To understand what is going on with the COVID-19 vaccines, some history on vaccines in general could prove useful. Dr Suzanne Humphries and Dr Sherri Tenpenny are two doctors who’ve deep-dived into the science and history of vaccines which was spurred on by their own intrigue and thirst to understand. This page is dedicated to Dr Humphries’ work.

Dr Suzanne Humphries is a Nephrologist (kidney specialist) who before undertaking medicine received a bachelor’s degree in theoretical physics in 1987 from Rutgers University, she also spent two years working in a biochemistry lab as the head technician.

As a medical doctor specialising in Nephrology, she spent four years teaching internal medicine and nephrology to medical students, residents and advanced fellows in training at a university hospital as an assistant professor. During that time, reading over and critiquing dozens of journal articles was a part of everyday life. [1]

Like most doctors, I held a blind belief for many years, that vaccines were necessary, safe and effective. Like most doctors, I never lifted a page to seek out any other truth for myself.

But unlike most doctors, I have no stake in upholding false paradigms and I am no longer indebted to the government for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Unlike most doctors, I have the means to survive with or without my medical license because I have sought out another education to support myself in case of worst case scenario.”

…Vaccines did not save humanity and never will.

Dr Suzanne Humphries

While working in a hospital in 2009 “everything changed. With several undeniable cases of kidney-associated vaccine injury in previously healthy people, I started to look deeper into the information that I had previously held as factual and not worthy of debate. I started to study vaccines, their components, and the science behind the statements of safety and effectiveness. From there an avalanche of truth collapsed upon me and I will never be the same.” [1]

What Dr Humphries worked out following 2009, other doctors are now awakening to! – HERE, EXAMPLE

Dr Humphries has done a deep dive into the history of smallpox and other diseases, which in light of the recent events with monkeypox is worth getting to know what she found out!

Dissolving Illusions
Published 2013
Rising from the Dead – an autobiography of Dr Suzanne Humphries awakening

In her book “Dissolving Illusions”, coauthored with Roman Bystrianyk, they catalogue the history of disease and vaccination, including smallpox, polio, scarlet fever, Whooping Cough, Measles, Chicken pox and more, and reaveal the history of “lost remedies”.

Below are a couple of videos to summarise the controversial topic!

A compilation of Dr Humphries videos


Dr Humphries shares her background
Co author Roman Bystrianyk

Charts made from offical government data showing disease death rate per 100,000 population had decreased by nearly 100% BEFORE vaccination was introduced. All infectious diseases follow the trend as measles – Data Hidden in Plain Sight – WATCH

Death rate per 100,000 population due to Measles
England & Wales 1838-1970
Hidden in Plain Sight – WATCH
Death rate per 100,000 population due to Measles
United States 1900-1970
Hidden in Plain Sight – WATCH

Interviews and links in reverse chronological order

Everything below is for informational purposes only, it is not medical advice


January 9, 2025 – The Highwire Episode 406: TRIAL BY FIRE – FULL, The Polio Paradox w/ Dr Humphries – EXCERPT


September 20, 2024 – Kirsch Substack: VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 144 – Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. – WATCH, READ

September 2, 2024 – The McCullough Report: Dissolving illusions, disease, vaccines, and the forgotten history – READ & LISTEN

  • An interview with author and historian, Roman Bystrianyk, to review what happened during the 19th and 20th centuries and present the data. Of great interest is that every disease was largely gone before a vaccine was introduced, yet vaccinologists claimed victory.

