COVID-19 Pandemic
Timeline of significant global and Australian data points for the fourth year of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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CDC finally release their VAERS analysis – alarming vaccine safety signals revealed
On January 3, 2023 the CDC finally released their Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) “early warning systems” safety monitoring analyses for Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. The Epoch Times had to seek the data via Freedom of Information (FOIA).
The CDC conducted Proportional Reporting Patio (PRR) analysis on adverse events reported to VAERS from Dec. 14, 2020 through to July 29, 2022 revealing alarmingly, hundreds of adverse events (AEs) which meet the safety signal definition, such as Bell’s palsy, blood clotting and death! [1]
Files for your own analysis can be sourced HERE
Paper sets the stage for pushing “next-generation” vaccines
On January 11, 2023 a paper on Rethinking next-generation vaccines where the authors discussed “possible approaches to developing next-generation vaccines against these viruses, in consideration of several variables such as vaccine antigen configuration, dose and adjuventation, route and timing of vaccination, vaccine boosting, adjunctive therapies, and options for public health vaccination polices.”
These same three authors David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger and Anthony S. Fauci were instrumental in “identifying” the 1918 pandemic “influenza” virus from genetic material obtained from 2 preserved lungs and an exhumed obese inuet woman preserved in permafrost from an Alaskan mass grave (1997). [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
In the mid 1997 Morens and Taubenberger worked for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and following 9/11 Fauci received a payrise from the Military as the “biodefense” national security official overseeing research. [5]
Taubenberger in 1997 stated the 1918 pandemic killed 20 million world wide, then by 2003 he upped that to 40 million, in 2006 it increased to 50 million with 100 years on, in 2018 the CDC reiterated, but by 2019 that Spanish Flu death toll estimate had increased to 100 million world wide!
WEF Davos 2023 begins coining the term “polycrisis”
The annual World Economic Forum conference kicks off in Davos, Switzerland from 16th to 20th January 2023, this years title: Cooperation in a Fragmented World.
The ‘economic’ conference of un-elected members who purport to be helping the world, but actually use their platform for the “controlled reveal of their plans”, covered the topics of “polycrisis” in many areas” [1]
- Economy
- Ukraine war with Russia
- Trade
- Climate
- Technology – OpenAI’s ChatGPT launched Nov 2022
- China
- Inflation
- Financial Services
- Vaccines and Digital ID’s
What they did NOT talk about was “The Great Reset” and “Build Back Better” – which have received great public backlash since their reveal in 2020.
Oxfam reveals the richest 1% grabbed 2/3 of new global wealth
On January 16, 2023 Oxfam International released their new Survival of the Richest report which revealed that the richest 1% gained about 63% of new wealth created between 2020-2021, worth about $42 trillion, almost twice as much money as the bottom 99% of the world’s population. [1, 2].
The report referred to a “global polycrisis” developing throughout the world. Ironically “polycrisis” was the very term that the rich “elites” of the World Economic Forum in Davos introduced into the “corporate risk lexicon” this same week, warning the world! [3, 4, 5]
South African advocates call to “stop the jab”, pending investigation
On January 18, 2022 South African mainstream news reports that advocacy group Transformative Health Justice [1, 2] call for the COVID-19 vaccines to be suspended, pending investigation, over concerns of adverse side effects and deaths related to the COVID-19 vaccines. They’re asking that the “precautionary principle” be adhered to.
Sabelo Sibanda says that there has been a high rise in patients reporting to doctors unexplained symptoms where the common denominator has been the people have received the COVID-19 vaccine.
Japan to downgrade COVID-19 to seasonal flu status
On January 20, 2023 Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced plans by spring to downgrade the legal status of COVID-19 from a Class 2 disease to a Class 5, the equivalent of seasonal influenza. [1]
This means the relaxing of mask wearing, remove self-isolation rules and other anti-virus requirements and allow COVID-19 patients to seek treatment at any hospital instead of only specialized facilities.
