All COVID-19 vaccines are alleged “safe and effective”!

Safe and effective” is a catch-all marketing phrase used for all vaccines. A “rare” side effect, which can include death, still makes it safe in the eyes of the authorities! Putting “safe” to the side for now, lets look at “effective”.

What is meant by “effective“? How is the effectiveness of a vaccine determined? What about efficacy? Is there a difference between vaccine efficacy and vaccine effectiveness? Are all these words interchangeable?

The promise, the problem!

The promise to the worlds population was a vaccine would save us and prevent COVID-19 from killing us all, to “stop” the virus. And we all had to get vaccinated to build herd immunity to protect “grandma”!

The problem is, as the world is mass vaccinating, while the virus is circulating, with a spike-only targeting product, the vaccinated are still getting COVID-19, infecting others, applying selection pressure to the mutating virus, selecting for more infectious and potentially more virulent variants…and on and on we go! Presently those hospitalised with serious COVID-19 are most often vaccinated. The vaccines now have negative efficacy, meaning those who are vaccinated are more likely to become infected with SARS-CoV-2, thus test positive for COVID-19.

It’s a disaster! Which those who tracked the statistics and clinical trial data through 2020 & into 2021 could already predict a disaster was on the horizon!

What happened to “the vaccine is 95% effective”?

Its a confusing, ever changing mess!

This page is an attempt to get to the bottom of the promotion of the COVID-19 vaccines being “effective”, by capturing articles, papers and interviews that help flesh out the discussion.

But before we get there I wanted to investigate some definitions. Particularly what it was prior to 2020, because during the pandemic long-established definitions have been manipulated in order to support the “narrative” that the vaccines are “working”. Anyone who disagrees gets silenced!


Vaccine: (Medicine)
a suspension of dead, attenuated, or otherwise modified microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, or rickettsiae) for inoculation to produce immunity to a disease by stimulating the production of antibodies” – HERE, ARCHIVE

  • Clearly that definition will need to be changed as the current mRNA vaccines do not contain any component of a virus particle, but instead a genetic code that tricks the human body into making the foreign protein, that resembles the virus spike protein.

Immunity: (Biology)
the ability of an organism to resist disease, either through the activities of specialized blood cells or antibodies produced by them in response to natural exposure or inoculation (active immunity) or by the injection of antiserum or the transfer of antibodies from a mother to her baby via the placenta or breast milk (passive immunity). See also acquired immunity, natural immunity.” – HERE, ARCHIVE

Effective, Effectiveness:
Having an intended or expected effect” – HERE

Power or capacity to produce a desired effect; effectiveness” – HERE

to defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, insult, etc.; cover; shield.” – HERE

A molecule that is capable of binding to an antibody or to an antigen receptor on a T cell, especially one that induces an immune response. An antigen is usually a foreign substance, such as a toxin or a component of a virus, bacterium, or parasite..” – MORE, ARCHIVE

A protein released by blood cells to destroy invading foreign organisms or substances.”
any of numerous protein molecules produced by B cells as a primary immune defense, each kind having a uniquely shaped site that combines with a foreign antigen, as of a virus or bacterium, and disables it.“- MORE

The process of distributing and administrating vaccinesHERE, ARCHIVE
(The word Vaccine is derived from the cowpox Vaccinia virus)

To inoculate with a vaccine in order to produce immunity to an infectious disease” – HERE, ARCHIVE

Waning efficacy: (hold this space)

Negative vaccine efficacy: When a vaccinated individual is more likely to get infected compared to an unvaccinated person. The vaccine makes you more susceptible to infection!

COVID-19 is the disease cause by the viral pathogen labelled SARS-CoV-2, which has extensively mutated to form many variants, some of which have become World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Variants of Concern (VOC) classified by a letter of the Greek alphabet.

It seems like every month the efficacy goal posts of the vaccines change, but one thing never changes, they’re always “safe and effective“.

The world was told, the only way out of the pandemic is to vaccinate

In 2020 we were told, esp by Bill Gates (who’s not a doctor or scientist!) the only way out of the pandemic is with a vaccine. The intent being that the vaccine would stimulate an immune response that would confer protection to the virus and stop you from getting COVID-19!

Have the Vaccines Proven to be both Safe & Effective?

July 16, 2022 – United For Healthcare Summit 2022: Are they Safe and Effective? Dr. McCullough’s Presentation (2 hours) – WATCH, FULL, Presentation Slides – PART1, PART2.

Dr Peter McCullough – MORE VIDEOS

Vaccine effectiveness “headlines” montage WATCH

Vaccine efficacy links in reverse chronological order


February 1, 2025 – Corageous Disocourse: New Study Finds the COVID Vaccinated Are Sicker Than Unvaccinated People by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH – READ, “We tried to warn you.” – CREDIT

  • Vaccinated individuals experienced a greater overall disease burden, with more doctor visits, higher rates of COVID-19 infections, and increased musculoskeletal issues compared to the unvaccinated.
  • December 30, 2024 – European Society of Medicine: Covid-19 vaccinations, self-reported health, and worldviews – A representative survey from Germany by Walach et al – STUDY
  • In other words, the study found that, compared to the unvaccinated, COVID-19 vaccinated individuals reported more:
    • Overall diseases [PLURAL, MULTIPLE!]
    • Doctor visits
    • COVID-19 infections
    • Musculoskeletal problems
  • “This isn’t surprising given the mechanism of action of COVID-19 mRNA injections (instructing cells in vital organ systems to produce toxic Spike protein).”

January 2, 2025 – OpenVAET and Dr Ah Kahn Syed: How the Israeli data used to sell COVID vaccine efficacy exposed its own lies- The “Real World Data” used to prop up the vaccine efficacy narrative shoots itself in the foot – READ, Israel’s Jan 6, 2021 agreement with Pfizer – TIMELINE

  • ““Real world data” essentially means all those observational studies used to prop up the original COVID vaccine trial data (which nobody really believes any more).”…The “real world data” became the new Grail of scientific evidence used by governments and institutions to quash any dissent…
  • …In actual fact COVID cases (and deaths) went up after the vaccine rollout, when they should have disappeared if the advertised claim was true.”
  • “The Israeli studies were instrumental in defending the idea that the trial efficacy was “as advertised” – and that the only reason we would later observe a decline in effectiveness was the variants…”
  • [How the propaganda machine worked] “The principle was simple: every time a [COVID-19 vaccine booster dose] product version started to be intensively advertised by the media and political apparatus, a study was published [by NEJM], proving how the product was working well in Israel,…in what was presented as the equivalent of a country-scale clinical trial”
    • Feb 24, 2021 – NEJM: BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Mass Vaccination Setting – Dagon et al – READ (looking at the period from December 20, 2020, to February 1, 2021, on unvaccinated versus at least one dose.)
    • Sep 15, 2021 – NEJM: Protection of BNT162b2 Vaccine Booster against Covid-19 in Israel – Bar-On et al – READ, (evaluating the period from July 30 to August 31, 2021, on 2 doses versus 3 doses)
    • April 5 2022 – NEJM: Protection by a Fourth Dose of BNT162b2 against Omicron in Israel by Bar-On et al – READ (evaluating the period from January 10 to March 2, 2022, on 3 doses versus 4 doses)
    • April 13 2022 – NEJM: Fourth Dose of BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Setting by Magen et al – READ, (evaluating the period from January 3 to February 18, 2022, on 3 doses versus 4 doses.)
  • [REMEMBER Pfizer had “the power under the agreement [with Israel] to omit any reference to its contribution to the research, so its involvement in setting research goals, methods or even in writing the research results is not mentioned at all. Thus, a study may be portrayed as independent of Pfizer, although it is not necessarily so.” – REF


September 27, 2024 – Nature Medicine: SARS-CoV-2-specific plasma cells are not durably established in the bone marrow long-lived compartment after mRNA vaccination – Nguyen, Eun-Hyung Lee et al – READ, CREDIT

  • September 28, 2024 – Dr Lyons-Weiler Substack: COVID-19 Vaccine Limited Immunity Durability Was Knowable from the Start: No Long-Lived Plasma Cells – Completely knowable from the first small trial. – READ
    • “The question at the heart of the study was simple but profound: Did the mRNA vaccine fail to establish LLPCs as some immunologists had predicted?”
    • “The results were clear: No SARS-CoV-2-specific LLPCs were found in the bone marrow of individuals vaccinated with mRNA vaccines, even in those who had also been infected with the virus.”!
    • Study “highlighted that the majority of the plasma cells responding to the mRNA vaccine were short-lived, with rapid declines in antibody levels after just a few months. LLPCs, which are responsible for long-term immunity, were conspicuously absent from the SARS-CoV-2-specific responses​. “
    • The study also found that IgA-secreting plasma cells, which are crucial for mucosal immunity in the respiratory system, were similarly absent….mucosal immunity is vital for protecting against respiratory viruses like SARS-CoV-2. Without these long-lived plasma cells, both systemic and mucosal immunity wane over time, explaining the rapid decline in vaccine-induced protection.”
    • “Fauci and friends told the world that we would have to wait until the vaccines were used on hundreds of thousands of people to determine if they induced durable immunity. That was false.”

