This page will track the formation and development of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) One World, One Health™ agenda which has morphed into a United Nations Quadripartite push between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and recently the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

In January 2022, the World Health Organisation takes a “paradigm shift” and adopts the “One Health” approach stating “Engagement in One Health is growing”. In their words One Health is “an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent.” – WEB

What does OneHealth mean for our sovereignty?

The System loves the vaccine passport because as soon as they can impose it they’re going to turn it into your money …your vaccine wallet…vaccine passport is the excuse to bring [social credit score model] in.

This is primarily about control, this is not about your health. If it was about your health they would have done things right during COVID…they want to do more of the bad stuff…

There’s something called OneHealth which enables the director general of the WHO to declare emergencies that are not health emergencies. They can be climate emergencies, or ecosystem emergencies, or gun violence emergencies…anyway you can call health of humans, animals or ecosystems, or plants…they can then impose rules on us for.

Dr Meryl Nass, March 8, 2024

The OneHealth Agenda timeline

The agenda seems to trace back to a September 2002 article in Foreign Affairs magazine written by the head of the WCS, justifying why the conservation movement needs to lead a global response in connecting the “triangle of wildlife health, domestic animal health, and human health.” The following year his Society coined the term “One Health”.

  • One World One Health -website ARCHIVE
  • One Health Commission website – HERE, History – HERE
  • One Health Global Network “Milestones” – HERE
  • One Health Commission – HERE
    • March 2017 – “One Health links human, animal, and ecosystem health into a model for solving today’s health problems.“- WATCH, CREDIT
  • The International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID) One Health (OH), an open access, peer-reviewed journal published monthly online by the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) – READ, see 2007
  • EcoHealth Journal – Public Health Official journal of EcoHealth Alliance – (One Health) – READ
  • Australian Govenment: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research on One Health – READ, SEARCH, AIRPOH w/ Canada – HERE
  • World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) – One Health – HERE
“One Health” concept has morphed over the years from Wildlife Conservation Society proposal (2007) to United Nations Quadriparties Agenda (2021)! – source, source

Australia hosted the First International OneHealth Congress in 2011

Links in reverse chronological order


January 16, 2025 – The Defender: U.S. Launches ‘One Health’ Plan Prompting Concerns About Global Power Play – READ

  • “The U.S. last week introduced a national framework for One Health to help the country prepare for “the next potential threat” to public health. Critics argue the plan will expand government surveillance and crisis-driven health policies”
  • Meryl Nass Substack: US government implemented its One Health Framework last week
    And I watched every boring minute of the announcement – “IMHO, this project is simply an effort to create an alternate governance structure:” – SLIDES – CREDIT

January 10, 2024 – CC Newsroom: U.S. Government Releases First National One Health Plan to Protect People, Animals, and Our Environment from Shared Health Threats – READ, ARCHIVE, CREDIT

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Department of the Interior (DOI) today released the first-ever National One Health Framework to Address Zoonotic Diseases and Advance Public Health Preparedness in the United StatesPDF, CDC One Health Coordination – READ
  • “In developing this framework, the U.S. government is helping to ensure that the groundwork is laid for effective disease response in the future so that we can be better prepared for the next potential threat.”
US National One Health Framework – PDF
  • Responding to COVID-19 with the One Health Approach – “The COVID-19 pandemic led to the creation of new One Health coordination activities across the US government.” – REF


December 3-6, 2024 (scheduled) – ProMED: 20th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID) 2024 | Cape Town, South Africa – features an expanded range of sessions by bringing the One Health aspect to the world of clinical infectious diseases and microbiology. Looking through the One Health lens – READ, ARCHIVE

  • “The recent COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of the need for continued research, innovation, and funding in the field of infectious diseases” [of course it does!]. ProMED and SARS-CoV-2 – READ

September 20-23, 2024 (scheduled) – World One Health Conference, Cape Town, South Africa – READ, CREDIT

April 17, 2024 – Meryl Nass: US Government bribes 100 countries to agree to the global biosecurity agenda, and openly reveals that One Health will be used to control food, economic development and climate – READ

  • Whitehouse REPORT: US Government Global Health Security Strategy 2024 (April 2024) – PDF, ARCHIVE
    • “…because health security, economic security, climate security, and national security are all related.”

…they really are using the “health” hook to wrap up the food supply, economic development, plants and animals…into one neat “thing” they plan to control in the name of preventing zoonotic disease spillover. [Disease X]

They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore

Dr Meryl Nass

March 8, 2024 – The Kim Iversen Show: This Doctor Proved They’ve Been Doing Biowarefare For Decades. Now They’re Censoring Her – WATCH

  • Dr Meryl Nass explains how WHO vaccine passports will become a digital wallet together interlinked with the pandemic treaty/IHR and OneHealth – it threaten us all – EXCERPT

The System loves the vaccine passport because as soon as they can impose it they’re going to turn it into your money …your vaccine wallet…vaccine passport is the excuse to bring [social credit score model] in.

This is primarily about control, this is not about your health. If it was about your health they would have done things right during COVID…they want to do more of the bad stuff…

There’s something called OneHealth which enables the director general of the WHO to declare emergencies that are not health emergencies. They can be climate emergencies, or ecosystem emergencies, or gun violence emergencies…anyway you can call health of humans, animals or ecosystems, or plants…they can then impose rules on us for.