TGA considers Moderna’s Spikevax “vaccine PLATFORM” for Full Registration
On January 20, 2023 Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) announced that they have , received the first application to transition a provisionally-approved (PA) COVID-19 vaccine to full registration. [1, 2]
Moderna have applied to transition their COVID-19 vaccine (SPIKEVAX) from Provisional to Full registration – for individuals 6 years and over, and as a booster dose for individuals aged 12 years and older!
Moderna’s “Genetic vaccine platform” called “Spikevax (elasomeran, Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA-1273)” received Provisional Approval by TGA on August 9, 2021, just 17 months previous, for a brand new technology product.
On August 29, 2022 the TGA announced it had granted PA for Moderna’s bivalent COVID-19 vaccine (elasomeran/imelasomeran, the original virus and the BA.1 Omicron variant) for use as a booster dose [not primary dose] in adults 18 years+.
On January 10, 2023 Australia’s Department of Health stated that “Moderna (original) vaccine is no longer being manufactured”. The “original” formulation is for the code mRNA-1273 or elasomeran, for which PA was granted! [3]
On December 13, 2021, the Victorian government announced an agreement in-principle to build a Moderna mRNA manufacturing plant in Australia to make a “range of mRNA vaccines“, barely 4 months after the TGA first granted emergency (PA) use for this new technology product! [4]
TGA is considering Spikevax – Moderna’s “vaccine platform” for full registration, not the product which was granted PA in 2021. So, irrespective of the specific protein for which the genetic, modified mRNA code tricks the body into making, the TGA appears to be considering all proteins to be “safe” by default!
China’s first mRNA vaccine trials begin – Omicron-specific
On January 22, 2023 it was reported that China National Biotec Group (CNBG), a subsidiary of China National Pharmaceutical Group Co Ltd (Sinopharm) had received regulatory approval by their State Drug Administration to begin clinical trials of China’s first mRNA COVID-19 vaccine targeting specifically the Omicron variants. [1]
Jia Weiguo, chief scientist at CNBG’s Virogin Biotech Company, based in Shanghai, says the new advanced mRNA-LNP encapsulation technology “has proved effective in preventing infection in animal trials”!
Virogin, “has built a research and development platform, as well as production lines with an annual capacity of 2 billion doses of mRNA vaccine. They can quickly produce mRNA vaccines to deal with pandemics”. “China’s annual COVID-19 vaccine production capacity has reached 7 billion doses”
Gao Fu, former head of China’s CDC [and sat on Event 201 panel, etc] “suggested that approval procedures for COVID-19 vaccines should be similar to those for influenza vaccines”.
The only foreign mRNA vaccines allowed in China are BioNTech doses shipped by Germany late last year and being given to expatriate Germans living there, but Moderna are in talks with China.
Currently global emergency approved vaccines are for Wuhan strain (original) or a bivalent (Wuhan plus and Omicron variant) version, no Omicron only vaccine.
Booster jab offer to end in the UK, transitioning to targeted approach
On January 25, 2023 the UK government’s Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JVCI) advised to phase out the COVID-19 booster jab offer to everyone, and transition toward the vulnerable population as a more targeted strategy. [1, 2, 3] There has been dwindling uptake of the booster vaccines!
The JCVI recommended people aged 16 to 49 who are not at clinical risk from COVID-19 should no longer need a vaccine. Healthy under-50s, will no longer be offered a booster vaccine after February 12, 2023 following “dwindling uptake of boosters jabs among the young and healthy”. [4, 5, 6]
A “focused” approach to those at risk of the disease is what The Great Barrington Declaration proposed in October 2020!
The UK data shows rediculously high number of people needed to be vaccinated in order to prevent one hospitalization from COVID-19.
VRBPAC meeting: 3 Big Pharma’s discuss their Vaccine Platforms
On January 26, 2023 the FDA’s advisory committee, VRBPAC, held their 178th meeting to Discuss Future Vaccination Regimens Addressing COVID-19. Discussions included next generation vaccines such as mucosal, plus Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech and Novavax got to speak about their Vaccine Platforms, updating the genetic code.
With the FDA accepting these vaccine platforms all they need to do in the future is “assess” the “varient” for whatever virus they choose to target with the vaccine!
The emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines during the pandemic has allowed, in record time, Big Pharma companies to establish their new technology vaccine platforms into the market, Platforms that can encode for whatever virus variant they choose!
What are the chances of 3 independent companies, introducing brand new technology products, all successfully gaining regulatory approval at the same time, in a record timeframe? Now every emerging and existing disease can have a vaccine solution – just as Gates [1, 2], Fauci [2], Daszak et al wanted. [4, 5]
Cochrane review: masks make “little or no difference”
On January 30, 2023 the Cochrane collaboration “published an incredibly thorough and comprehensive review of the masking literature.” Their systematic review paper looked at physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses. They conclued that “wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness (ILI)/COVID‐19 like illness compared to not wearing masks…[or] …the outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza/SARS‐CoV‐2 compared to not wearing masks”. [1, 2, 3, 4]
This is an update of a November 2020 review and lead author Professor Tom Jefferson said “the evidence really didn’t change from 2020 to 2023. There’s still no evidence that masks are effective during a pandemic.” [5]
The WHO already knew this as they published a systematic review in September 2019 effectively concluding mask are ineffective for stopping the spread of influenza or preventing, a respiratory virus.
FDA petition to amend mRNA label: including inaccurate notion of “efficacy against infection and tranmission”
On January 31, 2023 the Coalition Advocating for Adequately Labeled Medicines (CAALM) petitioned the FDA to “amend current product labeling” for Pfizer-BioNTech’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The petition was heavily cited.
Stating “[i]ncomplete, inaccurate, or misleading labeling of any medical product can negatively impact the health and safety of Americans, with global ramifications considering the international importance of FDA decisions.”
They noted “[t]here is a widespread (but inaccurate) notion that efficacy against infection and transmission have been established by substantial evidence, and that these vaccines contribute to herd immunity.” Statements that have been inacurately repeated by “authorities”.
On April 18, 2023 the FDA resonded in a letter [1] with the alarming statement:
“FDA authorization and licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission…Similarly, a vaccine can meet the EUA standard without any evidence that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission.” [pg 11]
[So what is the purpose of a vaccine?
If a vaccine doesn’t prevent infection or stop transmission how does it contribute to herd immunity?
Define “protection”! Isn’t reducing symptoms (it this is protection) put the product in the category of a drug? Then the product would undergo a more stringent regulatory pathway, and the manufactures be open to liablity claims.]
The Norfolk Blueprint – questions for the COVID-19 commission
On February 6, 2023 eight leading scientist known as The Norfolk Group released The Norfolk Blueprint comprising 80 pages of scientific questions that “need to be answered” by the US COVID-19 commission to address the failure of the public health establishment during the pandemic. [1, 2, 3]
ATAGI no longer recommend boosters for children under 18 yrs
On February 8, 2023 Australias vaccine advisory committee, ATAGI, no longer recommends a COVID-19 booster dose “for children and adolescents aged under the age of 18 who do not have any risk factors for severe COVID-19.”
In August 3, 2022 ATAGI began recommending COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months of age, it was already recommended for >5 years.
But for other age groups “COVID-19 vaccine can be co-administered with influenza and other vaccines.”!
CDC adds COVID-19 vaccine to childhood vaccine schedule – to help “normalise” it!
On February 10, 2023 the CDC adds COVID-19 vaccines to the US childhood immunization schedule, not for health or community transmission reasons (which it doesn’t target) but to help “normalize” the COVID-19 vaccine and sends a “powerful message” everyone over six months of age to “stay up to date” with recommended COVID-19 vaccines. [1, 2, 3, 4]
It comes as the FDA are considering switching the COVID-19 vaccine to a yearly schedule similar to the flu shot program, and as ACIP were considering the bivalent shot as a primary series.
Since 1986, any vaccine on the childhood schedule means the vaccine manufacturer is exempt of liability!