July 2024 – Australian Journal of General Practice Vol 52 Is 7 | Corresponsence: Should we now discuss possible COVID-19 vaccine negative effectiveness? Professor Raphael Lataster – READ, CREDIT

  • ‘Because COVID-19 vaccines were approved without long-term safety data and might cause immune dysfunction, it is perhaps premature to assume that past SARS-CoV-2 infection is the sole common factor in long COVID’ The possibility that long COVID could be related to the vaccines is important, but the focus here is on the notion that the vaccines could cause some sort of immunosuppression, especially, as noted by Professor Tindle [Apr 2024], since the spike protein ‘exhibits pathogenic characteristics’ – to say nothing of the ‘class switch to IgG4 antibodies’, which Professor Tindle thinks could lead to autoimmunity and cancer”

May 17, 2024 – Brownstone Institute: Six Explanations for Rising Vaccine Hesitancy – READ

  • “Australian data too showed initially strong protective benefits against severe disease and deaths. Before long, however, data accumulated to show that despite 95% adult vaccination, the vaccines failed to provide immunity against infection, hospitalisation, ICU admission, or even death.
  • “…demonisation of the unvaccinated by various public authorities, enthusiastically amplified by the media [were] all predicated on the false belief that vaccines stop transmission”
  • This is why Australia’s Covid-related mortality was substantially higher in 2022 and 2023 than in 2020 and 2021.”

April 18, 2024 – Mathew Crawford Substack: Czech Study Points to Zero Vaccine EffectivenessREAD, PAPER

  • Were are the numers? Substack: New paper on Czech population-level vaccination data disproves claims vaccines are safe and effective – READ


October 27, 2023 – CHD | The Defender: How Pfizer Hid Nearly 80% of COVID Vaccine Trial Deaths From Regulators – READ

  • According to an analysis, published this month in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data, the vaccine makers hid fatality data from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.”

September 13, 2023 – Steve Kirsch Substack: Do you know what “safe and effective” means according to the CDC? I’m going to tell you. – Safe means tested in 50 people and nobody died and only 8% needed professional medical attention. Effective means there is NO evidence whatsoever of a clinical benefit. Got it? – READ

  • FDA simply ignores evidence which doesn’t support the narrative – EXCERPT
    Tainted mRNA Safety Trials: Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Joseph Fraiman & Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew – FULL

September 12, 2023 – Bannons War Room: Dr. Malone: COVID-19 Vaccine Found To Have “Negative Effectiveness”, Increasing Health Risks (yet FDA just approved and under EUA) – WATCH

August 29, 2023 – ICAN: Internal CDC Presentation Shows it Knew for Months that COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy was Waning and Kept it a Secret – READ

August 14, 2023 – Washington Eaminer: New emails show COVID vaccine mandates were based on a lie READ, CREDIT, Dr Bhattacharya – TWEET

  • Breakthrough cases discussed by Rochelle Walensky and Francis Collins January 30, 2021 – TWEET
  • “However, in public, Walensky was saying something quite different. Two months after discussing this data, she said vaccinated people “don’t carry the virus” and “don’t get sick.” In a congressional hearing, after it became clear people were able to get infected with COVID even after receiving the vaccine”…”We now know that was not true and that Walensky herself knew it was not true.”

July 28, 2023 – Daily Mail: Scientists discover the ‘most mutated Covid variant ever‘ lurking in a patient in Indonesia – Strain has over 110 mutations, double that of Omicron which took over the world, 37 spike mutations – Omicron carries 50 mutations – READ

  • The morphed “super mutant” version of Delta — collected from a patient swab in Jakarta — has 113 unique mutations.

July 22, 2023 – Epoch Times: CDC Changed Definition of Breakthrough COVID-19 After Emails About ‘Vaccine Failure’ – FOIA documents – READ, see January 27, 2021 – TIMELINE

  • Post second dose went from 7 days to 14 days as more jab reciepients were getting COVID-19.
  • The data is in the Pfizer clinical trials showing increased “suspected cases” within 7 days following injection of the vaccine product. 409 in treatment versus 287 in the placebo arm of clinical trial!

July 6, 2023 – Bannons War Room: Dr. Naomi Wolf: “Pfizer got that number [95% effective] by dropping 200 people with Covid from their math” – EXCERPT

  • Pfizer document analysis – HERE
  • July 6, 2023 – Daily Clout: DailyClout Letter to DOJ Regarding Pfizer’s Fraud – READ
Pfizer fraudulently claimed 95% efficacy – page 2 – READ
  • If Pfizer hadn’t dropped from their data, 200 vaccinated people who contracted COVID-19, their efficacy would have been negative. By droping these 200, on November 18, 2020 Pfizer claimed “95% effective” where only 8 vaccinated contracted COVID-19
Statement from Pfizer’s press release November 18, 2020 – READ, ARCHIVE

June 22, 2023 – Washington Examiner: New emails show COVID vaccine mandates were based on a lieREAD, CREDIT

  • “Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and former NIH Director Francis Collins were aware of, and discussed, “breakthrough cases” of COVID” on January 30 2021 — “right when the vaccines became widely available…..Dr. Anthony Fauci is looped into these conversations”
  • They knew “people could contract and spread the virus while vaccinated…” – REF
  • The paper referenced in the email: January 28, 2021 – JAMA Viewpoint: SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines and the Growing Threat of Viral Variants – Moore and Paul Offit – READ – HERE
Read all – source

June 12, 2023 – MedRxiv preprint: Risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) among Those Up-to-Date and Not Up-to-Date on COVID-19 Vaccination -by Shrestha et al – READ

  • It concludes “from a multivariate analysis of 48,344 individuals (Employees of Cleveland Clinic) that ‘those not “up-to-date” on COVID-19 vaccination had a lower risk of COVID-19 than those “up-to-date”’. Dr Jessica Rose –REF i.e the MORE jabs you get the higher your chance of getting COVID-19
    • Its not peer reviewed “but read it anyway” stated Dr Rose, or read her summary – READ
  • Steve Kirsch: New Cleveland Clinic study: Will the anti-anti-vaxxers ever acknowledge when they are wrong? – READ
Title mine – source

May 17, 2023 – Vaccines: IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein by Uversky and Markis et al – READ, CREDIT

  • Vladimir Uversky, a molecular medicine expert in Florida, and his co-authors noted that experiments have found multiple doses of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines lead to higher levels of antibodies called IgG4, making the immune system more susceptible.” – REF

May 12, 2023 – The Conversation: Obesity speeds up loss of immunity from COVID vaccines – new research – READ [Those at higher risk from the virus, lose “immunity” faster than the healthy! – CREDIT] – The STUDY

  • Groups where the vaccine “don’t generate as strong an immune response” i.e are less effective, “include older adults and people with weakened immune systems, for example due to cancer or other medical conditions”
  • Now, a new study in Nature Medicine finds obesity is linked to faster loss of immunity from COVID vaccines.

May 11, 2023 – Nature Medicine: Accelerated waning of the humoral response to COVID-19 vaccines in obesity – van der Klaauw et al – READ “obesity is linked to faster loss of immunity from COVID vaccines” – REF, CREDIT

May 2, 2023 – Where are the numbers? Substack: The illusion of vaccine efficacy revisited – How to make a placebo look 95% effective and guarantee repeat business – READ

  • Matthew Crawford Substack | Rounding the Earth: Adding to Fenton‘s Miscategorization Illusion, Part 1 – Shattering the Efficacy Illusion, Part 8 – READ – How to create the illusion of vaccine effectiveness – hint, consider a vaccinated person falsely as “unvaccinated”

April 25, 2023 – J. Clinical Investigation: Biological rhythms in COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in an observational cohort study of 1.5 million patients by Hazan et al – READ – [Best to get your jab with lunch!]

  • May 3, 2023 – Nature: Timing matters for COVID vaccine effectiveness – Younger and older people gained greater protection if they had their jabs in the middle of the day – READ [Staying up with the “speed of science” – CREDIT

March 30, 2023 – European Journal of Clinical Investigation: Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine – Schmeling et al [Danish study] – READ, Sasha Latypova –READ

March 30, 2023 – Courageous Discourse Substack: COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Grossly Overestimated from Non-Randomized Studies – Multiple Sources of Bias Created Illusion that Vaccines Worked as they Failed in the Real World – READ, PAPER

  • “For all of the above reasons, claims that the COVID-19 vaccines worked to reduce spread of infection, hospitalization, and death must be rejected. The burden of proof has not been met and threats to validity have not been overcome. All of the COVID-19 vaccines should be removed from the market and we should begin the investigative phase into how this massive program failed to stop COVID-19.”

