Through February & March 2021 it was reported President Joe Biden was starting to talk about his $1 billion “public awareness campaign” to “sell Americans on getting a coronavirus vaccine” to “build enthusiasm for shots” – but at that time vaccines were in short supply, so the campaign was on hold. [1, 2]

The Trump administration had already ordered 550 million doses, but Biden seems’ to want to lay claim “ordering more” according to Levin.

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch through FOIA, reveal that by April 19, 2021 through to May 31, 2021 the Biden administration set upon a Public Education Campaign (PEC) plan to pay for and use all means such as media, celebraties and Evangelical leaders to create and push vaccine engagement packages. The $1 billion campaign pushed “only positive coverage about Covid vaccines. [3]

“These records show a disturbing and massive campaign by the Biden administration to propagandize and politicize the controversial COVID vaccine,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It seems as if the entire entertainment industry was an agent for the government!”

Upon the rollout of the vaccines in December 2020, $250 million was spent targeting not the so-called “anti-vaxxers”(2 in 10 people) but on “swaying” those who were “simply unsure” about the new vaccines.  Dr Fauci wanted 75-80% of the US to get vaccinated so the country “could” reach herd immunity – [for which there was no knowledge at that time whether the jabs would stop transmission – as the companies didn’t test for it]