“Bat woman” gives a “TED Talk” on “Tracking the Source of SARS”

On February 22, 2019 Shi Zhengli known as "Bat Woman" gave a One Seat presentation (like a TED Talk) titled Tracking the source of SARS. [1, 2, 3] Not even a year later, a new SARS virus "emerges" which the media pushes to be of animal origin (zoonotic), and "officials" try to discount any consideration for SARS-CoV-2 being of potential lab origin, the very lab in Wuhan, China where Shi Zhengli stores collected bat coronaviruses, and genetically manipulates them.
Digital surveillance

Digital ID – surveillance

Digital surveillance will help usher in a China-style "social credit system" for the entire world. The technologies are available now that will start being used on your phone, and migrate to under your skin, maybe even within your body (nanotechnology)…
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine


Moderna, based in Cambridge, Massachusett., began it's inception in 2010 following Derek Rossi's breakthrough paper, demonstrating chemically modified mRNA could reprogram adult human fibroblast cells - the prelude to gene therapy. The main investor in the startup was Flagship Pioneering.…