Chinese virologist Shi Zheng-Li in Wuhan, together with US virologist Ralph Baric, published a paper that “synthetically re-derived an infectious…virus”, concluding that building chimeric viruses maybe too risky to pursue.

They took a 2002 SARS virus and inserted the protein from a rufous horseshoe bat, creating a new infectious human pathogen.  It was intended to “warn the world” of a potential risk of SARS-CoV re-emergence!

The study was funded by NIH via EcoHealth Alliance, and NGO who’s president is Peter Daszak.  This study was approved by NIH to continue even though it came under the Gain of Function funding moratorium.

In 2020, Daszak thanked Dr Fauci via email, for dismissing theories that SARS-CoV-2 could be man-made.

In February 2021, Daszak represented the US on the WHO probe in to the origins of SARS-CoV-2.