March 26, 2023 – Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice: Sources of bias in observational studies of covid-19 vaccine effectiveness – Fung & Peter Doshi et al – READ, McCullough Substack – READ

  • “We conclude that “real-world” studies using methodologies popular in early 2021 overstate vaccine effectiveness. Our finding highlights how difficult it is to conduct high-quality observational studies during a pandemic.”

March 14, 2023 – A Midewestern Doctor Substack: What Really Happened Inside the COVID-19 Vaccine Trials? – We all have had to pay the price for the horrible things that were done to the trial participants. – READ,

  • Previous Vaccine Debacles, Problems With Pfizer’s Trials, Includes trial participant vaccine injury stories
  • One injured trial participant $300K out of pocket and never reimbursed by manfacturer!

March 6, 2023 – Daily Mail: ‘We absolutely need No10 to sit on her hard’: Matt Hancock ‘clashed with vaccine tsar Dame Kate Bingham and branded her “wacky” after she questioned the need to jab everyone in the UK’, leaked WhatsApps reveal – READ, The Telegraph – READ, The Highwire – CREDIT

January 18, 2023 – Professor Michelle Williams claims that “The [Covid] vaccines protect individuals from transmission” at World Economic Forum “This should be labeled as misinformation…” – TWEET

January 16, 2022 – Colleen Huber Substack: Africa Is Starkly Unvaccinated and starkly unvanquished by COVID!- READ [The control group continent comparing prophylactic ivermectin and HCQ regular usage vs minimal vaccine uptake – they have low COVID-19 deaths statistic]

January 2, 2023 – Gateway Pundit: Dr. Zeke Emanuel on MSNBC: Covid Vaccines Don’t Work Against New Variants; Only Thing That Reliably Works Are “Really High Quality Masks” (VIDEO) – READ, WATCH

  • XBB 1.5 a new subvariant of Omicron “is spreading rapidly which means it can evade and outcompete the other subvariants,” Emanuel said. “It seems to avoid the antibodies but also bind more tightly to cells and that gives it the competitive advantage it needs…the only thing that reliably works are “really high quality masks.”

January 1, 2023 – Wall Street Journal: Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants? – The virus appears to be evolving in ways that evade immunity – new Omicron variant dubbed XBB READ, ARCHIVE


December 21, 2022 – Gateway Pundit: “Unexpected”: MRNA Vaccines Increase Risk of Contracting COVID-19; Each [Booster Shot Raises Risk Even More in Study of 51,000 Cleveland Clinic Workers – re Cleveland Clinic study (preprint) of 51000 clinic workers – READ, The Study by Shrestha et al – READ

  • Only 21% of workers received the bivalent booster which was seen to only have a 30% effectiveness.
  • “The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19″
  • oOn December 9, 2022, the CDC expanded the use of updated (bivalent) COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 6 months-5 years!
  • Yet Dr Malone’s June 2022 sworn testimony to the Texas State Senate predicted that the booster jabs would increase infection and disease – based on the science – which the FDA & CDC ignored! – WATCH, TRANSCRIPT

December 17, 2022 – Igor Chudov Substack: COVID Vaccines Do Not Prevent Hospitalizations in the UK- But they work great in the USA, right? – READ

December 8, 2022 – Spectator Australia: 170 patients that changed everything – READ, Bret Weinstein – TWEET

  • “Few people realise that the Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA)of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine/BNT 162b2 was granted on the efficacy data of 170 patients. The 162 who received a placebo and 8 patients who were vaccinated formed the basis of the 95 per cent efficacy claims.” That’s 170 out of 44,000 trial participants!

November 29, 2022 – ICAN: CDC Employees Struggle to Get Research Published Because Its Findings Counter Public Health Dogma – When CDC authors unable to publish study which showed that vaccinated individuals could still spread SARS-CoV-2 READ, The prepint study dated August 24, 2021 with CDC-authors authors – READ

  • Nature Medicine declined to publish the study – (Pg 59) PDF
  • PLOS Medicine declined to publish the study – (Pg 185) PDF
  • Even the New England Journal of Medicine and the CDC’s own Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) declined to publish the paper!
  • Breakthrough cases (vaccinated individuals who test positive for the virus) had low PCR cycle thresholds (Ct) values, meaning they carried a high viral load! Meaning the vaccines were NOT stopping transmission. “That same week, the CDC revised its mask guidance to urge vaccinated individuals to wear masks” – per Walensky – READ

November 22, 2022 – Joomi Substack: A timeline of how vaccine efficacy devolved- And how our nonsensical health policies continued anyway – READ

  • Presented is a “timeline of data showing the decline of vaccine efficacy against infection or high viral load. Note: this is different from efficacy against severe disease or death, which didn’t devolve as quickly” – From December 2020 through end of 2021

October 27, 2022 – American Though Leaders: FAKE EFFICACY – ‘The Medical Profession Has Been Destroyed’: Dr. Richard Amerling on Following the ‘Guidelines,’ Research Malpractice, and the Medical School Paradigm – WATCH

October 22, 2022 – Int. J of Epidemiology: Waning of first- and second-dose ChAdOx1 and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccinations: a pooled target trial study of 12.9 million individuals in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales – Kerr et al – READ

October 18, 2022 – VIDEO Montage: Pfizer CEO saying that their vaccine protects “against transmission”, and then gradually changes his claims over time. – WATCH

October 13, 2022 – PrePrint: Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly informed from pre-vaccination national seroprevalence studies by John Ioannidis et al – READ

October 11, 2022 – Epoch Times: Pfizer Exec Concedes COVID-19 Vaccine Was Never Tested on Preventing Transmission READ, CHD- READ – [Stopping transmission was the entire reason for mandating the vaccine!]

October 04, 2022 – Conservative Review: Horowitz: 5 shocking new studies and data points that nuke the COVID shots by Daniel Horowitz – READ

  1. Autopsy shows extensive brain and heart damage
  2. Negative efficacy galore
  3. Negative efficacy even against death
  4. Neonatal deaths
  5. Adverse events in nursing babies

October 1, 2022 – PrePrint: Effectiveness of mRNA-1273 against infection and COVID-19 hospitalization with SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants: BA.1, BA.2, BA.2.12.1, BA.4, and BA.5 – Tseng et al – (employees of Kaiser Permanente Southern California, which has been contracted by Moderna to conduct this study.) – READ
Meryl Nass Substack: Negative vaccine efficacy keeps rearing its ugly head. Now Kaiser admits it.- READ

  • “What it found was that for 4 out of 5 Omicron subvariants by 150 days (5 months) post shot, efficacy had fallen into negative territory, and Kaiser’s thrice-vaccinated enrollees were more likely to get COVID than the unvaccinated.” – REF
  • From the data “it seems that those with 3 shots are at more risk of COVID after 5 months than those who only got two shots”

September 26, 2022 – Daily Clout: Report 42: Pfizer’s EUA Granted Based on Fewer Than 0.4% of Clinical Trial Participants. FDA Ignored Disqualifying Protocol Deviations to Grant EUA. – Pfizer Documents Analysis – READ

September 25, 2022 – Daily Mail: FDA vaccine adviser [Paul Offit] warns healthy young people should NOT get new COVID booster: Says it’s ‘unfair to make them take a risk’ after data suggested shot was not as effective as first batch – READ, “So when Paul Offit says it, THEN the press takes notice?” Dr Malone – GETTR

September 23, 2022 – The Guardian: UK’s autumn Covid wave could be worse than the last as cases rise – There is a mixture of variants in circulation, and signs of vaccine fatigue in the population [many have had more than 5 shots, of cause they’re going to be fatigued! New bivalent booster push!] – READ, ARCHIVE

September 20, 2022 – The Lancet preprint: Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccines Over 13 Months Covering the Period of the Emergence of the Omicron Variant in the Swedish Population – Xu et al – READ, The Highwire – EXCERPT

  • Looking at over 9 million people: “Our results were similar to the UK study, albeit with even more rapidly waning effectiveness. Somewhat implausibly, we even observed a negative VE against Omicron infection from week 14, indicating that vaccinated individuals experienced a higher risk of infection than those unvaccinated.