On October 19, 2022 the ACIP committee began discussing adding COVID-19 vaccines to the childhood schedule, for “the prevention of COVID-19″ [5] Stating it “is an important step toward inclusion of COVID 19 vaccines in routine vaccination program”and that “[e]quitable access to COVID 19 vaccines for all ages and populations remains critically important.”
This schedule vaccine-type addition allows the CDC to “begin the steps necessary to award contracts for COVID-19 vaccines”, which the United States Governments (USG) response had been funding nationally while under “emergency” status.
Florida mRNA “Health Alert” – life-threatening conditions increased >4,400%
On February 15, 2023 the Florida Dept. of Health released a “Health Alert” to notify the “health care sector and public” of “a substantial increase in Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports from Florida after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout” of which reports of “life-threatening conditions increased over 4,400%“. [1]
This unprecedented, “novel increase” prompted the Surgeon General to write a letter to the FDA and CDC informing them of the need for “unbiased research”, and requested the “agencies promote transparency in health care professionals to accurately communicate the risks these vaccines pose.”
The report noted Florida’s findings are “consistent” with emerging scientific publications that are uncovering such life-threatening and debilitating adverse event risks. He included a recent study which showed “excess risk of serious adverse events” associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines included “coagulation disorders, acute cardiac injuries, Bell’s palsy, and encephalitis. This risk was 1 in 550 individuals, which is much higher than other vaccines.”
In Oct 2022 Florida recommended young males to refrain from taking the mRNA vaccine due to an 84% increase in cardiac-related deaths in males aged 18-39.
Nearly 70% of the worlds population has had at least one COVID-19 shot. Low income countries have low vax rate and low COVID-19 deaths.
By February 20, 2023 as reported on Our World in Data website 69.5% of the worlds population had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Worldometer has the current global population of 8.017 billion.
In total 13.29 billion doses have been administered globally since December 2, 2020, accounting for all first dose, second dose and booster doses.
According to the World Bank and using Worldometer stats on February 21, 2023, “Low Income Countries” account for 7.9% of the global population (~636 million out of ~8.017 billion). Low Income (LI) countries have 26.9% of the people receiving at least one dose of the vaccine (~170 million people), and in those countries, cummulatively 43,527 people (~0.0068% LI population) have died from COVID-19, compared to world in total ~5.572 billion people have been jabbed, and 6.791 million people (~0.0847% current world population) have died from COVID-19. Low income countries, with lower vaccination rates have lower comparative COVID-19 death rate compared to the rest of the world.
Australia (NSW) establishes RNA Australia w/ “Pilot” manufacturing plant
March 2023 as a joint venture between the NSW Government and five founding university member established RNA Australia as an initiative to support the RNA Research and a Pilot Manufacturing Facility with the aim to “stimulate the broader NSW RNA ecosystem. RNA Australia will connect industries with university researchers, identify priority research areas and support the commercialisation of RNA R&D.” [1, 2]
A first-of-its-kind $96 Million RNA facility including RNA Research and Pilot Manufacturing Facility is to be constructed at Connect Macquarie Park Innovation District at Macquarie University campus – with the aim of being a global leader.
- On February 21, 2023 it was announced that the factory design, build and operations will be led by Myeloid Therapeutics, a clinical-stage mRNA-immunotherapy company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, specialising in cancer. [3]
- November 2, 2023 – RNA Australia released Research and Pilot Manufacturing Facility designs and artist impression
- May 8, 2024 – NSW announces RNA Research and Pilot Manufacturing Facility moves closer to construction with the appointment of the main works contractor Hindmarsh Construction
The NSW Government’s $96 million investment for the development of an RNA Research and Pilot Manufacturing Facility was first announced in October 2021.
The NSW Government aims to “accelerate the translation of local RNA research into new products, services and jobs through a $119 million RNA R&D Initiatives package over 10 years”
“The COVID pandemic has demonstrated to the world that it is critically important that we have the capability to develop vaccines quickly and for our country to have sovereign capability.
The advent of mRNA vaccines and the crucial role they’ve played in getting NSW back on the road to a pandemic recovery is just the beginning of what this incredible emerging medical technology can do
There is no better state than NSW to grow Australia’s emerging RNA industry into a global player.”