Dr Meryl Nass

February 8, 2024 – A Midwestern Doctor Substack: Why The Bioweapons Research Industry Is A Danger to Society and what the WHO is doing to protect this grift now that the public is wising up to it. – One Health etc – READ

  • “…fears have been used to create the justification we need to perform an endless amount of bioweapons research to “prevent” the next pandemic.
  • “Since the public is gradually becoming aware of what COVID cartel has done to us, they are switching to far more totalitarian methods to ensure they can continue their grift. We are at a pivotal moment to stop that, and that is why this series was written.
  • “…given how easy experts are to buy off (as we all saw throughout the pandemic), it was clear to any seasoned observer that One Health was simply an attempt to merge the war on infectious diseases with the war on future environmental catastrophe and have “One Health” usurp the ability of the common people to speak out against it—as under the incredibly broad definition of “One Health,” almost every aspect of our lives was something which could be regulated under it (e.g., you can’t live here because it might increase the chance of you coming in contact with a wild animal that could spark a pandemic)….most of “One Health” is a series of deceptive promises wrapped in doublespeak which simply serve the billionaire class and do anything but promote health” – REF

January 28, 2024 – Meryl Nass Substack: “One Health” has an earlier pedigree than I knew. The false narratives emanating from One health had already been created by 2004, and one author of this drivel now works at EcoHealth Alliance – READ, inspired data point TIMELINE

  • William H. Foege, a Fellow at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave the Keynote Speech: “One World, One Health, Could We Muddle Through?” – REF


May 17, 2023 – CHD | The Defender: ‘Sinister Forces at Play’ in WHO’s Global One Health Agenda – READ

  • “…the World Health Organization appears to have used the COVID-19 crisis as a catalyst for an about-turn on its previously more altruistic and democratic approach.”

May 8, 2023 – CHD | The Defender : One Health: A Plan to ‘Surveil and Control Every Aspect of Life on Earth’? – READ

  • Experts who spoke with The Defender suggested One Health has more to do with a biosecurity agenda, a global surveillance system, vaccine passports and restrictions on human behavior than it has to do with protecting human health.

May 1, 2023 – The Defender: ‘One Health’ — The Global Takeover of Everything? – READ

  • Under the One Health agenda, the World Health Organization would have power to make decisions relating to diet, agriculture and livestock farming, environmental pollution, movement of populations and much more. Taxpayers would fund the scheme — corporations would profit.”

April 27, 2023 – The Defender: ‘One Health’: What Is It, Who’s Promoting It — and Why? – READ

  • The “One Health” concept has been gaining traction among public health policymakers in recent years — but questions remain about what One Health really means, who’s behind the concept and whether what started out as a sound idea has since been hijacked by individuals or groups that see it as a means to expand their power.


December 6, 2022 – Meryl Nass Substack: One Health: what is it and why is it important? One Health is being embedded into the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHRs) and Pandemic Treaty/AccordREAD

The One Health Umbrella – source

2022 – FAO: Rome: One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022-2026) – Working Together for the Health of Humans, Animals, Plants and the EnvironmentPDF, READ, READ

June 3, 2022 – World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) – launch One Health page – READ, ARCHIVE

  • “The COVID-19 pandemic, a human public health crisis resulting from a virus of potential animal origin, underlined the validity of the One Health concept in understanding and confronting global health risks.” – REF
    • [Except this statement is misleading and deceptive as it is most likely the SARS-CoV-2 virus came from a lab in Wuhan as a result of gain-of-function research techniques, and was covered up by the very people helping to push “One Health” genetic surveillance and vaccine countermeasure “research” – virus origins TIMELINE
    • Maybe the emerging “bird flu” – avian influenza is the same
  • WOAH Terrestrial Animal Health Code! – HERE, SOURCE
  • WOAH Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals: Chapter 3.3.4. Avian Influenza – PDF, SOURCE
“One Health” approach summarises a concept “that human, animal and plant health are interdependent and bound to the health of the ecosystems in which they exist”- source

January 30, 2022 – WHO: On World NTD Day, WHO releases key document to guide a paradigm shift towards One Health – ARCHIVE

  • The “Road Map” Document: Ending the neglect to attain the sustainable development goals. One health: approach for action against neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030ARCHIVE
  • In an “efforts to control and eliminate neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)”. [It will move to Disease X soon enough]
One Health Approach for action against neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030 – PDF


December 2021 – Global One Health Community: The Quadripartite (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)) welcomed the newly formed operational definition of One Health from their advisory panel, the One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) – READ

One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems.

It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent.

The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate change, and contributing to sustainable development.

