Patent filed for modified mRNA using pseudouridine

On August 21, 2006 the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) filed a patent titled "RNA containing modified nucleosides and methods of use thereof", on behalf of the two "inventors" Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman.   On October 2, 2012 the patent application was granted. The patent is, in part, for the used of "pseudouridine" in create a synthetic mRNA code, which help's the mRNA evade immune detection and last longer than natural mRNA In 2007, the companies mRNA RiboTherapeutics Inc. and CellScript LLC. were established, both connected to Gary Dahl, the director and CEO respectively.  mRNA RiboTherapeutics has an exclusive license to the patent from the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania. That patent was then sublicensed to CellScript. [2, 3, 4, 5] In 2017, CellScript signed a "Patent Sublicense Agreement" with Moderna on Jun 26, 2017 and the next month mRNA RiboTherapeutics signed one on July 14, 2017 with BioNTech. CellScript, who supplies the modified mRNA [with minimal safety data], went from $7.4M in revenue in 2019 to just under $50M in 2020.  Moderna was to pay "a non-refundable, non-creditable sublicense fee of twenty-two million U.S. dollars ($22,000,000)" by an undisclosed date in 2019, though BioNTech's fees & royalties are not..> READ MORE

Study: RNA shown to evade the innate immune system if altered to pseudouridine

In August 2005 Dr's Weissman and Kariko published a paper showing a way for foreign mRNA to evade the body's immune system, which became a "scientific milestone" that was key to the advancement of the mRNA vaccines in 2020".  This codon-optimisation technique allows the mRNA to last longer. By modifying the RNA code (replacing the nucleoside uradine with pseudouradine [Ψ] a synthetic uradine), a foreign RNA is able to bypass the immune systems first line of defense: the innate immune system.  It does this by "turning-off " the Toll-like receptors (TLR) - the body's natural warning system!  Without this change the "vaccine" RNA would get broken down before the hijacked cells of the body would have a chance to make the foreign protein which a then-immune-antibody response would be wanted. "Toll-like receptors are important components in defence against infection and downstream effects may also include inhibition of CD8 T cell response. CD8 is a vital part of the immune system’s ability to eradicate infection and cancer." [2] In 2016 the effects of Ψ were still largely unknown! By 2020 it is simply "assumed" that the RNA will be "transient" like natural mRNA, but an "off-switch" is unknown for the modified..> READ MORE
Professor Alexandra Henrion-Caude

Prof. Alexandra Henrion-Caude

Professor Alexandra Henrion-Caude is a Harvard (post-doc) trained geneticist who specialized in RNA and epigenetics. She is Director of SimplissimA Research Institute with the goal of identifying simple, low-cost, sustainable and ethical health solutions. "She retired from a tenured position…
Gene Therapy

Gene Therapy

The definition of "Gene Therapy" appears to mean different things to different bodies. This page is an attempt to log definitions and understand the evolution of "gene therapy" from the context of how designated "gene therapy" products (i.e. Moderna and…
Vaccine Regret

Vaccine Regret

In the words of the Naked Emperor "More and more people are starting to regret getting vaccinated. Not because of adverse effects or it potentially impacting their health (well maybe because of that too) but because they realise they let…