Premier Dominic Perrottet
10 myths told by designated experts — now debunked
On Febraury 28, 2023, Public health researcher Dr Marty Makary from Johns Hopkins University published online the article titled “10 myths told by Covid experts — now debunked“. For nearly 3 years, credentialed science and medical experts have been trying to make the public, and officials, aware of the actual data-driven science supporting a counter-COVID-19 narrative, claims which the fact checkers said was “misinformation” as it went against the governent-sanctioned narrative.
The following narratives are now debunked:
- Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity
- Masks prevent Covid transmission
- School closures reduce Covid transmission
- Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection
- Young people benefit from a vaccine booster
- Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates
- Covid originating from the Wuhan Lab is a conspiracy theory
- It was important to get the 2nd vaccine dose 3 or 4 weeks after the 1st dose
- Data on the bivalent vaccine is “crystal clear”
- One in five people get long Covid
The Lockdown Files begin
On March 1, 2023 the first installment of The Lockdown Files was released by UK’s Telegraph . Telegraph has obtained “more than 100,000 WhatsApp messages sent between ministers, officials and others – show how the Government used scare tactics to force compliance and push through lockdowns.”
Isabel Oakeshott was contracted to write Matt Hancock’s memoirs [@43:30], but instead she broke that contract and supplied Hancock’s WhatsApp messages to The Telegraph because the public “deserve to know” officials were not actually “following the science” but a political power agenda. [1, 2]
The behind the scene text exchanges “shed new light” on the topics of lockdowns, testing, school closures, face masks, care home deaths all in relation to the COVID-19 “pandemic”.
CDC recommends 9th CV-19 shot, to be “up to date”, doesn’t match new circulating variant
On March 1, 2023, the same day the CDC downgraded COVID-19 to flu status, they recommended that adults 65+ get another booster shot, their 9th all up, which is promoted as the 2nd EG.5 variant shot which is called “updated” shot, for a varient that is extinct, the dominant variant in circulation Jan/Feb 2024 is JN.1, rendering updated vaccines useless. [1, 2, 3]
CDC’s director Cohen claims that “most COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations last year were among people 65 years and older. An additional vaccine dose can provide added protection that may have decreased over time for those at highest risk,” [4]
In just a three year timeframe, the CDC’s vaccine advisory committee (ACIP) has recommended 9 separate injections of a shot that was once advertised as the cure that would get us out of the pandemic. [4]
In their guidance they make curious statements that “over 95% of adults hospitalized in 2023-2024 due to COVID-19 had no record of receiving the latest vaccine”, but then state there is a ” high degree of population immunity against COVID-19. More than 98% of the U.S. population now has some degree of protective immunity against COVID-19 from vaccination, prior infection, or both”, yet they still recommend the vaccine for the elderly.
Silicon Valley Bank: largest bank collapse since 2008 financial crisis
On March 10, 2023 California Regulator, the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation, shut down Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) “due to the bank losing over 60% of its value after the company disclosed major losses from security sales” due to rising interest rates, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was appointed the receiver. This is the largest bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis. [4, 6]
SVB, the 17th largest US bank, holds $173 billion of deposits, FDIC insures up to $250,000 per depositor, but 90% of depositors had more than this figure held in the bank. The CEO allegedly sold $3.5 million in stocks in the preceeding 2 weeks.
Silicon valley start-up companies use SVB – it is said that if the government doesn’t “bail out” the bank, an “extinction level event” for start-up’s as 10 years of innovation could be lost. Big Tech invests elsewhere. [1, 2, 3, 5]
The Treasury Department stepped in on Sunday March 12, 2023 “to guarantee that all customers of the failed Silicon Valley Bank would have access to their full deposits on Monday”, Biden “assured” no public bail out, that it would come “from the fee’s that the banks deposit into the insurance fund” and also stated the SVB bank management would be fired. Venture Capitalists sponsor 99+% of depositors, who could foot their bill…and not the tax payer [13]
- Trading halted on 30 banks when the markets opened. [7, 12]
- Federal reserve to review itself for “regulatory failure”. [8]
- Biden blames Trump for banks failure!
