Vitamin C is my go-to immune boost, detoxifying agent, and all-round health support tool box. When I feel a bit unwell or have a deep cut, rash, sprain or any ailment…I always top up heavily with vitamin C (and other nutrients), and it has served me well.
Reminder: nothing on this website is medical advice! I am not a doctor.
Do your own research.

I realised many years ago that this natural compound, which can’t be patented, was a huge threat to Big Pharma‘s business sickness model. Vitamin C has broad spectrum application which if went mainstream would make a huge dent to their profit margin and even potentially collapse their industry – especially their vaccine arm.
The truth about vitamin C “had to” be suppressed to protect a multi-billion dollar industry.
Dr Pierre Kory comments on this Vitamin C timeline:

Vitamin C boosts the immune system!
I called out this pandemic to my family in a March 2020 email, the catalyst that solidified my conviction was my witnessing, in February 2020, the incredibly heavy-handed censorship of all things vitamin C, especially high dose, intravenous vitamin C as a potential “treatment” for COVID-19 patients in ICU.
Then they went after oral use of vitamin C for immune boosting action.
If everyone took an oral dose of cheap vitamin C each day to boost their immune system, it would have gone a long way to preventing major sickness, speeding up recovery and eliminating fear – at the very least there was no harm in TRYING vitamin C against this now disease named COVID-19, but the censorship was over-the-top abnormal.
The direction given to U.S. doctor’s by the National Institute of Health (NIH), regarding treating COVID-19, “the symptoms”, was to “do nothing”, just get the patient to closely monitor themselves, and go to hospital when they can’t breathe! Never before has, NO early intervention, ever happened, allowing a disease escalate to out of control!
They locked down the world to allegedly take the pressure off of hospitals, and failed to educate the public on the benefits of boosting your immune system with vitamin C & vitamin D supplementation? Which helps with all ailments. I could see “why” all the way back in February 2020!
Nutritional support makes sense!
Our bodies are continuously using nutrient reserves for normal function, but when the body is invaded with a pathogen it can quickly use up those reserves, assuming there is enough there in the first place. I think our elderly, in general, do not have adequate reserves, because of age, lack of sun, and varying degrees of co-morbidities and extensive use of medications. Logically, to me, someone with underlying health ailments would be in a constant state of internal “healing”, so their nutrient reserves would already be depleted even before a pathogen is encountered!
The health authorities preach that we get enough vitamins from our diets, but who eats well and who wants to eat when they feel sick?
Ensuring adequate nutrition is not a treatment, it’s common sense to ensure baseline support – in my opinion! Supplementing, with basic immune support nutrients of adequate dosage, (not necessarily just vitamin C) when you become ill can prove highly beneficial in aiding the body to do it’s job of defending against pathogens and restoring health.
Health bureaucrats seem to actively avoid the promotion of basic nutritional,and immune support to prevent and alleviate disease. Imagine if the public knew the benefits of vitamin C and vitamin D for prevention or recovery from influenza and other viral infections – what would that do to the infectious disease “intervention” market?
“Vitamin C should be given to the patient while the doctors ponder the diagnosis.”
“I have never seen a patient that Vitamin C would not benefit.”
Frederick R. Klenner, M.D.
Vitamin C – The Basics
Vitamin C is known as L-ascorbic acid, or simply ascorbic acid. You can purchase it in a buffered form called sodium ascorbate or calcium ascorbate. The buffered forms don’t have the overpowering acidic taste of ascorbic acid, if you use it in powdered form. In addition to powdered vitamin C there are tablets (I get 1000mg/table), chewable forms for kids and liposomal vitamin C.
The modes of action of vitamin C are broad and highly supportive of healing and optimal bodily function. Why humans are unable to make vitamin C I’ve not come across any hypotheses…but we can supplement so no need to dwell on that.
Vitamin C is broad spectrum, it can be beneficial as an anti-oxidant, anti-toxin, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory and important for cell repair. I think of vitamin C as the bodies tool box – give it the box of tools and let it do the work. It knows where, when and how to use the tools – we just need to make sure the tool box is full!
Most animals naturally produce vitamin C, but humans don’t
Humans lack the ability to make ascorbic acid in the liver [1, 2], but most animals have 4 sequential enzymes that allows the liver to convert glucose to ascorbic acid. With the exception of primates (monkeys), guinea pigs and fruit bats, all other mammals are able to produce their own vitamin C, in orders of magnitude of thousands of milligrams (mg) per day. For example a 70 kilogram (kg) (155lb) goat can produce around 13 grams (g) of vitamin C per day or 13,000 milligrams (mg), dogs and cats produce roughly 10% of what a goat produces. It is estimated “on average, mammals make 5,400mg daily when adjusted for body weight, and make more (often considerably more) when under stress or ill.”
According to twice Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, a mouse can “manufacture vitamin C in its own cells at a rate corresponding to an intake of nineteen grams of the vitamin per day for a man”. Now consider mice are used in clinical trial experiments as an animal model before extrapolating to humans – do you not see the HUGE problem here with drug trials, or vitamin C sepsis trials?!
Domesticated guinea pig food is fortified (supplemented) with vitamin C, ranging from 10-50mg of Vitamin C per day for body weights around 700-1200g on average.
Now compare what animals naturally make to the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C for humans – Adult males is 90mg and adult females is 75mg (no body weight specified!). Compare that to a goat who produces naturally 13,000mg/day! [There are 1000 milligrams (mg) in one gram (g)]
The Mayo Clinic state the “Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a nutrient your body needs to form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle and collagen in bones. Vitamin C is also vital to your body’s healing process”, yet they promote side effects with no citations.
High Dose Vitamin C for optimal health
Now to further put this quantity into perspective, the Orthomolecular medical doctors use high dose vitamin C starting with a daily intake of 3000mg (at a minimum) for optimal health, disease prevention and anti-aging.
The Orthomolecular doctors use from 70g to 140g or more for oral or intravenous (IV) use on cancer patients following chemotherapy or treating various illness. COVID-19 ICU trials were conducted using 24,000mg (24g) IV drip over 24 hours. Low doses do not work!
Vitamin C administered via Intravenous route acts more efficiently and requires lower doses than if it was to be ingested.
Vitamin C saturation point
When you ingest vitamin C (oral dose), the body can reach a saturation point quite quickly, and what is not absorbed through the gut is simply excreted – think yellow pee! This is why it is important to not take a daily dose of vitamin C all at once, spread it out throughout the day, that keeps topping up the system, as your body uses it. Your body will tell you when you’ve reached it’s saturation point, you start to get “loose bowels“.
Illness – hit it early and hit it hard
From listening to the Orthomolecular doctors, such as Dr Thomas Levy, when I am sick, I take 1000mg of Vitamin C every hour until the point of “loose bowels”, then drop back (I’ve never got that stage!).
Personally, in mid 2021 when I began experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (confirmed with a positive RAT test) I set my phone alarm for hourly reminders so I could take a 1000mg tablet of vitamin C every hour, on the hour. I also took other over the counter, early “support” options, and did the nasal wash recommended by Dr Peter McCullough. In doing all this I personally was over the flu-like symptoms in less than 24 hrs, and it was the first time I experienced any flu for over 20 years – and I’ve never had a flu shot. I hit it early and I hit it hard, before the virus could take hold.
Randomised Controlled Trials for COVID-19
Vitamin C is a naturally occurring compound which can’t be patented! Authorities insist on large randomised controlled trials (RCT) to “prove” efficacy and safety, but who is going to sponsor these? RCT with vitamin C have been done during COVID in smaller trial groups.
In February 2020 Wuhan began a trial treating ICU patients with IV vitamin C (IVC) (12g twice daily) and compared these to distilled water placebo patients (alternating patients, but blinded to the doctors). On February 2, 2020, 50 tons of vitamin C was trucked into Hubei Province and distributed to healthcare workers and COVID-19 patients, and possibly as a preventative to the wider community of Wuhan. Vitamin C seemed to work so well at this epicentre, that the ICU clinical trial was not able to enrol the quota of 140 patients needed for the study to be statistically powered!!! How could the epicentre not find enough patients??? However, the paper was published, yet as of February 2023, that study which showed statistical benefit for ICU markers in the treatment group is still not peer reviewed!!
Dr Paul Marik, an ICU specialist is a brave supporter of IVC, be sure to check out his PAGE, and also explore below to discover the miraculous benefits of vitamin C.
Australia’s Drug Regulator rejects positive study!
On March 27, 2020 Australia’s drug regulator, the Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA) published a page titled “No evidence to support intravenous high-dose vitamin C in the management of COVID-19“. I was shocked. Their very first reference was to a paper by Dr Fowler whom I had already listened to his entire 2018 presentation [ARCHIVE] on high dose IV vitamin C on sepsis, which showed very promising results. Sepsis (blood poisoning resulting from infection) is a symptom of COVID-19 that requires ICU treatment.
Dr Fowler stated the medical journal JAMA would not publish his study unless he wrote it up as a “negative” study, even though the study revealed vitamin C as reducing ICU mortality from sepsis- a miraculous feat!
“After 40 years of research and multiple trials, a billion dollars spent on trials, there’s never been anything that has enhanced survival [until this trial]…and here with 167 patients we have shown an outcome difference.
JAMA… asked us to state that this trial is negative and that we do not recommend it as a therapy, and I’m going to put a caveat on that, until a large phase 3 trial is done.”
Dr Fowler Nov 9, 2018 [@1:13:23]

