Record number of stillbirths from fully vaccinated

On November 20, 2021, Canadian, doctor Dr Daniel Nagase speaks out about the record number of stillbirths over and above the usually number which is 1 every 2 months or 5-6 stillbirths per year. [2, 3] In November there was a rally outcry after 13 babies were born dead within in a 24 hour period.  In Waterloo, Ontario, Dr Nagase was informed there were 86 stillbirths between Jan-July 2021 of which all the mothers were fully vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine.  Hospitals deny this is occurring, and still strongly encourage pregnant women to get vaccinated. [1, 4] Scotland launched an investigation into the “spike” in number of deaths of new born babies; “21 infants died during September within 28 days of birth”.