On April 25, 2003 the (U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/465,927 ) US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) filed a patent for the SARS Coronavirus isolated from humans,  that had reportedly transferred to humans during the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak in Asia. “35 U.S.C. §101 prohibits patenting nature. This legality did not deter CDC in their efforts. Their application, updated in 2007, ultimately issued as U.S. Patent 7,220,852 (the patent on the RNA sequence) and 7,776,521 (the patent on the testing methodology. These patents give the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services the ability to control the commercial exploitation of SARS
coronavirus.” [1, 2]

According to Dr David Martin, when the CDC “filed their patent application on April 25, 2003 their first claim (and the only one that survived to ultimate issuance over the objection of the patent examiner in 2006 and 2007) was the genome for SARS CoV“. The CDC “continued to pay maintenance fees on the patent after the 2013 Supreme Court decision confirm[ing] that it was illegal.”

Dr. Fauci knew, and failed to disclose evidence that the CDC patent was illegal, based on work he had funded in the years leading up to the SARS outbreak.

IN 2003 Dr. Anthony Fauci WAS appointed to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Grand Challenges Scientific Advisory Board, where he served through 2010. [3]

  • On April 28, 2003 Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, founded in 2002, files patent US 7,151,163 titled “Antiviral agents for the treatment, control and prevention of infections by coronaviruses”… just three days after the CDC filed its patent for the SARS coronavirus gene sequence![1, 2, 4] “Sequoia was later rolled into proprietary holdings of Pfizer, Crucell/Johnson & Johnson.” [3]
  • On July 21, 2003 Ralph Baric’s team at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (using AI23946 and GM63228) file U.S. Patent 7,618,802 titled Compositions of coronaviruses with a recombination-resistant genome, which was issued on November 17, 2009