The links below will help educate you on what is already known about vitamin C.
- Dr Shiva’s letter to President Trump – Boosting immune health using vitamin C & D – HERE
- Doctor Yourself (this is an “old format” website but a wealth of information) – HERE
- Orthomolecular Medicine News – HERE
- Linus Pauling resources – HERE, WEBSITE
- IV Vit C videos from Riordan Clinic – HERE
- Vitamin C Foundation – HERE, HERE
- Vitamin C Material: Where to Start, What to Watch – HERE
- FLCCC Alliance articles on Vitamin C – HERE
- History of Vitamin C – READ
- Vitamin C success stories (Dr Humphries Infants with Whooping Cough) – READ
- Prof. Ian Brighthope (Australia) substack – HERE , World of Wellness International – HERE
Also on this website – Doctors using Vitamin C:
- Dr Paul Marik – HERE
- Dr Pierre Kory – HERE
- Dr Suzanne Humphries – HERE
- Dr Thomas Levy – HERE
- Dr Archivides “Archie” Kalokerinos – HERE
Vitamin C data points in reverse chronological order
November 6, 2023 – Dr Ian Brighthope Substack: High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C (HDIVC) in septic shock…HDIVC ‘truly safe and effective’ for over 45 years. Another study proving safety and benefit. – READ
- October 12, 2023 – Critical Care: Mega-dose sodium ascorbate: a pilot, single-dose, physiological effect, double-blind, randomized, controlled trial by Yanase et al – READ
- Trial registration Australian New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (ACTRN12620000651987), Date registered June/5/2020, conducted in Melbourne, Aust.. – READ
- 30g Sodium Ascorbate over 1 hr followed by another 30g over 5 hrs [curious narrow time period, but mega dose of 60g!]
- They waited until the patient became septic, instead of giving upon admittance of seriously ill patient.
September 28, 2023 – FLCCC Alliance: The 7 Key Roles of Vitamin C in Sepsis – READ, WATCH, Substack – CREDIT
- FLCCC Sepsis Care Protocol – HERE
September 6, 2023 – FLCCC webinar – All about sepsis – Drs. Kory, Marik and Varon review FLCCC’s latest protocol, Sepsis Care: A Guide to Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment, – WATCH, Sepsis care – PROTOCOL
August 5, 2023 – Darkhorse Podcast w/ Bret Weinstein: Pharma: Not Their First Rodeo – Umberto Meduri & Paul Marik – the attack on corticosteroids – WATCH FLCCC – READ
- They’ve been doing the same for IV Vitamin C in sepsis. …Corticosteroids and Vitamin C (both cheap) act synergistically with each other – Vitamin C has been demonised, just because it is a cheap repurposed drug – EXCERPT
June 26, 2023 – Orthomolecular News: Protocols and Presentations on Nutritional Therapeutics – READ
- Feb 2013 – Riordan Intravenous Vitamin C Protocol for Adjunctive Cancer Care – Intravenous Ascorbate as a Chemotherapeutic and Biological Response Modifying Agent – PDF
- Collection of 100s Riordan Clinic journal articles – HERE
- Jan 2018 (?) – Dr. Robert Cathcart, vitamin C pioneer – How and Why High-Dose Vitamin C Works so Well – WATCH
- February 10, 2017 – The International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine (IABDM): Liposome Science presentation by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD – WATCH
May 31, 2023 – Absolute Truth | Emerald Robinson: Dr. Marik Discusses Apology from Doctor in Australia – re 2017 Vitamin C paper in CHEST journal – WATCH, READ
- Dr. Paul Marik reacts to an apology he was issued by another doctor who filed a complaint about a study.
April 28, 2023 – Orthomolecular News: How to Improve Medical Care: Include Treatment with Nutritional Supplements – Richard Cheng et al – Vitamin C for COVID-19 – READ
April 6, 2023 – FLCCC Press Release: CHEST Journal Reaffirms Dr. Marik’s Study in Intravenous Vitamin C for Sepsis – READ, Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory discussed what this means for them, for the FLCCC, and for scientific integrity – WATCH
January 23, 2023 – Orthomolecular News: ZERO DEATHS FROM VITAMINS. ZERO DEATHS FROM MINERALS.- The 39th annual report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows zero deaths from vitamins. – READ, REPORT [Compare that to deaths from remdesivir!]
January 9, 2023 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Why Are the “Experts” So Silent About Immunity? W. Gifford-Jones, MD – READ
- [For the past 3 years, never has a public health expert] “usually medical professors, mention this vital fact: there are simple, safe, inexpensive, and natural remedies, to build up immunity and decrease the risk of developing viral diseases.”
- “Vitamin C and vitamin D both empower the immune system, which is especially important during COVID-19 illness”
December 8, 2022 – Future Microbiology: Vitamin C improves gut Bifidobacteria in humans – Hazen et al – READ
- “Supplementation with vitamin C increased the abundance of bacteria of the genus Bifidobacterium (p = 0.0001) and affected various species.”
- “Members of the genus Bifidobacterium are considered beneficial bacteria and are an indicator of a healthy gut…Bifidobacterium plays a role in several beneficial functions such as increased ATP production, modulation of the immune system, mucosal barrier integrity and production of short-chain fatty acids”
June 15, 2022 – PETAL Network: Vitamin C arm of ASTER Study stopped – REF, ARCHIVE, Petal Network – ARCHIVES
- “On June 15, 2022, the study was paused due to publication of the
a theresults of the Lessening Organ dysfunction with Vitamin C trial (LOVIT) and the simultaneous publication of a systematic review of all relevant trials of Vitamin C before it. Taken together, these two publications demonstrated that intravenous Vitamin C at the dose used in ASTER [ARCHIVE] was not effective for patients with sepsis.” – REF - [so lets find what Vitamin C doses were used in the ASTER trial, ASTER = Acetaminophen in Sepsis: Targeted Therapy to Enhance Recovery, and the the LOVIT trial]
- ASTER trial (See September 2021) – PROTOCOL, Clinical Trails NCT04291508 – HERE
- Vitamin C @50mg/kg IV/6 hrs over 5 days – max 9g – 450 patients half tmt half placebo
- LOVIT trial – Began Sept 21, 2018 – Clinical Trials NCT03680274 – HERE, ARCHIVE, PAPER
- Vitamin C @50 mg/kg IV every 6 hours for 96 hours (4 days)
- ASTER trial (See September 2021) – PROTOCOL, Clinical Trails NCT04291508 – HERE
May 11, 2022 – Orthomolecular Medicine News – The Restoration of Vitamin C Synthesis in Humans – by Thomas Levy et al – “The full importance of vitamin C in reaching and maintaining optimal health remains largely unappreciated by most traditional health care practitioners.” – READ
November 25, 2021 – Cureus: Therapies to Prevent Progression of COVID-19, Including Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Zinc, and Vitamin D3 With or Without Intravenous Vitamin C: An International, Multicenter, Randomized Trial by Ried et al – “Our study suggests that the treatment protocol of HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without vitamin C is safe and effective in the treatment of COVID-19, with high dose IV vitamin C leading to a significantly quicker recovery.” READ
November 17, 2021 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Twelve intervention trials conclude that vitamin C works for Covid – So why are hospitals being prohibited from using it? – READ, Vitamin C 4 COVID – Trial review – READ,
- “a review of twelve studies, including five “gold standard” randomized controlled trials, shows that this simple vitamin saves lives when given in the right dose. Vitamin C can prevent a serious Covid infection.”
- Affordable Vitamin C for Covid | An Interview with Patrick Holford – WATCH
November 1, 2021 – Vitamin C for COVID: Vitamin C Intervention for Critical COVID-19: A Pragmatic Review of the Current Level of Evidence by Holford et al – READ, PDF, An Interview with Patrick Holford – WATCH
September 21, 2021 – ASTER trial Protocol – IV vitamin C at 50mg/kg IV every 6 hrs for 5 days – PDF, ARCHIVE, PETAL network – READ
March 1, 2021 – Silicon Valley Health Institute: Doctor Yourself – Andrew Saul, PhD – WATCH, BACKUP, FDA & IV Vit C – EXCERPT
- Benefits of vitamin c are directly proportional to the dose used!
February 23, 2021 – JAMA Network: Effect of Vitamin C, Thiamine, and Hydrocortisone on Ventilator- and Vasopressor-Free Days in Patients With Sepsis The VICTAS Randomized Clinical Trial by Sevransky et al – READ
- The VICTAS Trial: Designed to Fail – READ
February 18, 2021 – FDA sends “Warning” letter to LLC “RE: Unapproved and Misbranded Products Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)” – Listing Vitamin C etc – ARCHIVE
- This is Dr Joseph Mercola’s website which curiously just a month prior the “Disinformation Dozen” report was released – TIMELINE , Listing Dr Mercola #1 Superspreader of Misinformation – IMAGE
January 20, 2021 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: The Treatment of Infectious Disease Using Vitamin C and other Nutrients – READ
December 3, 2020 – ABC News: COVID patient with sepsis makes ‘remarkable’ recovery following megadose of vitamin C – Prof Rinoldo Bellomo, Director of intensive care research, Melbourne’s Austin Health – READ, Sky News READ, video within CREDIT, The Florey – READ [They are behind by at least 10 years!]
- The patient in April was in ICU and approval was granted to compassionately treat the critically ill COVID-19 patient. – REF
- December 3, 2020 – Critical Care Medicine: Reversal of the Pathophysiological Responses to Gram-Negative Sepsis by Megadose Vitamin C – Yugeesh et al – READ
“Giving this dose of vitamin C is just totally revolutionary. The response was quite remarkable.”
Prof Clive May
December 2020 – Medicine in Drug Discovery: Serum Levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin D in a Cohort of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients of a North American Community Hospital Intensive Care Unit in May 2020: A Pilot Study by Arvinte & Marik et al – READ
- “These findings suggest the need to further explore whether caring for COVID-19 patients ought to routinely include measuring and correcting serum vitamin C and vitamin D levels, and whether treating critically ill COVID-19 warrants acute parenteral vitamin C and vitamin D replacement.”
November 20, 2020? – How Vitamin C Supports Immunity – WATCH