- Late Sunday March 12, 2023 regulators also shut down Signature Bank following $10 billion in deposits withdrawn. [9, 10, 11] A shady bank!
- SVB had only one qualified board member, the rest were Dem “mega-donors”, and for 9 mths prior to collapse, now head of “risk management”. [13]
- SVB had a debt-to-equity ratio of 185:1, and in Q4 2020 was ‘technically insolvent‘.
- It was bailed out [14]
“This is the beginning of a deflationary cycle. SVB just happens to be the headline. Fed response will cause relief near term but over time this will just continue to get worse…we are in a recession that will continue to get worse.” stated Ed Dowd
German health minister admits vaccine injury is 1 per 10,000 doses
On March 12, 2023, German Health Minister, Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach went on a German news and admitted that COVID-19 vaccine injury is occuring at a rate of 1 per 10,000 doses, with no way of helping the injured. With 2 doses per vaccine that equates to 1 in every 5000 people. [1, 2]
“We need to get faster at recognising the vaccine injuries, ane we’re slowly gaining a clear understanding of the situation. …according to the latest research data, severe vaccine injuries are very rare. The incidence is less than one per 10,000 vaccinations. So it’s not like the injury is common.”!
It is reported that “more than 300,000 cases of vaccine side effects have accumulated in the Ministry’s own system, and more and more people are lodging compensation claims against the stat”
Pfizer’s public documents define “rare” side effects as 1 in 10,000 to as few as 1 in 1,000 doses.
China’s first mRNA COVID-19 vaccine approved for emergency use
On March 22, 2023 China has approved, for emergency use, its first COVID-19 vaccine based on mRNA technology, 3 months after the country lifted strict ‘zero covid’ containment measures in Dec 2022, following massive lockdown protests. The mRNA vaccine (SYS6006) was developed by CSPC Pharmaceutical Group, a Chinese firm based in the northern Chinese city of Shijiazhuang. [1]
The SYS6006 vaccine covers the Omicron subvariant “BA.5’s core mutation at the spike mutation positions”, the trials was done as a booster shot in previously vaccinated trial participants. [2]
Jin Dong-yan, a Hong Kong virologist, said “there is strong scientific evidence that mRNA vaccines do much better than non-MRA vaccines,”. “Until now, China has approved only inactivated vaccines made by Sinovac Biotech and Sinopharm Group, two Beijing-based drugmakers.”
A Chinese CDC official said in April 2021 that Chinese mRNA-based vaccines had “entered the clinical trial stage”. [3]
WHO: vaccine guidance for the “Omicron era” – BA.5 bivalent now considered “primary series”
On March 28, 2023 following the WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) meeting, they updated the COVID-19 vaccination guidance with a roadmap for priotizing the vaccines in the “the Omicron era”. [1]
With an “overall decline in disease severity“, and with a “high level of [herd] immunity” globally, in all age groups, as a result of either infection [natural immunity], vaccine-induced immunity, or hybrid immunity, the guidance is now based on a “simplified” prioriry classification of low, medium and high risk grouping. [1]
Healthy children and adolescents are now “low priority” for COVID-19 vaccination, even though “[p]rimary and booster doses are safe and effective in children and adolescents” – but a high priority for children is their routine vaccinations.
Vaccinating pregnant “persons” to “protects both them and the fetus”, is a priority as “the burden of severe COVID-19 in infants under 6 months is still higher than in children aged 6 months to 5 years” [!!!]
SAGE make no mention of COVID-19 vaccine risks or mounting injuries, particularly in the working age groups and children or pregnancy.
“SAGE also updated their recommendations on bivalent COVID-19 vaccines, now recommending that countries can consider using BA.5 bivalent mRNA vaccine for the primary series”, not just a booster!
