G. Edward Griffin is an Author, Historian & documentary film producer and founder of Freedom Force International. He is well known for his book (first published July 1994) “The Creature from Jekyll Island” which exposes the fraudulent nature of the Federal Reserve and our money system.
Edward who turned 90 in December 2021, is the founder of the Red Pill University a website where you will find all manner of topics to inform you how the world really works – should you choose to take the “red pill“.
Red Pill University, Red Pill Expo, and Freedom Force International represent three distinct functions of the same organization, each with its own goals and participation profile.- MORE

Wikipedia page controlled with “padlock” – HERE
The Corbett Report interviews with G Edward Griffin – HERE
Interviews and info in reverse chronological order
February 27, 2024 – Man in America: G. Edward Griffin Exposes the Elite’s Blueprint for Global Slavery—and How to Stop It! – WATCH
October 2, 2023 – Doc Malik: Where Does Money Come From, Who Controls It? Why Is Life So Difficult And More With Ed Griffin – WATCH
July 12, 2023 – London Real with Brian Rose: There Is A War To Control Your Mind & We Must Stop It Now – G. Edward Griffin – WATCH, READ
June 20, 2023 – Red Pill University: Truth about Microbes – Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory – READ, WATCH
- “The Germ Theory became widely accepted primarily due to the profitability that flows from the sale of drugs that are said to kill germs.”
- [I put this topic here as an area to explore further. But my research (which I’ve only had time to publish a little) has into the archives has shown me that The Germ Theory allowed the “medical establishment” to push diagnosis (find the germ) then kill the germ (treatment) with a specific drug, when that too often didn’t work, they turned their attention to “prevent the germ”, by vaccinating healthy people who didn’t have the germ (then it wasn’t so obvious their treatment wasn’t working!) – Today this system of mainstream medicine has evolved into “Evidence Based Medicine” – where the evidence is controlled by gatekeeper journals]
- The above video led me to Gaston Naessen’s discovery of what he calls somatids – WATCH, and the somatide’s 16 cycles – WATCH after he developed the Somatoscope, the predecessor to today’s Phase Contrast Microscope.
April 9, 2024 – Royce White | Please Call me Crazy Ep #185: The United States of the Federal Reserve | Follow The Money – Flashback G. Edward Griffin: The Creature from Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Federal Reserve -circa 1994 – WATCH
July 2, 2022 – Mel K & Author G Edward Griffin On Exposing The Creature From Jekyll Island – WATCH
- In the above interview Edward mentions in the 60’s he picked up a magazine called The Freeman, produced by The Foundation for Economic Education, and from there he “went down the rabbit hole” – ARCHIVE
October 15, 2021 – An0maly: G. Edward Griffin 1969 Warning! He Gives His Reaction To His Classic Video In 2021. – WATCH, BACKUP
August 6, 2021 – Red Pill Expo 2021 at Rapid City, South Dakota – G. Edward Griffin – WATCH
July 29, 2021- Cashflow Ninja: G. Edward Griffin Shares The Invisible Battle Happening Right Now – WATCH
- He has dealt with such diversified subjects as archaeology and ancient earth history, international banking, internal subversion, terrorism, the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations. In this episode (above) he discusses the invisible battle happening right now.
June 6, 2021 – Red Pill Expo 2021 in Rapid City, South Dakota – Breakout Session – G. Edward Griffin is the founder of Red Pill Expo, and extension or the Red Pill University – WATCH
May 29, 2021 – As Good As Gold Australia: G. Edward Griffin: Will The BIS & Basel III Unleash Hell On June 28th? – WATCH
- The USA is currently choking on $28 trillion of debt and it’s doubling every 8 years.
- Qu: How long can the US retain currency status and what will be the consequences of the Basel 3 conference on June 28?
- Qu: Will they unleash hell and how will these decisions impact gold and silver prices?
September 6, 2020 – An0maly: G. Edward Griffin Talks Viral Videos, Health, Future Of America & Yuri Bezmenov! – WATCH, BACKUP
December 29, 2019 – The Bad Crypto Podcast Episode #351: A Legendary Interview with G. Edward Griffin – Discussion: the origins of The Fed, how the money supply works and how cryptocurrency can play an essential role in bringing about economic freedom for all. – LISTEN
October 26, 2017 – Prosperity News Network: G. Edward Griffin: Blockchain a Double-Edge Sword – FED Expose’ – WATCH
April 13, 2017 – The Daily Beast: The Story Behind ‘The Creature From Jekyll Island,’ the Anti-Fed Conspiracy Theory Bible – “The fatal flaw in Griffin’s analysis and breathless fear-mongering is, as is the case with so many prevalent conspiracy theories, that it takes a grain of truth and turns it into a salt mine of utterly laughable bullshit.” – READ (an attempt to deter you from reading the book?)
December 19, 2013- The Corbett Report Interview 794 – G. Edward Griffin Unmasks the Creature from Jekyll Island – On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the passage of the Federal Reserve Act – LISTEN, Century of Enslavement – CREDIT
January 11, 2012 – Lecture by G. Edward Griffin entitled “The Quigley Formula: A conspiratorial view of history as taught by the conspirators themselves” – WATCH, BACKUP
- Professor Caroll Quigley was President Clinton’s history professor.
- The Corbett Report – Meet Caroll Quigley – HERE
May 2011 – Documentary: What In The World Are They Spraying – produced by G. Edward Griffin et al., original idea by Michael Murphy – WATCH, BACKUP, BITCHUTE
On Chem Trails, weather manipulation, artificial manipulation of the earth’s climate also called stratospheric aerosol GeoEngineering