September 13, 2022 – Conservative Review: Horowitz: Do the COVID shots erase natural immunity?READ, The Highwire – WATCH

  • “Why is it that years into this pandemic, the cases continue to proliferate and people seem to get the virus multiple times?”
  • NEJM: Effects of Vaccination and Previous Infection on Omicron Infections in Children – an observational study of over 273,000 children aged 5-11 – STUDY
  • Not only did the Pfizer shots turn negative after five months during the Omicron wave, making a vaccinated individual more likely to get the virus, BUT
  • They actually erased the immunity provided by prior infection
  • Erasing immunity = jabbed people can get COVID again, and again, and again
  • The level of protection in the vaccinated (right) went down to zero compared to the unvaccinated which went to 55% in the same time-frame – both groups had previously been infected and thus developed a level of natural immunity
  • Shockingly the authors concluded that this alarm elimination of natural immunity is support for recommending booster shots.
Effectiveness of natural immunity no jab v getting the jab
Figure 1 (slides C & D) Protection Conferred by Two Doses of BNT162b2 Vaccine and by Previous SARS-CoV-2 Infection against Infection and COVID 2019–Related Hospitalization in Children 5 to 11 Years of Age. – source, FULL

September 5, 2022 – HART group: How many injections prevent one covid death? – And how does that compare to harm? – READ

  • Number Needed to Treat (Vaccinate) (NNT): “To simplify understanding of the benefits of interventions the number of people who need to be treated to prevent a covid death can be measured, the number needed to treat (or “NNT”). The same calculation can be applied to vaccination to give a number needed to vaccinate to prevent a covid death.” –
  • The data available to carry out such a calculation is flawed, but even if we assume it is perfect the answer we get is alarming.”
  • “For every covid hospitalisation prevented from vaccination there were an additional 1.3 hospitalisations for serious adverse events related to the vaccine.”
If this was a drug, half of doctors would NOT prescribe it for any age group! – source

August 25, 2022 – Disclose TV: Allegedly “German Health Minister Lauterbach says vaccination limits the COVID pandemic because vaccinated people develop symptoms quickly and stay home, while unvaccinated people develop symptoms more slowly.” [Seriously!] – WATCH

August 24, 2022 – Australia – FOI 3731 – COVID-19 vaccination communications – Documents discussing the ability of COVID-19 vaccines to prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 – READ, PDF, @JikkyLeaks – CREDIT

August 19, 2022 – Phil Harper Substack: Pfizer’s own data showed vaccine creates net loss on hospitalisations – How did regulators miss this? – READ

  • “To keep one patient out of hospital, we need to double vaccinate 7,230 people, and of those people we’d expect to see five seriously injured from the vaccine.”  i.e. To prevent 1 patient from hospitalisation, 5 patients will be hospitalised!

July 23, 2022 – On Joe Rogan: “I had the vaccine 3 times and I still got it really bad. It was so bad.” – WATCH, GETTR

July 23, 2022- James Lyons-Weiler Substack: The Data Are In: Objective Scientists Were Right All Along, At the Michigan Health Summit, Dr. Peter McCullough presented for two hours straight, and came to the correct conclusion: The vaccines have failed – PART 1, PART 2

July 16, 2022 – Dr. McCullough’s Presentation at the United Healthcare Summit: Are they Safe and Effective? – WATCH, FULL

July 4, 2022 – Doctors 5 COVID Ethics – 750+ Studies About the Dangers of the COVID-19 Injections by Kyle Beattie – READ

June 30, 2022 – The Lancet: Associations of BMI with COVID-19 vaccine uptake, vaccine effectiveness, and risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes after vaccination in England: a population-based cohort study by Piemas et al – READ, The Highwire – EXCERPT

  • “Surprisingly, we observed a higher risk of [COVID-19] test positivity after vaccination with one or two doses across all BMI groups, which is contrary to evidence reported by the UK ONS”

June 29, 2022 – NEJM: Duration of Shedding of Culturable Virus in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron (BA.1) Infection – Boucau et alREAD, CREDIT

  • Study shows people with Covid-19 had comparable rates of viral shedding regardless of their vaccination status.

June 23, 2022 – Epoch Health: Evidence in Late 2020 Indicated Vaccinated Could Get COVID-19: Deborah Birx admits – READ

June 6, 2022 – A Midwestern Doctor Substack: Why the Covid Vaccines Were Never Likely to Be Effective – Honest scientists raised key red flags for these vaccines in a top medical journal. They were all ignored – READ

  • Senior editor of British Medical Journal Peter Doshi “did a deep dive on the available data and in a series of BMJ editorials”, ” he “pointed out numerous red flags that were never discussed or addressed by the medical community.”

April 3, 2022 – Sonia Elijah Substack: Was Pfizer’s 95% vaccine efficacy fraudulent all along? – Damning results buried within a FDA briefing document for Dec 10, 2020 VRBPAC meeting – READ, ARCHIVE

  • Vaccine efficacy of the Pfizer/BNT mRNA vaccine is more in the realm of 12% not 95%, based on Pfizer’s own data
  • Pfizer used a ‘central laboratory’ (see page 13 of the document) of its choice, to confirm COVID-19 cases using a PCR test, there is no Cycle threshold (Ct) value reported
  • Pfizer’s “unblinding guidelines are clearly stated within their own study protocol and for potential COVID-19 cases, the trial site staff were immediatley unblinded, meaning they knew whether the symptomatic participant had received the vaccine treatment or the saline placebo!. “Pfizer’s widely touted vaccine efficacy rate of 95%, arose from PCR test results generated from this central lab“…
  • “The unblinding of clinical trials leads to strong bias and a severe loss of data integrity, so potentially the CTs could have been ramped up for the unvaccinated (placebo) participants suspected of having COVID-19, leading to almost guaranteed Covid positive results.”

Among 3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group.

VRBPAC briefing document Page 42
  • These suspected cases could all have been COVID-19 positive if tested, resulting in 12% vaccine efficacy (1816-1594)/1816) x100.

February 7, 2022 – Thrid Paradigm: How to Lie with Statistics on Dr. John Abramson & Russell Brand – WATCH, (YouTube deleted),

February 3, 2022 – Israel National News: 80% of serious covid cases are fully vaccinated says Ichilov hospital director – Vaccine has “no significance regarding severe illness,” says Prof. Jacob Giris. – READ

January 13, 2022 – Bad Cattitude Substack: bayesian datacrime: defining vaccine efficacy into existence – how the definitions of “full vaccinated” and now “boosted” are exaggerating (and possibly creating from whole cloth) VE and turning the data into gibberish – READ

  • Crime of “definitions” – The jabbes are classified as “unvaccinated” or pre-jab status in that 2 week window following the date the product was injected into their body.

January 18, 2022 – Bannons War Room: Saying This Is A Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated Is Non-Factual – Europe protests – WATCH

January 9, 2022 – Daily Sceptic: Double vaccinated have double the infection rate, data from iceland shows – READ, “This is the same pattern as found in data from the U.K“, CREDIT

January 8, 2022 – Icelandic in Morgunbladid: Does vaccination increase the probability of infection? – ARCHIVE (since deleted – now Thorsten Innsiglaugsson)

January 7, 2022 – Daily Sceptic: Vaccine Effectiveness Plummets to as Low as Minus-151% as Omicron Cancels Out Boost From Third Doses [UK data] – READ

January 2022 – The Lancet: Neutralising antibody titres as predictors of protection against SARS-CoV-2 variants and the impact of boosting: a meta-analysis – Cromer et al (Australian authors) – READ

  • We explored whether in-vitro neutralisation titres remain predictive of vaccine protection from infection with SARS-CoV-2 variants…
  • Modelling of predicted vaccine efficacy against variants over time suggested that protection against symptomatic infection might decrease below 50% within the first year after vaccination for some vaccines. Boosting of previously infected individuals with existing vaccines (which target ancestral virus) is predicted to provide a higher degree of protection from infection with variants of concern than primary vaccination schedules alone.” [“Infection” is determined by “symptoms!]
  • First author, Cromer, is a mathematician trained by Imperial College London – READ


December 30, 2021 – Bad Cattitude Substack: yes, the vaccines were supposed to stop covid spread. yes, the “experts” told us so. (documenting the trial of evidence of filp-flops) – READ

December 23, 2021 – BMJ | Analysis: Evaluating covid-19 vaccine efficacy and safety in the post-authorisation phase by Peter Doshi et al – READ, CREDIT

  • “Doshi penned an editorial that noted that while a variety of additional research trials were legally required in return for receiving an EUA (Pfizer agreed to do 13 and Moderna 8), many had not been done, and basic pieces of information such as the study protocols were only available for 5 of Pfizer’s studies and 5 for Moderna. “

December 15, 2021 – People: CDC Warns Rapid Spread of Omicron Could Lead to Massive Spike in COVID Cases by January – Dr. Anthony Fauci said, though, that booster shots should be enough to prevent infections – READ [not the case at Cornell University below]

December 15, 2021 – People: Cornell University Has Over 900 New COVID Cases and a ‘Very High Percentage’ Are Omicron Variant – READ

  • Despite a 97% on-campus vaccination rate, Cornell University reported 898 new COVID-19 cases among students at its Ithaca, New York campus during the week of Dec. 7-13, a “significant number” of which the school has identified as the omicron variant.
  • The presence of the initial omicron variant coincides with an unusually high degree of transmission among vaccinated students after Thanksgiving travel and at the end of the semester.”
  • “Virtually every case of the omicron variant to date has been found in fully vaccinated students, a portion of whom had also received a booster shot.”
  • Students who test positive, with or without symptoms, have a mandated 10-day isolation periods

December 14, 2021 – CBS News: Real-world data suggest 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine 70% effective at preventing hospitalization with Omicron variant – READ

December 14, 2021 – The Commonwealth Fund: The U.S. COVID-19 Vaccination Program at One Year: How Many Deaths and Hospitalizations Were Averted? – READ

  • “The U.S. COVID-19 vaccination program has prevented an estimated 1.1 million deaths and 10.3 million hospitalizations ” [REALLY!! – in the absense of early treatments]
  • Used by Bill Gates to promote the new vaccines to prevent the next pandemic – READ, And vaccinate the entier world in 6 months! – READ

November 29, 2021 – People: CDC ‘Strongly Encourages’ COVID Vaccine Boosters for All Americans Due to Omicron Variant READ, Omicron arrived in Canada, the first case for North America – READ

  • Canada is one of 16 countries that has identified cases of the Omicron variant so far, and the World Health Organization said Sunday that they expect it to spread globally.

