemblance to human flu that it was named swine influenza”
Initially Shope and Lewis isolated a bacterium resembling Pfeiffer’s bacillus [4] (the bacterium was then classified Bacterium influenzae suis, and now Haemophilus influenzae), but when they injected the bacteria into pigs, it did not cause disease. Then Shope used a filtrate, which caused a highly contagious, influenza-like disease in pigs—albeit a more mild one than seen in naturally-infected pigs,” but “mixing the filtrate with the bacterium reproduced the severe disease.” [1]
In 1933 an influenza virus was isolated from a human influenza patient and in infected ferrets it produce influenza symptoms, which was was repeated several more times.
They hypothesise that the 1918 pandemic virus is an ancestor of this swine virus. It was said in 1918 that the “clinical manifestations resemble those observed in the pandemic 1889-1894″, which could mean the causal agent is endemic, and that severe disease may have more to do with an associated bacterium at the time of infection. After all the 1918 pandemic deaths were mostly caused by bacterial pneumonia, and mass bacterial vaccinations (typhoid, pneumonia, “influenza”) were administered prior and during disease outbreak.
As of 1960 “it is well recognized that pneumonia is the main cause of death from influenza, and observations during the pandemic of 1918-1919 indicated that secondary or concomitant bacterial infection of the lung was almost always present in fatal cases.” [6]
In 1892 Dmitri Ivanovski discovered an “extremely miniscule infectious agent”, smaller than bacteria, while working on tobacco disease. In 1898 Martinus Beijerinick replicated Ivanovski’s work, and coined the term “virus”. Historically, the term virus had the latin meaning of “poisonous substance”, an important point to note when reading historical medical publications. [5]
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is published
Brave New World, a novel by Aldous Huxley is published in 1932. The book “prophesied a society which expects maximum pleasure and accepts complete surveillance – no matter what the cost.” [1] Kind of like “you will own nothing, but you will be happy” from 2017
“There was no political system in Brave New World it was a scientific dictatorship” someone at the top made all the decisions for society. The very thing the Techocrats at that very time were floating at Columbia University.
Aldous Huxley is the younger brother of Julian Huxley, a”well-known biologist” , who “inspired” and was a founding members of the World Wildlife Fund and the first Director-General of UNESCO which “he also helped to create”. [2]
The term “transhumanism” denoted “H+” was first coined by Julian Huxley! [3]
I believe in transhumanism: once there are enough people who can truly say that, the human species will be on the threshold of a new kind of existence, as different from ours as ours is from that of Peking man. It will at last be consciously fulfilling its real destiny.” Julian Huxley 1957
- “Humanity will be radically changed by technology in the future” is the start of the Declaration of the World Transhumaist Association. [4]
- Transhumanism is denoted “Humanity +” or “H+” and they even have a Magazine [5]
Technocracy ideology takes form
In 1932 engineers and scientists at Columbia University, masterminded a replacement economic system for Capitalism and Free Enterprise, with a resource-based economy called Technocracy, that would use energy credits as its accounting system, rather than currency.
“The Technocracy ideology turned into a movement when Technocracy, Inc. was founded in 1934 by Howard Scott and M. King Hubbert. Together, they wrote the Technocracy Study Course that became their go-to bible for all the meetings they held throughout the U.S. and Canada. At the peak, this membership organization had over 500,000 dues-paying members.”
“A parallel organization had a brief life in Nazi Germany before WWII, but it was quashed by Hitler when it was seen as competition. Individual Technocrats in America and Europe, however, continued to hold fast to the Utopian dream of Technocracy.”
In 1973 Technocracy is adopted with the formation of the Trilateral Commission in order to create a “New International Economic Order.” Their invitation-only members have been influencing and making global economic policies right up until today, especially the United Nations agendas.
The Technocracy ideology is not Marxism, Socialism or Communism, its an energy-based credit system to get the global population to “utopia”!
Gold Standard is removed by EO
April 5, 1933 by US Presidential Executive Order all gold coins, gold bullion and gold certificates were siezed by the Federal Reserve Bank or member bank of the Federal Reserve System, this romoved the gold standard following the 1929 CRASH.
Timeline pages:
1800s | 1900-1945 | 1946-1979 | 1980-1999 | 2000-2015 | 2016-2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024