May 19, 2024 – CHD | Pediatric Perspective w/ Dr Paul Thomas: What’s In A Vaccine? With Suzanne Humphries, M.D. – WATCH

March 31, 2024 – CHD | Dr Paul Thomas – Dissolving Illusions With Dr. Suzanne Humphries – WATCH

  • Dr Humphries shares some of her history not told before
  • What Dr Humphries found out on the lies, cheating and skulduggery on the polio vaccine trials and history turned her world upside down, she became an obsessive researcher – EXCERPT
  • What do we do if we don’t do vaccines? (the vax devastation didn’t hid Dr Humphries until she joined the vaxxed team and witnessed the devastation following childhood jabbing) – EXCERPT
    • There are some vaccines we could stop now immediately with out affecting the herd at all (i.e. no community benefit) All the toxoid vaccines (DTP), the hep B at birth, chicken pox, gardasil, etc if you know how to treat correctly
    • The only one that would have a “significant problem with” would be the measles vaccine, as we’ve lost the herd immunity because of what measles vaccination has done to the population!
      • [The WHO know this, as stated in their 2019 Summit : We’re in a unique position in human history where we’ve shifted the human population to vaccine dependency” – WATCH, TIMELINE

March 28, 2024 – The Highwire Ep 365: Celebrating Females on the Frontline – FULL, Shattering the Vaccine Paradigm with Dr Suzanne Humphries – WATCH, BACKUP

  • 10th Anniversary edition of Dissolving Illusions released


November 3-5, 2023 – CHD 2023 Conference, Rise + Resist: People Over Profits, Truth Over Lies, Courage Over Fear Dr Suzanne Humphries: From Smallpox to COVID – WATCH, READ, All Speakers – WATCH (requires $10 lifetime membership to access)

July 26, 2023 – Vaccine Choice Canada: interview with Roman Bystrianyk Dissolving The Vaccine Illusion – co-author of Dr Suzanne’s book – WATCH


August 2, 2020 – Last archived tweet before account suspended – ARCHIVE

August 2, 2020 – A nephrologist’s perspective on the long-term health consequences of wearing masks. – TWEET


2018 – California Jam (Cal Jam): “The Whack-a-mole vaccine game” – One bacterial vaccine leads to another disease and another vaccine in an unending cycle of sickness and destruction of health – WATCH

  • First time intentionally talking about the bacterial vaccines

2018 – Dr Humphries discusses the death threats against her – HERE

Date? – The Leon Show with Dr Suzanne Humphries – WATCH

March 1, 2018 – Dr Suzanne Humphries discusses smallpox from 1797-2005 [Book Dissolving Illusions] – WATCH, ARCHIVE

Small pox incidence vs % vaccination – Leicester, England (1838-1910)
  • “There is so much smallpox history that has never been widely told. It is shocking, and disappointing and needs to be heard by anyone who thinks the smallpox vaccine solved any problems at all.”

Most people probably think the smallpox vaccine was invented by Edward Jenner, it wasn’t...”

Dr Suzanne Humphries author Dissolving Illusions


2017 – Living Health in a Toxic World | Live Aware San Fransisco: Polio: More Untold History a presentation by Dr Humphries on the little-known polio history – WATCH

  • Dr Humphries discusses fever in pregnancy and autism, polio outbreaks in Syria and Congo, and an Aluminum adjuvant bombshell.

September 15, 2017- Michigan for Vaccine Choice: Presentation “Unsettled Science & Herd Immunity” by Dr Suzanne Humphries – WATCH, ODYSEE, The science behind pertussis and herd immunity.

July 29, 2017 – AUSTRALIA VAXXED Tour – Syndey Presentation:Public Outcry And Medical Thuggery– Dr Humphries goes into the history of the medico-political establishment in Australia and shows the lies and corruption within – WATCH, BACKUP, Vaxxed: The film they don’t want you to see Australian Tour – READ, FILM

June 22, 2017 – The Highwire: Episode 11: IMMUNE SYSTEM PSYCHOSIS! Special Guest Host – Dr. Suzanne Humphries – WATCH

May 27, 2017 – Autism One Conference, Colorado Springs: Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History by Suzanne Humphries, MD – WATCH, ARCHIVE

March 18, 2017 – West Virginia Senate Education Committee Full testimony from Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D, “an educated medical doctor, with a medical license in the State of Virginia and State of Maine” – ARCHIVE, @11:11:45 source WATCH

I have taken the last 8 years of my life to intensively study the history of vaccination