November 15, 2021 – Daily Sceptic: Negative Vaccine Effectiveness Isn’t a New Phenomenon – It Turned Up in the Swine Flu Vaccine – READ

November 12, 2021 – Expose News: Latest UKHSA Report shows the Covid-19 Vaccines have negative effectiveness as low as MINUS 126% as infections in the Fully Vaccinated soar – READ

November 4, 2021 – Johns Hopkins & WHO: Results of COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Studies: An Ongoing Systematic Review – Forest Plots – ARCHIVE

October 28, 2021 – Brownstone Institute: 53 Efficacy Studies that Rebuke Vaccine Mandates by Paul Alexander – READ

October 19, 2021 – The Highwire Episode 237: The Turning Point – SERIOUS ANTIBODY DROP AFTER VACCINE – Multiple data points and science from numerous countries have exposed the Covid shot’s massive failure to stop infection – WATCH, FULL

  • The science is crumbling on the vaccine front – Waning Immunity, Breakthrough Cases, Qatar study
  • Singapore is at 83% vaccinated, more than the target of 80%, yet it does not open up! “The lessons for “Covid-naive societies” like Singapore, New Zealand and Australia is to be ready for large waves of infections, “regardless of the vaccine coverage“” – NY Times – ARTICLE

October 11, 2021 – A montage of Dr Fauci vaccine efficacy flops – showing news headlines – WATCH

October 8, 2021 – NY Times: They Had the Vaccines and a Plan to Reopen. Instead They Got Cold Feet. – Singapore’s experience offers lessons for other countries that want to reduce pandemic restrictions but have yet to deal with widespread infections – READ, The Highwire – CREDIT [The vaccine does not stop infection, does not contribute to herd immunity!]

October 7, 2021 – The Jerusalem Post: Antibody levels decrease after two doses of Pfizer vaccine – study – READ, The Highwire Ep 237- CREDIT

October 6, 2021 – NEJM – Waning of BNT162b2 Vaccine Protection against SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Qatar by Chemaitelly et al – READ, The Highwire Ep 237- CREDIT

  • Pfizer only looked at their “vaccine effectiveness” up to 6 months before seeking emergency authorisation
  • Slide 2 – 7 months or greater the vaccine has NEGATIVE efficacy
Vaccine effectiveness against any SARS-CoV-2 infection – goes negative at 7 months
The Highwire WATCH, source
Slide 2: Vaccine effectiveness against any severe, critical or fatal COVID-19
The Highwire WATCH, source

October 4, 2021 – Blaze Media: Horowitz: The country with the best data shows infection rates higher among the vaccinated – READ, TWEET, The Highwire – CREDIT,

  • “The idea of mandating the vaccine to protect other people is built upon a complete lie.” Vaccine Pasports useless!
  • “It’s time to stop calling infections among the vaccinated “breakthrough” cases. In fact, The U.K., which posts the most comprehensive granular weekly data every Thursday, shows that COVID cases per capita are more common among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated in most age groups.”
  • Not vaccinated >30yrs are slightly less likely to be infected compared to vaccinated – Don Wolt’s graph- TWEET

September 30, 2021 – European Journal of Epidemiology: Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States by Subramanian & Kumar – READ, READ, CREDIT, The Highwire – WATCH

  • “…the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days.”
  • “Even though vaccinations offers protection to individuals [NOT community protection] against severe hospitalization and death, the CDC reported an increase from 0.01 to 9% and 0 to 15.1% (between January to May 2021) in the rates of hospitalizations and deaths, respectively, amongst the fully vaccinated
Reference #10 at source

September 29, 2021 – PrePrint: No Significant Difference in Viral Load Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated, Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Groups Infected with SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant – Acharya et al – READ

September 14, 2021 – TGA: Access Consortium: Alignment with ICMRA consensus on immunobridging for authorising new COVID-19 vaccines – READ

  • “Placebo-controlled [not saline placebo!] disease endpoint trial data are the gold standard for authorising vaccines. …Without established humoral and/or cellular immune parameters that correlate to clinical protection against disease, other approaches are needed to provide sufficient evidence for authorising new COVID-19 vaccines.”
  • “The International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) convened a workshop on 24 June 2021 to consider the development of COVID-19 vaccines” – i.e. “correlates of protection”

August 24, 2021 – PrePrint: Shedding of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Despite Vaccination by Riemersma et al – (version 4) READ, ICAN investigated, CDC wouldn’t publish – READ, Note: Pfizer vaccine FDA Approved Aug 23, 2021, and US Vaccine mandates began for Military Aug 9, 2021 – TIMELINE, and private sector Sep 9, 202 – TIMELINE

  • The CDC-affiliated authors in this study found that “vaccinated persons can spread Delta.” – REF
  • fully vaccinated individuals are capable of shedding high viral loads.”

August 23, 2021 – BMJ: Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a covid-19 vaccine? by Peter Doshi – READ, SUBSTACK

  • “Doshi noted it was highly concerning the FDA was refusing to provide transparency in their approval process or hold an open hearing on Pfizer’s vaccine prior to approving. –REF
  • “Doshi then referenced data that had recently become available to highlight serious issues with a potential FDA approval of these vaccines:
    • Data after 6 months of follow-up was being deliberately withheld by Pfizer (the original trial was supposed to last for years).
    • There were now numerous data sets showing that the efficacy of Pfizer’s vaccine significantly declines over time” – Fauci efficacy flop- WATCH

August 13, 2021 – NY Post: FDA approves third vaccination shot [BOOSTER] for at-risk patients – READ

August 3, 2021: Doctors 4 COVID Ethics: COVID Vaccine Necessity, Efficacy and Safety – READ, UK Column ARTICLE

August 2, 2021 – White House: Press Briefing by White House COVID-⁠19 Response Team and Public Health Officials – ARCHIVE

  • Walensky finally confirms that vaccine clinical trials did not test for the prevention of transmission!
  • Walensky claimed they did prevent transmission for Alpha [breakthrough infections disagree], but “no longer do with Delta”
  • The vaccinated should wear a mask as they could “potentially transmit” to an unvaccinated person [she neglects to state a vaccinated person can transmit to a vaccinated person as well]

July 29, 2021 – NY Post: Israel to offer third COVID booster shot to elderlyREAD

July 23, 3021 – Forbes: Pfizer shot just 39% effective against Delta infection, but largely prevents servere illness, Israel study suggests – READ, Study PDF Dr Malone – WATCH

These vaccines are not protecting against the infection very well at all, it’s still spreading

Dr Malone

July 22, 2021 – The Highwire Ep 225: The COVID blame game – FULL, The COVID vaccine: Effective or not? – EXCERPT

  • As The Highwire has reported from the analsysis of the EUA documents – This mRNA vaccine doesn’t appear to stop infection or transmission. Vaccines are supposed to stop you from getting infected, which is what leads to herd immunity [they changed that definition]. These COVID-19 vaccines target the symptoms, the disease, not SARS-CoV-2 the virus – it’s been a play on words from the beginning.
  • But is it even 90% effectiv at “stopping symptoms”. Del does the maths for the worlds most vaccinated country, who exclusively used Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, Israel:
    • 90% effective means a 10% failure rate
    • Israel currently 61% vaccinated Jan to July 2021
    • If the vaccine is effective at stopping symtoms (COVID-19) then 90% of the vaccinated should not be in hosptial, which based on the numbers 16% of Israels vaccinated would be expected to be hospitalised. BUT Israel data shows 60% of those hospitalised are fully vaccinated – the vaccine effectiveness for severe symptoms (COVID-19) has failed! – Jerusalem Post – ARTICLE
    • The news has STOPPED reporting that the vaccine helps you protect others – its now Delta variant will kill you!
    • Del shares the truth…”No one is hiding from this virus”

July 14, 2021 – Boston Globe: 79 fully vaccinated Massachusetts residents have died, 303 hospitalized in very rare COVID ‘breakthrough’ cases, officials say – READ

July 9, 2021 – Doctors 4 COVID Ethics: Letter to Physicians: Four New Scientific Discoveries Regarding COVID-19 Immunity and Vaccines – Implications for Safety and Efficacy – Studies published between May and July 2021 show pre-existing memory-type antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 vaccines – READ

  • Discovery 1: SARS-CoV-2 spike protein circulates shortly after vaccination
  • Discovery 2: Rapid, memory-type antibody response after vaccination
  • Discovery 3: SARS-CoV-2 elicits robust adaptive immune responses regardless of disease severity
  • Discovery 4: Rapid increase of spike protein antibodies after the second injection of mRNA vaccines
  • “The collective findings discussed above clearly show that the benefits of vaccination are highly doubtful. In contrast, the harm the vaccines do is very well substantiated, with more than 15.000 vaccination-associated deaths now documented in the EU drug adverse events database (EudraVigilance), and over 7.000 more deaths within the UK and the US [13].”