Definition of One Health, developed by the One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP), PDF

September 6, 2021 – Indo Pacific Health Security: Australian expert appointed to One Health High Level Expert Advisory Panel – Professor John Mackenzie, a member of the Centre’s Technical Reference Group, – READ, Members- HERE

  • The panel was established jointly by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the World Organization for Animal Health, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Launched May 2021

February 2021 : The Tripartite organisations FAO, WHO and WOAH, who had been together for 27 years (since 1994?), called on the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to join their effort “reaffirming the importance of the environmental dimension of the One Health collaboration.” – PDF

  • UNEP agreed to jointly develop a strategy and action plan to prevent future pandemics through the One Health approach ->
  • Rome 2022: One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022-2026) – Working Together for the Health of Humans, Animals, Plants and the Environment – PDF


March 23, 2020 – How ProMED Crowdsourced the Arrival of Covid-19 and SARS – READ [One Health surveillance]

  • Marjorie Pollack, a physician, epidemiologist and deputy editor of ProMED got email alert from China

March 11, 2020 – Scientific American: How China’s “Bat Woman” Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus – READ

  • Once potential pathogens are mapped out, scientists and public health officials can regularly check for possible infections by analyzing blood and swab samples from livestock, wild animals that are farmed and traded, and high-risk human populations…This approach, known as “One Health,” says Peter Daszak


December 5-7, 2017 – CDC: Prioritizing Zoonoses for Global Health Capacity BuildingThemes from One Health Zoonotic Disease Workshops in 7 Countries, 2014–2016 – PDF, ARCHIVE, CREDIT

  • The workshop was held December 5-7, 2017, at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and,Response (ASPR) headquarters in Washington, DC
  • “Fourteen CDC-trained OHZDP workshop facilitators were used for the 7 workshops and represented interdisciplinary backgrounds with expertise in zoonoses. A total of 21 in-country facilitators were trained at 5 of the 7 workshops,…”
  • “Early detection of zoonotic pathogens through enhanced laboratory capacity and surveillance at the animal–human interface is a crucial step toward controlling and preventing zoonoses”
    • Moving interdisciplinary science forward: integrating participatory modelling with mathematical modelling of zoonotic disease in Africa. Grant et al. Infect Dis Poverty. 2016; 5:17. – ARCHIVE (United Nations)
    • This work, Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium, NERC project no. NE-J001570-1, was funded with support from the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme. The ESPA programme is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).”

August 23, 2017 – Zoonotic Disease Prioritization – ARCHIVE

  • “In 2017, CDC, USDA, and DOI organized a One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP) workshop to further joint efforts to address zoonotic disease challenges in the United States. Participants in the workshop identified eight zoonotic diseases of greatest national concern…” – REF

March 2017 – Research Gate: Roadmap to a One Health Agenda 2030 – READ, SOURCE


November 3, 2016 – One Health Commission PRESS RELEASE: GLOBAL “ONE HEALTH DAY” PLANNED BY THREE INTERNATIONAL ONE HEALTH GROUPS – READ, They’ve designated November 3, “One Health Day” – READ, CREDIT

  • One Health Day is celebrated through One Health educational and awareness events held around the world.


March 1, 2011 – CDC launch their One Health website – ARCHIVE

February 14-16, 2011 – 1st International One Health Congress: Human Health, Animal Health, the Environment and Global Survival in Melbourne, Australia – to Showcase the One Health concept globally, to open debate to the wider international scientific and policy making community – ARCHIVE, REF, WEB, Report – PDF

  • Focus on outcomes needed to effectively manage growing risks to global health & make global policy recommendations and organizational changes, using underlying science, to drive real and profound change.
  • Co-Chaired by Professor John Mackenzie, who happens to have been on WHO emergency committee who decided SARS-CoV-2 was a PHEIC – READ, TIMELINE, in 2021 australia appoints him head of One Health advisory panel! – READ
  • “Professor Peter Doherty’s keynote speech dealt with the growing evidence of negative impact of human behavior on the health of the world and the likely risk to humankind.” – REF
  • Published EcoHealth Journal: 2011, Volume 7, Supplement – “One Health – Ecology & Health – Public Health Official journal of EcoHealth Alliance”: 1st International One Health CongressREAD
  • One Health case studies, from all continentsThere is clearly a “One Health movement” starting out there” – REF


July 2010 – United Nations and World Bank Fifth Global Progress Report: Animal and Pandemic Influenza; A framework for Sustaining Momentum – The adoption of “One Health approaches” is one of the three suggested mainstreams of the “framework for sustaining momentum”REF

May 2010 – Stone Mountain meeting (Atlanta, Georgia): Operationalizing One Health: a Policy Perspective -taking stock and shaping an implementation roadmap, One Health working groups are set up, with 3-year time operational objectives. – REF

April 21, 2010 – UNited Nations: Hanoi Declaration Sets Global Framework for Avian Influenza, Pandemic Readiness, Proposes National Steps to Detect Animal-Human Transmission, Control Outbreaks – READ

March 16 -17, 2010 – Shifting from Emergency Response to Prevention of Pandemic Disease Threats at Source, Chatham HouseREF, no archive – HERE


October 2008 – 6th International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza at Sharm-el-Sheikh – READOne Health becomes a political reality and a recommended approach

  • “In 2008, the three major international organizations charged with animal health and human health—FAO, OIE and WHO—collaborated with UNICEF, the UN System for Influenza Coordinator, and the World Bank to develop a joint strategic framework in response to the evolving risk of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.
  • The document communicating this framework, ‘Contributing to One World, One Health—A Strategic Framework for Reducing Risks of Infectious Diseases at the Animal-Human-Ecosystems Interface,’ was officially released” – ARCHIVE
    • The ‘One World, One Health’ concept, which establishes a more interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach to preventing epidemic or epizootic disease and for maintaining ecosystem integrity, is a trademark of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).REF


December 2007 – International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza (IMCAPI) of New Delhi – REF

  • Promoting One Health could be the natural extension of the Global Response to Avian Influenza (GRAI).” it is set in stone the next year!

