On 21st March 2020 I sent an email to my family which stated:

This virus doesn’t scare me, [but] the emerging big picture agenda does!

The pandemic had just recently been declared by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and for weeks things were just not adding up, but also 3 years earlier I had learnt of a plan to bring in “vaccine passports”, things were certainly adding up to bring that plan into action. What I didn’t realise at that time was that these man-made, new technology “health measures” labelled “vaccines”, were but a tool to bring about an even bigger agenda, one I had no idea about!

Excerpt from my March 2020 email to my family and friends

The perfect justification – a pandemic

In 2017 I had my first, and only, panic attack when I learnt that systems were moving into place to bring about the introduction of vaccine passports, what was needed was the “justification” for such a control measure, and the announcement of a pandemic on 11th March 2020 would make the perfect catalyst to move the passport goal into action. So my email was a warning message to my family to stay alert!

Collecting the trail of evidence

From March 2020 I started taking prolific notes of everything I read and listened to, which by the end of 2020 I had filled twelve A4 notebooks, along with a computer full of screenshots, bookmarks and electronic notes, all in an attempt to make sense of what was going on but also to collect the proof to show to others.

A collection of my notebooks up until end of 2021

Why a vaccine-only solution?

It was around March 2020 that there was a big push for a vaccine-only solution to“end the pandemic”. Alarm bells went off for me! What happened to boosting the immune system? What about early treatments? Why did they need to change the way you fill out a death certificate? And so many more anomalies. Why the media suppression?

By the end of 2020, I had collected so much evidence that it needed to be collated in some way. I had ventured down so many “rabbit holes” that twisted and took me off on journeys I didn’t even know existed. I’m embarrassed to say, I was so naive to too many aspect of how the world worked! But no longer.

Once you see this information, you can’t un-see it!

Plotting the evidence on a timeline

As I am someone who responds best to visual representations of data it occurred to me to build a timeline of events that could link to the online clues and evidence.

By the end of 2020, I had volunteered for the Adelaide Freedom Rally grass-roots freedom movement, and a website had just been launched so I asked to help out. That is where I started to construct my pandemic timeline, but by the beginning of 2022 the timeline had grown so large and consumed much of my time I decided to migrate it to my own website.

The pandemic timeline does have a South Australian focus, but in time it may expand to include key data points for other states. There is also an emphasis on the US as well as global, because what happens there, filters to Australia.

The Totality of Evidence

This website, the Totality of Evidence, will be a depository for my accumulated evidence, links and key sources of information, which all together helps build the picture of what is happening in the world, how we got here, where it is leading.

We can stop this, we just need enough people to become aware and stand up and say NO!

Some of the research is my own deep dives into the web archives, but a lot is gathered from listening to experts, professionals and citizen journalists. I hope I have done an adequate job in linking to their source material and giving them credit for their hard work.

For me I am drawn to conclude the big picture agenda at play here is a “Mr Global” takeover working towards transitioning every citizen of the world into 24/7 tracked, trans-human slaves on a fully controlled, digital plantation. Sounds conspiratorial doesn’t it? Others too thought the same until they started to collect the evidence. Reiner Fuellmich was one such person, he also happens to be the inspiration for the name of this website!

There has been a collective, incremental effort to move us globally towards this end goal but it seems we the people have not been motivated enough to take notice, even though there have been many people for years trying to warn us. Many of us are motivated now and the numbers are approaching a tipping point for positive change, you only have to look at the raw footage of protests around the world, the 60,000 truckers in Canada, the 29 consecutive weeks of protests in France and more.

The timeline here is an attempt to plot the incremental changes, and see the pattern of steps that plays out over and over – like a playbook!

If you don’t believe me, then good!

But don’t just believe another in blind faith either (especially the media), take the time to explore some documentaries, such as ones that “follow the money“, then draw your own informed conclusions.

Our children need us to stand up for them

It would seem that those who are following the media are fearful for their children. Those who are listening to independent experts are also fearful for their children, but for the completely opposite reason. But then you’ll learn that is the intent! Fear and Division!

It is our duty to our children, grand children and the future children, to seek out the truth, and get to the censorsed information.

The children of the Australia and the world need us to wake up, become aware, see what is actually happening, so we can stand up together and collectively say “no”, we will not give up our rights and freedoms, and we will not turn against our neighbour.

We can do this peacefully and civilly through not complying, stand up and join peaceful protests, direct our vote to a candidate who support your view (assuming no electronic systems are used!) and direct your spending into areas that hurt them the most – not into their pockets. Keep it local and get involved.

There’s always more than on side to every story, this is my attempt to reveal another side that you may not have heard before.

Do your own investigation, question everything, and decide what makes sense to you. What does the totality of evidence reveal versus what you are “told” to believe?

The timeline is but a starting point. It is not complete, and it may never be, but there is enough information there right now to begin seeing a pattern.

This is a full time voluntary job. It is my gift to you and the rest of humanity.

Share it if you find it helpful. I hope you do.
