The Control Group

In a clinical drug trial, the placebo control group are the participants who receive an inert product, such as a saline injection or a sugar pill. This control group is vert important, they are used as a comparison group to assist in determining the effectiveness and the safety of the experimental product that is under investigation.


Clinical trial protocols are generally designed where by all participants are “blinded“, meaning they don’t know which group they’ve been assigned to – treatment or placebo. A “double blind” trial means that, in addition, the people administering and assessing the trial data are also “blind” to what each participant has received. All with the intent of removing or reducing bias.

Inert Placebo Control vs Active Control

Some clinical trials are designed where the control group receives an active product not an inert placebo, such as was done in the case of AstraZeneca‘s COVID-19 vaccine trials and with all past childhood vaccine clinical trials. In these cases another vaccine is given to the control group. What is not commonly known is the vaccine “control” has never been tested against a placebo – all vaccines are simply assumed to be “safe”.

Randomised Control Trials

To further help reduce bias and confounders, the pool of trial participants are randomly divided so that half randomly receive the experimental treatment product and half randomly receive the control product. Though, note these randomised participants are pre-selected as “health” individuals – so not a true representation of the overall population – already a bias.

A randomised control trial (RCT) is generally considered the “gold standard” for medical product assessment, but even RCTs are not always double blinded and they don’t always use a inert control! So a randomised, double blind, inert placebo control trial one would think would logically be a superior study design.

The Control Group

The control group is the comparison group, and allows for statistical probability calculations to be made between a treatment and no-treatment. The randomised control group is important to help assess whether changes are due to natural variation or are the result of the experimental treatment.

The control group helps to determine if the experimental treatment does what it is intended, is effective, and to assess whether it is safe, by determining whether any adverse consequences occur and at what frequency they may occur, compared to the treatment group, both in the short term (day, weeks, months), but also over the longer period of time such as years into the future.

Post-marketing surveillance, cataloguing adverse events that occur when a product is administered after regulatory approval (emergency or full approval) is very important for long-term safety assessment.

Trial “Phases”

Clinical trails in humans are split into Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3 where generally the number of participants in each phase increases from 1 to 2 to 3, but also Phase 1 is usually completed and assessed before Phase 2 begins, and Phase 2 is completed and assessed before Phase 3 begins.

Usually before human trials begin, trials have been conducted using animals.

When dealing with human lives these separated phases are important to minimise unforeseen human loss and adverse events. In the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials the Phases were compressed and combined!

The COVID-19 vaccines clinical trials were conducted at warp-speed, combining all Phases at some point.

And post-marketing surveillance did not actively look for known, and concerning safety signals – they left this for the recipient to fill in a blank field.

Consequences of unblinding a clinical trial

At some point a clinical trial is unblinded, which means both “the scientists” and the trial participants are made aware of their “product” status – whether they were in the control group or the treatment group. If the control group then takes the treatment, the experiment is over. The long-term safety or efficacy assessment opportunity has been eliminated.

Shockingly the COVID-19 mRNA clinical trials were un-blinded after as little as two months and before regulatory “emergency used authorization” was granted in the United State. – TIMELINE

Big Pharma’s Pfizer and Moderna, eliminated their Phase 2/3 placebo control group, by unblinded them in late Dec. 2020 and Jan. 2021, respectively. AstraZeneca never had a placebo control in the first place, only a “control” group…big difference. – WATCH

The Unvaccinated: The Vounteer Control Group

In a mass vaccination campaign, for any product, expecially an experimental, emergency use product, the only comparative group, or “control group” becomes the unvaccinated members of the population. The unvaccinated population allows for trends in data to be discovered regarding vaccine safety and efficacy issues – though this is very much dependent on government data reporting.

The push for vaccinating everyone was based on the “assumption” that the injections generated sterilizing immunity and therefore the injections would allow for vaccine induced herd-immunity to be generated. But it was known from the clinical trial design that only symptoms (COVID-19) was assessed, TRANSMISSION was never assessed by Pfizer, and likely the other manuractures for stopping infection or transmission of the virus, SARS-CoV-2. Public health promoted an assumption, now science, just hope.

