COVID-19 Vaccine News & Trends

COVID-19 vaccine news and trends

A page to place general news, information and trends regarding the bigger picture happenings around the COVID-19 vaccines, content that doesn't fit on other COVID-19 vaccine topics such as that which is specific to a manufacturer. Links in reverse chronological…
Dr Ahmad Malik

Dr Ahmad Malik

Much of what Dr Ahmad Malik (Doc Malik) has learnt to become healthy he DIDN'T learn in medical school, and he's still learning what it means to be truly healthy and free. Doc Malik is an orthopedic surgeon from the…
Vaccine Regret

Vaccine Regret

In the words of the Naked Emperor "More and more people are starting to regret getting vaccinated. Not because of adverse effects or it potentially impacting their health (well maybe because of that too) but because they realise they let…