On April 30, 2020 Bill Gates who has no scientific qualification, in a blog post, advised the world that a new technology mRNA or DNA vaccine for the entire world was the only solution to get us back to prepandemic normal.  [1, 2, 3]

“Our foundation is the biggest funder of vaccines in the world, and this effort dwarfs anything we’ve ever worked on before. It’s going to require a global cooperative effort like the world has never seen.”  It could be done in “as little as 9 months”.

Safety is exactly what it sounds like: is the vaccine safe to give to people? Some minor side effects (like a mild fever or injection site pain) can be acceptable, but you don’t want to inoculate people with something that makes them sick.”

Efficacy measures how well the vaccine protects you from getting sick. Although you’d ideally want a vaccine to have 100 percent efficacy, many don’t. For example, this year’s flu vaccine is around 45 percent effective.”  [Well that failed, the vaccinated turned out more likely to get sick, any “protective” effects were short lived]

“… we might end up with [a vaccine] that only stops you from getting sick for a couple months (like the seasonal flu vaccine, which protects you for about six months).”