Messenger RNA is discovered as the blueprint for protein synthesis

In 1961 Sydney Brenner, Francois Jacob, and Matthew Meselson discovered that messenger RNA (mRNA) is the molecule that takes genetic information from DNA in the nucleus to the protein-making machinery (ribosomes) in the cell cytoplasm. Thus answered the question of how proteins were synthesised in cells. [1] "A length of DNA that includes the "blueprint" for a single protein product is called a gene. Each three-nucleotide sequence [codon] carries the instructions for making a particular amino acid, with amino acids being the building blocks of proteins".  In all, there are 20 amino acids which can be used to form a polypeptide chain, which when folds into a 3D shape it becomes a protein. [2, 3] RNA is chemically similar to DNA except that: The sugar in its nucleotide building blocks is ribose and not deoxyribose RNA uses the nucleotide base uracil instead of thymine. But like thymine, uracil can pair with adenine RNA, especially mRNA, tends to be single-stranded, not double-stranded like DNA Natural mRNA degredation is a precise, genetically controlled process with an approximate half-life of around 9 hours.  Around 40 proteins are produced/mRNA/hour. [5, 6, 7, 8] In the COVID-19 gene-technology mRNA 'vaccines' the nucleotide uracil (uradine) has..> READ MORE

“Little is known” about using LNPs to deliver mRNA

A paper published on November 10, 2015 by future nobel prize nominees Drew Weissman and Katalin Kariko et al, they stated that "little is known" about the potential of using Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) to deliver mRNA. They proceeded to demonstrate that a pseudouridine-modified mRNA that codes for the luminescent enzyme, luciferase, when encapsulated in LNPs and delivered via various routes into mice, it does enter cells and successfully translate the mRNA code into the luciferase protein. They showed it can last up to 10 days and moves into the liver, where there it translates for 1-4 days. Natural (non-modified) mRNAs breakdown fast.  The use of the LNPs protects this modified mRNA en-route to the cells and allows the entry of the mRNA into the cells where the code can be translated by the cells machinery.  But do you want every cell making the protein, and what are the consequences of the mRNA hanging around for up to 10 days (in this study)? [1]
Dr Phillip Altman

Dr Phillip Altman

Dr Phillip Altman BPharm(Hons), MSc, PhD is a retired Pharmacologist with expertise in the areas of clinical medical research and pharmaceutical drug regulatory affairs in Australia. He earned a Bachelor degree in Pharmacy with honours from Sydney University, followed by…
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine


Moderna, based in Cambridge, Massachusett., began it's inception in 2010 following Derek Rossi's breakthrough paper, demonstrating chemically modified mRNA could reprogram adult human fibroblast cells - the prelude to gene therapy. The main investor in the startup was Flagship Pioneering.…