October 2-4, 2007 – Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS): One World-One Health: Brazil 2007 Symposium- Healthy Ecosystems, Livestock and Human Livelihoods: An Innovative Public-Private PartnershipARCHIVE, Agenda – ARCHIVE

Welcome by Robert Cook – source
And this is how “conservations” gets involved in human health – SLIDE
  • Building upon the successful model of our previous One World – One Health symposia in New York, Bangkok and Beijing, we are now introducing this multidisciplinary approach to health and livelihoods to Brazil.
    • William Karesh, linking disease to population, land, conservation.
    • One World – One Health – One Surveillance System (aka ProMED mail) – READ, SLIDES
      • Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED) is the global electronic reporting system for outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases & toxins. It is a program of the International Society for Infectious DiseasesARCHIVE, History ISID – READ
      • ProMED and One Health today – HERE
  • Wildlife Conservation Society Announces One World One Health Research Projects Funded by Cargill a global food company


November 30, 2005 – The Lancet: Potential of cooperation between human and animal health to strengthen health systems – Zinsstag et al – READ

  • The WHO ministerial summit held in Mexico City, Mexico, on Nov 16–20, 2004, recognised the pivotal role of strengthened health systems in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in an equity-effective manner
  • US epidemiologist Calvin Schwabe coined the term “one medicine”, to focus attention on the similarity between human and veterinary health interests – Historical roots of the “one medicine”

2005 – WCS: Conservation and Development Interventions at the Wildlife/Livestock Interface: Implications for Wildlife, Livestock and Human Health – by Osofsky, Karesh et al – READ


This page will track the formation and development of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) One World, One Health™ agenda which has morphed into a United Nations Quadripartite push between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) and recently the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

In January 2022, the World Health Organisation takes a “paradigm shift” and adopts the “One Health” approach stating “Engagement in One Health is growing”. In their words One Health is “an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent.” – WEB

What does OneHealth mean for our sovereignty?

The System loves the vaccine passport because as soon as they can impose it they’re going to turn it into your money …your vaccine wallet…vaccine passport is the excuse to bring [social credit score model] in.

This is primarily about control, this is not about your health. If it was about your health they would have done things right during COVID…they want to do more of the bad stuff…

There’s something called OneHealth which enables the director general of the WHO to declare emergencies that are not health emergencies. They can be climate emergencies, or ecosystem emergencies, or gun violence emergencies…anyway you can call health of humans, animals or ecosystems, or plants…they can then impose rules on us for.Dr Meryl Nass, March 8, 2024

The OneHealth Agenda timeline

The agenda seems to trace back to a September 2002 article in Foreign Affairs magazine written by the head of the WCS, justifying why the conservation movement needs to lead a global response in connecting the “triangle of wildlife health, domestic animal health, and human health.” The following year his Society coined the term “One Health”.

  • One World One Health -website ARCHIVE
  • One Health Commission website – HERE, History – HERE
  • One Health Global Network “Milestones” – HERE
  • One Health Commission – HERE
    • March 2017 – “One Health links human, animal, and ecosystem health into a model for solving today’s health problems.“- WATCH, CREDIT
  • The International Journal of Infectious Diseases (IJID) One Health (OH), an open access, peer-reviewed journal published monthly online by the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) – READ, see 2007
  • EcoHealth Journal – Public Health Official journal of EcoHealth Alliance – (One Health) – READ
  • Australian Govenment: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research on One Health – READ, SEARCH, AIRPOH w/ Canada – HERE
  • World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) – One Health – HERE
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is one-health-transition-900x322.jpg

“One Health” concept has morphed over the years from Wildlife Conservation Society proposal (2007) to United Nations Quadriparties Agenda (2021)! – source, source

Australia hosted the First International OneHealth Congress in 2011

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is congresses-900x150.jpg


Links in reverse chronological order


January 16, 2025 – The Defender: U.S. Launches ‘One Health’ Plan Prompting Concerns About Global Power Play – READ

  • “The U.S. last week introduced a national framework for One Health to help the country prepare for “the next potential threat” to public health. Critics argue the plan will expand government surveillance and crisis-driven health policies”
  • Meryl Nass Substack: US government implemented its One Health Framework last week
    And I watched every boring minute of the announcement – “IMHO, this project is simply an effort to create an alternate governance structure:” – SLIDES – CREDIT

January 10, 2024 – CC Newsroom: U.S. Government Releases First National One Health Plan to Protect People, Animals, and Our Environment from Shared Health Threats – READ, ARCHIVE, CREDIT

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Department of the Interior (DOI) today released the first-ever National One Health Framework to Address Zoonotic Diseases and Advance Public Health Preparedness in the United StatesPDF, CDC One Health Coordination – READ
  • “In developing this framework, the U.S. government is helping to ensure that the groundwork is laid for effective disease response in the future so that we can be better prepared for the next potential threat.”
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is OneHealth-Framework-2025.jpg

