Edward Dowd

Edward Dowd

Edward Dowd is a former equity portfolio manager for Blackrock and hedge fund guru. He claims to have witnessed "many frauds" in his career. Entering the COVID pandemic in 2020 he and his financial community colleagues were already wondering when…

Genetic fingerprint favours GOF virus origin

The genetic finger print of SARS-CoV-2 is suggested as the most compelling reason to favour the lab leak hypothesis. The rare and unnatural combination of CGG-CGG (double CGG) is common for Gain-of-Function researchers to use for gene splicing but it is not known to occur naturally in the entire class of coronaviruses. Read >>>

FOIA for Dr Fauci’s emails from 2 news outlets

BuzzFeed News and The Washington Post under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requested the head of NIAID, Dr Fauci’s emails through the period of Jan – June 2020, revealing how the 80 year old was inundated with a 1000 emails/ day, but neither article addressed his faults. Within the 3,200 emails reveals holes in Dr Fauci’s statements made under oath about the potential virus lab leak, gain of function research, his mask flip-flop. and early knowledge of the potential benefit of HCQ. [1, 2] The emails also show his close association with Gates and the push for vaccine solutions. Fauci’s upcoming book “Expect the Unexpected” was suddenly removed from book stores.  When did he have time to write that? Watch >>>

100 years since 1918 “Spanish Flu” pandemic – GOF research promoted

In a symposium marking 100 years since 1918 "Spanish Flu" pandemic, Professor Ralph Baric from UNC-Chapel Hill, speaks to the necessity of Gain of Function (GOF) research, and the opportunities to available from pandemics. Ralph Baric is a “longtime collaborator” with Shi Zheng-Li (the "Bat Lady") of the bat coronavirus research lab in Wuhan.

Chinese chimeric research funded by NIH

Published November 30, 2017, research in at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, that was funded by US NIH showed man-made (chimeric) viruses could replicate in human cells. Dr Anthony Fauci and Dr Francis Collins claimed is not Gain of Function research, but Dr Fauci, in his own words, says it is! [1, 2, 3]

Study concludes engineered viruses may be too risky to pursue

Chinese virologist Shi Zheng-Li in Wuhan, together with US virologist Ralph Baric, published a paper that “synthetically re-derived an infectious…virus”, concluding that building chimeric viruses maybe too risky to pursue. They took a 2002 SARS virus and inserted the protein from a rufous horseshoe bat, creating a new infectious human pathogen.  It was intended to “warn the world” of a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence! The study was funded by NIH via EcoHealth Alliance, and NGO who's president is Peter Daszak.  This study was approved by NIH to continue even though it came under the Gain of Function funding moratorium. In 2020, Daszak thanked Dr Fauci via email, for dismissing theories that SARS-CoV-2 could be man-made. In February 2021, Daszak represented the US on the WHO probe in to the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

Chinese miners fall ill after shoveling bat faeces

Sometime in 2012 in Yunnan province, China, 6 miners become seriously ill with respiratory symptoms after shovelling bat faeces at the bottom of a mine shaft.  The miner’s respiratory virus (RaBtCoV/4991) was said to came from rufous horseshoe bats. The mineshaft floor was covered with a fungus. "Although the fungus turned out to be the pathogen that had sickened the miners"  Shi speculated "it would only have been a matter of time before they caught the coronaviruses if the mine had not been promptly shut." "Shi’s team had been called in to investigate the virus profile of a mineshaft in Yunnan’s mountainous Mojiang County—famous for its fermented Pu’er tea—where six miners suffered from pneumonia-like diseases (two of them died). After sampling the cave for a year the researchers discovered a diverse group of coronaviruses in six bat species. In many cases, multiple viral strains had infected a single animal, turning it into a flying factory of new viruses." [2] Since 2013 the Wuhan Institute of Virology has been experimenting with these bat coronaviruses, including their use in 2015 controversial gain-of-function study. In February 3, 2020, Shi Zhengli et al published paper suggesting SARS-CoV-2 genome was almost 80% identical to that..> READ MORE