The late Professor Dr. Arne Burkardt was a highly experienced Forensic Pathologist from Germany who had conducted and supervised more than 40,000 autopsies in his working life, he published hundreds of scientific papers and taught at many Universities. Prof. Burkhardt came out of retirement in 2021 to examine the autopsy and biopsy materials of vaccinated patients.

Sadly Dr Burkardt passed away on May 30, 2023. This page will capture highlights of his autopsy revelations relating to the forced manufacture of spike protein in human calls as a consequence of receiving the COVID-19 mRNA injectable genetic products referred to as “vaccines”.

In Memorial – WATCH, READ

Dr Burkhardt Bio:

“Dr. Arne Burkhardt is a pathologist who has taught at the Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. He was invited for visiting professorships/study visits in Japan (Nihon University), the United States (Brookhaven National Institute), Korea, Sweden, Malaysia and Turkey. He headed the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen for 18 years. Subsquently, he worked as an independent practicing pathologist with consulting contracts with laboratories in the US. Burkhardt has published more than 150 scientific articles in German and international scientific journals as well as contributions to handbooks in German, English and Japanese. Over many years he has audited and certified institutes of pathology in Germany.” [REF]

By April 2022 Prof. Burkhardt had conducted over 40 autopsies of mRNA COVID-19 vaccinated decedents that showed the produced spike protein does not remain at the injection site (deltoid muscle), but can be found in all organs, lymph nodes, and vessels of the body, even passing the blood-brain barrier to express the spike protein in the cells of the brain. Prof. Burkhardt demonstrated irrefutably that the spike proteins thus detected by immunohistochemistry originate from the “vaccine” and not from a possible live coronavirus infection.

“vaccine-induced endothelial damage that caused blood clots, stroke, heart attack, cardiac arrest or organ failure.”The tissues examined by the German pathologists belonged to people who did in fact die after covid vaccination. In most of these cases, the pathologists concluded that these people likely (80%) or possibly (15%) died from vaccine-induced endothelial damage that caused blood clots, stroke, heart attack, cardiac arrest or organ failure. In contrast, prior official forensic examinations reported the cause of death to be “natural” or “unclear” in all cases.” [REF]

The pathologists had never before in their careers seen anything like the incurred damage that these autopsies lay bare. “One particularly shocking case was that of a 22-year-old kickboxer in perfect health who died suddenly in his sleep from a ruptured brain artery.”

Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang presented their preliminary results at three press conferences in September 2021, December 2021 and in March 2022. They “repeatedly contacted the German Paul-Ehrlich-Institut and Robert-Koch-Institut (the German equivalent to the CDC) and have confronted them with the pathological images that prove that the injections pose imminent “danger to life and limb,” calling for immediate removal of their authorization.” [REF]

Official Links

  • Embalmer Stories – HERE
  • Autopsy Findings – HERE
  • SPR: Selection of autopsy microscope slides – HERE

Links in reverse chronological order


January 4, 2024 – CHD: GRAVE DANGERS: Pathologist Arne Burkhardt’s Final Warning to the World – interview with Taylor Hudak – WATCH


September 10, 2023 – Daily Clout: Pfizer Documents Report 85: “The Underlying Pathology of Spike Protein Biodistribution in People That Died Post COVID-19 Vaccination” – Dr. Arne Burkhardt – READ

May 30, 2023 – Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt passed away aged 79 (1944-2023) – Doctors for Covid Ethics – READ, READ In Memorial – WATCH

  • Dr Thomas Binder – TWEET
  • Doctors for Covid Ethics: “It’s Human Responsibility” – In Memory of Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt – WATCH

May 3, 2023 – European Parliament testimony – via TWEET

May, 2023 – The Last American Vagabond: Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview – Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines – READ, WATCH, BACKUP

  • Journalist Taylor Hudak interviewed Prof. Burkhardt in his laboratory in Reutlingen, Germany, shortly before his death

April 19, 2023 – Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA) : The Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee hosted a meeting with special guest speaker Professor Arne Burkhardt – WATCH, Daily Clout – TRANSCRIPT

  • “The Underlying Pathology of Spike Protein Biodistribution in People That Died Post COVID-19 Vaccination” – (the late) Dr. Arne Burkhardt – by Dr Robert Chandler – READ

April 16, 2023 – Dr John Campbell: Spike protein in many organs – WATCH, Post vaccine, post mortem blood clots, Not blood clots. Why is this not being done elsewhere?