We knew everyone would get this virus, those who chose to remain unvaccinated have always been part of the volunteer control group for the global experiment. They have been attacked and stigmatised for choosing to allow their bodies’ immune system to function and protect as it was always designed to do. They were informed. They chose not to consent. That used to be our right!

The healthy, unvaccinated (never received any shot) are fairing well in this pandemic. The less vaccinated or the under-vaccinated are generally fairing better (if they managed to get through their first 2 shots un-harmed) in the long term, but the immune attacked, multi boosted aren’t doing as well. The following links collect data points that will reveal this picture.

At the end of the day it should always come down to personal choice whether to accept a medical intervention. The immune comporomised and those who didn’t intervene with early immune boosting interventions are tending to populate the “flatten the curve” hospitals – stop blaming the control group.

  • Vaccine Control Group – WEB
  • We Are the Conrol – WEB
  • The Control Group – WEB,
    • Joy Garner – READ, Substack – READ

The COVID-19 “unvaccinated” data points in reverse chronological order

Content is continuously being added. This page also includes references to how the vaccinated are being classed as “unvaccinateD” which muddies the numbers!


November 10, 2024 – Doc Malik | Honest Health Podcast #250: Diny Van Kleeff – The Vaccine Control GroupWATCH

  • Diny Van Kleef is the Co-founder of The Control Group Cooperative Ltd.
  • Diny and Doc Malik “explore the creation of a vaccine control group born out of the plandemic, tackling vaccine safety concerns and the lack of controlled study groups. This sparked the formation of a community where unvaccinated individuals could track their health, promoting informed, voluntary decisions for parents regarding vaccinations.”

January 22, 2023 – Chief Nerd on X- The #1 CDC data chart used to promote the COVID vaccine… It leads you to believe ‘Unvaccinated’ people are more likely to die from COVID-19. This is VERY misleading though, and not for the reasons you might think. Read on… – THREAD, The Highwire Ep 357 -pandemic of the unvaccinated was a lie – EXCERPT (see June 9, 2023)

  • CDC defines an ‘Unvaccinated’ person as someone who “has not been verified to have received [a] COVID-19 vaccine.” Thus “unknown” status are deemed “Unvaccinated”.


December 14, 2023 – Cureus: Viral Respiratory Epidemic Modeling of Societal Segregation Based on Vaccination Status. – Hickey and Rancourt – READ

  • Dr Byram Guess What? Segregation of Unvaccinated People to Protect the ‘Vaccinated’ is NOT Supported by Modeling Practiced With Integrity – CREDIT
  • we cannot recommend that SIR [susceptible-infectious-recovered] modelling be used to motivate or justify segregation policies regarding viral respiratory diseases, in the present state of knowledge”

December 9, 2023 – Psycology Post: The COVID-19 blame game: Unvaccinated individuals disproportionately scapegoated, study suggests – READ,

  • The authors seem to be shocked by their discovery that much of the lies and misinformation came from the government and media: – Igor’s Newsletter – CREDIT

October 1, 2023 – Ask Dr Drew: Israeli Study of Myocarditis In Unvaccinated w/ Dr Peter McCullough & Dr Kelly Victory – WATCH, READ

  • A recent study from Israel, published in the Journal Of Clinical Medicine, shows “no increase in the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis” in adults who were not vaccinated and had a COVID-19 infection – STUDY

September 3, 2023 – Epoch Times: FDA, CDC Hid Data on Spike in COVID Cases Among the Vaccinated- – READ
ICAN Documents –READ, (yet the the “unvaccinated” were blamed, July 17, 2021 Walensky started the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” mantra – TIMELINE)

  • Contractor Humetrix Cloud Services found in 2021 that the proportion of total COVID-19 cases among the seniors was increasingly comprised of vaccinated people. For “week ending on July 31, 2021, post-vaccination COVID-19 cases represented 73% of the cases among people 65 and older. The elderly were 80 percent fully vaccinated at the time.
  • Protection against hospitalization was also fading, researchers discovered.