Dr Suzanne Humphries

~2017 (date unknown) – Dr. Toni Bark Interviews Dr. Suzanne Humphries about her journey of discovery about vaccines – WATCH, Toni Bark passed away in 2020 tribute – WATCH


November 2015 – Manufactured Consent by Suzanne Humphries – WATCH, Part 1 – ARCHIVE, Part 2 – WATCH

  • Dr Humphries explains how “informed consent” today regarding vaccines is actually manipulated “manufactured consent”, as a unified voice presenting only what they want the public to know regarding vaccines was crafted in 2010 when the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation invested 10 billion dollars in global vaccination initiatives through the World Health Organization.
  • It took a couple of years for Dr Humphries to create this video series where the corruption, mythology, and medical theory are broken down step-by-step. It’s a very important video for today and it was anticipating the current climate that we are now living inREF
  • It started in the lead up (~1993) before the 1998 publication Children’s Vaccine Initiative (CVI) & World Health Organization’s Managing Opportunity and Change: A Vision of Vaccination for the 21st CenturyPDF, SOURCE, just before Bill Gates was convicted of fraud an started his foundation 1999 formed –TIMELINE, 2000 launched TIMELINE

April 17, 2015Dr Suzanne Humphries: Vaccines-Honesty vs PolicyARCHIVE

  1. Part 1: Is Dr Humphries a quack homeopath? – Dr Humphries details her journey into the conventional medical system and what woke her up to the many shortcomings – WATCH
  2. Part 2: Vaccination of kidney patients. Where’s the science? – WATCH
  3. Part 3: Reviewing the Situation – WATCH
  4. Part 4: Trailblazers and Outliers – The anti-vaccine movement is hundreds of years old – WATCH, ARCHIVE
  5. Part 5: One size does not fit all – WATCH
  6. Part 6: The Business of Vaccination – WATCH

2015 – Lecture on Vitamin C to the Swedish Orthomolecular Society, Stockholm Sweden 2015 – Dr Humphries discusses the full spectrum of vitamin C; the myths, facts, uses, cautions, and more. – WATCH

February 24, 2015 – New Zealand Presentation: Vitamin C Basics: Practical use; the who, how and when by Suzanne Humphries M.D. Internist and Nephrologist – ARCHIVE, YouTube deleted, CREDIT, Dr Humphries channel ARCHIVE

2015 – Tampere, Finland: Trojan Horses and Clusterbombs – Dr. Suzanne Humphries on aluminum in vaccines – WATCH

January 18, 2015 – Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews Dr. Suzanne Humphries – The historical context of vaccines and vaccination (Dissolving Illusions) – ARCHIVE

Every vaccine has a story behind it. Every vaccine had it’s susceptibility, had it’s spreading factor, the diseases are all different and the stories behind the vaccine are all diffrent.

What I found was completely counter to what I had been told and thought my entire life. I now don’t believe that smallpox vaccines eradicated smallpox. I now don’t believe that polio vaccines eradicated polio.

People believe in vaccines. You ask then what they know about vaccines and it will be almost nothing.

Dr Humphries


2014 – Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine Issue 42: Vaccination by Dr Suzanne Humphries – (Excellent overview article) READ