July 8, 2021 – NY Times: Citing the Delta Variant, Pfizer Will Pursue Booster Shots and a New Vaccine – Scientists were critical of the announcement, pointing to evidence that the current two-dose regimen is powerfully effective against the coronavirus. – READ, India Times – READ

July 8, 2021 – NY Post: Israel claims Pfizer COVID vaccine less effective against Delta variant – READ

  • Data from Israel has indicated declining effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against severe disease and hospitalizations in elderly patients, so the start administering booster shots to people age 50 and older.

June 6, 2021 – NY Times: We’ll Probably Need Booster Shots for Covid-19. But When? And Which Ones? – Scientists are asking a lot of questions about Covid-19 booster shots, but they don’t yet have many answers. Here’s what they know so far. – READ

  • NIH just started booster clinical trials – new clinical trial of people fully vaccinated — with any authorized vaccine — to see whether a booster of the Moderna shot will increase their antibodies and prolong protection against getting infected with the virus.
  • Although many scientists estimate that the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines authorized in the United States will last at least a year, no one knows for sure.

June 24, 2021 – WHO updates/correlates of protection @ ICMRA COVID-19 Vaccine Development Workshop – PDF

June 24, 2021 – WHO updates/correlates of protection presentation slides – PDF
  • “Guidance on evaluation of second generation vaccines that are still in development” [do they mean modRNA that has been mass rolled out in the unsuspecting popularion?]
  • 2021 – Who Technical Report Series No.1033 (5th Report) : WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations – PDF,

June 24, 2021 – International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA): ICMRA COVID-19 Vaccine development: Future steps Workshop – READ, ARCHIVE, TGA – CREDIT

  • “Following on from the 10 February 2021 ICMRA workshop on COVID-19 vaccine variants, the objective of this workshop was to brainstorm among regulators about the development of second-generation vaccines and booster doses, with a particular focus on immunobridging, the design and use of controlled trials (placebo or other controls), and correlates of immunity.”
  • “The co-chairs highlighted the importance of a well-coordinated and convergent global response to evaluating existing vaccines and developing modified and new vaccines in the face of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern. This was reinforced by the timely publication of ‘SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Vaccines’ in The New England Journal of Medicine*.” [Timely June 23, 2021 Krause et al see below]
  • “Summary outcomes of WHO meetings on correlates of protection/immunity and vaccine development with the challenge of SARS-CoV-2 variants”

June 23, 2021 NEJM: SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Vaccines by Krause et la – READ, see above CREDIT

  • “Viral variants of concern may emerge with dangerous resistance to the immunity generated by the current vaccines to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19)” [not prevent SARS-CoV-2, such a play on words]
  • “How reliably any immune biomarker can serve as a “correlate of protection” is not yet known. The effects of vaccination on such biomarkers (as surrogate end points) — if those biomarkers prove to be reliably predictive of the effects of vaccine on the incidence or outcome of breakthrough infections — could provide support for regulatory action regarding new candidate vaccines. However, caveats include the potential dependence of immune correlates of protection on vaccine-specific factors, viral strain, and the choice of Covid-19 study end points (i.e., any infection vs. symptomatic infection vs. severe disease).”


  • A breakdown of Relative Risk vs. Absolute Risk, and how Big Pharma manipulates the data on the absolute effectiveness of these failed vaccines, which leads the media and public into a false sense of security.
Images are from The HighwirE
Relative Risk 95%
Absolute Risk Reduction 0.76%

Does the data reflect 95% effective at reducing hospitalisation and death?

Graphs tracking Deaths, before and after COVID-19 vaccination by Country from October 2020 to April 2021

SOURCE: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) –
(Funded by Gates)


May 26, 2021 – Epoch Times: Fauci: Over 10,000 COVID-19 Infections Recorded in Americans Who Received a Vaccine: CDC -i.e. 10,262 Breakthrough Cases reported to CDC – READ

  • MMWR: COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections Reported to CDC — United States, January 1–April 30, 2021 – PDF, ARCHIVE [Reminder May 1, 2021 CDC stopped reporting all breakthroughs, only serious ones!]
    • Approximately 10% of the patients required hospital care, and 160, or about 1.5% died.
    • Data indicate that about three in 10 hospitalized patients were admitted for a reason unrelated to COVID-19 or with no symptoms.
    • The median age of those who died after getting vaccinated was 82 years – the ones it was supposed to protect the most
    • 60% were identified as stemming from variants B.1.1.7 variant (Later called Alpha variant)
    • The report acknowledge breakthrough cases are under reported due to passive, voluntary self reporting

May 18, 2021 – BMJ: Covid-19 vaccines: In the rush for regulatory approval, do we need more data? by Peter Doshi – READ, CREDIT

  • “Doshi made the case that insufficient data was available for regulatory approval: the necessary long-term follow up studies were either not being conducted or were years from completion and no bio-distribution data for the vaccines were available” – REF

May 1, 2021 – CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause – ARCHIVE

April 30, 2021 – CDC Vaccine Breakthrough Cases webpage – last report before their May 1, 2021 “change “transitions” to only reporting hospitalisations and death – ARCHIVE, All archives – HERE

April 19, 2021 – Bannons War Room: Dr. Harvey Risch: 60% of New Covid Patients Have Been VaccinatedWATCH, Gateway Pundit – READ

April 16, 2021 – CDC: April 16, 2021 the CDC posted a web page on Vaccine Breakthrough CasesARCHIVE, ALL Defining a breakthrough case – ARCHIVE

  • CDC justify the Breakthrough cases as: “no vaccines are 100% effective at preventing illness. There will be a small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated who still get sick, are hospitalized, or die from COVID-19.” They go on to state: “Vaccine breakthrough cases occur in only a small percentage of vaccinated persons
  • They start talking about variant being the reason for break through – REF
  • Internal CDC documents gained under FOIA in July 2023 by Epoch Times reveals they were planning “vaccine failure” since December 21, 2020, and that the kept changing the definition to make it appear less people were becoming infected following receiving a jab – REF, TIMELINE

April 15, 2021 – Epoch Times: 5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 74 Dead: CDC – READ

  • Despite receiving 2 doses of the mRNA Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, Americans were still contracting SARS-CoV-2 virus, it wasn’t stopping infection.
  • “Of the 5,814 fully vaccinated people who were confirmed as so-called breakthrough cases, nearly 400 required treatment at hospitals and 74 died. A little over 40 percent of the infections were in people 60 years of age or older, and 65 percent were female” in CDC email to Epoch Times – CDC- READ
  • Washington state Health Secretary Umair Shah said in a statement: “Finding evidence of vaccine breakthrough cases reminds us that, even if you have been vaccinated, you still need to wear a mask, practice social distancing, and wash your hands to prevent spreading COVID-19 to others who have not been vaccinated.

April 14, 2021 – Dr. Anthony Fauci responds to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who suggested that COVID vaccines don’t work: “That’s just a typical crazy conspiracy theory … Look at the data, the data are overwhelming.” says Fauci – TWEET – Fauci is used to “debunk” those who push against “The Science”. – ARTICLE

That’s just a typical crazy conspiracy theory. Why would we not tell people if it doesn’t work. Look at the data, the data are overwhelming.

In the three vaccines that have been approved for use in an emergency use authorisation. The J&J, the Pfizer, and the Moderna, you had 30,000, 44,000 and 40,000 people in the clinical trial with an overwhelming signal of efficacy. So I don’t have any idea what he’s talking about

Anthony Fauci
  • [Now look at Relative Risk vs Absolute Risk – May 27, 2021 above – In the Pfizer trial only 168 (160 control: 8 treatment) out of 44,000 clinical trial participants were used to determine the 95% efficacy figure.]

