Dr Melissa McCann BPharm, MBBS, FRACGP, is an Australian General Practitioner (GP) based in the Whitsunday Islands in North Queensland, Australia. She started as a Pharmacist working on Kangaroo Island in South Australia, before commencing postgraduate medical education in Western Australia. Dr McCann was the first GP to provide services at Whitsunday Family Practice in 2015 and in 2017 was called a “hero doctor” because of her actions during Cyclone Debbie. [REF, ARCHIVE]

Following the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in Australia, she witnessed in her practice an abnormally high number of patients experiencing adverse health events following their vaccination, some with tragic consequences. She has been touring Australia presenting detailed overview of her Freedom of Information revelations from the TGA as well as alerting the public to the Class Action lawsuit she is championing.

“So I immediately wrote [November 18, 2021] to Minister Greg Hunt and Prof John Skerritt describing what I had observed in my patients and highlighting this serious adverse event on the DAEN. I requested the immediate suspension of the vaccination program and a review of the safety issues.”

Dr Melissa McCann

Her advocacy work for COVID-19 vaccine injured and bereaved persons has culminated in the instigation of a Class Action lawsuit filed in April 2023 in the Australian Federal Court.

Dr McCann has toured Australia several times presenting to the Australian public the lawsuit evidence of severe adverse events and deaths following the COVID-19 vaccines and so much more. It is a must WATCH.

Official Links:

  • Vaccine Injured Class Action website – HERE, Fundraising – HERE
  • Dr McCann Substack – HERE
  • Dr McCann on Twitter/X – HERE
  • Doctors Against Mandates – WEBSITE, TELEGRAM, Pledged funds to Class Action – TWEET
    • Australian Lawsuits overview (FYI) – READ

Interviews and presentations in reverse chronological order

This page will be updated from time to time


July 1, 2024 – Australian Freedom Tour 2024 with Clive Palmer and Tucker Carlson: Dr Melissa McCann – Melbourne – Vaccine Class Action Update – WATCH, Tucker Carlson in Melbourne – WATCH

Australian Freedom Conference June 2024 – Dr Melissa McCann – WATCH

April 13, 2024 – Letters from Australia by Alison Bevage: COMFORT: Gene-vax injured and bereaved find support for Sydney court appearance – READ

The litigants after court on Friday April 12, 2024. Pic: Alison Bevege –source
  • Forest of the Fallen, Letters From Australia, Dr Melissa McCann and many ordinary people came to Hyde Park to show support for the gene-vaccine injured and bereaved, and to acknowledge their stories

February 2, 2024 – WCH Australia: Introducing World Council for Health Australia – Steering Committee – Dr Melissa McCann – READ

January 25, 2024 – Dr Melissa McCann Substack: National Covid 19 Vaccine Injury Class Action – READ

January 22, 2024 – Class Action Update and summary of scientific aspects – Dr Melissa McCann- WATCH, SOURCE


November 23, 2023 – Aussie Wire: Pursuing Justice: How one Doctor isn’t giving up in her fight for the injured – WATCH, ARCHIVE

September 19, 2023 – Club Grubbery: update from Dr Mel McCann about the class action she has instigated – WATCH

August 2, 2023 – Dr Melissa McCann: COVID-19 Vaccine Class Action lawsuit – WATCH, BACKUP

  • a short introduction of the vaccine injuries class action filed in the Federal Court of Australia.
  • “NR Barbi Solicitor Pty Ltd has filed a class action against (at least) the Australian Government, the Department of Health and Aged Care Secretary Dr Brendan Murphy and the Deputy Secretary of Health Products Regulation Group Adjunct Professor John Skerrit (“the Respondents”) in the Federal Court of Australia on behalf of the Lead Applicant (“the Applicant”) and other Covid-19 vaccination injured parties (“Group Members”) to recover compensation for injuries obtained as a result of taking one or more Covid-19 vaccines.” – WEBSITE

June 6, 2023 – Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) National Tour – Dr Melissa McCann – WATCH