US National One Health Framework – PDF

  • Responding to COVID-19 with the One Health Approach – “The COVID-19 pandemic led to the creation of new One Health coordination activities across the US government.” – REF


December 3-6, 2024 (scheduled) – ProMED: 20th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID) 2024 | Cape Town, South Africa – features an expanded range of sessions by bringing the One Health aspect to the world of clinical infectious diseases and microbiology. Looking through the One Health lens – READ, ARCHIVE

  • “The recent COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of the need for continued research, innovation, and funding in the field of infectious diseases” [of course it does!]. ProMED and SARS-CoV-2 – READ

September 20-23, 2024 (scheduled) – World One Health Conference, Cape Town, South Africa – READ, CREDIT

April 17, 2024 – Meryl Nass: US Government bribes 100 countries to agree to the global biosecurity agenda, and openly reveals that One Health will be used to control food, economic development and climate – READ

  • Whitehouse REPORT: US Government Global Health Security Strategy 2024 (April 2024) – PDF, ARCHIVE
    • “…because health security, economic security, climate security, and national security are all related.”

…they really are using the “health” hook to wrap up the food supply, economic development, plants and animals…into one neat “thing” they plan to control in the name of preventing zoonotic disease spillover. [Disease X]

They aren’t even trying to hide it anymoreDr Meryl Nass

March 8, 2024 – The Kim Iversen Show: This Doctor Proved They’ve Been Doing Biowarefare For Decades. Now They’re Censoring Her – WATCH

  • Dr Meryl Nass explains how WHO vaccine passports will become a digital wallet together interlinked with the pandemic treaty/IHR and OneHealth – it threaten us all – EXCERPT

The System loves the vaccine passport because as soon as they can impose it they’re going to turn it into your money …your vaccine wallet…vaccine passport is the excuse to bring [social credit score model] in.

This is primarily about control, this is not about your health. If it was about your health they would have done things right during COVID…they want to do more of the bad stuff…

There’s something called OneHealth which enables the director general of the WHO to declare emergencies that are not health emergencies. They can be climate emergencies, or ecosystem emergencies, or gun violence emergencies…anyway you can call health of humans, animals or ecosystems, or plants…they can then impose rules on us for.Dr Meryl Nass

February 8, 2024 – A Midwestern Doctor Substack: Why The Bioweapons Research Industry Is A Danger to Society and what the WHO is doing to protect this grift now that the public is wising up to it. – One Health etc – READ

  • “…fears have been used to create the justification we need to perform an endless amount of bioweapons research to “prevent” the next pandemic.
  • “Since the public is gradually becoming aware of what COVID cartel has done to us, they are switching to far more totalitarian methods to ensure they can continue their grift. We are at a pivotal moment to stop that, and that is why this series was written.
  • “…given how easy experts are to buy off (as we all saw throughout the pandemic), it was clear to any seasoned observer that One Health was simply an attempt to merge the war on infectious diseases with the war on future environmental catastrophe and have “One Health” usurp the ability of the common people to speak out against it—as under the incredibly broad definition of “One Health,” almost every aspect of our lives was something which could be regulated under it (e.g., you can’t live here because it might increase the chance of you coming in contact with a wild animal that could spark a pandemic)….most of “One Health” is a series of deceptive promises wrapped in doublespeak which simply serve the billionaire class and do anything but promote health” – REF

January 28, 2024 – Meryl Nass Substack: “One Health” has an earlier pedigree than I knew. The false narratives emanating from One health had already been created by 2004, and one author of this drivel now works at EcoHealth Alliance – READ, inspired data point TIMELINE

  • William H. Foege, a Fellow at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gave the Keynote Speech: “One World, One Health, Could We Muddle Through?” – REF


May 17, 2023 – CHD | The Defender: ‘Sinister Forces at Play’ in WHO’s Global One Health Agenda – READ

  • “…the World Health Organization appears to have used the COVID-19 crisis as a catalyst for an about-turn on its previously more altruistic and democratic approach.”

May 8, 2023 – CHD | The Defender : One Health: A Plan to ‘Surveil and Control Every Aspect of Life on Earth’? – READ

  • Experts who spoke with The Defender suggested One Health has more to do with a biosecurity agenda, a global surveillance system, vaccine passports and restrictions on human behavior than it has to do with protecting human health.

May 1, 2023 – The Defender: ‘One Health’ — The Global Takeover of Everything? – READ

  • Under the One Health agenda, the World Health Organization would have power to make decisions relating to diet, agriculture and livestock farming, environmental pollution, movement of populations and much more. Taxpayers would fund the scheme — corporations would profit.”

April 27, 2023 – The Defender: ‘One Health’: What Is It, Who’s Promoting It — and Why? – READ

  • The “One Health” concept has been gaining traction among public health policymakers in recent years — but questions remain about what One Health really means, who’s behind the concept and whether what started out as a sound idea has since been hijacked by individuals or groups that see it as a means to expand their power.