  • “Most of the medical profession claims the issues surrounding vaccination have been “settled long ago, and laid to rest.” After my experiences in the hospital system and thoroughly examining both sides of the vaccination debate, it is clear that that isn’t the case….
  • The history of vaccination is more complicated than most people understand. The anti-vaccine movement is hundreds of years old. It heated up in the 1800s, when parents in the U.K. became fed up with watching their healthy infants and children become ill or die shortly after getting smallpox vaccinations…The smallpox vaccine history is not what you think it is, if you think vaccines wiped out smallpox.”
  • “There are many problems with the science that underpins vaccine information. I’ve yet to meet a pediatrician who is informed enough to offer informed consent. Infant immunity has been misunderstood by immunologists, as the immunology literature admits to. Only recently have some important questions been answered about why infant immune systems don’t function like adult ones….”
  • “Parents must learn the ways to take care of their children when they get the common childhood illnesses, whether they vaccinate or not, since vaccinated children can still get the diseases they were vaccinated against.” The unvaccinated will commonly recover with long-term immunity.
  • “Medical schools do not educate about the contents, dangers, effectiveness or necessity of vaccines. Most medical doctors are fearful of the natural childhood illnesses because they don’t have any idea how to safely assist patients through them. The limited mainstream treatment options I learned often caused the diseases to be worse than they had to be. Yet surprisingly, I discovered other methods which work extremely well, but were never presented as part of my medical education.”
  • “The public is repeatedly deceived in order to maintain participation in vaccination”
  • “A baby’s immune system produces only very small amounts of IL-1B (Interleukin beta) and TNF-alpha.” which is “described as being “defective” or “inadequate,” by authorities”, yet are “characteristics shared by all land mammals”! Without the “potent “adjuvants,” such as aluminum. …the baby’s immune system sits there and does nothing. An adjuvant creates a red-alert situation, forcing the infant’s innate immune system to respond opposite to the way it should function in the first year of life. Pro-vaccine immunologists see nothing wrong with this.”
  • By 2007 the baby’s alleged immune “defect” by way of an “anti-inflammatory phenotype” is suddenly seen as an “important developmental program” during a time of rapid tissue growth and remodeling..
  • “Breast milk acts as a stand-in innate immune system, which protects the baby from toxin-mediated and other diseases by supplying anti-inflammatory substances in the milk, along with other immune particles. These prevent bacteria and viruses from adhering, or kill them outright.”…”This protects the baby, acting as “in loco” defense while the infant immune system is being programmed to know self from non-self.”
  • A vaccine, by definition, causes repeated, chronic inflammation at set time intervals. Vaccines are designed to create peripheral inflammation, and vaccine adjuvants and antigens can cause brain inflammation, and create allergies and autoimmunity—resulting in constant inflammation all around the body. For some children vaccines can also cause mitochondria to stop working properly.”
  • “…a close look at medical textbooks through the decades reveals a very interesting trend. In the 1920s and ’30s, doctors were often quite relaxed over diseases which today are presented as more deadly than the plague. …This is not stating that there were never serious consequences. There sometimes were. However, today, most parents erroneously believe that every child will die from diseases which most grandparents found were nuisance value only. “

October 21, 2014 – Prevent Disease TV: The Brilliance of Dr. Suzanne Humphries on The Dangers of Vaccines – A Compilation of videos – WATCH, ARCHIVE, ARCHIVE

  • Dr. Suzanne Humphries speaks on her background and about how she started to question the safety on vaccines.

Vaccination is an attempt to expose the body, to hopefully a benign form of the disease, so that the body can respond as if it were infected with the disease, without getting sick, and then can hopefully have memory of that infection for the future if it is exposed to the actual natural infection.”


The problem with vaccines is that:

  1. vaccines do not come into the body, by-and-large, the same way that the natural infection would (i.e. measles is naturally inhaled vs entry into the body via a needle into an unnatural location)
  2. vaccines contain more than just the antigen, it also contains other chemicals and foreign manufacturing matter which the natural disease would not have

October 18, 2014 – Vermont Coalition for Vaccine Choice: Do Vaccines Promote Health? – Neonatal Immunity Part 1 The First Three Years – Keynote Speaker – Suzanne Humphries MD – WATCH

September 2014 – Canal 2nd Opinion recorded in Ängelholm, Sweden in September 2014 : Lecture by Dr. Humphries on tetanus, immunity and epigenetics – ARCHIVE, Tetanus, prevention, wound care and vitamin C – ARCHIVE

