Dr Roger Hodkinson

Dr Roger Hodkinson

Dr Roger Hodkinson first came to my attention in November 2020 with his viral, 5 minute, "counter narrative" phone-in speech to the council officials in Edmonton, Alberta. He made this stand-out statement: "This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on…
The Elderly

Midazolam & Morphine

The use of the drug Midazolam for COVID-19 patient's was first brought to my attention in late 2021. UK Funeral Director John O'Looney mentioned that in March/April 2020 he was seeing midazolam syringes/vials in trash bins next to the deceased…
Post-jab autopsy findings

Autopsy: post-jab

Below are a collection of links specific to autopsy information in relation to the COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 the illness. You'll find articles, science papers, interviews, discussions and more which further builds the picture of anomalies and the characterisation of…