On March 12, 2020 President Trump’s scientific advisers were urging him to do more that just stop travel from China, to also stop travel from Europe, UK, and Australia. “He made the announcement in a prime-time address. In that brief speech, he misread the teleprompter and said “that the travel ban would include goods”. He meant to say that it would not. The stock market tanked and the White House had to issue a clarification the next day”. [1]

The comment triggering the first stockmarket fall, a day known now as Black Thursday.

Over the following weekend, Jared Kushner, President Trumps son inlaw, called some buddies and a Pfizer board member, who together hashed out a (public health) guideline plan, which they presented to Birx and Fauci!

On Friday 13th March the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a confidential edict, which later became public, that contained all the essential elements of a lockdown.  This document that would have taken time to prepare.

“The March 13 edict from HHS called for “home isolation strategies” and “limiting public gatherings and cancellation of almost all sporting events, performances, and public and private meetings that cannot be convened by phone.” It called on states to “consider school closures.” It also said that “healthcare” facilities need to “alter standards of care from ‘contingency’ to ‘crisis’ standards to conserve resources.” Everything must stop, said the document, except for “skeleton crews” related to “critical public services and infrastructure.” ”

Then on Monday March 16, 2020 Trump announced the lockdown plan  which triggered the second stock market fall, a crash of 3,000 points, the largest point drop in history.

If you look at the Dow indicator the market trend was started downward around February 15, 2020 said to be in fear of “coronavirus”.  Top executives like Amazon’s Bezos, sold $9.2 billion just in time before (or helping create?) the March crash. [2, 3, 4]