May 27, 2011 – Glenn Beck & G. Edward Griffin Talk About The FED – WATCH
January 10, 2009 – The Corbett Report # 104 – interview with G Edward Griffin discussing the problem of collectivism – LISTEN
June 22, 2003 (First Published) – The Chasm: Collectivism vs Individualism – The Issue Behind All Issues by G. Edward Griffin – READ, Red Pill University -(latest version) READ
- “The chasm between collectivism and individualism is primarily a phenomenon of the Western world where the concept of representative government has taken root. Most of the world, however, does not have that heritage. Large parts of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East have little expectation of parliamentary government. They are accustomed to systems that are based on two other ideologies. One is rule by brute force – what I have called barbarism – and the other is theocracy, rule by men who claim to represent the word of God…”- REF
- “It contains the answer to perhaps the greatest riddle of all history: Why does homo sapiens, the most intelligent creature on Earth, repeatedly throw off tyrannies at great cost in treasure and blood only to discover after the passage of time that he has replaced it with another tyranny just as bad or even worse?” – REF
Circa 1999G. Edward Griffin: The Creature from Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Federal Reserve – WATCH
First published July 1994 – The Creature from Jekyll Island – a presentation by G. Edward Griffin – WATCH

1984 – FULL INTERVIEW with Yuri Bezmenov: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984) with G. Edward Griffin – WATCH, RUMBLE, BACKUP, BITCHUTE, ARCHIVE

- Yuri Bezmenov was a Soviet informant and KGB operative who defected to the United States in the early 70s. In the interview, Bezmenov explained the methods used by the Soviet Union KGB for the gradual subversion of the political system of the United States.
- “Deception Was My Job” Bezmenov said, and lays out the four stages of “ideological subversion” created by radical Marxists to indoctrinate and weaken nations from within. (Summary under video)
- 1. Demoralisation
- 2. Destabilisation
- 3. Crisis
- 4. Normalisation
To change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their communities, and their country.
Yuri Bezmenov
1982 – Full unedited interview with Norman Dodd by G. Edward Griffin – On Tax Exempt Foundations – The global conspirators use tax exempt foundations to influence education to change society. – ARCHIVE [Think Bill and Melinda Gate’s Foundation etc…]
“An important piece in the puzzle of modern history“
G. Edward Griffin
1974 – World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17 by G. Edward Griffin – In 1974, Griffin wrote and self-published the book “World Without Cancer” and released it as a video; its second edition appeared in 1997. – BOOK (2010), Documentary – WATCH, BACKUP, RUMBLE, TESTIMONIAL
- “It stated that cancer is a metabolic disease facilitated by the lack of Laetrile (called Vitamin B17 by its American developer), a view which has not been accepted by the majority of scientists. Because the position had been labeled “quackery” by the American Cancer Society, as well as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the American Medical Association, Griffin responded that such groups had a “hidden economic and power agenda”.” – REF
- “Dr. Ian MacDonald and Dr. Henry Garland [also] wrote the famous 1953 report of the California Medical Association that since has become the basis of almost all scientific opposition to Laetrile/B17. It was learned later, however, that the findings on this report had been FALSIFIED. Both of these doctors defended cigarette smoking as a harmless pastime unrelated to lung cancer. Dr. MacDonald had publicly stated: ‘A pack a day keeps lung cancer away’” – Page 129, Drs MacDonald died of lung cancer and Garland died while smoking in bed! – REF, OTHER
- Chapter 18: He Who Pays the Piper – Creation of the Modern Medical (Drug) Establishment (History) – READ
1969 – G. Edward Griffin Warns Us About the Communist Agenda (1969) – “G. Edward Griffin explains how, since at least the 1920s, communists have had plans to use racial agitation, violence, & socialism for communist revolution in America.” – WATCH, BACKUP, GETTR