April 11, 2021 – Epoch Times: Fauci: No Concern About Number of People Testing Positive After COVID-19 Vaccination – READ

“I think the important thing is to look at what the denominator of vaccinated people is, because it is very likely—and what we’re hearing at least indirectly, and we’re certainly going to be confirming that—that that number of individuals who were breakthrough infections is not at all incompatible with a 90-plus percent vaccine efficacy.

So, I don’t think that there needs to be concern about any shift or change in the efficacy of the vaccine,”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told reporters during a virtual briefing
  • Even though many vaccinated are filling the hospitals and dying with a positive PCR test for COVID-19, they are promoting it is “small” in comparison to “the denominator of vaccinated people”.

April 11, 2021 – AP News: Top Chinese official admits vaccines have low effectiveness – China’s CDC Gao Fu – READ, China’s started trials with their mRNA vaccine

April 9, 2021 – The Washington Post: CDC ramps up scrutiny of rare post-vaccination ‘breakthrough infections’
Experts say the number of people testing positive for the virus after being inoculated is to be expected – READ, CREDIT

  • Of those vaccinated “…a small fraction have had “breakthrough infections,” testing positive for the virus after being inoculated and in rare cases requiring hospitalization, according to data from state health departments.” Yet “The precise number of these breakthrough cases is unknown” [so if number unknown, how do they know “a small fraction”]
  • The CDC “has had a team monitoring breakthrough infections since February [2021]”, less than 2 months post vaccine roll out! CDC “expects” breakthrough cases
  • “A fundamental goal of mass vaccinations is to create a collective barrier, known as herd immunity, against the spread of the virus.” [But this vaccine was never tested to see if it stopped the spread (prevent infection, stop transmission), efficacy was rated on protecting against showing symptoms i.e. “COVID-19” the disease aka symptoms]

April 6, 2021 – FDA | VRBPAC meeting: Data integrity and regulatory oversight a presentation by Peter Doshi – WATCH, CREDIT

March 17, 2021 – WHO: Evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness – READ, PDF, ARCHIVE, CREDIT

Evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness – March 17, 2021 – PDF
  • Interim best practice guidance on how to assess COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness (VE) using observational study designs
  • “by 28 February 2021, there have been over 110 million cases and 2.5 million deaths worldwide from COVID-19. Although most COVID-19 deaths occur among older adults and persons with chronic comorbid medical conditions, deaths have occurred in persons of all ages.” [Actually this was WITH or of, not from] According to WHO COVID-19 Dashboard accessed March 2, 2021 [Dashboard- ARCHIVE]
  • “In the future, COVID-19 vaccines might be conditionally authorized for use based on immunogenicity data, if this is thought to be a likely surrogate measure of efficacy, and such vaccines will require post-authorization evidence of VE against disease.”
  • 3.6 “One of the most important questions about COVID-19 vaccines is for how long they will prevent disease and/or infection. [“and” or “or”!!]…Because clinical trials might only follow-up participants for a few months for efficacy outcomes, assessing longer duration of protection of these vaccines will likely require post-licensure VE evaluations.”…” [“and” or “or”!!] ….”Importantly, we do not recommend that COVID-19 VE evaluations be conducted by all countries introducing COVID-19 vaccines”
  • “For some vaccines, waning can be detected by serological surveys that show decreases in protective antibody concentrations over time.” [So “protection” is attributed to “antibody concentrations”. Which ones and how much, and what really is protection?|

March 5, 2021 – TGA | ACCESS Consortium: Points to consider for strain changes in authorised COVID-19 vaccines in an ongoing SARS-COV-2 Pandemic – READ

  • “Regulatory concepts for influenza virus vaccines:
    • Antigen drift: Gradual change due to mutations, is typically the underlying reason for seasonal strain changes and updates.
    • Antigen shift: Usually via reassortment of genes, creating a novel influenza virus, with pandemic potential.
TGA is part of ACCESS Consortium

February 26, 2021 – Medicina: Outcome Reporting Bias in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trials by Ronald Brown – READ

  • Critical appraisal of “reports of efficacy in Pfzier/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine clinical trials.”
  • Pfzier/BioNTech vaccine BNT162b2
    • Relative risk reduction, 95.1%
    • Absolute risk reduction, 0.7%
    • Number needed to vaccinate = 142
  • Moderna vaccine mRNA-1273:
    • Relative risk reduction, 94.1%
    • Absolute risk reduction, 1.1%
    • Number needed to vaccinate = 88h

February 10, 2021 – International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA): ICMRA COVID-19 Virus Variants WorkshopREAD

  • Mass vaccination has begun …”However, over the last several months variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus have emerged in various part of the world and have become dominant..”
  • Vaccines: Possible minimal requirements for regulatory approval, or updated versions, of already-approved vaccines – …”In general, it was agreed that additional non-clinical safety studies would not be required. Data derived from animal challenge/protection studies in a relevant model could be considered supportive. However, clinical immunogenicity and safety data would provide primary evidence for determining the suitability of the variant vaccines.”
  • “T-cell responses are considered an important component of the immune response elicited by different vaccines contributing to protection, but it would not be feasible to measure them due to lack of currently available validated assays.”
  • Inference of efficacy would need to be supported by conducting clinical non-inferiority immunogenicity studies comparing the immune responses induced by a variant COVID-19 vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern to the immune responses induced by the prototype vaccine for which clinical studies demonstrated efficacy [Relative Risk Reductions in 200 people out of ~40K] and when administered according to the authorized dose and dosing regimen”
  • They use word the word of immune and protect interchangeably, along with the virus name and the disease name to hide the failure of the products they classify as vaccines:
    • “escape immunity”
    • “protect against COVID-19”
    • “protect against SARS-CoV-2 variants”
    • “protection against the 501Y.V2 variant”
    • “As no correlate of protection for COVID-19 vaccines has been established to date”
    • “…raising questions regarding the level of protection that can be conferred by currently authorized vaccines…”

January 30, 2021 (FOIA EMAIL) CDC’s Rochelle Walensky was aware of “vaccine breakthroughs“, thus the jab didn’t stop infection – so there is no community benefit -“Walensky was privately discussing breakthrough infections right at the start of the “vaccine” rollout in January 2021.” – TWEET, CREDIT, Washington Examiner – READ

Walensky breakthrough cases discussed Jan 30 2021
Walensky was privately discussing breakthrough infections right at the start of the “vaccine” rollout in January 2021. @HansMahncke – TWEET

January 28, 2021 – JAMA Viewpoint: SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines and the Growing Threat of Viral Variants – Moore and Paul Offit – READ – READ, This paper was referenced on Jan 30, 2021 by Walensky to Collins, Fauci re “breakthrough cases” (FOIA email) – READ

January 13, 2021 – Professor Allen Cheng email (obtained under Freedom of Information) Transmission and herd immunity- PDF, SOURCE

Why would we use a vaccine that mightn’t prevent transmission?…So, can COVID vaccines give us herd immunity? We currently don’t know.”

Allen Cheng FOIA email
  • A/Z subgroup[?] “only reduced asymptomatic infection by 8%”…”As overall infection was reduced, this would suggest that the AZ vaccine does reduce infectiousness so some degree, but even if all adults were vaccinated, it probably wouldn’t achieve herd immunity.”

Who is Prof Allen Cheng?

Professor Allen Cheng:

  • AusVacSafety – HERE
  • Member of “COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments for Australia – Science and Industry Technical Advisory Group” – HERE

January 4, 2021 – BMJ: Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—we need more details and the raw dataREAD, CREDIT

  • “While much fanfare has been given to the fact that the placebo group developed 162 cases of PCR confirmed COVID and the vaccine group developed 8 cases (resulting in a “95% efficacy” for the vaccine), there were also “3410 total cases of suspected, but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1594 of which occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group.” This was only possible to later discover from the FDA’s report and was never mentioned by the NEJM – REF
  • “More participants were excluded from the study for undisclosed reasons than were used to make the case for “95% vaccine efficacy.” 371 individuals were excluded from Pfizer’s efficacy analysis for “important protocol deviations on or prior to 7 days after Dose 2,” of which 311 were from the vaccine group vs. 60 from placebo. – REF
  • “Both of these raise major concerns on the actual efficacy for the vaccine.  For example, when the unconfirmed cases were included … Doshi calculated the vaccine was likely between 19% to 29% effective and hence failed to meet the minimum standards (a 50% efficacy) for approval.” …”the NEJM failed to disclose any of this is a testament to how corrupt the scientific publication industry has become.” – REF
  • “The higher use of fever medications in the vaccine arm suggested the trial was not blinded…”


December 29, 2020 – Business Insider: Top WHO scientist says vaccinated travelers should still quarantine, citing lack of evidence that COVID-19 vaccines prevent transmissionREAD, Reuters transmission fact check – READ

December 12, 2020 – The Telegraph: Vaccine passports make no sense if the Covid jabs don’t stop you spreading the virusREAD, The Highwire – TWEET

  • “If none of the vaccines do prevent transmission, but only prevent disease, then the whole notion of “vaccine passports” makes no sense.
  • Being vaccinated might protect you, but it doesn’t protect the people around you. A vaccinated social care worker who can’t get ill but can carry the virus from one care home to another still presents a risk to the elderly in her care.”