October 2020 – 2nd Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Orthomolecular Medicine – Andrew Saul’s presentation – WATCH
October 13, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Vitamin C Cuts COVID Deaths by Two-Thirds – READ
- “The Wuhan trial needed 140 patients to be sufficiently ”powered” for the statistics but they ran out of COVID cases during March, a month after 50 tons of vitamin C, which is 50 million one gram doses, was shipped into Wuhan and given to hospitalised patients and also hospital workers. New admissions into Intensive Care Units (ICUs) plummeted. Professor Peng ended up with a third as many as the trial was designed to include.”
- ‘…the results from the SOFA oxygenation score and other markers were significant” compared with placebo
- The best results are being reported in ICUs using vitamin C, steroids and anti-coagulant drugs combined, which has been standard treatment protocol in China since April [2020]”
- Majority of critically ill COVID-19 patients are vitamin C deficient – as per blood tests, in Barcelona 17 out of 18 with scurvy levels!
October 10, 2020 – Pushing the Limits’ with Lisa Tamati Ep 167: Curing the Incurable with Vitamin C with Dr Thomas Levy MD, JD – WATCH
October 6, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: HOW WE CAN FIX THIS PANDEMIC IN A MONTH – the importance of Vitamin C and D- READ
September 23, 2020 – Pulmonology, preprint: Pilot Trial of High-dose vitamin C in critically ill COVID-19 patients by Zhang et al – READ, PDF, ARCHIVE , WATCH, [Feb 2023 this is still held up in preprint! I suggest you read the comments section HERE]
- The world’s first randomized, double blinded, sterile water placebo controlled trial, designed to test high dose intravenous vitamin C ( 2 x 12g daily) for treatment of ICU COVID-19 diagnosed patients – shown to reduce mortality in the most critically ill patients by two thirds. “…”Those on vitamin C were 60% more likely to survive” – REF
- This study need 140 participants to be statistically powered…but Wuhan ran out of COVID-19 ICU patients after Vitamin C was trucked into Wuhan! [See below Feb 23, 2020] – REF
- “…low SOFA scores and low inflammatory markers like IL-6 are both continuous AND essential to the pathology of a recovering covid19 patient, and in this study they are both profoundly improved for Vit C group and profoundly significant from a statistical standpoint”…COMMENT

September 18, 2020 – Emergency Medicine Journal: Development and implementation of a COVID-19 near real-time traffic light system in an acute hospital setting – Vizcaychipi et al – READ, PDF
September 18, 2020 – Pushing the Limits’ with Lisa Tamati Ep 164: The Power of Intravenous Vitamin C with Dr Ron Hunninghake – Dr Ron Hunninghake is the Chief Medical Officer of the prestigious Riordan Institute in Witchita, Kansas – WATCH
September 17, 2020 – The Highwire Ep 181: FAUCI TOUTS VITAMINS FOR COVID?! – WATCH, BACKUP, FULL
- “Several physicians have been put on notice for recommending Vitamins C & D to help ‘boost’ the immune system in the age of COVID. Recently Dr. Tony Fauci admitted that he takes these vitamins and recommended them to the public. Del sat down with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny to discuss the importance of these vitamins and her new vaccine education series.”
September 12, 2020 – Business Insider: Fauci says that he takes vitamin D and C supplements and that they can lessen ‘your susceptibility to infection’ – interviewed by actress Jennifer Garner – READ
August 26, 2020 – Critical Care | Research letter: Vitamin C levels in patients with SARS-CoV-2-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome by Chiscano-Camon et al – READ, CREDIT
- “Seventeen patients (94.4%) had undetectable vitamin C levels and 1 patient had low levels (2.4 mg/L).” – undetectable = scurvy levels!
- “To our knowledge, this is the first study to analyze the levels of vitamin C in patients with SARS-CoV-2-associated ARDS. Our study revealed that vitamin C levels are undetectable in more than 90% of the patients included. The mechanisms of this significant reduction in vitamin C are uncertain.”
August 16, 2020 – Orthomolecular News: Preliminary Report of Chinese High Dose Vitamin C for Covid-19 Treatment Studies by Richard Cheng – READ
July 25, 2020 – Nutrition: Vitamin C as prophylaxis and adjunctive medical treatment for COVID-19? by Feyaerts et al – READ
- Vitamin C can be of benefit as a non-specific, immune boost early intervention and as a late stage intravenous treatment for serious illness with a “cytokine storm involving interleukin-6 and endothelin-1”
- “More than 100 animal studies have indicated that a daily dose of a few grams of vitamin C may alleviate or prevent infections”

July 24, 2020 – Dr Richard Cheng: Daughter‘s story: family saved from Covid-19 virus with vitamin C in Wuhan – ARCHIVE, YouTube, originally posted March 12, 2020 – BACKUP
July 23, 2020 – Unbreaking Science: Dr. David Brownstein and Dr. Jack on Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies – WATCH
July 18, 2020 – Orthololecular Medicine News: COVID-19: How can I cure thee? Let me count the ways – by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD [cardiologist and Vitamin C expert] – READ
- “Probably never before in history has anything or any event mixed fact, fiction, fear, and confusion like the COVID-19 pandemic of 2019-2020. Political and medical “experts” have been in abundance, primarily regurgitating the same message… the public and the news media [believe it to be] the truth. Trouble is, you can always find another “expert” of equal credentials who will offer a completely contradictory perspective.”
- “As will be clearly explained in this article, nobody needs to die from COVID-19, or even to suffer needlessly…”
- “While still unknown to most practitioners of traditional, or “modern” medicine, acute viral syndromes, COVID-19 included, can all be easily prevented most of the time.”
- “And when such viruses do get a foothold in the body, they are still easily eradicated if the patient is not too close to death before receiving any of a large number of treatments established to be effective.”
- [This video will enlighten you to what Dr Levy is getting at – WATCH]
May 19, 2020 – The Highwire: Doctors Treating COVID – Dr David Brownstein and Dr Richard Ng – various car park treatments including IV Vitamin C – WATCH
April 22, 2020 – Daily Wire: YouTube will remove any coronavirus content that goes against WHO recommendations – Even suggestions to take vitamin C – READ, Blaze Media – READ, LifeSite News – READ
- “YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki told CNN any coronavirus-related content that goes against recommendations from the World Health Organization will be removed from the platform.”
April 17, 2020 – Dr. SHIVA LIVE: Media FORCED to Report High DOSE Vitamin C Saves ER Doctor – WATCH,

April 13, 2020 – LA Times: Emergency room doctor, near death with coronavirus, saved after experimental treatment – READ, Yahoo – READ
- Dr. Matt Hartman, a cardiologist, said that after four days on the immunosuppressive drug, supplemented by high-dose vitamin C and other therapies, the level of oxygen in Padgett’s blood improved dramatically. On March 23, doctors were able to take him off life support.”
April 5, 2020 – Dr Been Medical Lectures: COVID-19 Insights: Could Vitamin C Help with COVID-19? [unlisted] – WATCH
April 4, 2020 – CGTN America: Dr. Richard Cheng on treating COVID-19 patients in Shanghai – WATCH, ARCHIVE
- CGTN’s Mike Walter spoke with Dr. Richard Cheng for more on his experience with treating COVID-19 patients in Shanghai. Dr. Cheng is an American doctor in China.
- Chinese cities gradually ease quarantine restrictions
- Dr Richard Cheng on Using Vitamin C as a tretment of COVID-19- EXCERPT, ARCHIVE
- “There is no specific medicine to prevent or treat COVID-19. Many doctors are recommending people self-treat and if their condition worsens, they should seek medical help. So what could be an effective treatment in helping people fight COVID-19?”
- Some of Dr Cheng’s sick patients are taking 30g or even 70 grams of Vitamin C.
April 3, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Rationale for Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19 and Other Viruses
by the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service Editorial Review Board – READ
- “Research and development of vaccines and virus specific drugs takes at least a few years to develop and deploy for worldwide use — if indeed possible. There has never been a vaccine available to stop an ongoing major pandemic in the history of mankind. We didn’t have vaccine for SARS, nor MERS. We can’t expect a vaccine for most of the worldwide people anytime soon for COVID-19.”
- [I guess these authors, like many other’s around the world, didn’t anticipate the “emergency use” loopholes in global regulatory legislation that allowed the injection (pun intended) of a new technology gene therapy product to enter the system under the classification of “vaccine”.]
March 27, 2020 – Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA): “No evidence to support intravenous high-dose vitamin C in the management of COVID-19” – READ
- The very paper reference by TGA shows a benefit in the data, yet TGA says no! – WATCH, and here – WATCH
March 26, 2020 – Vitamin C and other ways to possibly boost your immune system – Dr. Mignonne Mary – WATCH
March 26, 2020 – CNN: One-on-one with Dr. Anthony Fauci: You don’t make the timeline, the virus does – WATCH
- “Infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci explains to CNN’s Chris Cuomo the reality of crafting a timeline to reopen parts of the country amid the coronavirus pandemic.”
- Vitamin C: “I think you have to separate the vitamins from drugs that are being touted as being effective or not… ” – EXCERPT
March 24, 2020 – Consult Dr Anderson: IV Vitamin C for Hospital Use for COVID-19 – READ, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Volume 35, Number 1, 2020 – PDF
- Downloadable Intravenous Ascorbic Acid (IVAA) for COVID-19 hospital protocols and RCT data summary about IVC in COV
March 24, 2020 – Dr.SHIVA LIVE: MIT PhD Delivers Solution for CORONAVIRUS to the President of the United States – ARCHIVE, Letter @7:30 mark, LETTER