May 8, 2023 – Club Grubbery interview – class action update – WATCH

~May 2023 – Sky News Australia: Dr Melissa McCann on Sky News OUTSIDERS re Vaccine Class Action – WATCH

May 2, 2023 – Senator Gerard Rennick: The Covid vaccine injury class action starts – READ, ARCHIVE

April 30, 2023 – Sky News Australia | Outsiders: Australians seeking compensation for being ‘allegedly injured from COVID vaccines’ – WATCH

April 26, 2024 – Letters from Australia Substack: AUSTRALIA SUES: Dr Melissa McCann launches class action for thousands of covid vaccine injured and bereaved against the government – READ

  • “Dr McCann raised more than $100,000 to crowdfund the case, filed on behalf of lead applicants Antonio Derose, Gareth O’Gradie and Anthony Rose.”
  • “Class actions provide a path to justice for people who don’t have the resources to make a court claim on their own. Anyone injured by the covid vaccines with a serious adverse event can join the action…”

April 26, 2023: Class Action lawsuit over COVID-19 vaccines targets the Australian government begins – READ, ARCHIVE,

  • “The Applicants filed an Originating Application, Statement of Claim, and Genuine Steps Statement to commence the class action”
  • The lawsuit names the Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care Secretary Brendan Murphy and former Deputy Secretary of Health Products Regulation Group Adjunct Professor John Skerritt as among the relevant respondents.
    • Skerritt retired effective April 18, 2023, announced February 2, 2023, he’s been in the role since 2012 – READ
    • Murphy has announced on April 13, 2023 his intention to retire effective July 6, 2023 – READ

March 1, 2023 – United Australia Party Forum | Sydney, Australia : Dr. Melissa McCann Speech – Covid Vaccines & Effects Tour WATCH, BACKUP, BACKUP, UAP – BACKUP, READ,

  • Dr Melissa McCann: FOI Documents Reveal Australia Hiding COVID Vaccine Deaths – FULL SPEECH – BACKUP
  • Presentation SLIDES and more (Thanks to Penny Buttler)- PART1, PART2

For the COVID vaccines, I incidentally did very few due to the arrangements for pharmacies, and the government funded respiratory clinics to do these, and from around the end of 21, none at all.

My patients would still come in after having had their vaccine given elsewhere, and I had never seen anything like this.

One young patient with extensive blood clot after vaccination, several patients with strokes, patient after patient with miscarriages, and these at later gestation requiring DNC.

Patients with chest pain and unusual debilitating neurological symptoms.

In one week, four patients with confirmed myocarditis. In a region with a population of maybe 15,000, and my patient group, just a small fraction of that, the numbers just did not add up. By chance, maybe I would see one. Multiple cases of myocarditis? This was impossible.

Dr McCann shares her experience

February 22, 2023 – Peak Prosperity: The TGA’s Actions Are Truly Inexcusable – WATCH

  • “Australia’s equivalent of the FDA, the TGA, has been caught (1) having assigned causation to two childhood covid vaccine deaths and then (2) hiding those from the public. One was a 7-year-old boy, the other a 9-year-old girl. The TGA’s excuse? They “didn’t want to undermine public confidence.”

February 20, 2023 – The McCullough Report: Closing the Pandemic Crisis Down Under – READ & LISTEN

February 15, 2023 – Dystopian Down Under Substack: Australia’s drug regulator hid vaccine deaths from the public, concerned that ‘disclosure could undermine public confidence’ – READ

  • “Documents obtained under Freedom of Information (FOI) request by Dr Melissa McCann reveal that the TGA appears to have hidden numerous vaccine-induced deaths from the public view, including those of two children.”
  • “Dr McCann shared the shocking revelation in her address at the Covid Vaccine Conference, hosted by Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party over the weekend [12th & 13th Feb] in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney.”

