Only on December 9, 2019 did Dr Robert Kadlec, head of HHS ASPR, after 12 months of gaming pandemic preparedness did he officially release the “Crimson Contagion After-Action Report. [1, 2, 4]

The National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) held a public meeting in Washington, DC, ONLY on December 3, 2019 to disclose, amongst other things, the Crimson Contagion Exercise findings. [3]  The press did not report on this until the NY Times article March 19, 2020.

The After-Action Report “criticised” previous pandemic playbooks such as the January 2018 ‘Pandemic Crisis Action Plan Ver. 2.0.’ in

The Crimson Contagion exersise concluded that the January 2018 Dept Homeland Security’s ‘Pandemic Crisis Action Plan Ver. 2.0existing playbook, which tasked HHS to lead the federal government’s response to an influenza pandemic, with the support of DHS/FEMA, was “insufficient and often in conflict with one another.”