December 6, 2022 – Meryl Nass Substack: One Health: what is it and why is it important? One Health is being embedded into the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHRs) and Pandemic Treaty/AccordREAD

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is one-health-umbrella.webp

The One Health Umbrella – source

2022 – FAO: Rome: One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022-2026) – Working Together for the Health of Humans, Animals, Plants and the EnvironmentPDF, READ, READ

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is one-health-action-plan.jpg


June 3, 2022 – World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) – launch One Health page – READ, ARCHIVE

  • “The COVID-19 pandemic, a human public health crisis resulting from a virus of potential animal origin, underlined the validity of the One Health concept in understanding and confronting global health risks.” – REF
    • [Except this statement is misleading and deceptive as it is most likely the SARS-CoV-2 virus came from a lab in Wuhan as a result of gain-of-function research techniques, and was covered up by the very people helping to push “One Health” genetic surveillance and vaccine countermeasure “research” – virus origins TIMELINE
    • Maybe the emerging “bird flu” – avian influenza is the same
  • WOAH Terrestrial Animal Health Code! – HERE, SOURCE
  • WOAH Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals: Chapter 3.3.4. Avian Influenza – PDF, SOURCE
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is one-health-500x494.jpg

“One Health” approach summarises a concept “that human, animal and plant health are interdependent and bound to the health of the ecosystems in which they exist”- source

January 30, 2022 – WHO: On World NTD Day, WHO releases key document to guide a paradigm shift towards One Health – ARCHIVE

  • The “Road Map” Document: Ending the neglect to attain the sustainable development goals. One health: approach for action against neglected tropical diseases 2021-2030ARCHIVE
  • In an “efforts to control and eliminate neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)”. [It will move to Disease X soon enough]
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is One-Health-2022.jpg

One Health Approach for action against neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030 – PDF


December 2021 – Global One Health Community: The Quadripartite (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)) welcomed the newly formed operational definition of One Health from their advisory panel, the One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) – READ

One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems.

It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent.

The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate change, and contributing to sustainable development.Definition of One Health, developed by the One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP), PDF

September 6, 2021 – Indo Pacific Health Security: Australian expert appointed to One Health High Level Expert Advisory Panel – Professor John Mackenzie, a member of the Centre’s Technical Reference Group, – READ, Members- HERE

  • The panel was established jointly by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the World Organization for Animal Health, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Launched May 2021

February 2021 : The Tripartite organisations FAO, WHO and WOAH, who had been together for 27 years (since 1994?), called on the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to join their effort “reaffirming the importance of the environmental dimension of the One Health collaboration.” – PDF

  • UNEP agreed to jointly develop a strategy and action plan to prevent future pandemics through the One Health approach ->
  • Rome 2022: One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022-2026) – Working Together for the Health of Humans, Animals, Plants and the Environment – PDF


March 23, 2020 – How ProMED Crowdsourced the Arrival of Covid-19 and SARS – READ [One Health surveillance]

  • Marjorie Pollack, a physician, epidemiologist and deputy editor of ProMED got email alert from China

March 11, 2020 – Scientific American: How China’s “Bat Woman” Hunted Down Viruses from SARS to the New Coronavirus – READ

  • Once potential pathogens are mapped out, scientists and public health officials can regularly check for possible infections by analyzing blood and swab samples from livestock, wild animals that are farmed and traded, and high-risk human populations…This approach, known as “One Health,” says Peter Daszak


December 5-7, 2017 – CDC: Prioritizing Zoonoses for Global Health Capacity BuildingThemes from One Health Zoonotic Disease Workshops in 7 Countries, 2014–2016 – PDF, ARCHIVE, CREDIT

  • The workshop was held December 5-7, 2017, at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and,Response (ASPR) headquarters in Washington, DC
  • “Fourteen CDC-trained OHZDP workshop facilitators were used for the 7 workshops and represented interdisciplinary backgrounds with expertise in zoonoses. A total of 21 in-country facilitators were trained at 5 of the 7 workshops,…”
  • “Early detection of zoonotic pathogens through enhanced laboratory capacity and surveillance at the animal–human interface is a crucial step toward controlling and preventing zoonoses”
    • Moving interdisciplinary science forward: integrating participatory modelling with mathematical modelling of zoonotic disease in Africa. Grant et al. Infect Dis Poverty. 2016; 5:17. – ARCHIVE (United Nations)
    • This work, Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium, NERC project no. NE-J001570-1, was funded with support from the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme. The ESPA programme is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).”

August 23, 2017 – Zoonotic Disease Prioritization – ARCHIVE

  • “In 2017, CDC, USDA, and DOI organized a One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP)workshop to further joint efforts to address zoonotic disease challenges in the United States. Participants in the workshop identified eight zoonotic diseases of greatest national concern…” – REF

March 2017 – Research Gate: Roadmap to a One Health Agenda 2030 – READ, SOURCE


November 3, 2016 – One Health Commission PRESS RELEASE: GLOBAL “ONE HEALTH DAY” PLANNED BY THREE INTERNATIONAL ONE HEALTH GROUPS – READ, They’ve designated November 3, “One Health Day” – READ, CREDIT

  • One Health Day is celebrated through One Health educational and awareness events held around the world.


