Dr Lee Merrit

Dr Lee Merritt

Dr Lee Merritt is a former Navy Surgeon, and has been in the private practice of Orthopedic and Spinal Surgery since 1995, she has served on the Board of the Arizona Medical Association, and is past president of the Association…
Dr Simone Gold

Dr Simone Gold

Dr Simone Gold is a board certified emergency physician of 20 years, a qualified lawyer and the founder and leader of Americas Frontline Doctors (AFLD). Dr Gold led the first Frontline Doctors' White Coat Summit on Capitol Hill in Washington…
Dr Byram Bridle

Dr Byram Bridle

Dr Byram Bridle is an Associate Professor of Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. He is part of the Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA) group of doctors. On May 21, 2021 Dr. Byram Bridle revealed to…
Trust the Science

“Trust the Science”!

"Trust the Science" has been the mantra spouted by the media and authorities globally since the COVID-19 pandemic began, but have phrases like this and "believe in science" been used more as a propaganda tool to persuade and manipulate the…
Humanity has reached the tipping point

Humanity has reached the tipping point

Humanity is waking up to the truth A picture is worth a thousand words. After Skool has done it again narrated by Ralph Smart AKA Infinite Waters. The truth is like a lion.You don't have to defend it.Let it loose,…
Comedy is the new news- Awaken with JP

Comedy/Satire is the New News!

Nearly everyone loves a good laugh (though maybe a minority don't!) and apparently it's good for your health too! Imagine getting your weekly news updates and be able to have a "satirical" laugh at the same time!!! Education with Health…
Edward Dowd

Edward Dowd

Edward Dowd is a former equity portfolio manager for Blackrock and hedge fund guru. He claims to have witnessed "many frauds" in his career. Entering the COVID pandemic in 2020 he and his financial community colleagues were already wondering when…