August 28, 2023 – Dr Bridle Substack: Physicians Choosing Death for Their Patients- The Stories of Sheila Annette Lewis, Garnet Harper, and Many Others who chose not to get jabbed but needed life saving surgery – READ

August 19, 2023 – The Naked Emperor Substack: The Control Group – German study comparing the health of vaccinated & unvaccinated – READ, Die Kontrollgruppe – READ

  • “The study found that vaccinated individuals experienced more and more severe complaints compared to unvaccinated individuals. The overall complaint severity was two times higher in the vaccinated group”
  • “Initially, the data suggested that vaccination provided some protection against Covid, as the number of complaints reported was higher in the unvaccinated control group in 2021. However, by 2022, this trend reversed, and vaccinated individuals were contracting Covid 18% more often and more severely than unvaccinated individuals”
  • Dr. Hoppe thinks that he will not be able to present his finding in studies or articles so will publish them in a book format….”…the results are interesting and reinforce empirical observations.”

June 9, 2023 (last updated): CDC: Rates of COVID-19 Cases or Deaths by Age Group and Vaccination Status and Booster Dose – READ, ARCHIVE, The Highwire- CREDIT, first created December 23, 2021 – ARCHIVE

An unvaccinated person had SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen detected on a respiratory specimen and has not been verified to have received COVID-19 vaccine. Excluded were partially vaccinated people who received at least one FDA-authorized vaccine dose but did not complete a primary series ≥14 days before collection of a specimen where SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen was detected.

  • CDC: Rates of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by Vaccination Status – ARCHIVE

May 29, 2023 – Resist the Mainstream: CDC Confirms That Most Infected in COVID Outbreak at Agency’s Conference Were VaccinatedREAD, Washington Post: Tally of covid-19 cases after CDC conference climbs to 181- READ [Transmission anyone!]

  • “99.4 percent of [CDC] conference participants “had received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose.””
  • “basically 1 in 10 folks at a single CDC conference caught COVID.” – TWEET

April 21, 2023 – Daily Clout: Chicago Workers Who Refused Covid Vaccines to be Reinstated With Back Pay – READ, Chicago Tribune – READ

April 15, 2023 – Alex Berenson Substack: From the start, they lied about the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” – No surprise here, but more evidence is always nice. This time it comes from the state of Maryland – READ

  • “The Maryland data could not be clearer. Nearly everyone who has been hospitalized for the last year has been vaccinated. The jabs have failed.”

April 15, 2023 – Totality of Evidence Substack: “Pandemic of the [documented as] Unvaccinated”! – Seven compounding pandemic factors to create the illusion that the “unvaccinated” are to blame (may be 6), …- READ

April 13, 2023 – JAMIA Open: Assessing the Immunization Information System and electronic health record interface accuracy for COVID-19 vaccinations by McGreevy et al – READ, Chief Nerd – CREDIT

  • The study “discovered that because the interface between the IIS and the EHR required a manual query to pull the information into the EHR, it was difficult to identify unvaccinated patients.”
  • The study says that in one of the most widely used Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, Epic, there are four options for healthcare systems to classify someone’s vaccination status. ‘Unvaccinated’ is not one of them and “there is not an option to change the status to unvaccinated.”:
    • 1) Fully Vaccinated,
    • 2) Partially Vaccinated,
    • 3) Postponed,
    • 4) UNKNOWN
  • The study found that nearly half of patients with an ‘UNKNOWN’ vaccination status were in-fact PREVIOUSLY VACCINATED, [though would have been classified by default in the CDC system as “unvaccinated”]
  • Following this study on April 22, 2023 the CDC stopped reporting the data for the “COVID-19 weekly death rate by vaccination statusCHART, CDC page – HERE

March 31, 2023 – JAMIA Open: Assessing the Immunization Information System and electronic health record interface accuracy for COVID-19 vaccinations – McGreevy et al – READ, preprint Aug 5, 2022 – PDF, The Highwire CREDIT

  • “This project started with what seemed like a simple goal: identify patients not vaccinated against COVID-19, then provide targeted outreach to those patients. However, it was much harder than anticipated to obtain an accurate list of unvaccinated patients.”
    • Clinic electronic health records (EHR) and the Immunization Information System (IIS) at the state level, were not communicating automatically. SO HOW DID CDC get their data about vaccination status!
  • The EHR system used is Epic. The COVID-19 vaccination status is defined within the EHR in 4 different ways: fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, postponed, or unknown. The status is “unknown” if there is no record of a COVID-19 vaccineThere is not an option to change the status to unvaccinated.” – The Highwire – EXCERPT
  • Researches found 44% of “unknown” category had previously received a COVID-19 vaccine, these were classed as “unvaccinated”