March 22, 2020 – Vitamin C as an adjunct to COVID infections – Presentation by Homer Lim, MD – SLIDES includes Vitamin C against sepsis & ARDS, pharmacokinetics
March 22, 20202 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Published Research and Articles on Vitamin C as a Consideration for Pneumonia, Lung Infections, and the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) – by Player et al – READ
March 21, 2020 – 2nd International Anti-Aging and Integrative Medicine (iAIMs) Conference:
- Vitamin C and the Mitochondria – Dr Thomas Levy – WATCH
- Vitamins against Aging: Historical Perspective – Andrew Saul – WATCH
March 21, 2020 – Orthomolecular News: High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for COVID-19 -by Adnan Erol, M.D. – READ
March 18, 2020 – Orthomolecular News: Successful High-Dose Vitamin C Treatment of Patients with Serious and Critical COVID-19 Infection by Dr Richard Cheng – READ
March 2020? – Vitamin C in the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 by Richard Cheng MD – PDF
March 17, 2020 – International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (ISOM) recommends nutrition support for curing and treating new coronavirus infections – WATCH, ISOM for COVID-19 – HERE, Basic tmt first steps – READ

March 13, 2020 – Dr Richard Cheng: How to take Vit C in prevention of Covid-19 infection – ARCHIVE, YouTube
March 12, 2020 – Dr Richard Cheng reports from China: How Vitamin C saved a Chinese family from COVID-19 a daughter‘s story – WATCH, Original – YouTube , WATCH2, Daughter‘s story: family saved from Covid-19 virus with vitamin C in Wuhan [Uploaded again in July 220] – ARCHIVE, YouTube
March 9, 2020 – The Conversation: Coronavirus: it’s time to debunk claims that vitamin C could cure it by Peter McCaffery is Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Aberdeen. – READ – CNA – CREDIT [Example hit piece]
- “Some influencers on social media claim taking near-lethal doses of vitamin C is the cure for COVID-19. An expert says vitamin C is unlikely to cure coronavirus.”
- “So alhough vitamin C does have some small effect on the common cold, it’s unlikely that taking large amounts of vitamin C supplements will cure a COVID-19 infection – or have a large effect at all. Even if intravenous vitamin C works to shorten or cure COVID-19, it will likely only be a stop-gap before therapies directed at the virus, such as vaccinations, take over.” – REF
March 5, 2020 – Dr Richard Cheng from China: IVC significantly reduces inflammation, preliminary results from IVC trial on Covid-19 is positive – ARCHIVE, YouTube
March 5, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Vitamin C Saves Wuhan Family from COVID-19 by Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. – READ,
- Includes links to YouTube videos all DELETED – HERE (no archive), How Vitamin C saved a Chinese family from COVID-19 – HERE, no video ARCHIVE & HERE
- “Dr. Richard Cheng is still in China now. He continues to work overtime with expert Chinese doctors and hospitals to facilitate providing intravenous vitamin C for the most seriously ill COVID-19 victims.”
March 3, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19 – READ, WATCH
- Protocol includes IV administered dosages of vitamin C equating to between 4,000 to 16,000 mg per day for an adult – depending on severity of illness.
March 1, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine: News Media Attacks Vitamin C Treatment of COVID-19 Coronavirus – Yet Ascorbate is a Proven, Powerful Antiviral by Andrew W. Saul Editor in Chief – READ, WATCH, Europe Reloaded – CREDIT
- Vitamin C is already being used to prevent and treat COVID-19 in China and in Korea.
- There are at least three high-dose intravenous vitamin C studies underway in China. Literally by the truckload, tons of vitamin C has been sent into Wuhan.
- News media attacks on vitamin C are centered on false allegations of dangers with megadoses. This tactic lets the media ignore the truth that even LOW doses of vitamin C reduce symptoms and death rates.
We need to broadcast a message worldwide very quickly: Vitamin C (small or large dose) does no harm to people and is the one of the few, if not the only, agent that has a chance to prevent us from getting, and can treat, COVID-19 infection. When can we, medical doctors and scientists, put patients’ lives first?”
Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD, International Vitamin C China Epidemic Medical Support Team Leader

February 29, 2020 – Coronavirus, VitaminC, Fake News and Censorship by Andrew Saul – “REAL news about how vitamin C can help fight the Coronavirus” – WATCH,
- “The greatest danger with COVID-19 coronavirus is illness progression to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and pneumonia. Physicians have successfully used vitamin C against viral pneumonia since the 1940s. That’s the point made in a 10-minute video that was abruptly removed from YouTube, supposedly for being a violation of their “community standards”” – REF
February 28, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Vitamin C and COVID-19 Coronavirus by Downing et al – READ
- If someone tells you [vitamin C is] not proven, consider two things:
- 1. Nothing is proven to work against COVID-19, because it is a new virus.
- 2. Vitamin C has worked against every single virus including influenzas, pneumonia, and even poliomyelitis.
February 24, 2020 – JAMA Network viewpoint: Characteristics of and Important Lessons From the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in China – Summary of a Report of 72 314 Cases From the Chinese CDC by Wu & McGoogan – READ
February 23, 2020 – Orthomolecular News: – Tons of Vitamin C trucked into Wuhan – China Using Vitamin C Against COVID – READ, WATCH, The TWEET
- Dr Richard Cheng confirmed this was reported in China’s media 2 weeks earlier [see Feb 2, 2020 below]

TWEET from Feb 2, 2020
February 21, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID-19 in China – Dr Richard Chang is in China – READ
- News of vitamin C research for COVID-19 is being actively suppressed
February 21, 2020 – Dr Richard Cheng (Chinese American doctor in China): The 3rd Large Dose VIt C Clinical Study for NCP Approved – WATCH, ARCHIVE
February , 2020 – Dr Richard Cheng: NCP(Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia) and Vitamin C – WATCH, ARCHIVE
February 18, 2020 – Orthomolecular News: Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID-19 in China – Dr Richard Z. Cheng reports the use of 12,000 to 24,000 mg/day of vitamin C by IV – READ, WATCH, More Dr Cheng on BRIGHTEON
February 16, 2020 – Orthomolecular News: Early Large Dose Intravenous Vitamin C is the Treatment of Choice for 2019-nCov Pneumonia by Richard Cheng et al – READ
- Antioxidants, especially large dose IV vitamin C (IVC) in the management of acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS)
- “The key pathogenesis is the acute lung injury causing ARDS and death…. usually associated with an increase oxidative stress leading to oxidative cellular damage resulting in multi-organ failure. Antioxidants administration therefore has a central role in the management of these conditions…”
February 14, 2020 – CNBC: Facebook, Amazon, Google and more met with WHO to figure out how to stop coronavirus misinformation – “Vitamin C also pops up via searches on the largest retailers, including Amazon, because of false reports that it can cure the coronavirus.” – READ
February 13, 2020 – Innovation Compounding: Coronavirus: Is High-Dose Vitamin C the Answer? – ARCHIVE, CREDIT
- “…we provide high dose IV Vitamin C Cocktail Infusions in a variety of doses to help patients who need intense immune support. Our High-dose vitamin C protocols contain preservative-free non-corn based ascorbic acid, and come in 25, 50, 75, and 100 gram dosing protocols, complete with quantities required, carrier solution recommendations, and drip rates.”
- “Insufficient vitamin C intake is a global problem that can be addressed with proper nutrition and supplementation. With even modest amounts of supplemental vitamin C, deaths will decrease. In a study, modest amounts of supplemental vitamin C (200 mg of vitamin C per day) resulted in an 80% decrease in deaths among severely ill, hospitalized respiratory disease patients. [Hunt C. The clinical effects of vitamin C supplementation in elderly hospitalized patients with an acute respiratory infection. Int J Vit Nut Res 1994;64:212-19]” – Study – PDF
February 13, 2020: Orthomolecular News: Coronavirus Patients in China to be Treated with High-Dose Vitamin C – READ, Clinical Trial gov NCT04264533 began Feb 11, 2020 – READ, ARCHIVE
- Breaking news: China is conducting a clinical trial of 24,000 mg/day of intravenous vitamin C to treat patients with coronavirus and severe respiratory complications. Participants will receive IV vitamin C for 7 days straight at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University. –
- Clinical Trial stopped due to lack of people admitted to ICU
February 11, 2020 – Clinical Trials Gov – Vitamin C Infusion for the Treatment of Severe 2019-nCoV Infected Pneumonia – ZhiYong Peng, Zhongnan Hospital (NCT04264533) – READ, ARCHIVE,
- “We hypothize that Vitamin C infusion can help improve the prognosis of patients with SARI. Therefore, it is necessary to study the clinical efficacy and safety of vitamin C for the clinical management of SARI through randomized controlled trials during the current epidemic of SARI.”
February 10, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: VITAMIN C AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE TREATMENT OF nCoV CORONAVIRUS – How Vitamin C Reduces Severity and Deaths from Serious Viral Respiratory Diseases – Andrew Saul – READ
- In one study, a mere 200 mg of vitamin C/day resulted in an 80% decrease in deaths among severely ill, hospitalized respiratory disease patients.”
- How to administer high-dose intravenous vitamin C in hospital, – reported on Asia media, no American.
February 7, 2020 – Journal of Intensive Care: Vitamin C may reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients: a meta-regression analysis – by Hemila et al – READ, CREDIT
February 2, 2020 – Orthomolecular News: Hospital-based Intravenous Vitamin C Treatment for Coronavirus and Related Illnesses – READ
- Abundant clinical evidence confirms vitamin C’s effectiveness when used in sufficient quantity. – HERE
- Physicians have demonstrated the powerful antiviral action of vitamin C for decades. – HERE

February 2, 2020 – Twitter: DSM Company: Shipment of 50 ton’s of vitamin C went out “yesterday” to Hubei Province, China – TWEET, ARCHIVE, WATCH, READ, WATCH, tweet CREDIT
- “Yesterday [Feb 1, 2020], we shipped 50 tons of immunity boosting Vitamin C from our DSM Jiangshan plant to the Province of Hubei, of which Wuhan is the capital city. The banner text on the truck reads: “In the fight against N-CoV the people of DSM Jiangshan and Wuhan are heart to heart” – TWEET, TIMELINE

