May 15, 2024, under the Global Immunization Strategic Framework (GISF) (2021-2030) and part of WHO IA2030 the CDC launch a Global Immunization page for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPD) which now has 3 distinct goals for “immunization systems and vaccination activities worldwide”: eradicate, eliminate or control!
- Eradication is defined as the worldwide absence of a specific disease-causing agent in nature.
- Elimination of VPD transmission in a defined geographic area but vaccination must continue to prevent reemergence or Eliminating VPD because its a ” public health problem” requiring vaccination (tetanus which is not infectious is on the list in the context of pregnancy!)
- Control of VPD to reduce “disease and death to low levels locally”!
- Advance Development for diseases that don’t currently have a vaccine! [2]
The moment a vaccine is registered for a new disease we suddenly have a new vaccine-preventable disease – which takes potential lives could be saved numbers even higher!