March 30, 2023 – ExcessDeathsAU Substack: “To my unjabbed heroes” – A jabbed Australian speaks – “This person has captured so much of what Australians have been though the past three years.” – READ

Read the LETTER

March 6, 2023 – Daily Clout: Report 59: The Flawed Trial of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA “Vaccine.” 90% of Original Placebo Group Received at Least One mRNA Injection by March 2021 – Linnea Wahl – READ

March 2, 2023 – Lancet: Confronting the evolution and expansion of anti-vaccine activism in the USA in the COVID-19 era – Carpiano, Chelsea Clinton, Peter Hotex et al – READ, Aaron Siri: “Over 20 public “health experts” from Yale, Stanford, etc., still think their issue is messaging. Here’s a clue: it’s not….”- TWEET

  • “Over 20 public “health experts” from Yale, Stanford, etc., still think their issue is messaging. Here’s a clue: it’s not….”- Aaron Siri – TWEET
  • “It is also rich that all authors disclosed at least one conflict, including personal fees from WHO, CDC, Sanofi, Merck, Pfizer, Janssen, and/or Moderna, grants from Pfizer, GSK, Sanofi, and/or Merck, sitting on board for one or more of these companies, and much more.” – Aaron Siri – TWEET

February 23, 2023 – Injecting Freedom Substack: Pfizer’s Clinical Trial Had More Deaths After Vaccination than Placebo – READ, As shown in July 2021 – STUDY, Due to “resource constraints” the FDA can’t comment – PDF! For more watch More Harm than Good documentary by CCCA – WATCH

  • More people died who received the vaccine vs placebo: “…in the clinical trial from July 2020 to March 2021, 20 deaths occurred among those who received the vaccine as compared to 14 who received the placebo.”
  • “Oddly, in a separate FDA report, it said there were 38 total deaths—21 in the vaccinated group and 17 in the placebo, reflecting a 24% increased risk of mortality…”
  • FDA simply parroted Pfizer’s conclusion in its report: “None of the deaths were considered related to vaccination.” – Page 23 [FDA is Pfizer’s marketing arm!]

February 15, 2023 – Gateway Pundit: Outrageous! Australian Mother Denied Life-Saving Heart Surgery Because She’s Unvaccinated (VIDEO) – READ

February 14, 2023 – Gateway Pundit: World’s First Online Dating Service for Unvaccinated Launches in Hawaii – READ

January 31, 2023 – Brownstone Institute: How the “Unvaccinated” Got It Right by Bobin Koerner – READ,

  • Robin Koerner on WarRoom Battleground EP 228 – FULL, EXCERPT
  • Referring to January 22, 2023 – Real Coffee with Scott Adams Episode 1995: Get In Here! “the anti-vax people appear to be the winners” – WATCH, EXCERPT


November 15, 2022 – International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR): Health versus Disorder, Disease, and Death: Unvaccinated Persons Are Incommensurably Healthier than Vaccinated – by Joy Garner, Founder of The Control Group – READ, PDF, WATCH, FULL, Researchgate – READ

Orange is vaccine exposed children – source, explanation – WATCH
  • “Results from the 2019/2020 nationwide Control Group Survey of Unvaccinated Americans (CGS) show that those refusing vaccines are thriving while those accepting them are being injured and met with a multiplicity of grave injuries as well as sudden unexpected death” [links added]
  • “If the ultimate goal of vaccination were to prevent injury, disabilities and deaths, (which does not appear to be the case) it is plain that they have failed.” “… it is demonstrated that the unvaccinated have lower rates of injuries leading to disease, disability,and death”

August 30, 2022 – Rebekah Barnett Substack: 3 months of NSW data show it’s not the unvaccinated in hospitals with Covid – READ, CREDIT

  • NSW – barely any unvaccinated patients being hospitalised with Covid?
  • In the past 3 months, there was a grand total of 21 unvaccinated patients (0.2%) out of a total 9, 348 Covid hospitalisations