January 29, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Vaccinations, Vitamin C, Politics, and the Law – Thomas Levy MD – READ
January 26, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus – READ, OMNS – SOURCE
- “The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. Physicians have demonstrated the powerful antiviral action of vitamin C for decades. There has been a lack of media coverage of this effective and successful approach against viruses in general, and coronavirus in particular.
January 29, 2020 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Vaccinations, Vitamin C, Politics, and the Law [A timely article!] – READ
January 18, 2020 – JAMA Network | Critical Care Review Meeting 2020: VITAMINS Trial: Vitamin C and Thiamine for Sepsis and Septic Shock – Melbourne, Australia – Presentation: Effect of Vitamin C and Thiamine on time alive and free of vasopressor support among patients with septic shock – WATCH, CREDIT, Dr Marik – EXCERPT
- The Clinical Trial NCT03333278 – READ, Monash University – READ
- Dr Marik provides an editorial on the paper, after only receiving it 2 days ealier without appendix, supplement or commentary, even though he was asked months before to provide the editorial!! – The paper is a “Titanic disaster”
- Referenced: Journal of Thoracic Disease – Sepsis: Science and Fiction edited by Dr Paul Marik published Feb 1, 2020 – READ, including chapter “Vitamin C: an essential “stress hormone” during sepsis” – READ
- JAMA Newtork – Effect of Vitamin C, Hydrocortisone, and Thiamine vs Hydrocortisone Alone on Time Alive and Free of Vasopressor Support Among Patients With Septic Shock – The VITAMINS Randomized Clinical Trial – Fujii et al – READ
- Only 1.5 g IV administered vitamin C, every 6 hours which equates to 6g total in a 24 hour period. This was provided 24hrs after ICU admittance, not straight away, and given to surgical patients with sepsis not medical patients – so this design, and others did not replicate Dr Mariks work – WATCH
December 2019 – Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine: CITRIS-ALI: How statistics were used to obfuscate the true findings – by Marik & Payen – READ, CREDIT, The CITRIS-ALI – PAPER by Fowler that is critiqued by Dr Marik, Vitamin C – MORE
October 1, 2019 – JAMA Netowrk: Effect of Vitamin C Infusion on Organ Failure and Biomarkers of Inflammation and Vascular Injury in Patients With Sepsis and Severe Acute Respiratory FailureThe CITRIS-ALI Randomized Clinical Trial by Fowler et al – READ
- Dr Fowler stated this paper had to be published as a “negative study” in order for JAMA to accept it, even though the data shows a positive “response “outcome difference” – WATCH
- This is the paper which TGA referenced as the reason not to consider IV vitamin C for sepsis resulting from COVID-19! – READ, incredible when you listen to this HERE
October 1, 2019 – European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), 32nd Annual Congress in Berlin | ESICM LIVES 2019 | JAMA Network | Conference Interview: The Preclinical Basis for Testing the Effects of Vitamin C in Sepsis and ARDS – WATCH, ARCHIVE
- Alpha A. “Barry” Fowler III, MD, of Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond discusses development of a mouse model of sepsis and ARDS and the basis for moving evaluation of the effects of high-dose vitamin C in sepsis from the animal model into the CITRIS-ALI trial, a randomized trial with human participants.
- “All animals [lab mice], after receiving feces-induced peritonitis, developed very significant sepsis with multiple organ failure and with acute lung injury which is what we were planning to study…all mice, unless they got [vitamin c] treatment, would die within 36 hours”
- About 12 years ago (~2007) Side by side cages of mice, control vs 200 micrograms/kg of Vitamin C treatment 40 minutes after faeces-induced peritonitis, early the next morning was a cage full of dead mice, versus a cage full of mice running around eating and drinking. “The study will be published tomorrow morning in JAMA” – EXCERPT
April 17, 2019 – Vitamin C tips and types with Dr Suzanne and Polly – An informal discussion of different vitamin C compounds with some guidelines for home use – WATCH, ARCHIVE
January 30, 2019 – Nutrients: Vitamin C Can Shorten the Length of Stay in the ICU: A Meta-Analysis by Hemila & Chalker – READ, CREDIT
January 23, 2018 – ZDoggMD: Dr. Marik’s Vitamin C Miracle Juice: Genius or Madman? – WATCH
November 9, 2018 – Fralin Biomedical Res. Inst.: Intravenous Vitamin C: Pathway to a New Therapy to Save Lives – Presentation looking at sepsis, taking you thorough Phase 1 to 3 of IV Vitamin C by Dr Alpha A. “Berry” Fowler – WATCH, ARCHIVE, paper published Oct 1 2019 – STUDY, Vitamin C equiv 200mg/kg/24hrs
“After 40 years of research and multiple trials, a billion dollars spent on trials, there’s never been anything that has enhanced survival [until this trial]…and here with 167 patients we have shown an outcome difference.
JAMA… asked us to state that this trial is negative and that we do not recommend it as a therapy, and I’m going to put a caveat on that, until a large phase 3 trial is done.”
Dr Fowler [@1:13:23]
- [Curiously in the preliminary animal study, they use mice, which produce natural quantities of vitamin C, but the scientists did not account for that quantity when calculating the “equivalent” per body weight dose for humans. Maybe this equates for why the result in humans, although promising, wasn’t as remarkable as that for mice – who had extra self-produced vitamin C! Why didn’t they use guinea pigs for this study?]
- Figure 3 “Vitamin C–infused patients exhibited a significant reduction in 28-day all-cause mortality…” – WATCH,
- At day 28 there was “a large, statistically significant reduction in mortality with IV Vitamin C use (29.8% died on IV Vitamin C compared to 46.3% on placebo which is a massive difference in critical care medicine, like massive)”…”mortality is not a subjective point”, states Dr Pierre Kory (Mar 2024)
- “The Kaplan-Meier survival curves for the 2 groups were significantly different by the Wilcoxon test (χ21 = 6.5; P = .01)” – PAPER, “vitamin C actually did have an affect” yet JAMA wanted to publish as a negative trial – but they would include all secondary outcomes, if someone is willing to thumb through the paper! – EXCERPT
- December 2019 – Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine: CITRIS-ALI: How statistics were used to obfuscate the true findings – by Marik & Payen – READ, CREDIT
- Note – Animal study 200 micrograms Vitamin C per gram (g) of mouse body weight (REF, PAPER) – but mice make vitamin C in their liver….was this additional vitamin C accounted for when the converted to Phase 1 human trials. – EXCERPT
- Medicine is very sceptical of a new therapy – “It’s like turning a super tanker”…”changing the practice of medicine…is extraordinarily difficult” says Dr Fowler – EXCERPT
October 19, 2018 – SAGE Journals: Vitamin C supplementation in the critically ill: A systematic review and meta-analysis by Zhang et al – READ, CREDIT
September 21, 2018 – Lessening Organ Dysfunction With VITamin C (LOVIT) trial. Sponsor: Université de Sherbrooke, Collaborator: Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation – ARCHIVE, READ, PUBLISHED
- “LOVIT is a multicentre concealed-allocation parallel-group blinded randomized controlled trial to ascertain the effect of high-dose intravenous vitamin C compared to placebo on mortality or persistent organ dysfunction at 28 days in septic intensive care unit patients.
- “Patients will be randomly assigned to vitamin C (intravenous, 50 mg/kg every 6h) or placebo (0.9% NaCl or dextrose 5% in water) for 96 hours.
- “Relevance. In the context of increasing off-label use of vitamin C for sepsis and ongoing trials of vitamin C bundled with other pharmacological interventions, the LOVIT Trial will constitute a rigorous assessment of the effect of vitamin C monotherapy on patient-important outcomes.
- On March 24, 2020 this changed to a COVID-19 ICU phase 3 trial – ARCHIVE
January 16, 2018 Riordan Clinic: High-Dose Vitamin C Therapy for Major Diseases: A Historical Perspective – Andrew Saul, PhD – WATCH
January 18, 2015 – Silicon Valley Health Institute: Dr. Robert F. Cathcart – Vitamin C pioneer (record date unknown) – WATCH, ARCHIVE, CREDIT
- Includeds Intravenous Vitamin C, The Ascorbate Effect, Degeneroative Disc Disease, Autoimmune Diseases
- “A critical success factor for vitamin C use is Dr. Cathcart’s statement. “A person must be good at taking vitamin C.” Cathcart is saying that the need for vitamin C varies daily. A person needs some each day, the amount depending on their general health, but the instant of that first sniffle or extreme fatigue that signals you are about to get sick, one needs to shovel vitamin C in until the threat passes. These dosage amounts vary with the individual and requires individual discovery.” – REF
January 29, 2018 – Critical Care: Doctor—your septic patients have scurvy! – Marik and Hooper – READ, WATCH
- “Low plasma concentrations of vitamin C are associated with more severe organ failure and increased risk of mortality. The most likely explanation for the acute vitamin C deficiency (acute scurvy) in patients with sepsis (and other critical illnesses) is a consequence of metabolic consumption.”
October 30, 2017 – Orthomolecular Medicine: Vitamin C Material: Where to Start, What to Watch – READ
- Vitamin C is one of the most researched substances in medicine…Videos are the easiest source to access vitamin C information…”the video and paper by Dr. Robert F. Cathcart gets the ultimate 5-star rating of excellence. Cathcart’s paper and lecture stand out as packed with the most information.”
October 17, 2017 – Suzanne Humphries, MD: Sodium ascorbate/ Vitamin C treatment of whooping cough – READ, PDF,
- “I wrote the original 2012 treatment document, based on Hilary Butler’s 30 years of research and my own experience and knowledge of toxin-mediated diseases” Dr Humphries – REF
- Testimonials – parents who treated Infants with Whooping Cough with vitamin C – READ
- “The rate of infections in the vaccinated is huge. Look at this chart prepared by the California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch”- Fig 6. California department of public health stopped providing this data after November 2011!
July 17, 2017 – June 8, 2015 – Applications of Vitamin C,Theoretical & Practical by Dr Thomas Levy – WATCH, CREDIT
- Heavily referenced coving – Polio, Rabies, Tetanus, Toxic Mushrooms, Pesticides, Common Cold, Radiation Poisoning, Cancer, etc.
June 16, 2017 – VCU Health – Using Vitamin C to Help Combat Sepsis – Dr Fowler – WATCH
June 5, 2017 – Andrew Soul: Dr Victor Marcial-Vega interview – WATCH, ARCHIVE, “Best presentation on vitamin C and cancer therapies”- CREDIT
June 2017 – CHEST Journal: Hydrocortisone, Vitamin C, and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: A Retrospective Before-After Study – Marik et al – READ, Vindicated June 2023 – READ, WATCH
April 22, 2017 – IHCAN, London | Inflammation & Antioxidants session 1: Vitamin C: The Ultimate Antibiotic by Dr Thomas Levy – ARCHIVE
April 7, 2017 – CBN News: Stunning Success! Vitamin C Saves People Dying of Sepsis – New Treatment for Sepsis featuring Dr Paul Marik – WATCH
March 29, 2017 – Nutrients: Vitamin C and Infections by Hemila (Helsinki) – READ
- “In the early literature, vitamin C deficiency was associated with pneumonia.” … “Three controlled trials found that vitamin C prevented pneumonia. Two controlled trials found a treatment benefit of vitamin C for pneumonia patients.”
- “A total of 148 animal studies indicated that vitamin C may alleviate or prevent infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.”
March 24, 2017 – WAVY TV10: EVMS doctor has possible cure for sepsis (IV Vitamin C) – WATCH, FULL
- Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) magazine: ‘A cure for sepsis?” featuring Dr Paul Marik – WEBPAGE, ARCHIVE
March 24, 2017 – ICU nurses discuss what they experienced when Dr Marik used vitamin C therapy for sepsis patients who were on their death beds – WATCH, BACKUP, ORIGINAL
It sounds unbelievable, until you experience it, but once you do, sorry I get goosebumps now, just thinking about how these patients get so much better so quickly.
Kathi Hudgins (one of Dr Marik’s ICU nurses)
January 13, 2017 – A Timeline of Vitamin Medicine – Andrew Saul goes back over 80 years, looking at the amazing documented history of vitamins curing disease – WATCH, ARCHIVE, CREDIT
December 8, 2016 – Riordan Clinic | IVC & Chronic Illness Symposium: Andrew Saul – High Dose Vitamin C Therapy for Major Diseases: A Historical Perspective – WATCH, CREDIT
Keep this medicine out of reach of everyone. Use vitamin C instead
Dr Linus Pauling
October 2016 – IVC and Chronic Illness Symposium hosted by Riordan Clinic | Wichita:
- The Role of Vitamin C in the Management of Viral Diseases – Victor Marcial-Vega, MD (Oncologist) – WATCH, CREDIT
- Painless Oral Infections Cause Chronic Diseases – Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD – WATCH, CREDIT
- High Dose Vitamin C Therapy for Major Diseases – Andrew Saul (History of Vitamin C) – WATCH, ARCHIVE
May 4, 2016 – Kiwifruit Symposium: Overview of the Health Benefits of Vitamin C by Prof. Margreet Vissers – WATCH, CREDIT
January 15, 2016 – Washingtonian: How to Avoid Getting Sick When You’re Around People All Day – READ
“I take vitamin C. It can enhance your body’s defence against microbes. I take 1,000 milligrams a day. Many people also do not get enough vitamin D, which affects a lot of body functions, so that would be helpful, too.”
Dr Anthony Fauci
October 10, 2015 – Abel James: Dr. Andrew Saul: The MegaVitamin Man, High-Dose Vitamin C, & DIY Health – WATCH, ARCHIVE
May 22, 2015 – The Liberation of Humanity from Heart Disease by Dr Matthais Rath – WATCH, CREDIT
April 22, 2015: Cellular Medicine Symposium 2015: Breakthrough towards the natural control of cardiovascular disease, Dr. Matthias Rath,- WATCH, CREDIT
