Throughout the pandemic there have been many “smoking guns” that you’d think would wake up more people to the fact something, at the very least unusual, at worst corrupt beyond belief is going on, in particular with The Pandemic. This website is full of revelations, but for the time poor person I’m going to select out a few mind-blowers and place here.
The pandemic measures were in the name of “saving lives”. Since the rollout of the medical countermeasures mortality and disability has increased at alarming rates, greater than world wars. The most alarming thing for many of these is the governments and mainstream media turn a blind eye! Why do you think that is?

“Smoking Guns”
For 14 days post-jab a person is designated “unvaccinated”
Vaccine Adverse Event Report System (VAERS) captures death reports. Majority occur when the jabee is designated “unvaccinated”. But look at first 48 hours! What constitutes a safety signal?

Canada: Massive reproductive damage – FOI diagnostic billing codes reveal
April 22, 2024 – Impact of COVID-19 State of Emergency on Female Reproduction – READ
- Ontario’s health insurance dataset obtained under Freedom of Information, reveals massive reproductive damage post-mRNA vaccination, inflicted on a population of approximately 15 million Canadians in Ontario. Analysis of the medical billing/diagnostic codes such as menstrual disorders, post-menopausal bleeding, miscarriage, and spontaneous abortion, male and female infertility, and low sperm count, and no sperm at all in semen, skyrocketed in 2021 and 2022, when the mRNA COVID vaccines were imposed on Canada’s population – WATCH, READ, WATCH2, READ
UK Midazolam use tightly correlated with excess deaths!
Was it COVID-19 that caused early 2020 death spikes in the UK, or was midazolam use in “end of life” protocols responsible for the fear-generating death toll? Peer reviewed paper reveals many graphs that show tight correlations to drug use.
February 15, 2024 – Medical and Clinical Research: Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic by Wilson Sy (Aust) –READ, READ, now peer reviewed, CREDIT, Dr John Campbell walks through the paper looking at the many graphs – WATCH. Midazolam & Morphine timeline – HERE

REVEALED: Pfizer his Deaths in the Vaccinated arm, so FDA’s VRBPAC panel could approve EUA
September 4, 2023 – International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research (IJVTPR): Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial – by Michaels et al (Pub Oct 17, 2023) – PDF, Revealed in the Pfizer FOIA documents – MORE
- Report 89: Pfizer Delayed Recording Vaccinated Deaths at Critical Juncture of EUA Process. – READ
- Report 84: More Cardiovascular Deaths in Vaxxed Than Unvaxxed – Death Reporting Delays Favored Pfizer/Vaccinated – READ
- “This is the first study of the original data from the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine clinical trial to be carried out by a group unaffiliated with the trial sponsor [aka Pfizer]”

UK Govt. Disability payouts skyrocketed from 2021
July 13, 2023 – The United Kingdom government’s Personal Independence Pension (PIP) Program payouts skyrocketed from 2021 to 2022 with a high, but somewhat plateau, into 2023. The trend line in itself is alarming, but it matches that of the “Cumulative Vax Doses” – See more July 13, 2023, Edward Dowd – HERE

Australian government turns blind-eye to World War level excess deaths
On March 24, 2023 the Australian government voted NOT to investigate the “concerning number of excess deaths in Australia in 2021 and 2022, as evidenced by recent all-cause provisional mortality data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics” – Hansard – READ, Unbelievable! “relevant to all coutries across the world” – WATCH
- Remember these names who voted NO! Why would they not be concerned?

- Four month later on July 19, 2023 the ABS release a new model for measuring “excess mortality”, which lowering the statistic – TIMELINE
March 14, 2023 – Dystopian Down Under: West Australian government finally releases 2021 vaccine safety data – READ, Report – PDF, ARCHIVE
- “In 2021, adverse events following immunisation (AEFIs) with the Covid vaccines were reported at almost 24x the rate (per 100, 000 doses) of AEFIs for all other vaccines combined. The report refers to this phenomenon as an “exponential increase.””