February 14, 2023 – Letters from Australia Substack: PACKED TO THE RAFTERS: Drs Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory & Melissa McCann stunned Sydney with a full-spectrum mRNA-disaster truth nuke – READ

  • “But the bombshell of the evening came from the conference opener – a doctor from Queensland called Melissa McCann who dropped fact bombs left and right that were hidden from the public for the last two years, uncared about by corporate media.”
  • “Just take this one [Truth Bomb!]….Pfizer proof-read a draft media release from Australia’s drug regulator the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) before its release.” [The Sponsor regulating the Regulator!]
    • “We now know this thanks to Dr McCann, because the emails are there on the Freedom of Information disclosure log on the TGA website, number 4073.”
  • “Credit to Jikky (Twitter) and Senator Gerard Rennick for their roles in partnering with Dr McCann to bring light to the TGA’s behaviour in relation to Covid safety surveillance and regulation.”

February 13, 2023 – Corageous Discourse: Australian Regulators Concealed Fatal Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis from the Public- Zeal to Push COVID-19 Immunization Program Risked More Lives – READ

  • This week “Australians learned from Dr. Melissa McCann…that [TGA’s Adj. Prof. John] Skerritt and the TGA had determined that several young previously healthy children died of COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis. Redacted letters from the TGA to McCann [under Freedom of Information] indicated these facts and an admission of willful concealment.”
  • “McCann showed each letter and the causality determination with the vignette of victim after victim…he shocked crowds were emotional and angry at the breach in public safety by Skerrit and the TGA….”

January 16, 2023 – Dystopian Down Under: COVID VACCINE CLASS ACTION: Calling Australian vaccine injured and families of the deceased – READ

  • “A proposed Covid Vaccine Class Action is calling for Australians severely injured by Covid vaccines to come forward.”
  • “The group behind the class action is No More Silence, a not for profit formed for the purpose of fundraising for the legal and associated costs for class action proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia, on behalf of those injured by the Covid vaccines.”
  • “The action will argue that the TGA, Prof John Skerritt and others are responsible for the compensation of injuries due to failures in regulating (approving and monitoring) the Covid vaccines. There is now a fair amount of circumstantial evidence that the TGA was incompetent at best (and criminally negligent at worst)…”


December 30, 2022 – Letters from Australia: New claims the TGA ‘did nothing’ about bad batches of mRNA that killed people, then extended its shelf life – READ brief summary of just some of the most serious concerns re TGA – CREDIT

  • December 29, 2022 – Peak Prosperity w/ Dr Martenson Ep 90 – Australian COVID Released – WATCH
    • 7 separate batches of mRNA product were reserved for Pfizer employees…These were not on the death batch log – and they weren’t tested by the TGA”!
    • Aug 5, 2023 – Pfizer Australia executives admit importing a separate batch of covid mRNA jabs for company employees, not tested by the TGA – READ

July 2022 – via Dystopian Down Under: TGA FOI “documents were finally provided to Dr McCann in July 2022” – REF

  • “she was dismayed to find that there were multiple reports that the TGA had assessed as causally linked to Covid vaccination, but, with the exception of one death, had not been reported in the TGA’s regular Safety Reports.” See list of deaths “causally linked” to the COVID-19 vaccination – HERE
  • “Dr McCann was surprised to find that documents 1-10 out of a total 11 documents from FOI 3727 had not been uploaded to the TGA’s public disclosure log, per regular protocol.”
    • TGA response “…the decision maker determined that disclosure of the documents could undermine public confidence
  • “The TGA consistently reports that only 14 of the 973 reported deaths have been causally linked to vaccination. But the contents of FOI 3727 raise questions…”

February 15, 2022 – Caitlin Gotze, a 23-year-old Australian girl dies just weeks after having her second pfizer vaccine. Her mother (Raelene Gotze) is on a powerful mission for justice and to spread the message that the mainstream is trying hard to censor. The VACCINES can KILL you! – WATCH, Class Action – SOURCE


May 5, 2017 – The Courier Mail: Hero doctor in national spotlight – Dr Melissa McCann went straight to work at their ‘makeshift hospital’ after Cyclone Debbie. – READ, ARCHIVE, CREDIT

  • “SHE was a hero in our backyard and now for the rest of Australia too.”