Former President Trump is indicted
On Thursday March 30, 2023 Donald J. Trump became the first former president to ever be criminally indicted for undisclosed charges. The unprecedented [7, 8, 10] indictment came as a result of ,Soros backed, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s investigation into so-called ‘hush payments’ to porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy centerfold Karen McDougal, allegedly on behalf of Trump ahead of the 2016 election. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12] Federal regulators said the payment violated no law, so “looks like it’s politically motivated”! [9]
You have to squint and hang upside down for hours to make this case look like “the law
Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi, a Democrat, sumed up this “indictment” in a tweet
Trump responded in a statement [11, 20]:
This is Political Persecution and Election Interference at the highest level in history…
From the time I came down the golden escalator at Trump Tower, and even before I was sworn in as your President of the United States, the Radical Left Democrats – the enemy of the hard-working men and women of this Country – have been engaged in a Witch-Hunt to destroy the Make America Great Again movement. You remember it just like I do: Russia, Russia, Russia; the Mueller Hoax; Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine; Impeachment Hoax 1; Impeachment Hoax 2; the illegal and unconstitutional Mar-a-Lago raid; and now this.
Trump is leading the polls in his run for re-election in 2024! Tucker Carlson on “equal justice“. Trump’s lawyer, Joseph Tacopina responds.
I think any first year law student could get this dismissed in front of any objective judge…
says Professor Alan Dershowitz
Trumps “witch hunt” makes headlines to distract from what is truly going on – Biden crimes, Banking crisis & the dollar collapse, Excess Deaths and unprecedented disabilities, J6 revelations, etc. [6]
Is this action to inflame The People, because they want them to go kinetic ?
Leading up to Easter, on Tuesday April 4, 2023 Former President Donald Trump appeared in Manhattan Supreme Court in front of Judge Juan Merchan. The 16-page indictment was unsealed, “34 felony counts of falsifying business records in connection with a scheme that directed hush money payments to two women before the 2016 presidential election”. [13]. The “34 counts center on just three separate payouts; Bragg ran the number up by counting every document Trump signed”, and they “don’t even actually specify the felony crimes.”
“The gist of the case against President Trump lies in some accounting entries that were supposedly made years ago in the Trump Organization” [14, 15] All counts “depend on linking them to campaign-law violation…Otherwise, the fraud is just a misdemeanor crime that’s long past the statute of limitations.” [19]
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked Karine Jean-Pierre if Biden is concerned he will also be indicted [for his alleged crimes] after a local DA set a precedent by indicting a former president.”
Trump’s legal team “may well have a “selective enforcement” excuse: No Republican county DA, notably, tried anything like this over the Hillary Clinton campaign’s falsification of records to fund the Steele Dossier in an effort to turn the 2016 election”!
DA Alvin Bragg wanted to make good on his campaign promise to “get Trump,” – it’s political. [16, 21]
Switzerland withdraws all COVID-19 vaccination recommendations
On April 3, 2023 Switzerland’s Federal Office of Public Health announced they no longer recommend COVID-19 vaccination for any one, “in principle”, until further review. “People at especially high risk can receive a vaccination following an individual consultation with their doctor”, who now “bear the risk of liability for vaccination damage”. [1] Entering the country exempt of vaccination.
The “Swiss drug regulator is in the process of being sued for negligence in approving the injections”. It is increasingly becoming known that the COVID-19 vaccines and the resultant spike protien are causing more harm than good. [2]
At the time, the US CDC still recommended everyone as young as 6 months of age to “stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines.”! [3]
US ends Pandemic Emergency
On April 10, 2023 after 3 years the United States terminated it’s “national emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic” a month earlier than planned. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] President Trump declared the National Emergency on Friday 13th March, 2020.
“Biden signed the legislation behind closed doors on the eve of his trip Tuesday to Northern Ireland and the White House acknowledged the milestone without fanfare in a brief late-afternoon email that read: “On Monday, April 10, 2023, the President signed into law: H.J.Res. 7, which terminates the national emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic.”” [7]
All of the pandemic measures did not curb deaths in the US, compared to Sweden who did not lockdown.
Paper: Vaccines Alone Cannot Slow the Evolution of SARS-CoV-2
On April 16, 2023 Van Egeren et al published in the journal Vaccines the paper titled Vaccines Alone Cannot Slow the Evolution of SARS-CoV-2.