March 1, 2011 – CDC launch their One Health website – ARCHIVE

February 14-16, 2011 – 1st International One Health Congress: Human Health, Animal Health, the Environment and Global Survival in Melbourne, Australia – to Showcase the One Health concept globally, to open debate to the wider international scientific and policy making community – ARCHIVE, REF, WEB, Report – PDF

  • Focus on outcomes needed to effectively manage growing risks to global health & make global policy recommendations and organizational changes, using underlying science, to drive real and profound change.
  • Co-Chaired by Professor John Mackenzie, who happens to have been on WHO emergency committee who decided SARS-CoV-2 was a PHEIC – READ, TIMELINE, in 2021 australia appoints him head of One Health advisory panel! – READ
  • “Professor Peter Doherty’s keynote speech dealt with the growing evidence of negative impact of human behavior on the health of the world and the likely risk to humankind.” – REF
  • Published EcoHealth Journal: 2011, Volume 7, Supplement – “One Health – Ecology & Health – Public Health Official journal of EcoHealth Alliance”: 1st International One Health CongressREAD
  • One Health case studies, from all continentsThere is clearly a “One Health movement” starting out there” – REF


July 2010 – United Nations and World Bank Fifth Global Progress Report: Animal and Pandemic Influenza; A framework for Sustaining Momentum – The adoption of “One Health approaches” is one of the three suggested mainstreams of the “framework for sustaining momentum”REF

May 2010 – Stone Mountain meeting (Atlanta, Georgia): Operationalizing One Health: a Policy Perspective -taking stock and shaping an implementation roadmap, One Health working groups are set up, with 3-year time operational objectives. – REF

April 21, 2010 – UNited Nations: Hanoi Declaration Sets Global Framework for Avian Influenza, Pandemic Readiness, Proposes National Steps to Detect Animal-Human Transmission, Control Outbreaks – READ

March 16 -17, 2010 – Shifting from Emergency Response to Prevention of Pandemic Disease Threats at Source, Chatham HouseREF, no archive – HERE


October 22, 2009 – One World – One Health: Brazil 2009


October 2008 – 6th International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza at Sharm-el-Sheikh – READOne Health becomes a political reality and a recommended approach

  • “In 2008, the three major international organizations charged with animal health and human health—FAO, OIE and WHO—collaborated with UNICEF, the UN System for Influenza Coordinator, and the World Bank to develop a joint strategic framework in response to the evolving risk of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.
  • The document communicating this framework, ‘Contributing to One World, One Health—A Strategic Framework for Reducing Risks of Infectious Diseases at the Animal-Human-Ecosystems Interface,’ was officially released” – ARCHIVE
    • The ‘One World, One Health’ concept, which establishes a more interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach to preventing epidemic or epizootic disease and for maintaining ecosystem integrity, is a trademark of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).REF

June 9, 2008 – PRESS RELEASE: Wildlife Conservation Society Announces One World One Health Research Projects Funded by Cargill a global food company – PDF, CREDIT

  • “The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), a non-governmental organization based in the United States with offices in Brazil, announced that five projects will receive financial support during the first year of the One World-One Health (OWOH) program in Brazil.”


December 2007 – International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza (IMCAPI) of New Delhi – REF

  • Promoting One Health could be the natural extension of the Global Response to Avian Influenza (GRAI).” it is set in stone the next year!

October 2-4, 2007 – Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS): One World-One Health: Brazil 2007 Symposium- Healthy Ecosystems, Livestock and Human Livelihoods: An Innovative Public-Private PartnershipARCHIVE, Agenda – ARCHIVE

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Welcome by Robert Cook – source
And this is how “conservations” gets involved in human health – SLIDE

  • Building upon the successful model of our previous One World – One Health symposia in New York, Bangkok and Beijing, we are now introducing this multidisciplinary approach to health and livelihoods to Brazil.
    • William Karesh, linking disease to population, land, conservation.
    • One World – One Health – One Surveillance System (aka ProMED mail) – READ, SLIDES
      • Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED) is the global electronic reporting system for outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases & toxins. It is a program of the International Society for Infectious DiseasesARCHIVE, History ISID – READ
      • ProMED and One Health today – HERE


November 30, 2005 – The Lancet: Potential of cooperation between human and animal health to strengthen health systems – Zinsstag et al – READ

  • The WHO ministerial summit held in Mexico City, Mexico, on Nov 16–20, 2004, recognised the pivotal role of strengthened health systems in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in an equity-effective manner
  • US epidemiologist Calvin Schwabe coined the term “one medicine”, to focus attention on the similarity between human and veterinary health interests – Historical roots of the “one medicine”

2005 – WCS: Conservation and Development Interventions at the Wildlife/Livestock Interface: Implications for Wildlife, Livestock and Human Health – by Osofsky, Karesh et al – READ


November 17-25, 2004 – 3rd Session the World Conservation Congress, Bangkok, Thailand – ARCHIVE, REF, CREDIT

  • RESWCC3.011: Addressing the linkages between conservation, human and animal health, and security – Reclassified as a resolution 2004 – PDF

November 15, 2004 – Thialand Workshop prior to World Conservation Congress: Beyond Zoonoses: One World – One Health, The Threat of Emerging Diseases to Human Security and Conservation, and the Implications for Public Policy – ARCHIVE, Presentations – ARCHIVE

  • “Monkey pox,” “SARS,” “Ebola” and “avian influenza” are now household words.
  • The “workshop organized by the Wildlife Conservation Society, the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law, the IUCN Veterinary Specialist Group, the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy, the International Institute for Sustainable Development, the Center for Environmental Legal Studies of Pace University School of Law, and Asia – Pacific Centre for Environmental Law at the National University of Singapore, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control