- “End of heart disease now possible – New study proves atherosclerosis is early form of scurvy. Building on a discovery made by Dr. Matthias Rath in the early 1990s, this publication deals a major blow to the cholesterol theory of heart disease and the pharmaceutical industry’s associated $30 billion annual sales in patented cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. “
- March 31, 2015 Am. J. Cardiovascular Diseases: Hypoascorbemia induces atherosclerosis and vascular deposition of lipoprotein(a) in transgenic mice – by Cha, Rath et al – PDF
February 24, 2015 – Vitamin C Basics” by Suzanne Humphries, MD. Internist and Nephrologist – NZ presentation (shorter version) – ARCHIVE, CREDIT, Same presentation Sweden – BACKUP, READ
September 24, 2014 – Stockholm Lecture on vitamin C by Suzanne Humphries: Vitamin C Basics: Practical use; the who, how, and when (2hr presentation) – WATCH, READ, ARCHIVE
- 2014 – Swedish Society for Orthomolecular Medicine | Stockholm 2014: Dr Suzanne Humphries Lectures – ARCHIVE, YouTube, CREDIT
June 2014 – Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College: Efficacy of Vitamin C in Reducing Duration of Severe Pneumonia in Children by Khan et al – READ, PDF
June 1, 2014 – Dr. Robert Cathcart presentation at the Silicon Valley Health Institute: Mega C for Viral & Other Diseases – WATCH, ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE2, CREDIT
May 12, 2014 – University of Otago, New Zealand | Centre for Free Radical Research: Unravelling life’s secrets: Immunity, cancer and Vitamin C by Margreet Vissers – WATCH
- Vitamin C and neutrophil function under the microscope. Inflammation, and macrophage activity.
January 31, 2014 – Journal of Translational Medicine: Phase I safety trial of intravenous ascorbic acid in patients with severe sepsis – Fowler et al – READ, presentation – EXCERPT
- Ever since this paper was published IV Vitamin C became Dr Paul Marik’s standard of care – EXCERPT
November 20, 2013 (revised, first pub. 1988) – Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C- The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., abbreviated, summarized and annotated by Lendon H. Smith, M.D., Forward by Linus Pauling, PhD – READ, PDF
- “If a compendium of Vitamin C (and other nutritional) therapy could be compiled from the published work of Dr. Klenner, maybe we could get more traditional medicine-oriented doctors to use his methods for the relief of sickness and suffering.”
June 25, 2013 – First conference in honour of Dr Riordan: The Optimization of Vitamin C and Antioxidant Therapy by Thomas Levy MD – WATCH, ARCHIVE or Vitamin C – Ascorbate – Liposomal Vitamin C and Antioxidant Therapy
December 21, 2012: Vitamin C Foundation: Dr. Sydney Bush – Cardioretinometry® to Monitor Heart Disease Reversal (updated) – ARCHIVE, WATCH, CREDIT
- Dr Bushi is the author of “700 Vitamin C Secrets” – BOOK
- In 1970’s the term “scurvy” was actively replace with “vitamin C deficiency” (@6min)
August 13, 2012 – Dr Thomas Levy: Vitamin C & The Great Suppression – WATCH, ARCHIVE
- Dr Thomas Levy was brought to New Zealand in the wake of the Alan Smith story on 60 minutes called “Living Proof?”
August 12, 2012 – 60 Minutes “Living Proof”: Vitamin C: The Miracle Swine Flu Cure – WATCH, BACKUP, Part 2 – WATCH Dr Thomas Levy comment – WATCH
- Alan Smith was deathly ill from swine flu, his family insisted on using High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C before they turned off life support. Alan recovered…but the doctors still deny the vitamin C’s benefit!
February 14, 2012 – Orthomolecular Medicine News: Vitamin C Prevents Vaccination Side Effects; Increases Effectiveness by Thomas Levy MD – READ
February 1, 2012 – Journal of International Medical Research: A Combination of High-dose Vitamin C plus Zinc for the Common Cold – Maggin et al – READ, CREDIT
- “Vitamin C and zinc play important roles in nutrition, immune defence and maintenance of health. Intake of both is often inadequate, even in affluent populations.”
- Zinc is important but Magnesium and Selenium are also needed for optimal immune function – REF
December 20, 2011 – International Medical Council on Vaccination: Special Report: The Vitamin C Treatment of Whooping Cough by Dr Suzanne Humphries [lots of information within] – ARCHIVE, PDF
- “Three of the fundamental functions of vitamin C are strengthening cellular and vascular collagen bonds, detoxifying the body, and keeping mitochondria running properly. The very common reason why people who are ill for a long time have extreme lethargy – is lack of vitamin C”
September 18, 2011 – IAOM: Ascorbate / Vitamin C… Effective removal of toxic minerals. [heavy metal detox] Plus Anti-oxidant or Pro-oxidant: Where? When? So What? by Russell Jaffe MD – WATCH, another version WATCH, ARCHIVE, CREDIT
- April 26 2016: Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, CA. presents Rethinking Health Predictive Biomarkers – Dr. Russell Jaffe – WATCH
April 14, 2011 – Orthomolecular Medical News: Intravenous Vitamin C as a cancer therapy: Twenty-One Expert Video Lectures Online – READ, (archived links below)
- In the 1970s, Hugh D. Riordan, M.D. and colleagues began studying the underlying causes of cancer and ways to treat cancer in a non-toxic fashion. From this research came the Riordan Intravenous Vitamin C Protocol for Cancer.” – Protocol – PDF
- Riordan Clinic “world-renowned experts in Intravenous vitamin C (IVC) therapies.”- WEB, YouTube – CHANNEL
- 2009 1st Annual Riordan IVC and Cancer Symposium- VIDEOS, ARCHIVE,
- 2010: 2nd Annual Riordan IVC and Cancer Symposium – VIDEOS, ARCHIVE
May 11, 2010 – Orthomolecular Medicine: The Hidden Wikipedia: How to Find Deleted Material about Nutritional Medicine – Vitamin C therapies – READ
- Dr Max Gerson is not the only nutritionally-oriented physician whose work is slanted or censored at Wikipedia. Others include Matthias Rath, M.D., and Robert F. Cathcart III, M.D.
May 20, 2004 – BOOK: Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C by Hickey and Roberts – READ, PDF, CREDIT
2004 – Vaccination News: Archivides “Archie” Kalokerios interview – a Australian Doctor who recounts his awakening – PART 1, ARCHIVE, PART 2, Parts 1 to 11 [play on faster speed – 5 hour interview], Dr Archie’s timeline – HERE
- High Infant deaths across Australia – they were almost never free of some sort of health issue -multiply minor infections preceded their deaths. 1957-1962 continuous precession of tiny coffins.
- The diagnosis of one little Aboriginal boy with scurvy, even though he was being supplemented, sent Dr Archie on a journey of discovery – EXCERPT
September 1, 2002 – BOOK: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable by Thomas E Levy MD – AMAZON, Book depository – HERE
October 1999 – Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics: The Effectiveness of Vitamin C in Preventing the Symptoms of Virus-induced Respiratory Infections – Gorton et al – READ, CREDIT
- “Those in the control population reporting symptoms were treated with pain relievers and decongestants, whereas those in the test population reporting symptoms were treated with hourly doses of 1000 mg of Vitamin C for the first 6 hours and then 3 times daily thereafter.”
- Conclusion: Vitamin C in megadoses administered before or after the appearance of cold and flu symptoms relieved and prevented the symptoms in the test population compared with the control group”
1994 – Int J Vit Nut Res – The clinical effects of vitamin C supplementation in elderly hospitalized patients with an acute respiratory infection. by Hunt et al –READ, PDF, CREDIT
- “Insufficient vitamin C intake is a global problem that can be addressed with proper nutrition and supplementation. With even modest amounts of supplemental vitamin C, deaths will decrease. In [this] study, modest amounts of supplemental vitamin C (200 mg of vitamin C per day) resulted in an 80% decrease in deaths among severely ill, hospitalized respiratory disease patients.” RCT – REF
~1993 – News paper article on NIH webite: Linus Pauling’s Rehab by Beth Ann Meehan – Archive PDF, BACKUP, CREDIT
- According to UCLA epidemiologist James Enstrom, vitamin C may add years to life
- RDI for Vitamin C of 60mg per day for adults – “set by the National Academy of Sciences to prevent vitamin-deficiency diseases such as scurvy and beriberi – isn’t nearly enough…”
- Linus Pauling is “one of the principal supporters of the use of massive doses of vitamin C for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, including the common cold, influenza, heart disease, and cancer…” – REF
December 1, 1990 – PNAS: Immunological evidence for the accumulation of lipoprotein(a) in the atherosclerotic lesion of the hypoascorbemic guinea pig – Rath and Pauling – READ
- We observed that Lipoprotein(a) has been found in the plasma of several species unable to synthesize ascorbate and not in other species….We have now detected apoprotein(a) in the plasma of the guinea pig”
- Most importantly, adequate amounts of ascorbate (40 mg per kg of body weight per day) prevent the development of atherosclerotic lesions in this animal model and the accumulation of Lp(a) in the arterial wall.”
- A 70kg (154lb) adult would thus require 2800mg vitamin C/day. Not the RDI of 75-90mg!
1981 – Medical Hypotheses: Vitamin C, Titrating to Bowel Tolerance, Anascorbemia, and Acute Induced Scurvy (Seminal paper) by Robert F. Cathcart, III – READ, ARCHIVE, CREDIT, More papers by R. F. Cathcart – HERE
- “A method of utilizing vitamin C in amounts just short of the doses which produce diarrhea is described (TITRATING TO BOWEL TOLERANCE).”
- “Over the past ten-year period I [Cathcart] have treated over 9,000 patients with large doses of vitamin C (Cathcart 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The effects of this substance when used in adequate amounts markedly alters the course of many diseases…..”
- “In 1970, I discovered that the sicker a patient was, the more ascorbic acid he would tolerate by mouth before diarrhea was produced….”
- 1981 – Orthomolecular Psychiatry: The Method of Determining Proper Doses of Vitamin C for the Treatment of Disease by Titrating to Bowel Tolerance by Robert F. Cathcart, III, M.D. – PDF
May 21, 1976 – NIH | The Linus Pauling Papers: Linus Pauling: On Fighting Swine Flu – Archive PDF, CREDIT
- “the mouse…manufactures vitamin C in its own cells at a rate corresponding to an intake of nineteen grams [19g] of the vitamin per day for a man”
- [Lets assume an average man in 1976 weighed 80kg (176lb), and a mouse weighed 25g or 0.025kg (approx). Then 19g (19,000mg) per day for the human is equivalent to 5.9mg/day for the mouse – this is important to have a baseline because mice are too often used in vitamin C clinical trials, yet the research scientist’s neglect to take into consideration that additional vitamin C which the mouse itself produces. It seems logical that this is a flaw when the vitamin C dose given to the mouse in the trial is then extrapolated to human body weight and used in Phase 1 human trials. The human is not getting the equivalent amount of vitamin C! Add to this when mice are stressed their body produces more. Add to this yet again, what Dr Bret Weinstein has hypothesised , that lab mice appear bred to withstand toxicity, causing “drugs” to be under-dosed. [EXCERPT]]
1974 (Spring) – Journal of the International Academy of Preventive Medicine: Significance of High Daily Intake of Ascorbic Acid in Preventive Medicine Frederick Robert Klenner pp. 45-69 – READ
August 1974 – Stanford Universities’ Linus Pauling testifies before the Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare of the United States Senate. His testimony concerns food supplement legislation, and he advocates some controls over the sale and advertising of vitamins, but not through classifying them as drugs – REF (the same month Pauling retires from Stanford)
May 15, 1973 – Oregon State Univeristy | Special Collections and Archives Research Center: An Institute for Science and Orthomolecular Medicine, Part 1 (1973-1977) – Linus Pauling – READ
- The Articles of Incorporation of The Institute of Orthomolecular Medicine are dated May 15, 1973. Laboratory of Orthomolecular Medicine began Feb 1, 1973 with Pauling as Director and Arthur B. Robinson as Assistant Director of Research. July 26, 1974 the name is changed to Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine.
- “Pauling described orthomolecular therapies as using large doses of substances normally present in the body (e.g. vitamins), instead of introducing man-made substances (e.g. antibiotics).” i.e. natural treatments for diseases – REF
- On August 6-7, 1973 – Pauling speaks at a symposium at Stanford University, which he has helped organize, on Vitamin C and the Common Cold [Scottish Medical Journal Vol 18 Iss 1, January 1973 – PAPER], Pauling’s study notes Asc acid/placebo – READ
1971 – Journal of Applied Nutrition Vol 23, No 3&4: Observations On the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid When Employed Beyond the Range of A Vitamin in Human Pathology – Fredrick R. Klenner – pp 61-88 – READ
- Ascorbic acid is not synthesized by humans – A defect or loss of the gene controlling the synthesis of enzyme, l-gulono-lactone oxidase from the human liver in man, blocks the final phase in the series for converting glucose to ascorbic acid. –REF
- In the treatment of burns ascorbic acid, in sufficient amounts, reflects itself as a truly miracle substance – REF
- One of the “scare” weapons used by the critics of high dose vit C is KIDNEY STONES – A technical explanation – READ
- Ascorbic acid to the rescue with insect stings and spider and snake bites…the clinical value of ascorbic acid in combating shock – READ
- The “mechanical damage to a cell results in pH changes which reverse the cell enzymes from constructive to destructive activity. The pH changes spread to other cells. This destructive activity releases histamine a major shock producing substance. The presence of vitamin C inhibits this enzyme transition into the destructive phase”
- Ascorbic acid must be given by needle (intravenous) to bring about quick reversal of various “insults” to the human body – READ
1970 – Book: Vitamin C and the Common Cold by Linus Pauling – READ, Klenner – CREDIT