Dr Humphries presents slides on when tetanus infection turns toxic – WATCH
  • (@3:40) A 1937 BMJ paper reveals that the medical system was often the source of tetanus infection that led to the toxic event – READ
  • It is known that doctors do NOT report cases of tetanus when the patient has been vaccinated (@14min) – Between 1969-1985 in Finland, 5 of 106 patients with tetanus were in children, 4 of whom had received adequate vaccination! i.e. 80% children with tetanus were vaccinated! Therefore the vaccine is no guarantee that your child will not develop tetanus.
  • Vax vs Unvaxx study with tetanus vaccine 1992 – READ
  • So many of the people/children vaccinated are developing the disease they are vaccinated for, often times shortly after they are vaccinated, and then spread the vaccine-strain of measles (for example, because we now have the ability to genotype test) to unvaccinated children (~@19min). Happens also with rotovirus vaccines, oral polio vaccines, measles and rubella. – so the ‘herd immunity by vaccination’ argument is irrational and based on a false understanding of it’s origins
Relative risk of diseases 1900, 1935 and 1970 (data from Dr Humphries slide @8min) – Tetanus was such a low incidence disease – source

“Mortality due to tuberculosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, whooping cough, measles, typhoid, puerperal fever and infant gastro-enteritis started to fall long before the introduction of immunization and/or antibiotics”

Guberan 1980 (@8:45)
@10:45 Why these mortality declined dramatically before vaccination campaigns – Dissolving Illusions – source

September 2014 – Canal 2nd Opinion recorded in Ängelholm, Sweden in September 2014: Dr. Suzanne Humphries – Lecture on vaccines, disease and health – PART1, PART2, Q&A, The PLAYLIST (ARCHIVES: – PART 1, PART 2, ALL)

  • Doctors are not taught about vaccines in medical school – EXCERPT, BACKUP, Vaxxed Bus The Doctors – PROOF
  • Dr. Suzanne Humphries – are vaccines safe? – WATCH, ARCHIVE

September 24, 2014 – Swedish Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, Stockholm: Lecture on vitamin C by Suzanne Humphries: Vitamin C Basics: Practical use; the who, how, and when (2hr presentation) – WATCH, BACKUP, READ, ARCHIVE, CREDIT

  • Medical education does not teach on how to support the body but how to suppress symptoms with drugs that start with “anti-

April 20, 2014 – Logos Radio Network: The Vaccine Myth: An Issue of Trust w/ Suzanne Humphries MD & Tetyana Obukhanych PhD – LISTEN, LISTEN

  • PhD in Immunology Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych and nephrologist Dr. Suzanne Humphries, MD, discuss peer-reviewed after peer-reviewed article, all of which deal a serious blow to both the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, as portrayed by the industry.


July 27, 2013 – Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History Paperback – by Suzanne Humphries MD & Roman Bystrianyk – BOOK, WEBSITE

Dissolving Illusions

February 15, 2013 – Association of Natural Health Conference: Suzanne Humphries, MD: Smoke, Mirrors and the “Disappearance” of PolioARCHIVE, ARCHIVE


2012 – Association of Natural Health Conference in 2012 – “Smoke, Mirrors, and the ‘Disappearance’ of Polioby Dr. Suzanne Humphries – WATCH, READ & WATCH, ARCHIVE,

  • Vaccination Council Nov 2011 – Smoke, Mirrors, and the “Disappearance” Of Polio by Suzanne Humphries, MD – i.e. Did Vaccines Really Eradicate Polio? ARCHIVE
  • Description of DDT poisoning sounds a lot like poliomyelitis – EXCERPT

July 3, 2012 – The Gary Null Show with Suzanne Humphries – EXCERPT, WATCH, ARCHIVE

  • Based on lawsuit recently settled by GlaxoSmithKlein (GSK) for $3 Billion for failure to report safety data and manipulating data for multiple products – READ, they also manufacture the MMR vaccine. This did NOT make front page news! Gary asks the question “Is there adequate science to prove that vaccines create immunisation?”, since they no longer call it vaccination but “immunization” shots.
  • Note: Gary Null, PhD Documentaries Vaccine Nation (2008) which challenges the assumption that vaccines are PERFECTLY safe- TRAILER, WATCH and The Silent Epidemic (2013) – WATCH, ARCHIVE


December 27, 2011 – Video from Gary Null: Dr Humphries: “There will never be a safe vaccine.” – ARCHIVE, WATCH