February 15, 2023 – Daily Clout | Robert Chandler: Report 56: Autopsies Reveal Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory VirusREAD, TWEET [note: this is not from Pfizer documents but review of Dr. Arne Burkhardt Autopsy work]

January 22, 2023 – Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences – Conference in Stockholm, Sweden | Session 1: Autopsy and histopathology studies on adverse events and deaths due to COVID-19 vaccinations, conducted at Reutlingen – presentation by Prof Arne Burkhardt – WATCH, CREDIT


September 22, 2022 – Coronavirus Investigative Committee | Session 88: Prof. Arne Burkhardt (German) – WATCH

September 18, 2022 – 2nd Medical Symposium at Dr. Max-Otto-Bruker-Haus : Prof. Arne Burkhardt – Autopsy and histopathology studies on adverse events and deaths due to COVID-19 vaccinations, conducted at Reutlinger (Presentation in German, some slides in English) – WATCH, BACKUP, Part 1 – WATCH Documents – ARCHIVE, English (Word doc) TRANSCRIPT, Sudden Adult Deaths – EXCERPT

  • [Translated] “Using numerous tissue sections, he demonstrated to his medical colleagues what the vaccine manufacturers called impossible: the occurrence of the vaccine spike protein in all organs and tissues of the human body.
  • In the histopathological and immunohistochemical examination of numerous preparations of people who fell ill or died after a [COVID-19 mRNA] vaccination, he demonstrates a direct causal relationship between the corresponding pathological changes and the vaccination and thus presents evidence that can probably be regarded as the most significant findings so far on the way to a comprehensive understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease as a result of COVID-19 vaccinations.”
  • Mystery Vax Clots – WATCH
  • April 16, 2023 – Dr John Campbell: Spike protein in many organs – WATCH, Post vaccine, post mortem blood clots, Not blood clots. Why is this not being done elsewhere?

May 10, 2022 – Vaccine induced damage to our vascular system – Josef Thoma MD/PhD, general practitioner from Berlin, lucidly explains the findings of vaccine-induced vasculitis and thrombosis made by pathologists Burkhardt and Lange – WATCH, SOURCE

April 25, 2022 – The Solari Report: Hero of the Week: Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt – READ

  • “Arne Burkhardt is a hero who is now spending countless unpaid hours to help parents and relatives of those who died suddenly after the injection find answers, and to help all of us bring an end to this hazardous human experiment.”

April 21, 2022 – Dr. Burkhardt’s autopsy studies – mentioned by Dr Ryan Cole in interview with Epoch Times – EXCERPT

  • “In Dr. Burkhardt’s autopsy studies, [this synthetic sequence stays] in the vessels of the body for at least 128 days… The spike that it’s making induces pathologic changes in the body. It can cause clotting…. inflames the heart, causes heart attacks, causes strokes, and causes cancers in young age groups… Unusual things [are occurring] that shouldn’t be happening, and [it’s] likely related to a synthetic, genetically modified sequence.”

April 1, 2022 – New Video on Findings of Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang by Josef Thoma MD/PhD – he explains key evidence of vaccine-mediated damage to the heart and the brain – Presentation of Evidence – In the footsteps of the pathologists Prof Arne Burkhardt and Prof Walter Lang: “Vaccine-related brain damage” – WATCH, READ

March 30, 2022 – CHD – German Parloiament (Bundestag) Hearing – Pathologist Prof. Burkhardt adresses Bundestag Committee for Health – WATCH, CREDIT

March 11, 2022 – Pathology Conference: Pathology of vaccine deaths and vaccine injuries – After the evidence now first proof – a presentation by Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt – autopsy results- FULL,

  • “The blood brain barrier can be crossed by the vaccine. And you can see that it’s the actual brain cells that produce the spike protein.” – EXCERPT
Normal vs vaccinated tissue – source
Death due to ruptured aorta – source
Spike protein being expressed in the brain tissue – source

March 11, 2022 – Pathology of vaccine deaths and vaccine damage: According to the evidence, first evidence (English) – Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt – (English) – WATCH, READ, (German) – READ, WATCH

February 18, 2022 – Doctors for COVID Ethics Symposium III, Session 1 – Expectations fulfilled: The Scientific Evidence – WATCH, WATCH, FULL, SOURCE, Autopsies Show COVID Vaccines Are Killing People | Prof. Arne Burkhardt & Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi – EXCERPT

February 18, 2022: Doctors for COVID Ethics: Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice – An Interdisciplinary Symposium III: THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE – hosted by UK Column – FULL, SOURCE

  • Session 1: Three major consequences to be expected – Presentation by Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi MD & Prof Arne Burkhardt – WATCH
  • Autopsies Show COVID Vaccines Are Killing People | Prof. Arne BurkhardtEXCERPT
    • Vessel damage and immune attack on your tissues.
    • It starts where relatives suspect death due to the vaccine.