1970’s – Twice Nobel Prize winner Dr Linus Pauling proved the power of high dose vitamin C in the 1970’s. – REF, Linus Puling – RESOURCE, Dr Pauling’s bibliography – HERE Pauling is the only recipient of two unshared Nobel Prizes – Pauling COLLECTION, Pauling timeline – HERE
December 11, 1970 – According to hand written note by Linus Pauling – The rotten state of the FDA over their position on vitamin C [?] – PDF, CREDIT
- On December 11, 1970 the then FDA Commissioner Charles C. Edwards “was reported as saying that Vit C has no value” which Puling noted the American Medical Association (AMA) also supported….without any evidence for their statements.
- On Dec 29th Edwards phoned Pauling and said he was “misguided” [if reading correctly]
Mid-1970’s Dr Riordan started using IV Vitamin C therapy in the mid 70’s. He was the link that prevented the work of Dr Klenner from dying – according to Dr Thomas Levy – REF
1966 [references this date?] – National Institute of Health (NIH) | The Linus Pauling Papers: My Love Affair with Vitamin C – Archive – PDF, BACKUP, CREDIT
I had begun taking an ordinary vitamin-mineral supplement, containing the RDAs (Recommended Dietary Allowances), in 1941. It was not until 1966, however, that I began to develop an interest in vitamin C and other vitamins taken in far larger amounts than the RDAs.
Linus Pauling
In 1965 Pauling had read Abram Hoffer’s book, Niacin Therapy for Psychiatry, which described “megavitamin therapy.” Pauling’s interest grew early the next year [1966] when biochemist Irwin Stone informed Pauling that he would live longer if he took large doses of vitamin C – REF
- Pauling was afflicted with Bright’s Disease – a kidney condition – at age 40, [1941]. It must have been from 1966 that Pauling began treating himself with 3g Vit C/day. – REF
February 15, 1960 – Book: The Nature of the Chemical Bond and the Structure of Molecules and Crystals: An Introduction to Mode by Linus Pauling – READ, CREDIT
- Dr. Linus Pauling is one of only five in history to win two Nobel Prizes, one for Chemistry in 1954 and the other as a Peace Prize in 1962 for his anti-war activism [Had to place this here] – REF
June 10, 1949 – At the American Medical Associations Annual Session (subsequently published Sept 3, 1949 JAMA, Vol 141, No. 1, pgs 1-8 – READ) – The second speaker from the audience, Dr Fred R. Klenner of Reidsville, North Carolina spoke to his curing of 60 of his patient from bulbar poliomyelitis. – (Summary report from 1991) – REF, SOURCE

