The power of marketing

Pregnancy and COVID-19 Jab

Data from a NEJM published paper shows that 82% of pregnancies ended in spontaneous abortions following COVID-19 jabs. When the vaccine trials conducted in mid 2020 for the COVID jabs did not include pregnant women or those who were breastfeeding,…

Masking our Children is Abuse

Mask wearing has come to South Australia. We are just coming out of a 7 day lockdown, and now they're making masks mandatory for high school students! But it's not the government but SA Health who have simply claimed authority.…
Focus on the early treatment phase of COVID-19 disease

COVID-19 Early Treatment Protocols

Independent doctors who work on the front line, face to face with sick patients, have searched the books and their knowledge for solutions to help treat their patients with COVID-19 symptoms. Repurposing known, cheap, off-patent drugs, singularly or in combinations,…
Help me breathe


Patients having breathing issues was a big issue that doctors faced when treating COVID-19 symptoms in early 2020. Budesonide is a cheap drug that helps alleviate breathing issues. This page tracks the the early journey of Dr Richard Bartlett and…