After performing “meticulous calculations of spread and virulence according to ecological pressures and continued propagation of the outbreak. They have concluded that it is impossible for frequent injections of either the same or modified [COVID-19 vaccine] boosters to be successful” writes Dr Peter McCullough.
“[E]ven with perfect compliance the vaccine campaign is destined for failure” and to date in the US “only 16% of adults are risking any more booster shots”. [1]
FDA admits a “vaccine” does not have to prevent infection or transmission!
On April 18, 2023 the FDA responded to a January 2023 CAALM’s petition regarding mRNA vaccine labelling, they wrote in a letter [1] an alarming admission:
“FDA authorization and licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission…There is no requirement that the vaccine also prevents infection with the pathogen that can cause the disease or transmission of that pathogen to others…Similarly, a vaccine can meet the EUA standard without any evidence that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission.” [pg 11]
Moderna’s gene therapy products that are designed to treat an existing illness such as cancer can be labelled a “cancer vaccine“, allowing the product to get around regulatory barriers.
FDA: Monovalent mRNA vaccines no longer authorised in US, bivalent only
On April 18, 2023 the FDA announced [1] it amended the emergency use authorizations (EUAs) so that “monovalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States“, only the bivalent (original and omicron BA.4/BA.5 strains) vaccines will be authorised, so as “to simplify the vaccination schedule for most individuals”. [2]
The bivalent products were never authorized for primary dose, especially not to new borns and babies, they were only considered as boosters, and on the back of 8 mice.
Without any clinical trials for safety or efficacy, the FDA has approved the bivalent vaccine for unvaccinated adults, whom were never part of the bivalent “trials” – they’ve already adopted the “flu vaccine” model. [3]
TGA grants Full Registration of Moderna Spikevax – first COVID-19 vaccine
On 21 April, 2023 Australia’s product regulator the “TGA approved Moderna Australia’s application to transition its COVID-19 vaccine, SPIKEVAX (elasomeran), from provisional to full registration. This is the first COVID-19 vaccine to have received full registration”, the announcement was made on April 24, 2023. [1]
This full registration is for “elasomeran” the Wuhan variant and not “davesomeran” the omicron variant! [3]
Currently the TGA adverse reporting system DAEN has 7,442 adverse event reports and 36 deaths for this vaccine. [2]
On August 9, 2021 provisional registration was granted to Moderna. According to the black triangle scheme the product should be under monitoring for minimum of 5 years – 2026!
US ends COVID-19 vaccination travel requirement
On May 1, 2023 the Biden-Harris administration ended the requirement to be vaccinated for COVID-19 in order to enter the United States.
They claim the “vaccination campaign has saved millions of lives”, they the US performed the worst in the world under Dr Fauci’s leadership.
TGA announce lifting of ivermectin ban
On May 3, 2023 Australia’s TGA announced they were removing the ‘off-label” use prescribing restrictions from ivermectin “because there is sufficient evidence that the safety risks to individuals and public health is low when prescribed by a general practitioner in the current health climate.” TGA enacted the ban on September 10, 2021 but due to a “sharp rise in prescriptions”. [1, 2]
The removal comes into effect June 1, 2023 but TGA still discourages off-label prescribing of ivermectin for COVID-19, no mention of its use in treating vaccine injury.
WHO declares COVID-19 is no longer a global emergency
On Friday May 5, 2023 the World Health Organisation’s Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced an end to the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) as recommended by the Emergency Committee, thus he declared “COVID-19 [is] over as a global health emergency”, but they still consider it a “global health threat” or pandemic! [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
A “pandemic” and a declared PHEIC are two different things. On March 11, 2020 the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic, yet it was on January 30, 2020 that the WHO declared a PHEIC for “the novel coronavirus outbreak”. The definition of pandemic was downgraded in May 2009 to be any disease across the world, no matter it’s lethality!
The day before The Coronation of King Charles III, who is a strong advocate of a “new economic model”…
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