August 28, 2022: Substack | Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings: Inspirational Message To The Unvaccinated – A member of the FLCCC team sent around this message written by an anonymous person. I found it extremely powerful and felt it needed to be shared. – READ, Posted on August 22, 2022 by Constitutional Nobody – (No Archive) HERE

August 26, 2022 – The Highwire: CNN’S LOCKDOWN-LOVING CONTRIBUTOR DOES AN ABOUT FACE – CNN Medical Contributor, Leana Wen, peddled fear and stigmatized the unvaccinated for two years in the name of Covid-19. She recently took to twitter with a sudden change of heart about masking her own children. – WATCH

May 9, 2022 – Joel Smalley Substack: Denmark Pandemic of the Vaccinated – Amazing work by Kristoffer Torbjørn Bæk reveals the vaccinated in Denmark account for more cases, hospitalisations and deaths than the unvaccinated and have done all year – READ


October 15, 2021 – CDC: When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated (definition) – ARCHIVE

  • vaccine protect you from “getting sick”
CDC defines fully vaccinated – source

March 4, 2021 – IEEE Spectrum: Why Electronic Health Records Haven’t Helped U.S. With Vaccinations
Covid-19 has laid bare crippling interoperability issues – READ, ARCHIVE, Chief Nerd – CREDIT, The Highwire – CREDIT. The GP enters info into the EHR -> State immunisation record (but these two electronic systems were NOT communicating!)

  • “If you get the shot at a local hospital that is affiliated with your doctor, the vaccination information might show up in your electronic health record (EHR). However, if it doesn’t, or you get the shot through a pharmacy like CVS, your vaccination information may end up stranded on the little paper CDC vaccination card you receive with your shot. The onus will be on you to give your doctor your vaccination information, which will have to be manually (hopefully without error) entered into your EHR.”
  • [Thus a person vaccinated external to the hospital has an “unknown” vaccination status, and the staff don’t ask, and the CDC recognise these injected persons as Unvaccinated]


December 10, 2020 – FDA VRBPAC meeting discussing Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine emergency use authorisation. At that meeting there was a presentation about the “ethics” of a placebo control group : “Considerations for Placebo-Controlled Trial Design If An Unlicensed Vaccine Becomes Available” – SLIDES, Meeting LINKS

August 17, 2020 – Vigilant Fox Substack: The Unvaccinated Will Be Vindicated – Mandates are now becoming a thing of the past, thanks to brave freedom fighters who had the courage to say NO – Timeline of tyranny – READ & WATCH

April 9, 2020 – Dr Shiva: Dr.SHIVA LIVE: SAVING the Critically ILL & Boosting Immune Health – WATCH, a demonstration of the new immune system model – EXCERPT

  • We encounter trillions of pathogens every day – EXCERPT
  • The mainstream media (and public health bureaucrats) never talke about immune health!

January 30, 2020 – The Highwire: CORONAVIRUS: WHAT THEY AREN’T TELLING YOU – @51:30 WATCH

  • Of the few studies done looking at vaccinated vs unvaccinated populations, the unvaccinated demonstrate to have a more robust immune system and do not die at the same rate.
  • [As it turned out Del was correct – vaccines may have provided short term benefit, but the vaccinated became more prone to infection and severe disease as the months went along]
  • Measles in 1961 prior [1] to measles vaccine – 1 in 10,000 infected measles cases would die which equates to 0.0001% chance of dying – why didn’t pharma take care of that person? Because the 99.9999% of the rest of us fair well from catching measles and we benefited from life-long-immunity which creates herd immunity – @57:32 – Follow the Money!

Do you realise that your medical establishment thinks that there will be a day when they will have a vaccine for every single one of these bacteria and viruses? That’s their plan!

Del Bigtree [@~54:20]

Oh, and by the way the coronavirus is going to mutate, and then you’ll need a different vaccineall of this is just a business

Del Bigtree [@56:53], Jan. 30, 2020
RICE DEMONSTRATION – you’re vaccinated for 16 our of a trillion viruses and bacteria! @54 min – immune suppressed persons still have to tackle the trillions of other pathogens! Why doesn’t pharma target helping tho$e people?

Vaxxed v UnVaxxed prior to COVID-19


May 30, 2017 – AutismOne Conference: Pilot Comparative Study on the Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated U.S. Children by Anthony Mawson – WATCH, SOURCE