December 11, 2020 – FDA grants EUA to Pfizer’s CVODI-19 Vaccine – ARCHIVE, TIMELINE

  • “At this time, data are not available to make a determination about how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person.”

November 30, 2020?- Professor Sir John Bell,Oxford University, SAGE: “These vaccines are unlikely to “completely sterilize” a population [in the context of immunity not reproduction] – WATCH

  • “Although the vaccines in late-stage trials seem to be highly effective at preventing symptomatic COVID, we can’t yet be sure that they prevent transmission of the virus. For this, we would need a vaccine that provides so-called sterilising immunity. This is where immune cells can bind to the virus to prevent it from entering cells where it can start to replicate. So even six weeks after receiving the first jab, you may still get infected with the coronavirus – even if you don’t get sick.”

November 26, 2020 – BMJ: Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—let’s be cautious and first see the full dataREAD

November 23, 2020 –AstraZeneca | Press Release: AZD1222 vaccine met primary efficacy endpoint in preventing COVID-19 – READ

November 18, 2020 – CNN: Pfizer and BioNTech say final analysis shows coronavirus vaccine is 95% effective with no safety concerns – READ

November 10, 2020 – Dr Malcolm Kendrick: Ninety per cent – READ [Had to put this here – priceless!]

  • ‘Ladies and gentlemen, roll-up, roll-up, roll-up. My new product, just brought to the market this very day, prevents ninety per-cent, yes ninety per-cent of all known things happening to you….”
  • ‘You sir, you still want to know what a thing is. Goodness me, you’re not one of those anti-product protestors are you….”Our product can prevent ninety per cent of things. If that is not enough to convince you sir, then I have no[t] idea what else I can say.”

October 28, 2020 – eLife: Escape from neutralizing antibodies by SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants by Weisblum et al- READ [During clinical trial phase, before any emergency use apporval of the injectable products]

  • “…shortly after Doshi’s editorial was published, a comprehensive study was published showing theSARS-CoV-2 spike protein was already evolving immunity to the antibodies directed towards it from natural immunity which raised early questions about the long term viability of pharmaceuticals directed against the original spike protein (this issue became much worse once the mRNA vaccines rapidly accelerated this trend leading to the sad situation now where we are mandating a dangerous vaccine for a virus that no longer exists).” – REF

October 21, 2020 – British Medial Journal (BMJ) Feature: Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us by Peter Doshi – READ

  • The COVID-19 vaccine “trials are not focused on answering the questions many might assume they are”
  • None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.”
  • “Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of transmission,” Zaks said, “because in order to do that you have to swab people twice a week for very long periods, and that becomes operationally untenable.”
  • “The vaccine trials were only designed to evaluate if minor disease related symptoms were prevented by vaccination and not changes in clinically meaningful outcomes like hospitalizations or deaths.” – REF

July 17, 2020 – ICAN: Covid-19 Vaccine Clinical Trials: Failure to Properly Assess Safety and Efficacy -Vaccine watchdog ICAN sued the FDA to ensure placebo controls would be used in clinical trials – READ

July 14, 2020 – NEJM – preprint: An mRNA Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 — Preliminary Report – Jackson et al Moderna mRNA-1273 study group – READ, More on Moderna – HERE

  • This “rushed phase 1 trial data (n=45, age 33 years) from Moderna conceded they had no correlate of protection against SARS-CoV-2.” – REF
  • “Throwing caution to the wind, the NIH announced the US government was funding the entire Moderna trial just a few weeks after the Jackson publication.” – REF
    • July 27, 2020 – NIH New Release: Phase 3 clinical trial of investigational vaccine for COVID-19 begins – Multi-site trial to test candidate developed by Moderna and NIH. – READ
  • “Pfizer had made all the same mistakes just a few weeks ahead Moderna on the timeline. The hubris for a vaccine and a “needle in every arm” clouded the judgement of investigators and government lackeys, and America and the world were doomed to suffer through the worse mass vaccination program in the history of mankind.” – REF

July 14, 2020 – Clinical | Moderna TX: A Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, and Immunogenicity of mRNA-1273 Vaccine in Adults Aged 18 Years and Older to Prevent COVID-19READ, ARCHIVE

July 13, 2020 – Harvard Business School | Working Knowledge: Merck CEO Ken Frazier Discusses a COVID Cure, Racism, and Why Leaders Need to Walk the Talk – READ, CREDIT

There are a lot of examples of vaccines in the past that have stimulated the immune system, but ultimately didn’t confer protection

Merck CEO Ken Frazier

June 2020 – HHS| FDA | CBER: Development and Licensure of Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19 | Guidance for Industry – PDF

  • COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Will Be Rigorously Evaluated for Safety – “The only COVID-19 vaccines the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will make available for use in the United States (by approval or emergency use authorization) are those that meet these standards.” – CREDIT
  • [The regulatory, clinical trial, guidance was not to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection or transmission, but the symptoms known as COVID-19 and stated in the document: “The virus has been named “SARS-CoV-2” and the disease it causes has been named “COVID-19.””
    • Look at “protecting humans from SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or disease.” – note they do distinguishe virus from symptoms
  • Curiously PCR is only mentioned twice in the entire document:
    • “Acute cases of COVID-19 should be virologically confirmed (e.g., by RT-PCR).”
    • “Diagnostic assays used to support the pivotal efficacy analysis (e.g., RT-PCR) should be sensitive and accurate for the purpose of confirming infection and should be validated before use.”

May 23, 2020 – New Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows coronavirus conspiracy theories spreading on the right may hamper vaccine efforts – READ

  • “44 percent of Republicans believe that Bill Gates is plotting to use a mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign as a pretext to implant microchips in billions of people and monitor their movements”
  • FACT: Gates is funding vaccination tracking – quantum dots/tatoo to track vaccination status – HERE,
  • The microchip idea likely stems from Aaron Russo – WATCH, this tech is out of date
  • FACT: Today Nano Technology is a Science: nano scale robotics and self-assembling technologies are real – Nature Magazine – ARCHIVE
  • Graphene Oxide or Hydrogel are technology substances that can self-assemble and could be mixed in a vaccine solution. It’s possible – WATCH
  • Then there is the creepy 666 Microsoft cryptocurrency tracking patent issued March 26, 2020 – PDF
  • FACT: The COVID-19 pandemic is the start of voluntary tracking via phone apps, and the use of a vaccine passport. Incremental changes to get to the ultimate goal of the globalists!
  • What does all this have to do with vaccine efficacy? They need the vaccines to at least appear to be working, so their global tracking-control one-world government agenda can continue. How else will they get you to accept digital tracking?

April 30, 2020: Gates Notes by Bill Gates: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine – Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus – READ

perfect drug to treat COVID-19” – the specific disease, but what defines perfect?
vaccinated against coronavirus” – very broad, not the specific SARS-CoV-2 virus, his plan from the start!

April 29, 2020 – Interllectual Takeout: COVID-19 Lockdowns May Destroy Our Immune Systems – READ


2017 – Viruses: Chapter 6 – Immunity and Resistance to Viruses – READ

  • Adaptive immune system responses include antibodies that neutralize viruses. They are slower to develop, but have an important “memory” component

Effective vaccines trigger protective, long-lasting adaptive responses.


May 16, 2013 – BMJ: Influenza: marketing vaccine by marketing disease – The CDC pledges “To base all public health decisions on the highest quality scientific data, openly and objectively derived.” But … in the case of influenza vaccinations and their marketing, this is not so – by Peter Doshi

  • In 2013 – 135 million doses of influenza vaccine annually enter the US market, up from 23 million in 1990

March 18, 2013 – JAMA internal Medicine | Special Article: Influenza Vaccines – Time for a Rethink by Peter Doshi – READ, PDF

  • “I show that there is no good evidence that vaccines reduce serious complications of influenza, the outcomes the policy is meant to address. Moreover, promotional messages conflate “influenza” (disease caused by influenza viruses) with “flu” (a syndrome with many causes, of which influenza viruses appear to be a minor contributor).” [sound familiar for the COVID pandemic?, remember “assumed” COVID-19, compare this to pneumonia deaths numbers are always grouped with “influenza” deaths, and then there is THIS…]


December 14, 2007 – Wiley Online Library: Primary Efficacy Endpoint by Dean Follmann – READ, SOURCE