- Since this time the medical profession and the Public Health Service ignored this information that high dose injections of vitamin C can cure polio in 3-5 days.
- Dr Klenner managed to cure all childhood infectious diseases with the correct, high dose vitamin C, this knowledge is a huge threat to the Medical Machine.
- 1991 – The Origin of the 42-Year Stonewall of Vitamin C by Robert Lendwehr – PDF
- “1949 – a year in medicine which will live in infamy“
June 1945 – Book: The Vitamins in Medicine (2nd Ed) by Bicknell and Prescott – READ, Doctor Youreslf: CREDIT

- Chapter VI: Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) History – (from pg 443) – READ – History, Chemistry, food sources, Physiology and Functions of Vitamin C etc. REFERENCES – HERE
- Increased Requirements of Vitamin C in Infection pg 476 – READ
- Vitamin C and Resistance to Infection pg 476- READ
- Bactericidal and Antitoxic Action. Vitamin C also possesses bactericidal and bacteriostatic powers (competition for immunization treatment and prophylaxis methods employed in the day) – READ
- Vitamin C as a Detoxicating Agent. – READ
- Excretion of Vitamin C – Retention of vitamin C does not occur once the body is saturated with the substance. – READ
- “Until recently it was thought that only man, the primates and the guinea-pig suffered from scurvy and that other animals synthesized their vitamin C if necessary” yet there is “evidence that some of the ungulates (deer, cattle, swine)” are susceptible to scurvy – REF, Scurvy a deficiency disease and sub-clinical scurvy – READ
- Vitamin C in Therapeutics for Diphtheria, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Whooping cough, Respiratory infections, Poliomyelitis, Rheumatism, Herpes, Malaria, Typhoid Fever, Allergic conditions, Surgery, burn, shock, etc – READ
1938 – League of Nations – Following the Technical Commission on Nutrition by the League of Nations they adopted the value of 30 mg/day of vitamin C “as the minimum for protection against scurvy“, though historical documents show that diets with less do not develop scurvy –REF
The name ascorbic acid it born
1933 – “The structural formula of vitamin C was established in 1933 as a result of the work of Haworth, Hirst and their co-workers [6], Karrer [7], and a number of other investigators. In the same year Reichstein [8] and his colleagues in Switzerland synthesized the d- and later the l- form of the vitamin. Almost simultaneously Haworth and Hirst [9] synthesized it in this country. It is now prepared by an improved method due to Reichstein and his collaborators [11].
- In 1933 Szent-Gyorgyi and Haworth [10] suggested the name ascorbic acid for vitamin C to denote its antiscorbutic action. The Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association adopted the name cevitamic acid, and although this was used in the literature for some years it was finally abandoned in 1939 in favour of the name ascorbic acid [597].” – REF
Vitamin C is isolated and identified
[Double check order of papers below}
1932 – Waugh, W. A., and King, C. G. “ The Chemical Nature of Vitamin C.” J. Biol Chem., 1932, 97, 325 – REF
1932 – “In 1932 Waugh and King [2] isolated vitamin C from lemons and identified it with the “ hexuronic acid ” of Szent-Gyorgyi, who reported that a daily dose of 1 mg. protected guinea-pigs against scurvy [3]. In the same year Waugh and King [4] showed that the antiscorbutic activity of hexuronic acid was identical with that of the vitamin C obtained from orange juice.* – REF
May 9, 1932 (received), published July 1, 1932 – J. Biol. Chem 97:325-331: The isolation and identification of vitamin C by C. G. King and W. A. Waugh – READ, PDF

May 7, 1932 – Nature | Letter 129:690: Hexuronic Acid as the Antiscorbutic Factor by J. L. Svirbely & A. Szent-Györgyi – READ
- Announcement that vitamin C is a single substance and identical to hexuronic acid – REF
April 25, 1932 (date received) – The Biochemical Journal 26: 865: “ Hexuronic Acid as the Antiscorbutic Factor.” by J. L. Svirbely & A. Szent-Györgyi – READ, PDF, READ, (see REF)

Note: Still looking for all references to validate this below statement
- “Fifteen days after King and Waugh published their isolation and crystallization of vitamin C from lemon juice, Svirbely and Szent-Györgyi announced on May 7, 1932, that vitamin C is a single substance and identical to hexuronic acid.”…”It was a lifelong disappointment to King that in Europe Szent-Györgyi was credited with the first identification of vitamin C.” – PDF
- Svirbely published with both King (in USA) and Szent-Gyorgyi (in Hungry).
April 1, 1932 – Science 75:357-358: The Chemical Nature of Vitamin C by C. G. King and W. A. Waugh – READ, CREDIT
August 6, 1931 (received) – J. Biol. Chem. 94: 483 : The preparation of vitamin C concentrates from lemon juice. by C. G. King & J. L. Svirbely – READ, PDF
1928 – Science History: Dr Albert Szent-Gyorgi is credited with the discovery of vitamin C – READ, CREDIT, Wikipedia – READ [though was it Chales G. King?]
- “In 1937 he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for his discoveries in connection with the biological combustion process with special reference to vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid“. – REF
- “He was interested in cell respiration and the production of energy, and during this time he investigated the “browning” process in plants—where some plants turn brown upon withering. Szent-Györgyi discovered that browning occurs when damaged mechanisms at the cellular level cannot supply enough hydrogen to prevent oxidation, which causes the browning. He then turned his attention to plants that do not brown…. Szent-Györgyi isolated the agent in the citrus juice responsible for countering browning, naming it “hexuronic acid,” and published his findings in 1928.”…he suspected [hexuronic acid] to be the vitamin C posited by Holst and Fröhlich”
- His collegue J. L. Svirbely conducted experiment on guinea pigs and realised hexuronic acid was vitamin C, and named it ““ascorbic acid” to reflect its antiscurvy properties”. – REF
- “Meanwhile, through a still-disputed series of events and communications, [Charles G. King, a vitamin researcher at the University of Pittsburgh] came to the same conclusion and published an announcement in Science magazine on April 1, 1932, two weeks before Szent-Györgyi’s note appeared in Nature.”
1919 Edition: FORCHHEIMER’S THERAPEUSIS OF INTERNAL DISEASES Vol 3, 1919,page 891 – Diseases of the Blood Chapter IV – Scurvy (Scorbutus) – READ
- “Isolation has been recommended because of the possible infectious nature of the disease…” [scurvy!]
- “There is no specific medication, though various drugs have been recommended, such, for example, as arsenic, iron, calcium lactate, phosphorus, chlorate and citrate of potash, sodium lactate, and so on” !!! [Note this is pandemic 1918 timeframe]
1918 – Scurvy “is still met with, however, in isolated parts of the world and during wartime. During the war of 1914-1918 outbreaks occurred among British troops at the siege of Kut, and several cases occurred among civilians in Glasgow, Newcastle and Manchester owing to a shortage of potatoes.”- REF
- Did scurvy and/or sub-clinical levels of vitamin C contribute to the death toll during the 1918 pandemic? – more HISTORY
1912 – “After Funk’s postulation in 1912 of a scurvy-preventing or antiscorbutic vitamin, vitamin C, attempts were made to isolate it from orange and lemon juice” – REF
- Between 1924 and 1929 Zilva [1] and his co-workers succeeded in obtaining a concentrate Irom^lemon juice, 1 to 2 mg. of which protected guinea-pigs from scurvy if given daily.
- 1. Zilva, S. S. ” The Antiscorbutic Fraction of Lemon Juice.” VIII. Biochem J 192 – REF
- In 1928 Szent-Gyorgyi actually isolated vitamin C from cabbage and adrenals without knowing it during the course of studies on cellular oxidation. He called it, “ ignosic ” acid because it resembled a sugar that he called “ ignose.” When the editor of the journal to whom his report was sent objected to “ ignose,” Szent-Gyorgyi altered it to “ Godnose.” This was equally objectionable to the editor and the name was finally altered to “ hexuronic acid,” which was later identified with vitamin C. “ I became a father,” said Szent-Gyorgyi, “ without wishing it, the father of a vitamin. Such accidents seem to happen in science ” [596].
1907 – “In 1907 Axel Holst and Alfred Fröhlich, two Norwegians, posited the existence of vitamin C on the basis of its biological effects, and an international competition ensued to isolate the vitamin.” – REF1
- “Modern nutritional work on scurvy dates from 1907, when Holst and Irolich of Christiana tried to produce beriberi in guinea-pigs by means of restricted diets, but scurvy resulted instead. Henceforth the guinea-pig was used in all experimental work on scurvy.” – REF2
- In 1928 Albert Szent-Györgyi (1893–1986) isolated a substance that was identified four years later [1932] as vitamin C” – REF1
1804 – “In 1804 regulations were introduced into the British Navy providing all ratings with daily rations of lemon juice, and similar provisions were made by the Board of Trade in 1865.” – REF
1772-1775 – “During his voyage round the world between 1772 and 1775 Captain Cook kept his men free from scurvy by including in their dietary as much fresh food as possible, including fruit and vegetables.” – REF
1757 – BOOK: A treatise on the Scurvy in Three Parts. Containing an inquiry into the nature, causes, and cure, of that disease. Together with a critical and chronological view of what has been published on the subject. By James Lind – READ, CREDIT
- Lind “mentions the value of fresh citrus fruits and green vegetables in the treatment of scurvy. He gave patients suffering from the disease various forms of treatment, including two oranges and a lemon a day. Only those receiving the oranges and lemons showed any improvement.” – REF