September 29, 2004 – One World, One Health: Building Interdisciplinary Bridges to Health in a “Globalized World” – READ, READ, CREDIT

September 29, 2004 – One World One Health: Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS): One World, One Health: Building Interdisciplinary Bridges to Health in a Globalized World – Symposium organised by WCS, hosted by The Rockefeller University, Caspary Auditorium – ARCHIVE, TIMELINE by Robert A. Cook, William B. Karesh, and Steven A. Osofsky of the Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, New York, USA, – Manhattan Principles

One World One Health – 2024 logo –source
  • Represented by the World Health Organization(WHO); the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); the United States Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center; the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA); the Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre; the Laboratoire Nationale de Sante Publique of Brazzaville, Republic of Congo; the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law; and the Wildlife Conservation Society and more
  • Health experts from around the world met … for a symposium focused on the current and potential movements of diseases among human, domestic animal, and wildlife populations…[The] assembled expert panelists delineated priorities for an international, interdisciplinary approach for combating threats to the health of life on Earth
  • The product—called the “Manhattan Principles” by the organizers of the “One World, One Health” event, lists 12 recommendations for world’s leaders, civil society, the global health community and institutions of science for establishing a more holistic approach to preventing epidemic / epizootic disease and for maintaining ecosystem integrity for the benefit of humans, their domesticated animals, and the foundational biodiversity that supports us all. – READ
  • “The key theme of this conference was that given the dire urgency of the environmental and biological threats we faced, all major “One Health” decisions would need to be made by a panel of multidisciplinary experts.” – REF
  • The 12 Manhattan Principles – As defined during the meeting titled Building Interdisciplinary Bridges to Health in a “Globalized World” held in 2004 – READ


September 14-15, 2003 – WCS: IUCN 2003 World Parks Congress AHEAD Launch Forum | Durban, South Africa – “Southern and East African Experts Panel on Designing Successful Conservation and Development Interventions at the Wildlife/Livestock Interface: Implications for Wildlife, Livestock, and Human Health”READ, ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE, Briefing Booklet – ARCHIVE

  • The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), IUCN Veterinary Specialist Group (VSG), and other partners helped to start the initiative is called AHEAD – Animal Health for the Environment And Development, in recognition of the importance of animal health to both conservation and development interests. …”Around the world, domestic and wild animals are coming into ever-more-intimate contact… without adequate scientific knowledge and planning, the consequences can be detrimental on one or both sides of the proverbial fence. But armed with the tools that the health sciences provide, conservation and development objectives have a much greater chance of being realized – particularly at the critical wildlife/livestock intersection, where conservation and agricultural interests meet head-on.” – REF [a prelude to One Health]
  • “To date, neither the nongovernmental organizations nor the aid community nor academia have holistically addressed the landscape-level nexus represented by the triangle of wildlife health, domestic animal health, and human health.
  • AHEAD publications – ARCHIVES
  • IUCN Occasional Paper No. 30 – Conservation and Development Interventions at the Wildlife/Livestock Interface: Implications for Wildlife, Livestock and Human Health – by Osofsky, Karesh et al – READ
    • Introduction “Looking AHEAD While Looking Back” by Osofsky – PDF, SOURCE
    • “As socioeconomic progress demands sustained improvements in health for people, their domestic animals, and the environment, we hope we’ve been successful in drawing attention to the need to move towards a “one health” perspective – an approach that was the foundation of our discussions in Durban, and a theme pervading this Proceedings.”


December 7, 2002 – First archive page of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Field Veterinary Program (VFP): Said to be the architects of Global Approach to Health – ARCHIVE

October 25, 2002 – National Geographic News: Human “Footprint” Seen on 83 Percent of Earth’s Land – READ, WCS Human Footprint Map – READ

September/October 2002 – Foreign Affairs magazine | Volume 81, Number 5: The Future of Conservation – A New Conservation Agenda is needed – By Dr. Steven Sanderson, President of the Wildlife Conservation Society – READ, SOURCE

  • Setting the justification for conservation (specifically Wildlife Conservation Society) to develop and lead a new global agenda. [Find an “unmet need” and exploit it – see Sept 2003 the “triangle of wildlife health, domestic animal health, and human health.


January 24, 2001 – Steven E. Sanderson, a political scientits, is named President and CEO of The Wildlife Conservation Society – READ Sanderson is highly involved in the creating of One Health.


1994 – The Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED) is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID), it was launched in 1994 as an Internet service to identify unusual health events related to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and toxins affecting humans, animals and plants – REF, it becomes part of One Health disease surveillance program.

  • International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID) was established in 1983 as a scientific assembly for the exchange of research and clinical information in infectious diseases, and in 1986 it merged with The International Federation on Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (IFIPD) and became the Society- READ
  • ISID journal began ~1996 – ISSUES


1989 – The WCS Field Veterinary Program (FVP), established in 1989 – REF


Under the leadership of William Conway as General Director of the WCS in 1966 and then President in 1992 the field conservation programs expanded throughout the world – REF


The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) traces its origin to April 26,1895 when New York State chartered the New York Zoological Society. WCS is based at the Bronx Zoo! – REF