Table 3.1. Summary of AEFI reports- COVID-19 vaccine’s rollout began from February 22, 2021 in WA – PDF, source
CDC’s V-Safe Data shows 7.7% needed Medical Attention
October 3, 2022 – After 2 lawsuits and months of litigation (464 days) the CDC, under court order, finally handed over the COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Data, from their supposed-to-be-transparent V-Safe capture system – The Highwire – WATCH, WATCH2, READ, ICANs V-Safe dashboard – HERE
Only checkbox data has been released, not the text fields. 10.1 million early vaccine adopters reported their experience and 7.7% of people reported needing MEDICAL CARE, beyond the “expected” side effects.
That is just the beginning!
Younger, healthier working-aged people died at a faster rate in 2021
August 18, 2022 – “Younger, healthier working-aged people are dying faster than the general, less healthy US population” Society of Actuaries (SOA) Research Institute confirmed Dowd’s findings from March 2022 – See more Edward Dowd – HERE
The nay-sayers have claimed that it’s long-covid… suicides… missed-screening cancer treatments…[and] drug overdoses. The problems with that is you can see temporally the rate of change into the third quarter, you can’t say to me all these events occurred simultaneously…in that age group”…“Temporally the rate of change is the smoking gun for that age group.” …
“The CDC knows what’s coming, it’s becoming undeniable.”
Ed Dowd

Escalating disability is an indicator that something is very wrong
June 27, 2022 – Monthly household survey from US bureau of Labor statistics – disabilities in 16 years and over have had an unprecedented rise – Ed Dowd TWEET, Check yourself HERE
Millennials experiencing 7x higher Excess Death Rate
March 7, 2022 – Announced by Josh Sterling and Ed Dowd analysis of CDC data. Recent spike in excess mortality has been strongly concentrated in working age adults Aug-Dec ’21 – Millennials 7x higher excess death rate (84% above normal). An age-group not at significant risk from the pandemic virus. The spike in excess deaths occurred at exactly the same time as vaccine mandates were announced, and boosters approved. Report – READ, WATCH see more from March 2022 Ed Dowd – HERE
All-Cause Mortality in working ages: 4x a 200-year catastrophe event!
December 30, 2021 – OneAmerica Life Insurance CEO, Scott Davidson announces they, and others, are witnessing an unprecedented 40% rise (over pre-pandemic) in non-Covid deaths for working age people aged 18- 66 – WATCH, Read more Excess Mortality – HERE
- A one in 200 year catastrophe would be 10% rise – this is 40%!!!

FDA Tied to Hide Pfizer Pre-Licensure Data for 75 years!
December 8, 2021 – The US Food and Drug Administrator (FDA) asked a judge to halt for up to 75 years, a Freedom of Information request for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine pre-licensure documents. Lead lawyer Aaron Siri and team representing Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), convinced the judge to force the FDA to hand over 55,000 pages per month – READ, More from Aaron Siri –HERE
The are TOO many “smoking guns” to weed out – such as deaths, injury, miscarriage, unnecessary harm and fraud – which were evident with in the documents submitted to the FDA. Data and information which the FDA award Pfizer’s vaccine EUA in just 108 days, data which was then used to grant full BLA license for the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA injectable product and deem it “safe and effective”. Watch Dr Naomi Wolf present an overview of the revelations within the documents – WATCH, Read the documents yourself – HERE
This license is so important as it sets a precedent for the mRNA platform and opens the products to come.

Clinical Trial participant Maddie De Gary’s life is changed forever post second dose, but is is dismissed as a vaccine injury.
December 30, 2020 – Maddie De Garay received her first dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccination as part of the clinical trial to test for safety in the 12-15 year old age group. Two weeks later her life is changed forever after she receives her second shot. Maddies post-jab nightmare, is dismissed as a vaccine injury by both Pfizer and the medical world – WATCH, Senator Johnson’s – PANEL, Epoch Times – WATCH, Pfizer’s Shocking Cover Up of Maddie De Garay – WATCH, CREDIT

- Find more links about Maddie in post-jab stories – HERE