March 20, 2022 – D4CE: Notes and recommendations for conducting post-mortem examination (autopsy) of persons deceased in connection with COVID vaccination – Updated – Prof. Dr. A. Burkhardt – READ

March 18, 2022 – Coronavirus Investigative Committee | Session 95: Behind the Curtain – Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt – WATCH

February 18, 2022 – Doctors for Covid Ethics (D4CE) | Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice – An Interdisciplinary Symposium III: THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE – (International Scientists, Lawyers and Economists) – (ENGLISH) – WATCH, BACKUP, FULL

  • SESSION I The Case is Closed The Final Evidence – with Prof. Sucharit Bhukdi & Prof Arne Burkhardt

January 17, 2022 – PRESS RELEASE: Pathology of vaccine deaths and vaccine damage: According to the evidence, first evidence (English) – READ

  • “First time detection of the vaccine spike protein in a person who died after vaccination against Covid-19. The suspicion that the spike protein formed in the body as a result of the “vaccination” against Covid-19 could be responsible for the pathologically observed inflammations and lesions of vessels has now been confirmed immunohistologically for the first time.
  • The pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang and their team have succeeded in reliably detecting the vaccine spike protein in the vessels of a person who died 4 months after “vaccination” and who had vascular lesions and also vaccine-induced myocarditis. Detection was successful using an antibody specific for the spike protein by conventional immunohistochemistry on the tissue sections.
  • The described detection method can be applied to all organ and cell damage in which conspicuous pathological findings are found after “vaccination” against Covid-19. From this follows: For ethical, legal and scientific reasons, all histopathological examinations in connection with damage due to “vaccination” against Covid-19 must be accompanied with this method with immediate effect.”


December 29, 2021 – Steve Kirsh Substack: Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine – What’s troubling is the coroner didn’t implicate the vaccine in any of those deaths. – READ

  • 15 deaths, and the “coroner or the public prosecutor didn’t associate the vaccine as the cause of death in any of the cases. However, further examination revealed that the vaccine was implicated in the deaths of 14 of the 15 cases.”
  • Heart was the organ mostly affected, though other organs were attacked as well

December 22, 2021 – Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto Immune Attack – WATCH,

  • Fifteen bodies were examined (all died from 7 days to 6 months after vaccination; ages 28 to 95). The coroner or the public prosecutor didn’t associate the vaccine as the cause of death in any of the cases. However, further examination by Bhakdi/Burkhardt revealed the vaccine was implicated in the deaths of 14 of the 15 cases , meaning 93% of people died after being vaccinated died due to the nature of the product classified as a “vaccine” – READ
  • “The facts were presented by Arne Burkhardt a week ago”, 17 autopsies now due to the insistence of relatives.
  • This is about the worst 15min I’ve ever seen” – stated Dr Mike Yeadon to Steve Kirsch in an email referencing the Bhakdi video.

December 15, 2021 – D4CE: On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination – by Sucharit Bhakdi, MD and Arne Burkhardt, MD – READ

December 10, 2021 – Doctors for Covid Ethics and UK Column Interdisciplinary Symposium II: “Gold Standard COVID Science in Practice Sounding the Call” – WATCH

  • Prof. Arne Burkhardt MD: “COVID-19 “vaccines” can induce self-destruction “

December 10, 2021 – Doctors for Covid Ethics and UK Column: Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice: Interdisciplinary Symposium II: Sounding the Call – Dr S. Bhakdi – WATCH, Dr A. Burkhardt – WATCH, WATCH, FULL, SOURCE,

  • Prof. Arne Burkhardt MD: “COVID-19 “vaccines” can induce self-destruction” – Presentation – WATCH,
  • A written summary of Dr. Bhakdi’s and Dr. Burkhardt’s presentations – HERE
  • “Histopathologic analysis show clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs.”


October 9, 2021 – Press conference: Death by vaccination/Undeclared components of COVID-19 vaccines – (GERMAN) Part1 – WATCH, Part 2 – WATCH

  • Cause of death after COVID-19 vaccination & Undeclared components of the COVID-19 vaccines (English dub) – WATCH

September 27, 2021 – Stew Peters Show: Dr. Jane Ruby gives us a FIRST TIME LOOK at autopsy results from people who have died shortly after being jabbed with the shots being called “vaccines” – EXCERPT, FULL

  • Information from 8 autopsies from people who died 2 weeks post injection, without significant co-morbidities per jab. Dr Arne Burkhardt provided tissue analysis tour to the Coronavirus Investigative Committee on September 20, 2021

September 24, 2021 – Corona Investigative Committee | Session 71 – If Not Now When (English dub) – Pathology conference last week with Arne Burkhardt / Werner Bergholz – WATCH

September 20, 2021 – First Press conference – Cause of death after COVID-19 vaccination & Undeclared components of the COVID-19 vaccines – (English) WATCH, ARCHIVE, SOURCE

  • Results of the autopsies of 8 people who died after COVID19 vaccination was presented
  • “The findings confirm Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher’s finding that among more than 40 corpses he autopsied who had died within two weeks of COVID19 vaccination, approximately one-third of those deaths were caused by the vaccination.”

June 12, 2021 – Coronavirus Investigative Committee | Session 56: Prof. Arne Burkhardt (German) – WATCH, BACKUP, FULL