  • The actual proccess of “vaccination” defys the natural function of the immune system, and leaves it susceptible to more pathogens.
  • Vaccine designers often look for just the creating of an antibody to determine their product works…an antibody is but one small thing in the complex immune system.
  • This may be the interview where Dissolving Illusions’ co-author Roman was prompted to make contact with her – EXCERPT

December 10, 2011 – Vaccination Council: Special Report: The Vitamin C Treatment of Whooping Cough by Suzanne Humphries, MD – ARCHIVE, REPORT , UPDATED, 2017- UPDATE

  • “A recent study [2011] confirms that natural immunity to whooping cough lasts at least 30 years, whereas the immunity from a vaccine lasts 3 years, and after adult boosters, all antibodies have disappeared within a year.
  • Most babies over the age of 6 months who get whooping cough are fully and “appropriately” vaccinated.
  • When pertussis is left to take its normal course in the community, the supposedly vulnerable infants that the vaccinationists scream and yell about, are protected by maternal antibodies and mother’s milk until they are old enough to process the disease on their own.
  • After vaccines were introduced, this protection was vastly reduced, because the mothers were only having vaccine antibodies to pass along to their infants, and that defense is neither effective nor long-lasting.”

Dr Humphries addresses these Three Misconception: – HERE

  1. You are putting other people at risk by not vaccinating
  2. The non-vaccinated spread disease
  3. Deaths from these terrible diseases that once plagued humanity will return to pre-vaccine levels, if we do not keep up the vaccines.
Which had the greatest impact on disease reduction, hygiene or vaccination? source
Scurvy vs Measles deaths are strongly correlated – source
US Mortality was strongly declining way before vaccines were introduced. source

More vaccine documentaries at Swiss Policy Research – HERE

November 17, 2011 – Vaccination Council: Smoke, Mirrors, and the “Disappearance” Of Polio by Suzanne Humphries, MD – ARCHIVE, Health Impact News – READ

February 22, 2011 – Natural News: The age-old struggle against vaccination: A rebuttal to NEJM article by Jennifer Craig, PhD; Suzanne Humphries, MD; and Sherri Tenpenny, DO – READ, CREDIT

  • “In a letter dated July 19, 1931 to Dr. Charles Pabst, [George Bernard] Shaw wrote: “I was vaccinated in infancy and had ‘good marks’ of it. In the great epidemic of 1881 (I was born in 1856) I caught smallpox. During the last considerable epidemic at the turn of the century, I was a member of the Health Committee of London Borough Council, and I learned how support for vaccination is kept up statistically by diagnosing all the vaccinated cases as pustular eczema, varioloid, or what-not, except smallpox….I have no doubt that vaccination is an unscientific abomination and should be made a criminal practice

February 6, 2011 – Vaccination Council | Suzanne Hymphries, MD: A Few Things I Know – ARCHIVE

  • “Vaccines did not save humanity and never will.”
  • Smallpox was not eradicated by vaccines as many doctors readily say it was. They say this out of conditioning rather than out of understanding the history or science.”
  • Polio virus was not responsible for the paralysis in the first part of the 20th century. Polio vaccine research, development, testing and distribution has committed atrocities upon primates and humanity. Bill Gates is not a humanitarian.”
  • Vaccines are dangerous and should never be injected into anyone for any reason. They are not the answer to infectious diseases. There are many more sustainable and benevolent solutions than vaccines
  • “I challenge health care practitioners to look into the topic of vaccines with an open mind, on their own…I beg that all health care practitioners place their egos beside them and be ready for what will happen when the truth is visible
  • “Please, parents and health care practitioners do your homework. The minds and bodies of future generations depend upon it.

February 2, 2011 – One Radio Network – The Morning Show With PATRICK TIMPONE: Vaccines – The Whole Story w/ Dr. Sherry Tennpenny D.O. & Dr. Suzanne Humphries M.D. – LISTEN

  • The International Medical Council on Vaccines new report: Vaccines: Get the Full StoryARCHIVE