Wildlife Trust becomes EcoHealth Alliance – Leader in One Health movement

In a press release September 21, 2010 the "Wildlife Trust", a non-profit international conservation organization founded in 1971, and stated to be "dedicated to protecting wildlife and safeguarding human and animal health", announced that the organization will be re-branded with a new name and tagline: EcoHealth Alliance, "Local Conservation, Global Health." [1, 2] Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance said "Building on our strong history, we have grown beyond our original conservation focus to become the central organization defining the intersection of local conservation and global health...A leader in the One Health movement which began in 2004, EcoHealth Alliance is on the forefront of informing the public, businesses, and the scientific community about emerging diseases, including potential pandemics." [3] Through The Intercept FOI requests over $95 million of EcoHealth Alliance funding comes from USAID and US Department of Defence into potential "bioweapons" research. [4, 5] EcoHealth Alliance is in the center of tracking and cataloguing animal viruse genetic sequences and providing finance to laboratories for Gain-of-Function/Dual Use research.

FOIA documents reveal NIH funded GOF research

Documents obtained by The Intercept under a FOI request to the NIH reveal US federal funding of risky coronavirus research in China. [1] In July 2021 when questioned under oath by Senator Rand Paul, Dr Fauci repeatedly denied gain-of-function research was funded by the NIH.

Manipulating Definitions

The COVID-19 pandemic and the media pushed "cultural" narratives that have excelled in parallel have exposed the manipulation of critical definitions in real time, to seemingly help fit and justify the health policy narrative and instil fear in the unsuspecting…
Comedy is the new news- Awaken with JP

Comedy/Satire is the New News!

Nearly everyone loves a good laugh (though maybe a minority don't!) and apparently it's good for your health too! Imagine getting your weekly news updates and be able to have a "satirical" laugh at the same time!!! Education with Health…