Returning forgotten knowledge to the attention of The People
On my substack I am documenting my journey of discovery as I mine through the medical archives from the 1800s to early 1900s. I will place my stacks below as a quick reference guide for those who’ve come in late. I suggest you start reading from Part 1 beginning July 22, 2023 as it set the stage for my journey.

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Articles from the Archives in chronological order
(I now refer to these articles by sub “stack” number, no longer “part”)
Stack 1 – I recently stumbling into a rabbit hole, and I just can’t get out! In fact, I don’t want to get out. This is hidden knowledge that people today need to know (July 22, 2023) – READ
Stack 2 – From Allopath to Homeopath – An insight into the medical practice of a “regular” who converts to a”quack” – A Testimonial (Jul 23, 2023) – PART 1 of 2, continued PART 2 of 2,
Stack 3: Veriphobia Medicorum – Fear of Truth on the Part of Physicians – Address to the Homeopathy Medical School’s Graduating Class of 1866 – You’ll love this one. Gold right here! (Jul 25, 2023) – READ
Stack 4: Life insurance companies offers 10% discount for Homeopathy patrons cf. Allopathy patrons – Data reveals the superiority of Homoeopathic treatment (Jul 28, 2023) – READ
Stack 5: Hidden Knowledge Part 5: More statistics revealing the “superiority” of Homoeopathic treatment over Allopathic – from the archives. (Aug 1, 2023) – READ
Stack 6: “Sudden Death” following vaccination reported in 1911 . Homeopathy offers prophylaxis against epidemic diseases. (August 1, 2023) – READ
Stack 7: 1918 Pandemic “Spanish Flu” Death Toll – From an estimated 20 million to 100 million world wide. Why the increase? (Sept 24, 2023) – READ
Stack 8: 100 years on and we still haven’t learnt! – Introducing “These Cults” by Annie Riley Hale (Sept 26, 2023) – READ
Stack 9: “Influenza Remedies” that were successfully used in 1918? – Notes from a Homeopathic physician, which provide insights into the symptoms experienced by patients during the 1918 pandemic, and what cured them. (Nov 21, 203) – READ
Stack 10: “Influenza” Case Mortality Data from 1918 Pandemic. Homeopathy 1.035% compared to Regulars 30-50%. (Nov 22, 2023) – READ
Stack 11: Could mass Aspirin overdose have contributed to the death rate in the 1918 pandemic? (Nov 23, 2023) – READ
Stack 12: 1918: “In the struggle against influenza medicine and science could salvage only a few” – Yet homeopathic physicians salvaged most. – An article with insights into the philosophy of homeopathy. (Nov 26, 2023) – READ
Stack 13 – Dr Clare Craig just mentioned death by toxic doses of Aspirin during 1918 pandemic – Her interview with Dr John Campbell, supports my recent Aspirin substacks. – READ
Stack 14 – How “influenza” bacterial vaccines were manufactured and used in 1918 (December 12, 2023) – READ
Stack 15 – A Handy Guide to Civil Disobedience (February 10, 2024) ‘cos they don’t teach us this anymore – READ
Stack 16 – TEN COMMANDMENTS OF IMMUNIZATION -IAC Needle Tips magazine 1997 – the organisation that educates physicians and sponsored Big Pharma and the CDC (March 5, 2024) – READ
Stack 17 – More evidence 1918 pandemic deaths were likely more “iatrogenic” than “influenza” – 2009 paper by Dr Karen Starko who hypothesised the tragic role Salicylates (aspirin) likely played in the 1918 death toll- (April 18, 2024) – READ
Stack 18 – 1909: “Immune” – A simple word, used by marketers for over 100 years…but what does it really mean? (May 10, 2024) – READ
Stack 19 – 1920: There is “no interllectual demands upon the Medical Man who carries out the operation” of preventive inoculation – it’s on par with switching on a light! – (May 24, 2024) – READ
Stack 20 – 1909 – A perspective on how the “dominant school” of medicine was changing around the turn of the 20th Century – (June 21, 2024) – READ
Stack 21 – 1892: How “Modern Therapeutics” become a “cure-all” – The medical publications playbook hasn’t really changed in over 100 years. Plus who actually is the quack? (June 23, 2024) – READ
22 – 1916: “Infantile Paralysis” – Poliomyelitis – The Medical World Symposium on Anterior Poliomyelitis – let the “scientific” dart throwing begin (September 25, 2025) – READ
23 – 1908: Each day gives rise to a new system of medical treatment. “Each is a protest against the existing order in medicine.”- Patented medicines are on the rise, but have failed to improve mortality and morbidity of the “middle years” of life, creating medical hesitancy! (September 26, 2025) – READ
24 – 1900: Prophylaxis of Grippe – A data point to mark the emergence of “preventative medicine” and the early days of epidemic “influenza” (Decemeber 27, 2024) – READ
25 – 1910: The allopaths are organising medicine – Some insights into what was brewing in medicine, public health and statistics, leading up to the 1918 pandemic. (January 5, 2025) – READ