Data from a NEJM published paper shows that 82% of pregnancies ended in spontaneous abortions following COVID-19 jabs.
When the vaccine trials conducted in mid 2020 for the COVID jabs did not include pregnant women or those who were breastfeeding, yet right after the injections were released under Emergency Use Authorisation they were promoted as safe for pregnant women – with no data to support this claim, just “experts believe it is safe”.
Are COVID jabs safe and effective during pregnancy?

REVEALED: 82% Chance of miscarriage following COVID jab
A June 2021 paper (archive) was published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) concluded that “preliminary findings did not show obvious safety signals among pregnant persons who received mRNA Covid-19 vaccines”.
The paper: Shimabukuro TT, Kim SY, Myers TR, et al. Preliminary findings of mRNA Covid-19 vaccine safety in pregnant persons. New England Journal of Medicine 2021;384(24):2273-82
July 6, 2021 – Tim Truth: Medical Study Shows 82% Miscarriage Rate For Pregnant Women Vaxxed In First 2 Trimesters – WATCH
Edited May 2022:
An analysis of this paper by Simon Thornley and Aleisha R. Brock withdrew their original findings in November 2021 because:
“[i]n our re-analysis, a calculation was made from an ambiguous description of the methods of the original article and as such the true incidence of spontaneous abortions in those exposed to mRNA vaccines prior to 20 weeks’ gestation could not be accurately estimated…This resulted in an overestimated calculation of 82-91% or 7-8 fold increase in spontaneous abortions.” – READ
They presented their data in such a way that no difference in miscarriage rates were obvious. This is a demonstration of how to lie with statistics.
This paper revealed that when you look at the number of “spontaneous abortions” following COVID jab and compare this to the background rate of 10-26%, they stated that 12.6% was within normal limits. Except they calculated this incorrectly!
A closer look at the data set shows that 700 participants out of total of 827 received their first jab in their third trimester which according to their scale, these participants should be allocated to potential “stillbirth” grouping and should not be included in the “spontaneous abortion” group. Which leaves a total of 127 participants (827 minus 700) that received their first jab while in their first 20 weeks of pregnancy. In this group there were 104 spontaneous abortions. That is 104 out of a total of 127, or 81.9%.
So their true data shows that 82% of pregnant mothers who received a COVID jab in their first 20 weeks of pregnancy, spontaneously aborted their baby.
Letter to the editor of NEJM reveals the mistake. Archive of this below chart here

UPDATE: September 2021
Upon revisiting this paper in September 2021 they have made the published incidence for spontaneous abortion “not applicable”. They have also altered then number of participants in the spontaneous abortion from 1 & 2 trimester from 127 to who knows! The numbers don’t make sense.
Of 827 participants, 700 were in 3rd trimester leaving 127 remaining in received their first dose in 1st or 2nd trimester. 724 total survival means 827-724 died which is 103. There were 104 spontaneous abortions (<20 weeks), of which 92.3% occurred before 13 weeks. The numbers are out, 104 (<20 weeks) is more than 103 total deaths.
It appears they have purposely made the data hard to interpret.

UPDATE: November 2, 2021
BREAKING: Researchers In Peer-Reviewed Study Call For “IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL of mRNA COVID Vaccines For Use in Pregnancy, Those Breastfeeding, Those Of Childbearing Age and Children” >>> Read Here
The Australian government has referenced this paper (see ref #5) to “support” the use of the COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy, when “[t]he study indicates that at least 81.9% (≥ 104/127) experienced spontaneous abortion following mRNA exposure before 20 weeks, and 92.3% (96/104) of spontaneous abortions occurred before 13 weeks’ gestation.”
Article: 7th November 2021
“CDC Scientists admit they did manipulate study data to show the Covid-19 Vaccines are safe for Pregnant Women as researchers discover 91% of pregnancies resulted in miscarriage following Covid-19 Vaccination” >>> Read Here
Alert: 20th November 2021
Record number of still births in Canada, usual rate 1 every 2 months or 5-6 per year, not 86 in 6 months, of which all mother’s of the 86 were fully vaccinated – watch:
The Highwire episode covering the study in question:
June 24, 2021
Is there an explanation for miscarriage?
August 26, 2022 – Dr James Thorp – An ultrasound of a vaccinated pregnant woman’s heavily compromised placenta. Riddled with calcifications, and to the right a possible blood clot. He says he sees this more and more. – GETTR
August 16, 2022 – American Greatness- Report: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs For Expectant Mothers Anyway – “Out of 50 pregnant women, 22 of them lost their babies, according to an analysis of the documents”. – READ
Just a quick summary for now:
- Japanese FOIA by Dr Byram Bridle showed that the lipid nanoparticles do not stay at the injection site but alarmingly accumulate in the ovaries. Dr Malone talks about this in this interview. [1]
- Other fertility concerns were raised in early 2021, especially with unknown risks to the placenta.
June 20, 2022 – Technocracy News: Pfizer Document Reveals High Rate Of Vaccinated Pregnant Women Who Lost Their Babies – READ
May 7, 2022 – Marc Girardot substack – Can Vaccines be Dangerous to Pregnant Women, Babies and Human Reproduction ? – A Credible Mechanism of Action – Vaccine Safety Myth – Occasionally vaccines can damage endothelial blood-to-tissue barriers leading to pregnancy dramas and to infertility – READ